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Everything posted by Bullet Theory
Party Over Here- New Years, Baby!
Bullet Theory replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in General Discussion
I'm hosting a New Year's party at mi casa. My girlfriend is coming, along with some friends of ours. Much for will be had by all! Whoo! This'll be the first actual New Year's party that I've hosted, so it'll be quite snazzy. -
Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone could create me a banner and ava. set using the pics I've provided. Banner: Have my name and either "Maybe in a different life..." or "There's no giving up now!" Avatar: Just my name Banner Pic: Ah the pic isn't working so just a pic of their album cover Avatar Pic: [url="http://tinypic.com/zlbx1"]And This One[/url]
[size=1] Name: Jake Ward Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [url="http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy8/kamikaze06.jpg"]Jake...minus the sword[/url] Personality: Jake used to be a good kid, but after his parents divorced, he became depressed and angry. He hated everyone and everything, and began to think he had no cause in life. Jake had made several attempts to end his own life, but could never follow through... [b]OOC: Is this alright? PM me if I need to change something.[/b] [/size]
RPG Wolf's Rain Paradise (Charters+orignals needed)
Bullet Theory replied to shaharazod's topic in Theater
Hey guys. Just giving you a heads up before a mod gets to ya. If you want to start up an RP, make the thread in the Adventure Inn forum. Then once you have a few sign ups, you can bring it here. Just helpin' out, The Nameless -
[size=1]Has anyone on the boards heard of the funny man Eddie Izzard? God, man is a comical genious! Well he's a British Transvestite and its so freakin funny. Who likes him, who hates him, who has NO idea who he is? [/size]
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]Here's a poem I wrote today. [color=DimGray]"Tonight..." Tonight will be my trial by fire This fight will be a tough one These actions cut me deep like a line of briars But in the end it will be us who have won Tonight is the fight of my life and it is for you I wouldn't have it any other way I will make things right and make them true We will make it to another day Now this is the dawn of our lives and we cannot quit We will draw this line and never leave it Tonight we shall break free from this all And we shall never fall... [color=Black] What'cha think?[/color] [/color][/font]
Who are the greatest musicians (all genres) in all the land?
Bullet Theory replied to C_Tyrant's topic in Noosphere
Well I believe that the greatest guitarist is Steve Vai. That man is insane! I read that he practices, I think, 10 hours a day...10 HOURS! I have one of his albums and I absolutly love it. -
I'm here in the United States. I also live in Georgia in a town called Powder Springs. I've lived here my whole life. I really wanna get the hell out of here though...way too boring. Oh well, I'm proud to say that I'm a Georgia boy! [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Everything will eventually come to a peak Where you know this will be alright You thought that you were much too weak But you're the strongest one tonight So they can try to tell my otherwise That this wasn't the right choice They had better open their eyes Because they will hear my voice Now the Culmination of everything has become The happiest I've ever been because I've found the one ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a poem I quickly wrote last night. I know it's not the best but constructive [size=2]criticism[/size] please.
I was listening to a burned CD and i realized that I can really relate to a lot of them, so I was wondering what 3 songs could illustrate you or certain times in your life. Here's Mine: 1- [b]Letter's to You by Finch[/b]- This song really depicts how I feel about a few very important people in my life, some of which I've lost. 2-[b]Still Running by Chevelle[/b]- This one tells of my struggle to find meaning or a safe haven for myself. 3-[b]Only the Strong by Flaw[/b]- Only the Strong is a song that tells of being strong when you think it's impossible. I just went through a really rough time in my life and this song really helped me get past it and move on.
[center] [left] [center][size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic]"Two Teenagers Found Dead in Abandoned Home"[/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic] Two teenagers, one male and one female, estimated ages 15, were discovered dead in the old abandoned home at the edge of town. The police found them in a room with other bodies scattered about. There was an aparent struggle. Also, a sword was found in the corner of the room with a bloody blade. [/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic] The male, who was later identified as Jake Ward, had a large punture wound in his chest, thought to be from the sword. The female, Jessica Jones, also had a stab wound. They were found with their lips interlocked. The other bodies that were discovered were all dead. The teenagers must have had to fight them off but were killed in the process. [/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic]This day will forever go down as "Bloody Sunday".[/font][/color][/size] [/center] [size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic] [color=Black]That was a newspaper article dated to exactly three years ago today. The small town of Powder Springs, Georgia, has paid hommage to the two fallen kids every July 18th since the incident. No one has dared go anywhere near the old home since. Until now... Two more teenagers, Mike Kljucaric and Carson Butterworth, decided to take a chance and visit the abandoned home alone. They were never heard from again. Now their souls are forever trapped in the old home, searching for a way to escape. There is one who can free them, along with the other imprisioned souls...one who can end all the torment to the town. He has yet to be discovered but one day he will come...one day... [/color][/font][/color][/size][size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic][color=Black][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][/color][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic][color=Black] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]Ok there is the story. For sign ups, I'm going to need someone to be the One who will free the souls. Also, I need some people who can act as the trapped souls. Then we can have some townspeople who will be effected by the house throughout the story. Sign Up Sheet: [b]Name:[/b] Pretty simple. [b]Type:[/b] Effected, Trapped Soul, The One [b]Age:[/b] 15-19 [b]Gender: [/b]You know the choices. [b]Description:[/b] You can use either a pic or describe your character. [b]Bio:[/b] Doesn't have to be very long. Just have it say how you are affected by Bloody Sunday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [/font][/color][/font][/color][/size][size=2][color=DarkRed][font=Century Gothic][color=Black][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]Name:[/b] Eric Grover [b]Type:[/b] Effected [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Description:[/b] Eric is your average 16 year old. He's about 5' 11", 175 lbs. He has dark brown eyes that seem to be black, black hair, and wears a simple dark red tanktop and black cargo pants. He has a small ring that was given to him by him former girlfriend. He is a pretty built kid, and he knows how to fight if he needs to. [b]Bio:[/b] Eric knew both Jake and Jessica before Bloody Sunday occured. They were his closest friends. When he read that they had been killed, he was devastated. He broke down the second he read that front page of the newspaper. After that day, he didn't speak much to anyone, not even his other friends. Eric had been so broken by the loss of Jake and Jess, he had lost touch in caring for the world.[/font][/color][/font][/color][/size] [/left] [/center]
Hey there. I'm just sitting at my computer with lots of quotes running in my head and decided to ask you guys what your favorite TV or Movie quotes are. My favorite TV show quote hands down... "Oh...you sly boots..." -Chris Griffin from Family Guy. What about you?
[size=1]30 Seconds to Mars is a great band in my eyes. Their sound is very unique and it's sad they only had the Capricorn(Brand New Name) single. On their self titled CD, the songs are very diverse. They range from the fast paced to the slow. A personal favorite song is Edge of the Earth and Oblivion.[/size]
Does anyone else here like Breaking Benjamin? Their newest single, [b]So Cold[/b], is an amazing song with very powerful lyrics and music. Their latest CD, [b]We Are Not Alone[/b], is a great one. It's the follow up to Saturate.
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Bullet Theory replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]I, too, have no problem with homosexuality. Everyone is who they are. It's as simple as that. If that means that you are a homosexual, then that's you. It shouldn't matter. I think the major problem with people is the xenophobia of the alternative sexuality. It's so pointless to shun others due to their homosexuality or bisexuality. It sickens me to see people who happen to have a sexual preference to the same gender get picked on or something like that. [/size] -
RPG Misguided Hearts [M-LV, Mild S, Violent Image!]
Bullet Theory replied to Lilt's topic in Theater
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]As Tak walked out of his house and toward his car, he saw a few people by the bus stop in the rain. He entered his car and drove to the stop, rolling down the passenger side window. "You guys need a lift to school?" Tak asked. The two girls accepted right away and hopped in the back seat, while the other guy simply sat there staring at his feet. "You okay man?" Tak inquired, but there was still no response. "Alright then." Tak then drove to Wishing Well High. "So, what's your names? I'm Tak." "Mine's Hoshi" one replied. "And I'm Kiri." said the other. "Nice to meet you. So, ya gotta love the rain, don't ya." Tak said sarcastically. "I'll put on the radio." He turned it to a rock station and the three headed to the school. [/font] -
RPG Misguided Hearts [M-LV, Mild S, Violent Image!]
Bullet Theory replied to Lilt's topic in Theater
[center] [left][size=2][color=DimGray][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]As Tak awoke, his hair a mess, he shuffled over to his bathroom and opened the shower door and turned on the water. As it warmed, he went back to his room and grabbed a CD. As he placed the CD, Breaking Benjamin's [b]We Are Not Alone[/b], in the shower cd player, he just stood there, letting the water fall on top of him. The song "So Cold" was Tak's favorite song, as he felt the song connected to him. [/font][/color][/size][color=DimGray] [/color] [center][size=2][color=DimGray][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][i]...Show me how it ends...it's alright...Show me how defenseless you really are... [/i][/font][/color][/size] [left][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=DimGray]He began to think back to the time he and Hiroko were together. It was hard to reminice(sp?) about her...she did shatter his heart, after all. He thought of the times they sat under that large oak at the park and stared at the stars, the times they sat up until the sunrise talking to eachother over the phone... That was Tak's past. Now he lays alone at night. He no longer knows the meaning of feeling of love. Hiroko took that from him, and he hasn't been the same since. But now, his eyes are secretly set on a friend of his, Ryuu. Tak doens't know how to interpret these feelings he had for her...but he decided to keep them to himself. [/color][/font][/left] [/center] [/left] [/center] -
Sign Up Misguided Hearts [M-LV, Mild S, Violent Image!]
Bullet Theory replied to Lilt's topic in Theater
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][color=black][b][u]Name:[/u] [/b]Takashi Maranoki - Goes by Tak[/color][/size][/font][/left] [left][size=1][color=black][b][font=Verdana] [u]Age:[/u] [/font][/b][font=Verdana]16[/font][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=1][color=black][b][font=Verdana] [u]Gender:[/u] [/font][/b][font=Verdana]Male [/font][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=1][color=black][b][font=Verdana] [u]Description:[/u] [/font][/b][font=Verdana]See Attachment[/font][/color][/size][/left] [left][font=Verdana][size=1][color=black][b] [u]Thoughts on Love:[/u][/b] Tak...well recently he has believed that love does not exist. His girlfriend of two years, Hiroko Tokoma, had dumped him for another guy. He had shared everything with her, his first kiss, his deepest secrets, everything. And now she has shattered his heart and left it for dead. Tak used to believe in love...but that's long gone. [/color][/size][/font][/left] [left][size=1][color=black][b][font=Verdana] [u]Bio:[/u] [/font][/b][font=Verdana] Takashi started WWH a few years ago. He had high expectations to fufill when it came to his schoolwork, as well as his soccer. Yes, Tak was an avid goalkeeper, has been for quite some time. With all of his time previously taken over by work and soccer, he had no time for love. That all changed a week or two into his first year of high school. He met a girl names Hiroko. From day one, they were fast friends, always with eachother and talking to eachother. Everyone suspected a relationship, but Tak and Hiroko denyed it. One day, however, they both confessed to eachother that they loved eachother. On that day, they began what would become their 2 year relationship...but not all was well. About a year and a half into it, Hiroko had a secret second relationship. When Tak found out about it, he was destroyed. He sunk into a deep depression and thought he would never come out of it. Still today, he is searching for a love that will last throughout time, and a way to recover from his tragic heartbreak. [/font][/color][/size][/left] -
Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone could help fix me up with a banner from this comic I found. It's called VG-Cats. ([url="www.vgcats.com"]www.vgcats.com[/url]) For the banner: I'd just like to have a pic of the head at least and my name on it. If possible, have it in a creepy font. Also, have the text "Yep...I've lost it..." somewhere. Can Yep fade in, then fade out and then have I've lost it do the same? Avatar: Just a shot of the head and The Nameless somewhere on it in a creepy font. Thanks again!
At the end of the world, where will you be?
Bullet Theory replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
The Appocolypse, eh? Well then. I think that I would be sitting on my bed listening to some KoRn. Or possibly, I'll be on some stage with my band, screaming my head off. -
Writing "Bring Me Down (Twist It)" - E
Bullet Theory replied to Bullet Theory's topic in Creative Works
You are a great analyzer, my friend. [QUOTE=KarmaOfChaos] [color=deeppink][size=1]It seems almost as if you are bitter towards the [i]memory[/i] of someone, which you cannot let go of, and it tears at your sanity, because you want to release yourself but in the same breath don't.[/quote] [/size][/color]Recently, I went through a tough break up with a girl that I had dated for 8 months. I was very much in love with her and when we broke up, it tore me apart. Also, I agree with the level of difficulty in showing lyrics on an online forum, due to the lack of melody. My bandmates and I are currently working on the musical aspect of this song and I'll try to get it on the boards later. And thank you for the compliments. -
Here's a song I wrote in Language Arts today: "Bring Me Down (Twist It)" V1- I see you sitting all alone Acting like its okay that you're not home And this life that you have shown I'm gonna twist it 'til its my own Bridge- Sometimes I'm the one to blame I feel like this will never change Sometimes I cannot complain My life is laughing at me Chorus- Now all you do is bring me down Bury my dreams under the ground This is the last thing I ask of you Let me go V2- I've used up all of my choices(My feelings drain the life from me) I'm screaming the lungs out of my chest (This just wasnt meant to be) Trying to Escape the voices (Why can't you see?) I'll twist it until its all my own -Chorus- x2 Im gonna twist it...-x4 And make it my own! -Chorus- You bring me down -x4 Constructive Criticism Please!
[url="www.animelyrics.com"]www.animelyrics.com[/url] is a good place to go to find out something like that. hope it helps! [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
HIM is a great band indeed. Right now, I've only got the Razorblade Romance album, but as we speak, I'm begging my friend to copy the Love Metal album for me. Aside from that, HIM is very well balanced. They have a great mix of soft and hard songs on their albums (well R.R. at least) and it's a breath of life to me to hear such a diverse band.
Whoa, man. Those are pretty good. Bloodlinez was my favorite. The "Pink Paradise" one was interesting as well. Again, great job man.