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Bullet Theory

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Everything posted by Bullet Theory

  1. [size=2][color=darkred][b][color=black]Name[/color]:[/b] Jacob Spearson [b][color=black]Alias[/color]:[/b] Jacob the Outlaw [b][color=black]Age[/color]:[/b] 24[/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred][b][color=black]Appearance[/color]:[/b] Jacob is a slender man of around 130 lbs and stands at 6' 2". He has dark brown hair that looks black from a short distance away. His eyes are also a deep brown that can be mistaken for black if only glanced at. He can usually be found wearing a simple pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and his trusty boots. [b][color=black]Alliance[/color]:[/b] The House [b][color=black]Weapon(s) of choice[/color]:[/b] 2 Remington Revolvers, one in a holster by each side. [b][color=black]Bio[/color]:[/b] [/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred][/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred]Jacob was born to a farming family in the interior portion on North Carolina. At the tender age of 15, he decided to run away from home and move out west and adventure to the "wasteland" as some called it. He finally arrived in the state of New Mexico after 3 weeks of both walking and finding a friendly cart driver to take him to the next town.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred][/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred]After he arrived, he settled in a small town and lived there for a few years before he decided to become an outlaw. He had heard of a band of merchants known as the House and thought to seek them out. He finally saw a small dispute between the man he would soon find to be known as Jesse Evans and a drunk in the town saloon.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred][/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred]When the shuffle died down, he spoke to Jesse about the House. He learned of the practices of The House and knew that he had found his calling. He talked Jesse into letting him meet J.J. Dolan, the co-owner of a contract monopoly. They discussed terms and the like, and Jacob Spearson soon became known as Jacob the Outlaw.[/color][/size]
  2. Why thank you. I usually tend to not strain to find a rhyme scheme throughout an entire song but I will occasionally. The feel of the song is more metalish, as you stated, and my band is working on the musical part to this song. Thanks again for the compliments!
  3. I'm in quite a spot...I'm wondering which Banner and Avatar I should use on the boards. Both sets are pretty simple and Criticism is welcome, good and bad. So here we go. Red Set: Banner - [img]http://tinypic.com/1hwevl[/img] Avatar - [img]http://tinypic.com/1hweuq[/img] Blue Set: Banner - [img]http://tinypic.com/1hwewj[/img] Avatar - [img]http://tinypic.com/1hwf29[/img]
  4. My close friend Ross also introduced me to the band HIM. I've been hooked ever since, but sadly, have only one of their albums, Razorblade Romance. Oh, and Sol-Blade, I didn't actually mean a literal introduction to the band members themselves, but mainly the music. But now I envy you...you met Lostprophets...oh, the envy is great.
  5. [size=2]Well I know that I for one have been introduced to many great bands by friends/relatives of mine. Almost 50% of that was from my friend Mike. Great musical taste he has. So my question to you is...[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]What bands have you been introduced to by friends of yours?[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Some of mine are:[/size] [size=2]Atretu[/size] [size=2]Lost Prophets[/size] [size=2]Linkin Park[/size] [size=2]Shadows Fall[/size] [size=2]Underoath[/size] [size=2]Anberlin[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Among others. So what about you?[/size]
  6. This song is a little darker than my usual writing style permits but...I hope you like it. "Sanctuary" Intro- Lost in the world Left Alone Rotting away inside Ch- My Search goes on for my lost sanctuary I'm slowly falling behind My eyes are wired shut and there's nothing I can do My search will never reach the end Verse 1- I lay my head down and close my eyes Praying that somehow there will be blackend skies So I will spread this virus throughout my soul And harness that feeling and make it whole My Search goes on for my lost sanctuary I'm slowly falling behind My eyes are wired shut and there's nothing I can do My search will never reach the end Verse 2- My lungs are tired from all of my screaming I'm fed up with this and now I am leaving You only bring me pain... But now I'm coming back again My Search goes on for my lost sanctuary I'm slowly falling behind My eyes are wired shut and there's nothing I can do My search will never reach the end My Search goes on for my lost sanctuary I'm slowly falling behind My eyes are wired shut and there's nothing I can do My search will never reach the end Lost in the world Left Alone Rotting away inside... I'll find that sanctuary I'll search until I die...
  7. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray]Name: Sakato Age: 19 Apperance: Wolf - See Attachment, Human - [/color][/size][/font][url="http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/3-1.htm"][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray]Sakato[/color][/size][/font][/url] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=darkslategray]Starting city: Syran/West Particular markings: Cross shaped scar on his right forearm[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2f4f4f][/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2f4f4f]Hope this is okay.[/color][/size][/font]
  8. [QUOTE]Nothing More (I Can Do) Verse 1 - These days have past and now I'm done The dawn of this era has finally begun My final words were "I Love You" and now I'll start over and begin again somehow Chorus- Because there's nothing more I can do I'm dying inside and fading away I dove through a ring of fire for you And I'm leaving today Verse 2- Your questions keep running through my head "Why are you leaving?" and "Will you be back?" You ripped my heart out and tore my soul to shreads I'm sick of grieving and now I'm fighting back Because there's nothing more I can do I'm dying inside and fading away I dove through a ring of fire for you And I'm leaving today Outro- But now I've found a way to escape A route known only to The Torn I'll turn all my forgotten love to hate And return to you reborn Because there's nothing more I can do I'm dying inside and fading away I dove through a ring of fire for you And I'm leaving today Because there's nothing more I can do I'm dying inside and fading away I dove through a ring of fire for you And I'm leaving today[/QUOTE] And there you have it. That's me song for the week and Constructive Criticism if you please.
  9. That's awesome! I'll keep the options open for anyone else who wants to give it a shot.
  10. Well-y well. Hello friends! I was wondering if someone could create an obscure or abstract banner and avatar set for me. See if I can draw out the creativeness of my fellow Otakus. For the banner, I'd like for the color scheme to be a deep red/grayish scheme with a picture of your choice as well as a text of your choice. For the avatar, a white and deep blue scheme along with the picture and text guidelines listed above. Thanks again, Jake
  11. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray]"My...free time?" Jake repeated, somewhat confused. {Yeah...your free time.} Covanent III replied. [i]What the hell...[/i] Jake wondered as he shuffled through his thoughts in search of an answer to the question. "Well, personally, I just kick back and listen to music, write songs, nothing big. Sit at a coffee house alone or with some friends." Jake finally answered. {Hm...} Covanent softly replied, seemingly deep in thought. "Actually...after I leave here, I was going to head back to my house and just chill out...wanna come? Share a beer or two?" Jake suggested. [/color][/font]
  12. [color=DarkRed][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]"Whew, this storm is ruthless." Jake sighed as he entered the bar. He cracked his neck as he walked over to the bar and sat next to Kana. "Barkeep, gimme a mug of Fireice on the rocks." Jake yelled. The bartender shuffled around for a minute or two and finally brought back his drink. "Here you are, sir." smiled the barkeeper as he waddled back over to the counter and resumed his cleaning. "So did you hear about the newest wreck, Kana?" Jake asked. "Covenant just informed me about it. Supposedly two died, and three are in the hospital. What a suprise." Kana replied, sarcasm hinting at the last remark. He went back to his own Fireice and took a small sip, placing the mug back on the bar. [color=Black]{Jake, do you know how Kiri is doing on her infiltration?} A3 inquired in his usual tone of voice. [color=DarkRed]"I am not sure. I'm a tad worried about her...after all, she was trying to get into the circuit and three people were just hospitalized. Two dead as well..." Jake took a gulp of his drink and set it back down. "Jake, don't be worried. A4 can take care of herself, so settle down." Kana smirked. "If you say so, sir. You're the boss." Jake quietly replied as he gazed up at the television. [/color][/color][/font][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=DarkRed][b]Real Name: [/b]Jake Ward [b]Code Name:[/b] Agent 6 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Jake specializes in mainly small handguns or a simple melee weapon. During STU missions, he chooses his semi-auto laser pistol. The small balls of energy are quite accurate and have pretty good armor piercing abilities. The gun itself has a high shot rate, depending on the trigger finger of the wielder, in which Jake has a great one. He also carries a small plasma baton for close-quarter combat. [b]Appearance: [/b][url="http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=12&pos=2"]Jake[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Jake is a quiet man, [/color][/size][size=1][color=DarkRed]kind and gentlemenly when needed to be[/color][/size][size=1][color=DarkRed].[/color][/size][size=1][color=DarkRed] When around the other agents, he will voice his opinion and then keep silent until he feels the need to speak again. However, when he sees Kiri, he tends to try and be somewhat close to her. He doesn't quite understand why he does this, but he doesn't fight it either. His views on the illegal Drag Racing events are that they are simply a bother to himself and the other agents. [b]Why are you here?[/b] Jake joined the STU because he felt he needed to repay his debt to the world. He had done some malicious things in his past and he wishes to attone them by bringing justice to the world around him. Jake cannot stand to see the carnage in the lower half of J19-02, and he pledges to bring an end to the Drag Racing that has been occuring recently. He is currently the lowest ranking agent, but he is working as best he can to assist the other Agents and helping solve this racing problem once and for all. [b]Hope this is alright. I'll change anything if I so need to.[/b] [/color][/size]
  14. Thanks, it's really good with the exception of two things. 1-The text is a little hard to read for the pic used and... 2-The animation ends too soon. I couldn't tell what the quote was. I'll keep the options open for a banner.
  15. Ah yes, the Mash Up. I, personally, love this entire album, with the exception of the Izzo/In the End song. They somehow got the rythems and beats to corrospond with the lyrics perfectly to create a wonderful flow.
  16. Hello, there. I was wondering if anyone could make me and my OB girlfriend, suicide__xdance, a matching banner. If it could, have it feature a picutre of Sango and Miroku from InuYasha. Also, a romantic quote would be nice, along with both of our names. We would both greatly appreciate it! EDIT: [url="http://web.utk.edu/%7Ebborchar/calender/iycal02_3.jpg"]Here[/url] is a nice pic I've found. Thanks again, The Nameless
  17. [center][font=Garamond][size=3]"The Stage..." [size=2][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]Every night he slept, dreaming of his band headlining a major tour...but he knew it was a fantasy. He had talent, but not that much. One day, he awoke to a phone call. On the caller I.D. was "Columbia Records." "I must be imagining things." He thought. 15 minuted later, his band was signed. ------------------------------------------------------------- Eh, not my best but I'm competing with writer's block so sorry about the crappyness. [/font][/size][/size][/font][/center]
  18. In leiu (sp?) of the "Which OBer would you like to meet in real life?", I decided to create this thread. (Moderators sorry if this is spam.) So...who do ya know on the big OB? I personally only know MehrLicht and suicide__xdance. Mehr is my really good friend...well we're like bro's...Mike. suicide__xdance is my girlfriend, Hannah.
  19. Wow that's a tough one...there's so many. Well #1 would be [b]Reise[/b]. This dude is one of my closest internet friends, has been for a while now. Next is [size=2][b]Methuselah [/b]becasue, like Reise, she is one of my closest internet friends. Last but not least, [b]Dragon Warrior.[/b] He seems like he would be a great guy to hang out with. [/size]
  20. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray]I've got: [/color][/font] [list] [*][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray]Familly Guy Seasons One and Two because it's one of my favorite shows of all time.[/color][/font] [*][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray]Aqua Teen Hunger Force because it has some of the most random humor of any television show ever.[/color][/font] [*][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray]Viva La Bam season 1 because it's my favorite show and it was cheap ($20)[/color][/font] [*][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray]Garfield and Friends Volume One because c'mon...it's Garfield...you can't go wrong with Garfield[/color][/font] [*][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray]Oops, forgot to mention Invader Zim Vol. 1 - DOOM DOOM DOOM! [/color][/font] [/list]
  21. [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Name[/b]: Jake Ward [/font][/left] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Age[/b]: 300 (looks to be 21) [/font][/left] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Gender[/b]: Male [/font][/left] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Race[/b]: Vampire[/font][/left] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Description[/b]: [url="http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy8/kamikaze04.jpg"]Jake[/url] [/font][/left] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Weapons: -[/b] Katana - - Two Small Daggers - [/font][/left] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]P[/b][b]ersonailty[/b]: Jake is a kind man, and looks out for people who are in need. Well...he used to...before he got bit. Now, after all those years, Jake has become a cold and lonely person. He has become a vagrant, wondering from town to town in search of a safe haven. [/font][/left] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Bio[/b]: Long ago, the world was riddled with vampires. There were thousands scattered across the globe. Now-a-days, there are maybe 15 in the entire world, and Jake is one of them. Jake was 300 years ago to a beggar family. They strived to find a job in order to make ends meat, so they eventually turned to thievery. Jake's mother and father were caught one night and put to death, leaving Jake to fend for himself. At the age of 15, Jake was attacked and bitten by a vampire. It left Jake for dead, but Jake quickly recovered and became a vampire. As the years passed, Jake grew more and more lonely and had begun to drink the blood of others to stay alive. To this day, no one had lived to discover that he was a vampire... [/font][/left]
  22. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX']I have to say, alot of children's shows now are utter crap! I miss the old shows like Garfield & Friends(which still comes on, but at 2am), Inspector Gadget, old Ninja Turtles, etc.[/quote] I agree with you on that. Garfield and Friends was my favorite show when I was younger, along with the old Ninja Turtles. I actually bought the Garfield & Friends on DVD...haha wow I'll stop now
  23. Hey kids. Has anyone heard of Skindred? They are an awesome band that combined the realms of Punk, Metal, and (here's the kicker) Reggea. Yes, Reggea. I was shopping for some CD's in Target the night before last and their video for "Nobody" came on and I had to buy it...so I did! Their new CD, [b]Babylon[/b], is a great blend of pulsing metal and the reggea sounds of their lead singer, Benji, who actually was born and resides in the UK. Does anyone else like Skindred or have at least heard of them?
  24. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray][size=2][b]Name[/b]: Jake Ward[/size] [size=2][b]Age[/b]: 24[/size] [size=2][b]Sex[/b]: Male[/size] [size=2][b]Apearance[/b]: Jake is a tall man, measuring at about 6' 3", weighing in at 185 lbs. He has natural black hair, which is medium length and a tad bit on the shaggy side. His eyes are a dark brown, appearing to be black from a short distance away. Jake can usually be found wearing dark green cargo pants with a grey long sleeved shirt. He wears black and white Vans.[/size] [size=2][b]Personality[/b]: Jake, for the most part, is an easy going guy. He is very level headed and thinks before he acts. Most guys his age are usually off chasing girls, but Jake has more important things to take care of in his life. Being level headed, however, can only go so far...and if Jake ever snaps, run.[/size] [/color][/font][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray][size=2][b]Bio[/b]: Jake was born to an average family. His father was an executive for a small marketing firm, and his mother worked as a nurse. He had one sister, an older one, who took care of him when his parents weren't home. A few years into high school, Jake was on a trip to Russia and met Kana Othello. They became friends and Jake learned of the book Kana was writing. He thought it was awesome and asked to read it. Kana told Jake that he hadn't finished it, and let Jake borrow a different book he had written. He loved it. After high-school ended, he and his friends all moved to Russia and still live there to this day. They love it there and have actually quite quickly learned basic Russian. [u]Story Character:[/u] [/size][/color][/font][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray][b][size=2]Name: [/size][/b][size=2]Nathan Edwards[/size] [b][size=2]Age: [/size][/b][size=2]21[/size] [b][size=2]Sex: [/size][/b][size=2]Male[/size] [b][size=2]Apearance: [/size][/b][url="http://academic.evergreen.edu/l/leeadr09/images/guy.gif"][size=2]Nathan Edwards[/size][/url][/color][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DarkSlateGray][size=2] [b]OOC: Hope this is ok. Tell me if I need to change anything.[/b] [/size][/color][/font]
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