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Bullet Theory

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Everything posted by Bullet Theory

  1. [size=1]Jake and Allice were sitting on a park bench near the edge of the park. They were both suprised to learn that they loved eachother. "Hey, Allice...can I ask you something?" Jake asked. "Sure Jake." Allice replied. "Well, since you told me that you had feelings for me...I've been wondering why. I mean, I'm me." Jake began. "There's nothing special about me." "Jake don't say that. You're great." Allice told him. "Thanks, Allice. You're amazing yourself." Jake laughed. "Haha, thanks. You wanna head back to my place and watch some movies or something?" Allice suggested. "Sure." Jake agreed. With that, they walked back to Jake's car, hand in hand. [b]OOC: C'mon guys, let's keep this alive![/b] [/size]
  2. [size=1]Well I am thankful for my new outlook on life because after what happened. Three days ago, my girlfriend and her family were on their way to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. In Dalton, GA, a Ford F150 with a drunk driver hit them head on going 70 mph. There was 6 people pilled into my girlfriend's mom's little Impala. Thank God none of them died. The paramedics said they propbably would have and it's a miracle they didnt. Before this happened, I'd had a really tough turn of events and whatnot and I really did not want to live anymore. But after the accident, I have learned to live life for every second and not take anything for granted. My girlfriend and her family are alive...a little banged up...but alive none the less and I couldn't be more thankful for that. [/size]
  3. [quote name='Mrs.kyo_sohma23][color=Magenta']I'm in a band I'm lead gutair and lead vocals. I also come up with styles!! I like ur song it rocks my pants!!![/color][/quote] [size=1]Thanks...but what song are you talking about? [/size]
  4. [size=1]Jake hears the bell and slowly walks to the front of the class and turns in his report. He waits for Allice to catch up and turn in hers. "God, what is Ms. Byers' problem?!" Jake said just loud enough for the teacher to hear. Ms. Byers shot a menacing look at him, but he just laughed it off. "She did seem to be in a really bad mood today." Allice whispered. The two of them walked on down the hall and into their next class, P.E. Allice was one of those girls who actually [b]liked[/b] P.E. It was so funny to see her out there with the guys, beating them at soccer or football. After PE, the two headed to lunch and sat under the large oak tree near the lunch room, where they always eat. They chatted about the normal things, plans after school with friends, current crushes, that sort of thing. When Allice asked Jake if he had a crush, he was hesitant to answer. "What's wrong, Jake?" Allice asked. "Oh, it's nothing...I don't know if I should tell you or not." Jake replied. "Well do I know her?" Allice wondered. "Yeah...oh screw this. Allice, my crush is you. It has been for quite a while." Jake finally answered. "Oh...I never would have guessed..." Allice said back, suprised. "Well Jake...to tell you the truth...after all we've been through, after all these years of us being friends...I think I've begun to love you too." Jake was speachless. He never would have thought, in a million years, that Allice would love him. He didn't know what to say so...he leaned forward and gave Allice a small kiss on the lips. He leaned back and just looked at her. Allice's eyes were still closed and when she slowly opened them, she locked eyes with him once more. [i]Ring, Ring.[/i] "Damn bell..." Jake cursed. "Jake...let's leave..." Allice suggested. "What do you mean Allice?" Jake asked, really confused. "I mean let's get out of here. Your car is right out in the front parking lot right? Let's drive off and be alone." Allice said, a sly smile forming. "I like the way you think!" Jake said. He got up and helped Allice to her feet. Then, they raced to Jake's little red corvette (haha don't sue me Prince!) and drove off to the near-by park. [/size]
  5. [size=1]I was wondering if anyone here on OB had a band of their own. If so, what's the genre, how many people, so on and so forth. My band is called [b]Tragedy Thought.[/b] We have been together for a little over a month and we're doing quite well with production and what not. Our sound is a little like The Used...some singing, lots of screaming. I am the lead singer/screamer, my friends Greg and Chris are the guitar, David is the bass, and Keith is on drums. [/size]
  6. [size=1][color=DarkRed]Well I, myself, am not the biggest rap fanatic, but there are a few things here and there I like. Jay-Z is one of the most revered and respected artists in hip hop history (haha HHH...sorry[img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/confused.gif[/img]) and I enjoy some of his work...couple that with a near creepy obsession with LP and here's my favorite Mash Up to date.[/color][/size]
  7. [quote name='CaptainAnarchy']they switched us from that terrible glam metal from the 80s to the awesome sounds of punk/grunge...[/quote] Which was indeed a well needed breath of fresh air, so to speak. Nirvana came along when the music scene needed them most and swept the nation. They are an inspiration to many up-and-coming bands (including mine, [b]Tragedy Thought[/b]), but even still...people need to let go of the fact that Nirvana is no more.
  8. I like some Nirvana, but I'm going with the rest. They are pretty overrated. I mean they [b]did[/b] revolutionize the "grunge" scene but still...give it a rest you obsessed people. It is a horrible lose for Kurt to have taken his own life...but it was his choice. He'll be greatly missed.
  9. I was wondering if anyone else had heard the Mash Up with Linkin Park and Jay-Z... I have become obsessed with this. It's a wonderful mix of both worlds of hip hop and nu-metal. The beats and lyrics flow perfectly and the mixes are masterful. My personal favorite mix is the 99 Problems/One Step Closer/Points of Authority mix. What's your thoughts on it? Here are some pic's I've found on the Collision Course Site: [img]http://www.lpjz.com/Pix/73DF9931.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.lpjz.com/Pix/72CF8764.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.lpjz.com/Pix/72CF8668.jpg[/img]
  10. [size=1]Jake woke up from his sleep a little groggy. He hadn't gotten to sleep until around 3:30 A.M due to the party his bandmates threw for the album hitting stores. Well he awoke and shuffled into the shower. He put in his [u]Shadow's Fall[/u] CD in the shower CD player and just let the water fall on top of him. He [b]really[/b] did not want to go to school today. After his shower, he walked down the stairs to find his mother sitting at the kitchen table with some orange juice and her book. She glanced up and bid Jake "Good Morning." Jake opened the cabinet, pulled out the toaster, then popped some waffles in and waited for them to finish. As they shot up, he grabbed some syrup from the counter and pour some onto his waffles. He then fixed himself some coffee and sat at the table across fromt his mother. "How'd you sleep, Jake?" His mother asked. "Eh, not too well. I couldn't fall asleep until like 3:30." Jake replied. "Well you better hurry to school or you will be late." sighed Anita(Jake's mom) and pointed to the clock on the wall. Jake shot up and ran for the door, leaving his breakfast on the table untouched. He grabbed his bookbag, ran to his car, and raced to school. As he arrived, the bell rang. "Damnit, late again!" Jake swore under his breath as he opened his car door. He ran to his first block class, which happened to be his most hated...Microbiology. His teacher, Ms. Byers, looked up from her desk and groaned as she looked back down at her attendance sheet. "That's the third time this month, Mr. Ward. I'll be giving you a detention." she scoffed. "Wha...fine." Jake said, not wanting a confrintation. As he sat at his desk, he glanced over to his lady friend, Allice. She locked eyes with him a smiled. He couldn't help but smile back. Allice had been Jake's crush since his freshman year. [b]OOC: Hope this is cool for an intro post. PM me if I need to change anything.[/b] [/size]
  11. Keep them coming guys, looking great. Right now I'll use Reise's. Epitome, your's is good too, but the font doesn't really fit the rest of the banner.
  12. [quote name='Sauce-head']I never said women are below men, I am talking about men (as individuals), an individual should always put himself/herself first, then friends and family, then relationships, most of the time, a relationship will end up not working[/quote] So you are saying that people should be selfish, rather than gentlemenly or gentlewomenly? What a [b]wonderful[/b] world you must live in. Listen kid, personally, I pay for the girl's drink/movie/dinner, whatever, because I choose to. It's called being a "Gentleman." Have you heard of this term? And Jamie(Methuselah) is right. As is Siren. You need to seriously re-evaluate your views on women and just conduct in general.
  13. I'm going to go with Alterbridge. Stapp's voice was so...God, I'm just gonna say I [b]really[/b] disliked it. They did, however, have decent songs here and there. I heard about the fans suing Creed due to Scott's onstage shenanagans(probably spelled that wrong but you know what I mean) and that made me laugh. So yes, Alterbridge get's my vote.
  14. I, too, really enjoy the Killer's music. "Somebody Told Me" is one of my favorite songs, and I [b]really[/b] want to buy their album...perhaps I'll get someone to burn it for me...
  15. I wasn't aware of the short budget this movie was on. It was an amazing movie for such a short amount of given money. Trastic is right. If I had known that it only had $1,000,000... I wouldn't have given it a low rating.
  16. Could someone make me a banner and avatar set of Jubei(sp?) from the movie Ninja Scroll? If you could, could you have a pic with his straw hat and have "Just a Vagrant..." in the bottom corner of the banner. For the avatar, just a pic of Jubei. Thanks again! EDIT!: Found a good pic to use. See Attachment
  17. [size=1][b]OOC: Sean...I'm back![/b][/size] [size=1][b]Name[/b]: Jake Ward [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Persoanlity[/b]: Jake is a pretty quiet kid. He keeps to himself most of the time, speaking to mainly a small group of close friends. Now this is Jake's [b]school[/b] self. When he gets a hold of a mic, God help the people around him. Along with his bandmates, [b]Tragedy Thought[/b] has become a booming underground hit. He pours all of his hidden emotions and struggles into his songs and releases his anger with his screaming. Recently, he has become more secluded and has basically cut himself off from the rest of the world outside of his band. The events that have occured recently have altered his view on people and life in general. [b]Appearance[/b]: See attachment [b]Person[/b]: Largely affected[/size] [b]OOC2: Hope this was okay.[/b]
  18. I went to see this movie with my girlfriend. [QUOTE][size=1][color=#4b0082]The actors, on the exception of one, are really good actors.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] I disagree with this. I thought that only one or two were good actors. The writer was, indeed, a great writer for this movie and i agree 110% that the plot twists were amazing. It kept me guessing for the entire movie. The ending was the best ending to a horror movie I've seen in a good while. So I'll give Saw a...how about a 7/10.
  19. Just to let ya know, this topic might get locked, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Just PM me or something.
  20. I love many types of music and this song called "November" by Silverstein is great. Fragile leaves hit the ground.The cold air drifts into my lungs.I see your face through the fog.Reminds me of the dreams you lost.I can see it in your eyes.You're broken down; your hands are tied.I can feel it in my side.Over and over and over I've tried.I can see it in your eyesYou're broken down; your hands are tied.And I know you cannot hide. Over and over and over I've tried.It broke my heart. It felt so good to see you.I've never been one to put my trust in.When did I become so weak, or have I always been? I can't put all this back in place.(Back in place)I can see it in your eyesYou're broken down; your hands are tied.I can feel it in my side.Over and over and over I've tried.I can see it in your eyesYou're broken down; your hands are tied.And I know you cannot hide. Over and over and over I've tried.This gaping hole in my chest is filled with deceit.I fear that all my cries fell upon deaf ears.I caress flesh with severed nerves. I go veiled in darkness and disease. This November swallows me whole.And this may be the closest thing that you'll ever receive to an apology. I close my eyes and I can see you dead.I close my eyes and I can see you dead.I close my eyes and I can see you dead.I close my eyes and I can see you dead.
  21. I don't think they are specifically gothic, but check out Slipknot. Now for the gothic, Shadows Fall, Mastadon, and Cradle of Filth are really good.
  22. Well I got really bored today so I decided to make me a quick Killswitch banner. Here it is: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/acikp[/IMG] Comments welcome!
  23. I agree with eternity. Just have a great time. If people laugh at you, then just ignore them and go on with the dancin'! I recently went to my girlfriend's high school's homecoming and the only dancing I can do right is slow dance, but when a techno song came on, I just had fun. I eventually resorted to a backflip or two, but in the end, it was great fun. So just have fun, be yourself, and go for it!
  24. Men are usually depicted as the Macho Men, as you stated, but that is because a vast majority of males you see in magazines, TV, and movies are quite built and that's what the women flock to. There are some males, like myself, that aren't the most built, aren't the most popular, and don't always get the girl. Girls...well most girls I know, think that the most attractive guys can treat them the best, but most of them are jackasses. Common misconception.
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