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Sign Up Destined Love (PG-13 for language)
Bullet Theory replied to Bullet Theory's topic in Theater
WE HAVE A SAVIOR!!!! CRUCIFIX!! God, I owe you one. -
Jacob got up and reached for his bookbag and followed Alexis through the forest. He ran and caught up with her. He put his arm around her next and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Alexis." Jacob whispered. Alexis looked deep into his eyes. "I love you too, Jacob." she answered back. As they were walking, Jacob stopped. "What is it Jacob?" Alexis asked. "Alexis, I can't wait anymore. I'm going to explode." Jacob told her. She looked at him with a very confused look on her face. Jacob walked up to her and took her hand. "Alexis, you are my angel. I love you more than breathing..." With this Jacob dropped to one knee. "Alexis Taylor...will you marry me?" Jacob asked. OOC: I'm done. OOC again: No I'm not ending the RP
OOC: Once again, the mighy spoiler! [spoiler]As Jacob was unbottoning Alexis' pants, he felt hands at his waist and realized that Alexis was doing the same. Both Jacob and Alexis unzipped eachother's pants at the same time. Jacob smiled slightly as they kissed. Alexis broke the kiss and stood up. She then removed her pants and then laid back on top of Jacob. She slipped her hand down Jacob's jeans and Jacob helped her remove them. [/spoiler]
Jake: You should probably heal that Pidgy. It looks a bit roughed up. Andrea: Good idea, Jake. Oak: I'll take care of that. *Oak puts the Pidgy in its Pokeball and places it on the Healer. After a small ding, the Pidgy is healed.* Jake: Now you're all set. Hey Andre I have an idea! Andrea: What? Jake: Let's go on an adventure!
OOC: I'll get Imric to the new day for ya! IC: Jacob and Alexis were heading to Biology when they spotted Imric at his locker. They walked up to him and Jacob tapped his shoulder. Imric spun around. "Hey man! How you feelin'?" Jacob asked. "Oh, hey Jacob. Hi there Alexis. I'm doing fine i guess. Nose is killing me though." Imric replied. "Haha well were both in with broken bones!" Jacob held up his hand and showed Imric the brace on his hand for his two broken fingers. "You're not alone my friend!" Jacob laughed. Alexis overheard some other students talking about Devin. "I heard he is in the hospital!" Some kid said. "Hey Jacob, Devin is in the hospital." Alexis told Jacob. "Really? Good. That's where he deserves to be. No one messes with my friends. No body." Jacob said. He looked toward Imric and saw Shaun sneaking up behind him. "HEY IMRIC!" Shaun yelled. Imric jumped. "SHAUN!!" Imric said, panting. "Don't do that!" Jacob and Alexis were laughing. "Well I guess we better get goin'. Let's go, troopers!" Jacob said. "...Troopers?" Imric asked with a raised eyebrow. Well the four finished the school day without anything huge happening. Jacob and Alexis bid farewell as Shaun and Imric walked one way, while Jacob and Alexis were headed the other. Jacob slipped one hand into Alexis' back pocket. She just looked at him, smiled, and put her hand in a back pocket of Jacob's jeans. "Shall we go to our secret spot?" Alexis guestured toward the shortcut. "Lead the way, angel." Jacob replied. Alexis took Jacob's hand and led him to where they always went before and after school. They dropped their bookbags and Jacob walked over to Alexis and placed his hands on her hips. He leaned forward and kissed her. Alexis placed one of her hands on Jacob's neck and the other on his chest. They kissed for a minute or two then Jacob sat down against a tree. He stretched his legs out in front of him and Alexis came and sat next to him. She wrapped her legs over his and Jacob put one arm around her waist and moved her body closer to his own. OOC: Heads up! [spoiler]He kissed her deeply and passionatly. He had one hand between her legs, outside of her jeans, and the other under her shirt on her stomach. She moved the hand that was under her shirt up to her chest. He gently set his hand on one of her breasts and continued to kiss her. Alexis broke the kiss and moved her hands under Jacob's shirt and took it off, revealing his ripped torso. She leaned back in and kissed him again. "You're body is flawless!" Alexis gasped. "As is yours baby." Jacob replied. "As is yours."[/spoiler]
thanks loads, man. sorry about all the changes and whatnot.
Jake: Wow...that long ago. Vulpix has grown quite a bit! Here's my Cyndaquil. Remember Andrea, little buddy? *Cyndaquil nods* Cyndaquil: Cynda-Cyndaquil. *Jake pets Cyndaquil on its flames* Andrea: Why doesn't that burn you? Jake: Cyndaquil only lets people it trusts pet him. Try it Andrea. *Andrea is hesitant but slowly goes to pet Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil moves to Andrea and rubs up against her hand.* Andrea: Wow...thats amazing! Jake: Yep! Cyndaquil: Cynda!
9:10AM Jake: *yawn* Wow, that was a great sleep. I'll let Cyndaquil out for a little wake up. *Pokeball opens* Cyndaquil: Quil... Jake: Have a good rest? *Cyndaquil nods* Jake: Well let's get to Professor Oak's. *Put's Cyndaquil in Pokeball, gets dressed, ride's bike to Prof. Oak's lab* 9:20AM Jake: *knocks on door* Assistant: Hello again Jake. Mr. Oak is right over here. *Lets Jake inside.* Jake: Hey there, Professor Oak! Oak: Hello, Jake. *hands Jake 6 Pokeballs* You ran off in such a rush yesterday that you forgot your Pokeballs. Jake: Oh, sorry. Thank you. *lets Cyndaquil out of his Pokeball, turns around* Hey Andrea!
Very nice Crucifix. I, too, really liked the "What does it all mean?" banner. *applause* Very nice, indeed.
Dude you're probably going to hate me...I got a name change so...could you change the names? I'm really sorry. I'm gonna keep this open if anyone else wants to give it a shot
[B]OOC:...are we on the same day? Me and Delirium are on the day after Imric got hit with the ball...*scratches head*[/B] [U]IC:[/U] As Jacob and Alexis reached the school, they headed toward their homeroom. Jacob sat down in a seat and Alexis next to him. They held hands as their teacher announced that McEachern was having the Junior Prom in a a week. There was a mixture of grumbling and cheering. Jacob looked at Alexis. "Oh, wonderful...the prom..." Jacob said sarcastically. "What's wrong with the prom? I love dances!" Alexis replied. "Well it wasn't always easy for me to go to proms. Either I didn't have a date, or I ended up getting cheated on by the girlfriend I had. Not fun..." Jacob said. "Well you don't have to worry about me, Jacob. I'd never cheat on you...you know that." Alexis assured him. Jacob looked into her eyes and smiled. "Yeah, I know." Jacob said. With that, the bell rang and Jacob and Alexis headed toward Biology. Jacob and Alexis both equally disliked this class, but it was okay now because they had eachother. [B]OOC2: Crucifix, are you going to play Shaun as well as Imric while Sean's gone?[/B]
thanks a lot man, those are great. i was wondering if maybe you could get my name in the top right corner of the banner though (if its not too much trouble). thanks a lot man!
OOC: when sean gets back - SHE MADE ME! haha [spoiler]Jacob continued to kiss her neck as he moved his hands from her stomach to her chest. He gently caressed her breasts as he kissed her. Alexis placed one of her hands on his neck and moved his head up. He kissed her deeply. Time seemed to freeze as they kissed...everything was spinning around them.[/spoiler] Jacob broke the kiss and said, "We should get to school." "Yeah." Alexis replied. Jacob helped her up and got both of their bookbags. They walked to school in sweet silence. OOC2: As our hero exits stage left, the next hero comes to the stage! *heroic music*
"What...just happened?" Jacob asked. Shaun and Imric looked at eachother and smiled. "Nothing." "...WOW! Look at the time! Alexis we better head out. Cya kids later! Hey Shaun, call me later and tell me how Imric's doing, okay? Get better soon kido!" Jacob said. Alexis got what he was refering to. Just as Jacob and Alexis got up, the bell rang for dismissal. "Shall I walk you home?" Jacob asked Alexis. "Sure. I don't want to be a bother." Alexis replied. "Oh, no bother at all." Jacob told her. Jacob and Alexis headed out of the med. bay and were walking toward Alexis' house. "Jacob I want to show you something." Alexis said with a look of passion in her eyes. "Lead the way, baby." Jacob said. Alexis took Jacob through a short cut. "Where are we?" Jacob asked Alexis. "That's not important." Alexis told Jacob. Alexis put her hand on Jacob's face and brought his face to hers. Jacob felt her lips on his. He didn't refuse, of course. He placed one hand on her face cheek and the other on her waist and kissed her passionatly. He felt her tounge begin to move into his mouth and did the same. "Wow..." Jacob said. He was suprised. "You're a great kisser, Jacob." Alexis said, winking. Well after all this, Jacob walked Alexis to her house. They stopped at her porch steps and hugged. Jacob got an idea. He lifted Alexis up and carried her up the steps. "Top floor!" Jacob said jokingly. "Haha. I love you Jacob! I'll see you tomorow!" Alexis yelled and waved. "Bye, beautiful!" Jacob yelled back. [I]What an eventful day this has been![/I] Jacob thought to himself. [I]Hope tomorow's even better.[/I]
Jacob saw Shaun help Imric to the med. bay. Jacob was infuriated. He looked for Devin. Unfortunatly for Devin, Jacob found him. "WHAT THE HELL?! That was intentional! Devin you're mine!" Jacob yelled. He ran toward Devin and speared him right in the ribs. In a matter of seconds, he was pulled off by Devin's posse. They tried to hold him back but Jacob fought out of their grip and punched each of them. Devin tried to run but it was no use. Jacob ran after him and dove at him, forcing him to the ground. "You're pathetic!" Jacob threw a punch...direct hit. Jacob picked up Devin and Devin's posse tried to triple team Jacob. Bad idea. Jacob took all of them down in a matter of seconds. Devin came up behind Jacob and tried to punch him but Jacob spun around and grabed Devin's fist and stopped it right at his face. He snapped his wrist backward, breaking it. Jacob then dropkicked Devin right in the face. "That was for Imric, you bastard." Jacob said. It took 8 people to hold Jacob back. "Jacob quit!" Alexis yelled. Jacob stopped struggling against the crowd and looked toward Alexis. "I'm sorry. I just become a completly different Jacob when someone messes with my friends." Jacob said
Jacob saw Alexis, Imric, and Shaun down the hall and ran to meet up with them. He started to jog...then tripped. He was completly embarrased. He decided to try to ammend his clumsyness with a kip-up. He did it and looked toward his friends. They were laughing their heads off. "Oh, shut up." Jacob said. He was mad to begin with, but just started laughing at himself. "Wow, I'm graceful arn't I?" "Oh, quite." replied Imric. "Smooth Jacob, real smooth" Jacob was thinking to himself. "You just made yourself look like a fool in front of your girlfriend." "Are you ok?" Alexis asked, still laughing. "Haha, yeah I'm fine." Jacob replied. "Really now? You're bleeding." Shaun pointed to Jacob's forearm and knee. "OH MY GOD YOU [B]ARE[/B] BLEEDING!!!" Alexis said. She stopped laughing right then. "Ah, I've had worse." Jacob said. "Well what's everyone's last class?" Everyone at once said "P.E." "Haha, awesome!" Alexis said. The four headed toward the gymnasium. Imric, Shaun, and Jacob headed toward the guys locker room and Alexis to the girls. The three guys all had lockers next to eachother. Once everyone got dressed out, they met in the gym and sat together and loosened up. Today's activity: Soccer. "SCORE!!!" Jacob yelled. Everyone looked at him and Jacob ducked down. "Score!" Jacob whispered under his breath. Alexis giggled. As the class headed toward the soccer field, Jacob held Alexis' hand.
As Jacob lay in Alexis' lap, he closed his eyes. He placed his hand in Alexis' and told her "I never want to leave here. I want to stay with you forever." "I feel the same way, Jacob." Alexis whispered. She began to stroke his black hair. Just then the bell rang for next period. "What is your next class?" Alexis asked. "Mine is World History. What about you?" Jacob replied. "Damnit. Mine is Honors Geomotry." Alexis said sadly. "....honors? I'm not near smart enough for Honors Geomorty." Jacob said. "I hate that class with a passion. It's so boring!" Alexis growled. "Oh, and World History is a blast!" Jacob replied sarcastically. "Haha, shut up. You know what I mean." Alexis laughed. "Yep! Well I suppose we better head on." Jacob replied. He placed his arm around her waist and walked her to her class. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" "Alright." *ring* "Oh, crap you better hurry!" Alexis said. "That I should. Love you!" Jacob gave Alexis a quick kiss on the lips, then ran off. "This is where being captain of the soccer team comes in handy!" Jacob thought to himself as he ran as fast as he could toward the class. He skid to a halt and opened the door as the teacher, Ms. Kroeger, was calling role. "Ward...Jacob Ward?" Ms. Kroeger asked. "Right here!" Jacob waved as he walked to his seat. "Late again, I see Mr. Ward, why is it THIS time?" Ms. Kroeger asked, obviously annoyed. "Well..." Jacob began. "Spit it out, Jacob." Ms. Kroeger commanded. "I was walking my girlfriend to her class, okay?" Jacob spat. There was the routine "Aww" from the girls in the class. "Oh, shut up." Jacob said, half blushing.
Hey there. I was wondering if anyone could make me a Slipknot banner and avatar set. Banner: I'd like it to have a group shot or a shot or the lead singer, Corey. I'd also like the text "Give me the dust of my fathers" in a dark color. Avatar: Just maybe a head shot of Corey and my name. Thank you!
Jacob finished the song and looked up. He saw a crowd of other students hovered around himself and Alexis. He looked to his girlfriend and smiled. "Well I guess that's the end, eh Alexis?" Jacob asked, half laughing. "Haha, I suppose it is." Alexis replied. "That was very good you two. As a reward of your obvious extra practice, you are dismissed early." said the techer. Jacob looked at Alexis, and she at him. They grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you!" Jacob said quite happily. He placed his violin and bow in the case and put the case in his slot on the shelf. He walked out of the class and waiting by the door for Alexis. She came out, and Jacob jumped out and yelled "BOO!" "AHH! Jacob that scared the crap out of me!" Alexis said and playfully pushed Jacob. "Haha. I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. No need to shove though. You could've killed me!" Jacob told her. "Suuuure, Jacob. I could've killed the captain of the best soccer team in the state by shoving him." Alexis replied sarcastically. "Well...it could happen!" Jacob said. Jacob and Alexis headed toward the courtyard and sat down under a large tree. Jacob put his arm around Alexis and looked at her. "Alexis, I love you so much." Jacob told her. He then leaned toward her and kissed her. He placed his other hand on her waist and pulled her closer as they kissed.
Jacob finished his lunch and looked at Alexis. "I would have never believed that I would be going out with the most beautiful girl in the entire world. I feel so fortunate, but...you deserve tons better than me. You are beautiful, smart, funny...just perfect. But what am I? :( " Jacob said with a hit of sadness in his voice. "Jacob, don't say that. You are the only one that I've ever loved and I wouldn't even think about being with anyone else." Alexis told him. "Thanks." Jacob said. "I love you so much." "I love you, too Jacob. More than anyone will ever know." Alexis replied. Jacob leaned over to Alexis and kissed her. Then he placed his right arm around her and his left hand on hers. "You're my angel, Alexis." Jacob looked deep into her eyes. They seemed to go on forever...he never wanted to look away. The bell rings, ending lunch period. "Hey Alexis what class do you have next?" Jacob asked, hoping she would say music. "My next class is Music. What's yours?" "Music as well! This is awesome." Jacob said. He placed his arm around her waist and walked her to Music class. Upon arrival, they met up with Shaun and Imric. "Hey Shaun. Who's your friend?" Jacob asked. "Oh, this is Imric. Imric this is Jacob and Alexis." Shaun replied. "Nice to meet you Imric." Jacob and Alexis said at the same time. "Nice to meet you two as well." Imric replied. "Well let's get this class over with, shall we?" Jacob proposed.
"Okay..." Jacob began. "Alexis...I love you." "Oh. I see. Well Jacob I have to confess something as well." Alexis said. "Jacob, I love you as well. I have ever since we met." "Really? Wow...I would never had guessed." Jake was very suprised that Alexis had feelings for him. "I was so nervous. I thought that you were going to reject me because...well I'm me." "Don't say that Jacob. You're a great guy. You always have been." Alexis assured him. "Thank you." Jacob said. Jacob and Alexis walked back to class together, hand in hand. Jacob was so happy; for the first time in his life, he had a girlfriend that loved him as much as he loved her. He was new to it. Jacob walked Alexis to her next class and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Alexis." Jacob said. "No Jacob, thank you. It was getting hard to keep my love a secret." Alexis replied. "I couldn't hold my feelings for you in anymore. I was going to bust while we were in Biology. I love you so much." Jacob said lovingly. "I love you too, Jacob." Alexis said.
Sign Up Destined Love (PG-13 for language)
Bullet Theory replied to Bullet Theory's topic in Theater
alright then im gonna close the sign ups. if you REALLY wanna join PM me with your sign up and ill decide whether or not to let you join. thank you. -
what about the guy that have already signed up? are they still in or are the gone?:therock:
OOC: Sorry about the lack of posts from me. I've been kinda busy. Jake watched while The Jacobian flew around and decided to go get something to eat. He was walking towards his kitchen when he heard a beep coming from his computer. Jake pulled a 180 and ran back to his computer. The Jacobian: I've found some more Virus Busters. Jake: Really? Let's go check them out. The Jacobian: Alright. The Jacobian flew toward the ground and landed next to Ridge and Pendrila. The Jacobian: Hello there. I'm the Jacobian. "Nice to meet you, Jacobian." said Ridge. The Jacobian: Well what do we have here? A flower? "Shut up. Yes I'm a flower you idiot!" said an annoyed Pendrila. Jake: Someone's a little touchy, aren't they The Jacobian? The Jacobian: Just a tad. Jake: Haha. OOC: sorry its so short
wow Hajatu, you took all of mine...except for the Heather part. But my greatest fears are losing my girlfriend Alexis, or any loved one(including friends), and heights...ooo don't like those heights.