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Everything posted by Ashley_the_blr

  1. [color=royalblue]Who were the previous gods? (God of War, God of Love... will your gods be like that?) What will they be based on? (greek, roman, somthing of your own creation) I think you will need to explain that further[/color]
  2. [color=royalblue] I'm soooo glad you liked them. I wasn't sure that anyone would. They were both inspired, and the first one is from personal experiance. Fortunally, i haven't had too bad of encounters with karma... Clueless The buildings standing tall and proud... Clueless. The people walking, hurrying around... Clueless. Inone second it all came down... Clueless. The dust is flying all around... Clueless. The people runnimg, screaming loud... Clueless. Then all of a sudden, another resounds... Clueless. So much destruction to be found, More people screaming, running 'round People bleeding, people dying, People crying, No longer clueless.[/color]
  3. [color=royalblue] okay, i edited it, i liked the silver eyes so i took it, hope you don't mind... When are you posting yours?[/color]
  4. [color=royalblue]hi name-Ryean race- Ghost elf age- 16 description- long Brown hair, (pointy ears, about 5 foot 3. silver eyes, Plus the mentioned glowing. equipment- a staff made of a hard wood, about 3 inches taller then me. code of ethics- Never fight someone who is weaker unless nessesary, and always try to defend those who are weak. Never quit, never turn back. personality-very strong minded and stubborn. Loves a good challenge, and never runs away from a fight. bio- mostly stayed in Algar with her parents until she was 15. Afterwards, she got bored with the general safety of staying with her own kind and moved out to other parts of the world. She battled other intangible creatures, but longed to get a chance with solid ones, that is when she finds she can switch herself from the untangible realm to the solid and back again (how's that for a beginnig power?) power- Switching from intangable to solid instantaniously and go inbetween the two[/color]
  5. [color=royalblue]Your love is like a memory, Your touch is like a curse to me, I'd rather face eternal sleep Then spend a night inside your keep The ultimate betrail, I was just a little girl I knew nothing of the outside world but you took away my pride, then stood and took away my childhood I hope you never die, because death is too good for you, I hope you live forever Ben, and see others sleep in you stead Suffer for eternity, for you mean nothing to me. My love for you is gone. Daddy dearest, so long! I hate you, your scum and I can't wait for the day, when dear ol karma comes along, and makes you pay. Three She breaks the toy upon the floor, just to make the child want it more. Not caring about the child's thoughts just breaks the toy, then goes out the door. one plus one plus one is three three charges a mighty fee It went to the girl who broke the toy and had her heart broken by a boy. He sneaks out in the dead of night, to dance under the disco lights He got drunk, then he got high then punched another, got into a fight. one plus one plus one is three three charges a mighty fee That boy that got into a fight was hit by a drunk driver that night A husband wanted a little fun, so he went to the beach, to lie in the sun A hot little blonde caught his eye So he took her to his room... the deed was done. one plus one plus one is three three charges a mighty fee the husband that cheated on his wife ended up living a lonely life [/color]
  6. [color=royalblue]Nice use of the word "tasty". I think it needs a little work, but it's looking good[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KarmaOfChaos [/i] [B][color=deeppink] The impatient person hates to wait And you're annhilation couldn't come too late Just take a gun to your head And die Die Why won't you die? Like a screw in my skull A needle in my finger You're painfully annoying And I'm about to pull the trigger To close the curtains on your stupid little world Dim the lights Harken lady night And watch you die In a must-see comedy film of the year A standing ovation Cheers to your blood, hear hear! [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I can sooooo relate to this, it's like you climbed into my head, and translated everything. woohoo
  8. Quite interesting, I'd add more but dagger pretty much said everything.
  9. I like the poem alot. Even more impressive is that you are not depressed. Not many people cannot write outside themselves. Good job
  10. All this means is that we'll all have to wait years and years to find out what happens ::sigh:: Oh well.
  11. name: Menolly Greene age: 18 gender: female apperance: About 5 foot 6 with long chocolate brown hair and deep blue eyes. location: Nyc (where exactly I've not decided.) personality: Very shy and rarely opens up to people she doesn't know well. She never thinks well of the latest trend and dresses very plainly (so not to be noticed). Noone is quite sure why she dislikes being noticed by others. Despite the shy exterior, she is quite spiteful and holds many grudges Biography: Since she was very little, Menolly was hit alot by her mother and was constantly moving around from place to place. For a while, she didn't even have an actual home. When she was 15, she ran from her mother, only taking a backpack full of clothes. She lived in a library, where she discovered many books on withchcraft. Completely interested, she practiced what was in those books, until she became quite good. Determined to make her life better, Menolly turned herself to social services and using her newly aquired powers, made sure she got put with a upper-class family that would leave her alone. During the rest of high school, she furthered her skills even more, and managed to get into a college in NYC. person who has ghosts attack people. What do you think?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SubaruFan [/i] [B]I do think the confict that Inuyasha has between the two girls,one whom is the woman he loved in spirit,and the other the one in flesh,is torture for him and seeing how he learns to deal is one of the many things I enjoy about it.[/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree. This is what always brings me back to inuyasha. It's the most interesting conflict in the series. I can't wait to find out how it ends.
  13. :::this is my first post, woo hoo::: I have been a fan of Inuyasha since it started coming on CN. I do agree that the first 12 or so episodes are quite revulting. (There is this ink painter episode that just gets on my nerves) Despite this, it really is a good anime, even if it is a bit mainstream (just cuz it's mainstream, doesn't make it bad. There is a reason so many people watch it) Inuyasha is what drew me in to other anime. (It still is my fave)
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