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Everything posted by gumby

  1. [color=teal][size=2] There are some pretty good wierd foods out there some of the better ones include: Cinnamon doughnuts with BBQ sauce, cheese and vegimite sandwiches (very Australian), choclate spread and milo sandwiches, tomato and orange juice mixed together, starburst jellybeans in sprite, chicken and hazelnut spread sandwiches and the most memorable every spread in the fridge in a sandwich. That just about completes the list but there is one other thing that i wont eat, Anything containing ARTICHOKE. [/color][/size]
  2. [color=teal][size=2] I live in a little town called Katoomba home of the supposedly famous three sisters(read: 3 pieces of rock rising from the valley floor. To elaborate my town is in NSW Australia about 2 hours out of Sydney home of the Sydney Opera House as well as the Sydney Harbour bridge. [/color][/size]
  3. [color=teal][size=3] It's not one particular song that I hate but rather an entire genre. Anything by those wannabe teene boppers (eg Christina Agulera, Hilary Duff, Kylie Minouge etc) suck in my opinion. There are other types of music I hate and they are: Most Rap/ Hip Hop type stuff. Most stuff from the 80's and early 90's. Anything that no longer is music (eg. Slipknot, Ramstien etc.) Tiredness prevents me from writing much more. So thank you for listening to my ranting. [/color][/size]
  4. [color=dark-blue][size=3] Name: Satori Smith Net- Name: Spuds629 Age: 25 Hair: Shoulder length dreadlocks that are bleached. Eyes: A mysterious ckear shade of blue. Height: 6'6 1/2" Weight: 160lbs. (or 80Kg) Creed: Defender. Weapons:2 glock 30's carried in holsters slung over his shoulders. Satori also has a pump action hidden under the table in his RV and a long sword hidden under the bed of his RV. In addition to these weapons Satori also has: two dozen wodden stakes, silver bullets, holly water, crosses and garlic. Edges: Discern, Burn, Smite, Restore and Glare. Appearance: Satori is a very tall man who likes to wear Whatever he pulls out of his drawer in the morning. Over this he normally wears a leather jacketand underneath he wears an un- obtrusive armour vest to keep vital organs from being damaged to seriously. Bio: Satori Smith was born in a small farming community to the owners of a local distribution company. He grew up as an unasuming person till he took a job at the local pizza place where his views where changed forever. Imbuing: After working as a delivery person for six months Satori was sent out to do a delivery in a far reaching part of his own town. When he arrived at the adress he found that a large party was taking place within the barn of the propety. When he got closer to the barn he could hear loud primal screaming issuing from the barn. Upon entering Satori discovered 200 hungry assorted rots watching some kind of ritual happening in the middle of the cavernous interior. In an attempt to kill the rots Satori crashed the farm owners truck into the side of the barn causing it to explode on impact killing many of the creatures within. Satori escaped relativley unharmed except for a large scar that runs diagonally across his chest and the loss of feeling in his right leg. Shortly after the incident at the barn Satori won the jackpot of a state lottery which gave him enough money to buy his RV as well as a plethora of weapons for killing the undead. For the last five years Satori has traveled the length and breadth of the country ridding the planet of the unwanted undead. [/color][/size]
  5. [color=darkblue][size=3] Name: Trindibab Drego Age: 40 Appearence: A man of average build who has grown very attached to his dictator type moustache. When in public Trindibab is seen wearing his military uniform which is in urban camoflauge to blend in with his surroundings. He also has a monicale which is worn on his left eye. Bio: Born into poverty Trindibab Drego had thoughts in his head from an early age of hatred and disgust for the Royal Family. he spent the rest of his childhood training with the military. At the age of twenty the chancecame to take over the planet (becoming a tyranical dictator in the process). Since his takeover of the planet "M" Trindibab has come up with many cruel and misleading schemes. His latest one involes getting rid of the people instead replacing them with robots as is the norm. Position: Tyranical Dictator Weapons: Walking stick that contains a gun to shot opponents with. Has bullets that hit people with the force of a lightning bolt and a SMG with flesh reaper bullets. PS hope this is ok please PM me if you have any concerns. [/color][/size]
  6. [color=darkblue][size=3] [b][u]Favourite Anime Series?[/b][/u] I was wondering if people could tell me their favourite anime series/ movie? At the moment my favourite movie is ghost in the shell and my fav series is Bebop although the end is a bit wierd. I will post when I can and hope for some response to my question.[/color][/size]
  7. [color=darkblue][size=3] Name: Percy Noble Age: 20 Gender: Male Apperance: Short stubby man with three day growth covering his face. Normally wears a pizza stained t- shirt and jeans held up by braces. Location: Miami Personality: fairly shy guy who is to afraid to ask chicks out. loyal to good friends. Gets easily annoyed by people doing stupid things that have no purpose. Bio: born in Colarado to fairly normal parents Percy grew up like every other kid. His mother died when he was 10 leaving his father to raise him. in order to come to grips with his tragic loss Percy started living more and more on the net. At the age of 12 Percys' father moved him to Miami where he has lived ever since. After he finished high school Percy went to colledge were he is now studying for a computer degree. Main/ non- main/ ghost: Percy is not a main character. [/color][/size]
  8. [color=darkblue]the song I'm listening to at the moment is: Stand- REM[/color]
  9. [color=darkblue][size=3] I come from Katoomba as well. I know the pinball wizard and i am currently doing the HSC. Stupid stress, Stupid pov school etc. etc. [/color][/size]
  10. [color=darkblue][size=3] If I was an action figure... I would be Gumby the lovable flexable doll. I would come with Karate chop action as well as an attachment for an Iraqi WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. [/color][/size]
  11. [color=darkblue][size=3] Name: Jeluka Lendena Age: 18 Sex: Male Description: A tall (190 cm) man of athletic build. He wears a cloak that almost touches the ground conceling most of his face with a hood. The only part of his face visible is the area around his mouth which appears to be heavily scared. Weapons: A longsword enscribed with the characters name, 3 daggers and various pieces of rotten fruit for throwing at things. Bio: In the little known town of Cape Quews Jeluka was born to a little known but very pround merchant. One day while playing with a batch of chemicals (his father had given him) they exploded causing burns to most of his upper body. When it was discovered that Jeluka wouldn't be able to continue in the footsteps of his father he bought his sword so he could go adventuring. Since this time he has gone on many adventures some of which didn't turn out so well while others have given him a small fortune which is normally gambled and drunk away until there is little left causing him to go on another adventure etc. etc. [/color][/size]
  12. [color=darkblue][size=3] I participate in the wonderfully extreme sport called rockclimbing. The Australian scene is less controversial but some property owners don't particuarly like you tramping through their yards to get to the cliffs. In answer to the third question I think mothers think they have to protect you from all hidden dangers but they cannot. My mum dosen't particuarly want me dangling from the side of a cliff with only bits of metal and a piece of rope to stop you hitting the ground but is less protective of me as she is with my little brother.[/color][/size]
  13. [color=darkblue]My normal nickname at school is gumby. The bad thing about this is that some people can't remember my real name which is Ben.:mrt: Once my friends convinced a teacher that I got offended when I was called Ben so they said my name was Bien. It worked to well however and we couldn't convince her that my name was really Ben.[/color]
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