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Bullet Theory

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Everything posted by Bullet Theory

  1. Kittie: Your's was very well put together. The color scheme flowed throughout the piece and, as everyone else has said, gave a very "classic-rock" feel to it. But also, as everyone has said, that text didn't fit well at all. The "Take a Listen" didn't sit well with me, either. 8/10 Sean: Your piece was awesome. I loved the black and white at the top and bottom and the explosion of color in the center. The text at the bottow was well chosen. It is somewhat simple, yet extravagent. 9.5/10 My vote: Sean
  2. What do you listen to to get pumped up? When I am on the way to a soccer game/tournament or sitting in my high school's soccer locker room before a big match, I listen to either As I Lay Dying, Killswitch Engage, Hawthorne Heights, Norma Jean, or something along those lines. What about you?
  3. Right now, I've got my hardcore playlist on so yeah. Here are the artists. I've got entire albums on here so it'll be going for a while!: As I Lay Dying Converge UnderOATH Avenged Sevenfold From First to Last Senses Fail Norma Jean The Used And there's some more I don't feel like listing...I'm way too lazy today.
  4. *Sings the Frusion song* Trade in your breakfast for this Dannon Frusion smoothie... Um...sorry. >_>...
  5. Hey there. This is a nice banner. Good Shippo image choice as well. Color scheme went very well with the pic, which is somewhat hard to find. This being said...I think that maybe some text would help. The banner is a little plain with just a pic and a background. Maybe a quote, or your name, would help. I'm gonna say...7.5/10.
  6. Hey there. Since I got this name change, I figured I needed a new banner and avatar set. For this, I was wondering if someone could make me an As I Lay Dying set, preferably from their new album cover, Shadows Are Security. If you can't find that, their old album cover, Frail Words Collapse, will work fine. Also, if you can get "Forever..." in there, I'd love you forever. Thanks again! EDIT: [b]Pics - S.a.S is attached.[/b] Here is the Frail Words Collapse Cover: [img]http://www.dercho-music.de/catalog/images/As-I-Lay-Dying-104022.jpg[/img]
  7. Everything in my CD case has been burned to my computer so I'll read them off from there. AFI - Sing the Sorrow As I Lay Dying - Frail Words Collapse Avenged Sevenfold - Waking the Fallen Boxcar Racer - Boxcar Racer Breaking Benjamin - We Are Not Alone Coheed and Cambria - In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth:3 Converge - You Fail Me The Early November - The Room's Too Cold From First to Last - Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Bodycount Funeral for a Friend - Casually Dressed and Deep in Conversation Gorillaz - Gorillaz / Demon Days Halo 2 Soundtrack Hopesfall - A Types Keane - Hopes and Fears Killswitch Engage - End of Heartache / Alive or Just Breathing Korn - Life is Peachy / Greatest Hits Mae - The Everglow My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Mudvayne - Lost and Found Norma Jean - O God, The Aftermath (Which is what I'm listening to now) Rise Against - Siren Song of the Counter Culture Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You Smile Empty Soul - Smile Empty Soul Snow Patrol - Final Straw Story of the Year - Page Avenue System of a Down - Toxicity / Steal This Album / Mezmerize The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It The Used - In Love and Death / The Used Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance Zebrahead - MFZB There are a few more that I can't find...
  8. [color=darkred]Jack looked into Alice's eyes for a moment, then everything became red...another vision was about to occur. Jack's own eyes became a much deeper shade of green than normal, and Alice began to worry.[/color] [color=darkred][/color] [color=darkred]"Jack...is everything okay?" Alice asked with a confused expression. "You look drained and your...your eyes have gotten darker."[/color] [color=darkred][/color] [color=darkred]"No...not again...not now..." Jack whispered to himself as he stumbled out of his stool and fell to the ground. He tried to pick himself back up but the vision was in full effect. Jack blacked out...[/color] [color=darkred][/color] [i][color=darkred]"Now you die!" a demonic voice screamed. A dark and bulky, yet distorted figure dove towards Jack. "Your blood will cover these walls!"[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]Jack could do nothing...he couldn't move. The demon began to slow, but still was coming towards him. He soon reached Jack and extended his arm, his razor-like claws piercing Jack's chest. Jack let out a blood-wrenching scream, but no one could hear him...no one was around. The demon's claw kept going into Jack's chest, slowly and agonizingly.[/color][/i] [i][color=#8b0000][/color][/i] [color=#8b0000]Then Jack awoke, screaming and gasping for air. Alice was hovering over him, desperatly trying to calm him. Jack finally calmed down and stood. He looked at Alice, who's expression was still frozen in fear. Jack's eyes had become blood red and were beginning to glow.[/color]
  9. Jack stood up, still stumbling but finally regaining his balance after a second or two. His head was throbbing, so he made his way to his medicine cabinet in his bathroom. He grabbed a bottle of ibuprofen and popped a handful of pills and gulped them down with some water. "I better lay down for a while." Jack said to himself. He walked into his room and put in a CD to listen to to help him fall asleep. He must have laid there for 2 hours, but not once even began to fall asleep. "God, this is no use." He got out of bed and walked back to his car and drove back to the bar. As he opened the door, the bartender was walking toward him. "Oh, I was just about to close shop." she said. "Sorry..." "It's quite alright. I'll come back tomorrow." Jack said, smiling. He turned to walk out but felt a hand at his own. He turned back around to the bartender. "I...guess I could keep the place open for a little while longer..." she said, slightly blushing. She looked up into Jack's eyes and smiled. Jack was somewhat taken aback. "Okay then." Jack smiled back sweetly. He walked over to the bar and flipped a stool back to its legs and sat down. "Um...I suppose a vodka stinger will work for now." "Comin' up!" the barkeep said happily. "Oh..and...call me Alice." She added, turning her head halfway. She came back two drinks, and sat one in front of him, and the other next to him. She then walked over and flipped the stool next to Jack and sat down. "This one's for me."
  10. Jack put both hands on his head. "[i]No...not here...please not now...[/i]" he thought to himself. He stood and stumbled out the door and to his car. "[i]Why did this have to happen now?[/i]" He quickly drove home, but almost got in a wreck or two. He got inside as quickly as he could and just collapsed on the floor. His body tensed up and twiched as the images got more and more intense. Demons...fire...tortured souls...all these and more flashed through Jack's mind. Then...out of nowhere...everything was black and a demonic voice was heard... [i]Kill them....kill them all...leave none alive...[/i] Jack then awoke...
  11. Jack raised an eyebrow at the older man next to him. He wondered what could drive him to drink for a straight hour. He took a quick gulp of his scotch and put the glass down. "Thank you miss." He nodded to the bartender. He then turned his attention to the officer. "Excuse me sir...but is everything alright? Do you need me to drive you anywhere?" he asked. A hint of concern was in his voice. "No thanks," was all the officer replied. He had looked at Jack and gave a small smile. You could never tell he had been drinking, albeit the strong hint of alchohol on his breath. "Suit yourself." Jack answered. "Ma'am, is the soccer match on?" He asked the bartender. "I hear its Brazil versus Argentina. That's gotta be a good match." The bartender smiled sweetly at Jack and surfed through the channels on the television that was mounted in the corner where Jack and the officer were sitting. After a minute or two, she found the match. "Here you are, sir." She said with a grin. "Thanks!" Jack said with great enthusiasm. Though he was smiling, Jack knew it was all a charade. He longed to be able to smile and actually [i]mean[/i] it. After a minute or two of watching the match (which Brazil had scored on a penalty kick), Jack began to get dizzy. He centered his weight on the bar, so not to fall. Another vision was forming...
  12. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]Jack walked into the bar closest to the venue he was playing at. The show had ended around an hour ago, and it was one of their biggest showings. There had to be at least 300 people there. "[i]That was insane[/i]," he thought to himself as he sat next to a man in a dark coat. His head was on the bar. He noticed the badge and gun. "[i]He's a cop...wonder what he's doing here."[/i][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]"Scotch, on the rocks, please," Jack requested to the bartender. [/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]"Can do," the young woman replied. She quickly fixed two glasses of scotch and handed them to Jack and the officer. Jack looked over and smiled.[/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]"This man has good taste in his drinks. Put the rest of his bill on my tab, ma'am." Jack said, smiling.[/font]
  13. [size=1][b]EDIT: [/b][/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][b]Sean, I'm gonna have to pull out. Sorry man.[/b] [/size]
  14. I was born July 11th, 1990 - The Year of the Horse. I share the same birthday as my dad. What a present, huh? I'm not really sure who else has this birthday. I'm a cancer, and horoscopes are almost always wrong for me...but there was a time or two where they actually were true. Hm...
  15. [b]Name: [/b]Jack Andrews [font=Garamond][b]Age: [/b]20[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Sex: [/b]Male[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Occupation: [/b]Musician - Singer/Guitarist[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Appearance: [/b]Jack is about 6 feet tall and around 150 lbs and has a slender build to him. He has black hair that is shaggy and goes down to the middle of his neck. His eyes are a clear green.[/font] [b][font=Garamond]Back History: [/font][/b] Jack was fortunate growing up. His parents had pretty well paying jobs, a nice house, fast cars, the works. None of this seemed to really affect Jack though. He was too busy with music. Ever since he was little, he always dreamed of being a rock star. As he grew, his dream grew with him. Instead of just a regular ole rock star though, he now wanted to be in the hardcore scene. Now a days, Jack can usually be found at the local club, playing. He may seem to be the happy-go-lucky frontman, but behind the smiles lies a very different facet of Jack Andrews. In his sleep, he would toss and turn and awake suddenly screaming. Sweat would be coming from his brow and he would be shaking. Even during the day, he would have flashes of a vision of demons or Hell. Jack has no idea how this all started, but its been happening for 3 years now, and shows no sign of stopping.
  16. [b]Name[/b]: Xang-Woo [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Xang is about 6 feet tall, with black hair. It is longer on the top and straightened. He moves the bangs to the left side to cover a large scar on his eye. His right eye is a calm blue, but his left one has turned to deep red due to the incident (explained below). He has an athletic build, slender with defined and not huge muscles. [b]Personality[/b]: Xang is usually calm and friendly. It takes a lot to make him angry. He isn't the quietest of people, thought, as he can usually be found in his dorm blasting some of his hardcore CD's or playing his guitar. [b]Why Are You Here[/b]: Xang came to Mal-Juk Military School because he wanted to better himself. Before he came, he was almost always out partying or playing a gig with his band, [b]A Crisis Reborn[/b]. After a show, he and his bandmates would either find a girl to hang out with or go get a drink at the nearest pub. One night, however, all the parties came to a sudden halt. Xang was at a bar, having a drink and talking to one of the girls he picked up from the show. Soon after they arrived, a member of a rival band showed up and called Xang out. He didn't want anything to do with this other guy so he ignored him and went about talking. The next thing he knows, he's in a hospital with a large gash over his left eye. He then knew his ways had to change. Xang came to the school with that motive in mind. He wanted to become sober, for one, and just to put an end to his non-stop-party lifestyle. He also was hoping he could find some friends with whom he could just have a good time and get along with. One thing he was really looking for, though, was a girlfriend. Xang's parents were very supportive of his decision to go to Mal-Juk. They figured this was the opportunity, not only for him to better himself and fix his past, but to recieve an education that they could never get. His mother waved a tearful goodbye as he boarded the bus. Xang found a seat near the back, put on his headphones and turned on some As I Lay Dying on his iPod. He was on his way.
  17. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=blue][b]ooc: REALLY sorry about the delay. I've had a lot going on all of a sudden.[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy][Now this is what it's like when worlds collide Now this is what it's like Now this is what it's like when worlds collide Now this is what it's like] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]What is it really That's going on here You've got your system for total control Now is there really anybody out there Now watch us suffer cause we can't go What is it really that is in your head What little life that you had just died I'm gonna be the one that's taking over Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go Cause I'm ready to go What you gonna do baby, baby Are you going with me Cause I'm going with you It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]What is it really that motivates you The need to fly or this fear to stop I'll go along when you realize* When we get there I say 9 of 10 drop Now who's the light and who is the devil You can't decide so I'll be your guide And one by one they will be hand chosen Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go Cause I'm ready to go What you gonna do baby, baby Are you going with me Cause I'm going with you It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy][You are a robot][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy][Now this is what it's like when worlds collide Now this is what it's like Now this is what it's like when worlds collide Now this is what it's like][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]What is it really when they're falling over Everything that you thought is denied I'm gonna be the one that's taking over Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go Cause I'm ready to go What you gonna do baby, baby Are you going with me Cause I'm going with you It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready to go Cause I'm ready to go What you gonna do baby, baby Are you going with me Cause I'm going with you It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=navy]Are you ready Cause I'm ready It's the end of all time Are you going Yeah I'm going It's the end of all time [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]As Zack struck the final note, the crowd cheered. He raised his guitar, and then stepped off the stage, Marcus following behind. Zack and Marcus? band [b]Break the Day[/b] had gotten a gig in a small little town called Silent Hill, close to Ashford. They had been surprised, being called way out of their own state to go. However, the sum of money had been huge. They had decided to go. Zack didn't notice that Silent Hill didn't appear on any maps, couldn't find it anywhere on the internet besides some few odd ends, and that he finally had to ask for directions from the club owner himself.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Man, we gotta come here more often! The chicks are wild, and the money...man, don't even get me STARTED on the money." Marcus yelled at Zack, and reached into his gig bag and pulled out a thick wad of cash. Zack nodded, but his mind was on his girlfriend, who was behind the stage. Packing up his guitar, a midnight blue and white Gibson, he went behind the stage.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Hey, baby. I'm sorry we had to go all the way out here, but the money..." Zack fell short. She was sitting there, but she was asleep. He smiled, and pushed back part of her hair, kissing her on the forehead. He started packing up the rest, his other band members pitching in to help him every so often. [/size][/font] [center][/center] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]A small hotel stood at the edge of the entrance to Silent Hill, looking as ominous as a forboden manor in an ancient story. However, that was where they had rented a room, so they had no choice. Zack parked the van full of equipment in a special padlocked place he had rented. Never seen a hotel with one of these. Nice." the other car, with everyone else in it, pulled right up to the entrance.[/size][/font] [center][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Night everyone." Zack handed out everyone's share of the cash, then entered the hotel for the night.[/size][/font][/center] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]~~~[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]The band was back on the road within eight hours. Beers were passed around, Zack taking one himself, even though he was the driver. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"AW ****! We forgot the equipment van...." Zack yelled. Everyone groaned. [/size][/font] [center][/center] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"We gotta drive back, unless everyone has enough to pay for the equipment and the van." Everyone began counting their money. Zack groaned, and preformed a dangerous U-Turn. The sign that said "Welcome to Silent Hill" stood in the distance, approaching rapidly. Zack pulled back into the parking lot, and climbed out onto the pavement. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Zack climbed in the van, and Marcus, along with his girlfriend, followed him in. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Though you might need some company."[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Thanks." Zack shut the front and side doors, and began to follow the car, which was already headed out of the parking lot. He drove, listening and participating in the conversation. The sign that welcomed them from Silent Hill back to the country roads was only about 30 yards ahead. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]The van slammed the gate. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"THE ****?" Zack shouted, and climbed out of the van. He got Marcus and his girlfriend out, and looked at the Gate Entrance. Zack banged against it, but nothing happened. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"I'll climb over." Zack began to climb up the gothic styled metal gate, but as soon as he reached the top, his hand went through the air and...disappeared. He pulled it back, and slowly climbed down. "We....the gate...my hand...." He pointed to the top. They had seen it. "The...****? We're stuck..." Zack groaned, and saw the other car, full of his band members and helps. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]He ran over to it, and busted out the window, as it and the door was jammed. He began pulling them out, laying them on the ground. A bloody mess covered the passenger seat. A body was nowhere to be found...[/size][/font]
  18. Okay then. I'm going to start it up now. The sign ups are now ONLY open to female sign ups. Great sign ups everyone, now lets get it goin'!
  19. And there they are! :animesmil Thank you both for your banners and time. I'm going to go with one of A.S.' sets. Thanks again! -Jake
  20. :animedepr The banners and avatars are only showing the red x's...I saw them last night though so I know what they look like. Now we just have to work on getting them to show up...Well thank you both for your submissions. I think I'm going to go with ArunueShekamari's. Thanks again, Jake
  21. Very nice Sol-Blade! I'll use it for now, but I'm gonna keep options open for someone else to post their shot at it.
  22. Hey everyone! How's it goin'? Okay so down to the request. I would be [b]so[/b] greatful if someone could make me a banner and avatar set of Dark from DNAngel. For the avatar, just a show of his head would be awesome. And the banner...just a pic of him and Wiz with the quote- "And so it begins..." in any font you deep appropriate. Thanks again, Jake
  23. Alright Guys! Sign ups are looking great. I'm going to keep them open for another few days, hopefully getting some more female characters. Keep the sign ups a-comin'! -Jake
  24. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][b]Here's Marcus![/b][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][/size][/font] [size=2][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkslategray][b]Name:[/b] Marcus De'Silva[/color][/font][/size] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray] [/color][/size][/font] [size=2][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkslategray][b]Age:[/b] 20[/color][/font][/size] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray] [/color][/size][/font] [size=2][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkslategray][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/color][/font][/size] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray] [/color][/size][/font] [size=2][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkslategray][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color][/font][/size][url="http://www.futureblues.com/spikeman.gif"][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray]Marcus[/color][/size][/font][/url] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray] [/color][/size][/font] [size=2][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkslategray][b]Strengths:[/b] Before forming his band, Marcus played soccer for 15 years. This made him very quick on his feet and agile. Also, being a keeper, his arms and legs have become moderatly strong.[/color][/font][/size] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray] [/color][/size][/font] [size=2][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkslategray][b]Bio: [/b]Marcus is what some call a "people person." He is always willing to shake your hand and introduce himself if he doesn't know you. A smile is almost always on his face and he seems to lighten up a room when he walks into it. [/color][/font][/size] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray]That being said, Marcus never could really hold a decent relationship. It always ended in disaster for him. One day, after splitting up with his then-girlfriend, Andrea Reynolds, he decided to just stay a bachelor. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray]Zack Sacraments is Marcus' best friend...has been since childhood. They were always together, either playing sports or the like, and over the years, they began to slowly want to get a band going. Well sooner or later, they decided to go for it and thus creating [b]Breaking the Day[/b]. Their first show was in a small town which he had never heard of, but the pay was amazing. Marcus knew he couldn't pass it up...but when the show was over and done with, he had a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him something was wrong...[/color][/size][/font]
  25. [color=black][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Silent Hill 5: Ghost Town [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like when worlds collide [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like when worlds collide [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What is it really[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]That's going on here[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]You've got your system for total control[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now is there really anybody out there[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now watch us suffer cause we can't go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What is it really that is in your head[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What little life that you had just died[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]I'm gonna be the one that's taking over[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What you gonna do baby, baby[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you going with me [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm going with you[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What is it really that motivates you[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]The need to fly or this fear to stop[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]I'll go along when you realize*[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]When we get there I say 9 of 10 drop[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now who's the light and who is the devil[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]You can't decide so I'll be your guide[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]And one by one they will be hand chosen[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What you gonna do baby, baby[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you going with me [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm going with you[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy][You are a robot][/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy][Now this is what it's like when worlds collide [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like when worlds collide [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like][/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What is it really when they're falling over[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Everything that you thought is denied[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]I'm gonna be the one that's taking over[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Now this is what it's like when worlds collide[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What you gonna do baby, baby[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you going with me [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm going with you[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm ready to go[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]What you gonna do baby, baby[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you going with me [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm going with you[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you ready [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Cause I'm ready [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]It's the end of all time [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Are you going [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]Yeah I'm going [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=navy]It's the end of all time[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]As Zack struck the final note, the crowd cheered. He raised his guitar, and then stepped off the stage, Marcus following behind. Zack and Marcus? band [b]Break the Day[/b] had gotten a gig in a small little town called Silent Hill, close to Ashford. They had been surprised, being called way out of their own state to go. However, the sum of money had been huge. They had decided to go. Zack didn't notice that Silent Hill didn't appear on any maps, couldn't find it anywhere on the internet besides some few odd ends, and that he finally had to ask for directions from the club owner himself.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Man, we gotta come here more often! The chicks are wild, and the money...man, don't even get me STARTED on the money." Marcus yelled at Zack, and reached into his gig bag and pulled out a thick wad of cash. Zack nodded, but his mind was on his girlfriend, who was behind the stage. Packing up his guitar, a [/size][/font][/color][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]ffice:smarttags" />midnight[/size][/font][color=black][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2] blue and white Gibson, he went behind the stage.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Hey, baby. I'm sorry we had to go all the way out here, but the money..." Zack fell short. She was sitting there, but she was asleep. He smiled, and pushed back part of her hair, kissing her on the forehead. He started packing up the rest, his other band members pitching in to help him every so often. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]A small hotel stood at the edge of the entrance to Silent Hill, looking as ominous as a forboden manor in an ancient story. However, that was where they had rented a room, so they had no choice. Zack parked the van full of equipment in a special padlocked place he had rented. Never seen a hotel with one of these. Nice." the other car, with everyone else in it, pulled right up to the entrance.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Night everyone." Zack handed out everyone's share of the cash, then entered the hotel for the night.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]~~~[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]The band was back on the road within eight hours. Beers were passed around, Zack taking one himself, even though he was the driver. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"AW ****! We forgot the equipment van...." Zack yelled. Everyone groaned. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"We gotta drive back, unless everyone has enough to pay for the equipment and the van." Everyone began counting their money. Zack groaned, and preformed a dangerous U-Turn. The sign that said "Welcome to Silent Hill" stood in the distance, approaching rapidly. Zack pulled back into the parking lot, and climbed out onto the pavement. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Zack climbed in the van, and Marcus, along with his girlfriend, followed him in. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Though you might need some company."[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"Thanks." Zack shut the front and side doors, and began to follow the car, which was already headed out of the parking lot. He drove, listening and participating in the conversation. The sign that welcomed them from Silent Hill back to the country roads was only about 30 yards ahead. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]The van slammed the gate. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"THE ****?" Zack shouted, and climbed out of the van. He got Marcus and his girlfriend out, and looked at the Gate Entrance. Zack banged against it, but nothing happened. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]"I'll climb over." Zack began to climb up the gothic styled metal gate, but as soon as he reached the top, his hand went through the air and...disappeared. He pulled it back, and slowly climbed down. "We....the gate...my hand...." He pointed to the top. They had seen it. "The...****? We're stuck..." Zack groaned, and saw the other car, full of his band members and helps. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]He ran over to it, and busted out the window, as it and the door was jammed. He began pulling them out, laying them on the ground. A bloody mess covered the passenger seat. A body was nowhere to be found...[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]______________________[/size][/font] [/color] [color=black][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Sign ups:[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Name: Very easy. First and last name, please. Middle optional.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Age: Another easy one. 13-25[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Gender: ANOTHER EASY one. We gotta stop being so easy on ya. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Appearance: You can use a picture, but if not, a good description is required.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Strengths: What is your character good at? Can he fix things, is he really strong? What can s/he do?[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Short Biography: Just tell what you did before coming to Silent Hill. This is completely optional.[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]I have the spot of Zack's girlfriend reserved for Sonata. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Also, I will be playing Marcus. My sign up will be posted later[/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]We hope lots of people sign up. [/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]Tash & The Nameless.[/size][/font][/color]
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