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Bullet Theory

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Everything posted by Bullet Theory

  1. Ben heard some commotion from the drink bar and ran over to see what was going on. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd and saw a skater on the ground with two guys leering over him. "Hey, what the hell is going on?" Ben asked as he walked up to big dude #1. "Nothing and if you don't wanna end up like him, you'd move on. Now beat it!" Big Dude #1. "And by the looks of things, you wanna end up like your little skater buddy here." laughed Bid Dude #2. He charged at Ben, but Ben mearly moved out of the way and tripped him. "Why you little bastard!" screamed Bid Dude #1. He, too, charged Ben, but this time Ben jumped and kicked him in the chest, sending him backwards. "Are you two quite finished?" Ben laughed, smirking.
  2. My username is based on my favorite song by Slipknot. It would be kinda hard to act like "The Nameless"...but it would be interesting. I think I'll try it on Monday at school. Muhahahaha! >_>
  3. [COLOR=Navy]Jake and Alexis drove to the closest grocery store to get some party foods and whatnot. "Okay what do we need?" Jake asked his wife. "Well we're gonna need the obvious things...chips, dip, soda, maybe a movie or two. Stuff like that." Alexis replied. "Alright then. I'll get the chips and dip and movies. You can go get the drinks." Jake suggested. "Okay." Alexis nodded. They went in seperate direction to gather the party goods. Jake got some Tostitos and salsa, and he got the movies Gothika and School of Rock. Everyone likes a good scary movie and a good comedy. Alexis got some Coca-Cola and Mountain Dew. After they bought their stuff, they headed back to their house and set up for the party. [/COLOR]
  4. Just to let you guys know, I'm not gonna say who is next to post in the [B]Destined Love: Returning Passion Underground[/B]. I'm just gonna let you guys go as you wish.
  5. A few years ago, Jacob and his friends were all hangin' out at McEachern High School. They always stuck together and protected eachother. Not too long after, there was the proposal. Jacob and Alexis were sitting in their special hide-away in the woods when he asked for her hand in marrige. She accepted. Well around 8 months later, they set their wedding date: October 14th. Many of their friends and family members showed up to watch them wed. A year later, Jacob and Alexis were sitting in a small coffee shop when they saw a familiar face. It was their old friend Imric. "Imric!" Jacob yelled. Imric looked around the cafe when he saw Jacob and Alexis. He almost toppled the table he was sitting at. "Jacob! Alexis! My god how long has it been??" Imric said. "Too long, Imric." Alexis said, giving him a hug. "Where's Sean?" "Oh, he had to be at a meeting." Imric sighed with a little sadness in his voice. "Well he needs to get his *** over here! Haha. When does the meeting end?" Jacob asked. He got Imric a chair and the three of them talked at the table. "At 3:30. Why?" Imric replied, puzzled. "Well how about you and Sean coming over to our house for dinner? What do ya say, ol' buddy?" Jacob suggested. "Well I guess it couldn't hurt. Of course!" Imric replied. "Alright then. What about...7:30? Is that okay with you?" Alexis asked. "That's perfect. We'll be there!" Imric said happily. After Imric had gone back to his table, Jake and Alexis got up to leave. They walked toward the door, waved good-bye to Imric, and went on their way. They headed toward the car and drove off.
  6. Yeah I suppose it's cool. If you get to where you can't use both people, then PM me or something and I'll get it straightened out. I suppose I'll go ahead and start it. Mike, if your signing up, you are the ONLY one who is allowed a late sign up. No one else may sign up. CLOSED EXCEPT FOR MIKE!
  7. I agree with Jamie 110%. Being "hyper off pixie sticks" is no reason for plagiarism. I, personally, think you should be banned for this flagrant plagiarising of Legendary Frog's work, but that's me and it's the Mod's decision.
  8. Alright guys, great sign ups. And Kayin, TJ can return. I'm going to let maybe two more people sign up then we'll get this thing underway.
  9. [quote name='Sword Breaker']Well, i decidede it wasn't worth me going through and re-editing everything, i decided to delete mypost, and drop out of this RP. Notihng againts you, im just incredibly lazy.[/quote] Dude, you could've just changed the first name. You didn't have to change the whole sign up...
  10. Okay kids. Settle down. Sword Breaker, in the original Destined Love, the character Imric was a gay man that ended up getting married to the character Sean. You can change your character's name if you wish, but its my fault. I should've specified the whole Imric-Sean Situation. Sorry again.
  11. [U][B][URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42892]Sign-Ups[/url][/B][/U] Here is where people that join can request for events to take place or ask questions. I'll be sure to answer them as best I can. Edit: I'll just let everyone post at their own will instead of keeping track of the next poster. Here is the list of members: Me- Jacob Ward Mai_Minase- Alexis Ward Yunsung- Conner Desmonds, Spencer Glacier Delirium- Andrew Larson Reise-Shaun Glacier Crucifix- Imric Kagushi Kayin- Takahiro "TJ" Jinrai
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]A few years ago, Jacob and his friends were all hangin' out at McEachern High School. They always stuck together and protected eachother. Not too long after, there was the proposal. Jacob and Alexis were sitting in their special hide-away in the woods when he asked for her hand in marrige. She accepted. Well around 8 months later, they set their wedding date: October 14th. Many of their friends and family members showed up to watch them wed. A year later, Jacob and Alexis were sitting in a small coffee shop when they saw a familiar face. It was their old friend Imric. "Imric!" Jacob yelled. Imric looked around the cafe when he saw Jacob and Alexis. He almost toppled the table he was sitting at. "Jacob! Alexis! My god how long has it been??" Imric said. "Too long, Imric." Alexis said, giving him a hug. "Where's Sean?" "Oh, he had to be at a meeting." Imric sighed with a little sadness in his voice. "Well he needs to get his *** over here! Haha. When does the meeting end?" Jacob asked. He got Imric a chair and the three of them talked at the table. "At 3:30. Why?" Imric replied, puzzled. "Well how about you and Sean coming over to our house for dinner? What do ya say, ol' buddy?" Jacob suggested. "Well I guess it couldn't hurt. Of course!" Imric replied. "Alright then. What about...7:30? Is that okay with you?" Alexis asked. "That's perfect. We'll be there!" Imric said happily. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/FONT][/COLOR] Alright here is where we begin. The RPG takes place in Georgia. (United States) I'm going to need an Alexis, Imric, and Sean. I'll be Jacob. [U]Sign Up Sheet:[/U] Name: Modern Relationship Status: Single/Dating/Married Gender: Male/Female Age: 20 - 23 Description: Picture or description. Either is good. Bio: Not too long, but not too short. 2 good paragraphs should do it. Make it post-high-school. Here's Jacob: [B]Name[/B]: Jacob(or Jake) Ward [B]Relationship Status[/B]: Married [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Age[/B]: 21 [B]Description[/B]: Jake is about...oh I'd say 5 foot, 9 inch tall. He has straight black hair. He has a fairly muscular build. His eyes are a deep brown, almost black. He wears a black Linkin Park tour T-shirt, baggy blue jeans, a Linkin Park wristband and a braided leather braclet. [B]Bio[/B]: After Jake graduated from McEachern, he and Alexis went on to get married. Afterwards, they settled down in a small town in Powder Springs. They live very happily. Jake works as the vice-president of a major record label, making a pretty steady salary. Alexis is a singer with the label that Jake works with. They were visiting a local coffee shop when Jake saw a old buddy from high school, Imric. They chatted for a while before Imric had to leave to take care of some small things. Jake and Alexis left and went home to prepare for the visit from Imric and Sean.
  13. Here I am, dude. [B]Name[/B]: Jake Ward [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Personality[/B]: Jake is a normal kid. He isn't insanely popular or a loner. He has a small group of really good friends and he would give his life for them in a moments notice. He is an average student, occasionally "Forgetting" to do his homework. [B]Biography[/B]: Jake used to be a great student. He would always do his homework and get A's on all of his tests. That is until he met Alexis. When they met during his first year, his world made a complete 180. Him and Alexis were good friends and one day Jake asked Alexis out. She accepted. After about 7 months, they both decided it might be easier for them to break up. They still remain friends though. Jake is a very avid soccer player. He lives and breaths the game. He always dreaded being taken out of a game, even if it was due to an injury. One day at school, he saw a flyer for the school's soccer team. He jumped at the opportunity to play and ended up being the starting goal keeper. He loves it. [B]Appearance[/B]: Jake is about...oh I'd say 5 foot, 9 inch tall man. He has straight black hair. He has a fairly muscular build. His eyes are a deep brown, almost black. He wears a black Linkin Park tour T-shirt, baggy blue jeans, a Linkin Park lristband and a braided leather braclet. [B]Class[/B]: 3F2 DAMNIT! Sorry, I forgot to wait 'til it was equal. I appologize, Sean.
  14. Ben heard the announcement for the big party over the radio. He looked over to Chase and his eyes widened. "Dude, this could be my big chance! I could finally get some respect!" Ben said. "Go for it man. To Miami Beach!" Chase said and popped in Green Day's [B]American Idiot[/B] Cd into the CD player. Once they arrived at the beach, they gazed upon the half pipe as a girl came crashing down. He heard some guy laughing at her, so Ben walked over to him after everyone had cleared. "What's your problem? Just because that girl bailed doesn't give you the right to laugh at her." Ben said. With that, the skater just walked off without saying anything. [I]"Ah, f**k you buddy. I'm goin' to that pipe."[/I] Ben thought to himself. He climbed up to the top and saw his idol on the other side...Bob Burnquist. His jaw dropped. Bob nodded to Ben and they both dropped in. Ben got some decent speed, doing a simple 360 indy. He saw Bob out of the corner of his eye do the same thing. Ben then got some pretty good speed and pulled a varial kickflip. Bob followed suit. Ben got a huge grin on his face as he got as much speed as he could and pulled off his own move, the Finisher. It's a 540 melon into a Indy. The crowd went nuts and Ben just hopped off of his board and walked over to Bob. "It was great skating with you. You're my idol." Ben said. "Well it's great to meet a fan. You're a great skater. What's your name, kid?" Bob asked. "Ben...Ben Ward." Ben replied. "Alright. I'll keep that in mind." Bob said. After that, they skated off in different directions. Ben found Chase at the front of the crowd. "DUDE! That was a sick run!" He yelled. "I know! Bob Burnquist, THE Bob Burnquist, asked for my name and stuff. It was great." Ben said.
  15. Name- Everyone calls him..."Guy" Age- 15 Gender- Male Personality- Guy, as he is known, is almost always hyper. He can't stay still and is always bouncing off the walls...quite literally. His apartment is fully padded so he can jump around. When he is not completly hyper, he is usually running around playing soccer. He is a nice guy that can stop leaf with the mear stomp of his foot. Weapon- Well...Guy doesn't really have a weapon...he just jumps on people. Appearance- Guy is about...oh I'd say 5 foot, 6 inch tall man. He has straight black hair. He has a fairly muscular build. His eyes are a deep brown, almost black. He wears a black Linkin Park tour T-shirt, baggy blue jeans, a Linkin Park wristband and a braided leather braclet. Bio- Guy grew up in a foster home because both of his parents were arrested for assisting a famous leaf in an attempt to overthrow the city's government. He went from foster family to foster family, all not being able to afford the repair fees for his constant wall-jumping. After a few years, he was finally sent to a trampoline testing facility. The foster people figured he would be most at home here. He slept in the padded apartment in the basement of the facility. He earned a pretty good living, getting paid $55 for every trampoline he passed during his inspection. After a month or two, Guy got wind of a new leaf crime-lord rising up. "I won't stand this! The leaves must be stopped!" From then on, Guy vowed to stomp on all leaves he crossed paths with. He decided to join the Cookie Avengers because he thought that they could help his sacred quest. Speciality- Stops rampaging leaves from destroying the city! Tell me if I need to change anything.
  16. Ben was drifting down the sidewalk when his cell phone rang. It was his friend Chase. "Dude! Where are you?! We're leaving in 10 minutes for Florida! GET THE HELL TO MY HOUSE!" He screamed. "Okay, okay. Settle down, man. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'm just over by the Wal-Mart to get a CD real quick." Ben replied. "W-What? Oh fine, get your CD. Just hurry up." Chase said. "Alright then. Later" Ben then hung up his phone. He strolled down to the CD's and found what he was looking for, the new Papa Roach CD- [B]Getting Away With Murder[/B]. After Ben got his Cd, he skated over to Chase's house. They gathered their stuff, and Ben got the keys to his truck. "Let's go!" Ben yelled as he tried to start the truck. He turned the key...but nothing happend. He tried again, but still nothing. "Damn battery! It's dead." Ben yelled. "Ben, you gotta have a fresh battery in your damn truck!" Chase said. "We'll just take my car." Ben and Chase got in Chase's old beat-up Bronco and drove off.
  17. Damn Maggot_Juice, that sucks. My friends house had a huge tree fall right down the middle of it. They are staying at my house until it gets fixed/they find a new home. There is another hurricane on the way, Jean i think. That's four in less than a month. It's insane!
  18. I'm happy because me and my girlfriend got to see eachother yesterday! (We go to different schools so we can only see eachother on the weekends). Not even that damn Hurricane Ivan made me sad. My umbrella breaking at school in the pouring rain...that was just fun.
  19. [B]Project Name[/B]: Project Ryu-3 [B]Name[/B]: Neru Kami [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/1-7.htm]Neru[/URL] [B]Transformed Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.fictionalworlds.com/forgotrealms/CREATURES/RED%20DRAGON.jpg]Dragon Neru[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Neru is a easy going guy. He's the one that his friends go to to talk to about their problems. He is always willing to help people in need. [B]Home Colony[/B]: China Zero [B]Battle Specialty[/B]: Hand to Hand [B]Weapons[/B]: [U]Quarterstaff - Jakashi[/U] [U]Gloves that can control fire[/U] [B]Phyiscal Ability[/B]: [U]Top speed: 75 mph Max Arm Strength: 4 tons. Max Leg Strength: 2.5 tons[/U] [B]Special Abilities[/B]: [U]Teleportation Fire Blast Angelic Transformation[/U] [B]Spirit Partner[/B]: [URL=http://www.fictionalworlds.com/forgotrealms/CREATURES/RED%20DRAGON.jpg]Red Dragon[/URL]
  20. [B]Name[/B]: Ben Ward [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Hometown[/B]: Atlanta, GA [B]Bio[/B]: When Ben was young, his parents signed him up for the "ordinary" sports, like baseball, but he wanted no part of it. One day while at school, he noticed come kids skating. He was entranced in the sport from then on. He always wanted to ask his parents to buy him a board, but was afraid to. He finally built up the courage to ask, and his parents didn't blow up, like he feared. They said that they would buy him one THAT DAY. He was so excited. They drove to the nearest Ambush and he began scanning the shelves. Then he saw it...his board...the Darkstar deck. From then on he had taught himself how to skate and has competed in a few comps. Now that he is 17, he has driven around to many skate parks and one day he saw a flyer. "Skate Comp - Miami - All skaters welcome." He went home, packed some essentials, and bid farewell to his parents. He was off to skate in Miami. [B]Description[/B]: [URL=http://www.e-lisa.at/e-lisa/downloads/presse/jkg/skater.jpg]Ben[/URL] [B]Board[/B]: [URL=http://skateamerica.com/sa/images/100002741.jpg]Ben's Deck[/URL]
  21. [QUOTE=Magdalena][size=1] No, I'd have to say that Yellowcard and LostProphets are definatly on the same level, the level called "Emo." [/size][/QUOTE] I do not think that that statement is entirely true. Yellowcard is a pop-punk band with an added element of the viola/violin. LostProphets, however, is a more rock-punk band from the UK. But back to the poll. I love both bands, but I'm going to go with LostProphets on this one. Their music isn't repetitive. Their debut album, [B]The Fake Sound of Progress[/B] was very successful in the UK before coming over to the US. One thing that made me angry with the United States when the LostProphets came over is that they began making them mainstream with their 2nd album, [B]Start Something[/B]. Also, when the video for Last Train Home came out, MTV featured it on the Advanced Warning show. Who are we to call one of the biggest UK bands a "Advanced Warning" band? They were HUGE in the UK. Well there's my rant, thanks for reading.
  22. NERD is a great band in my opinion. The way they blend rap, R n' B, and Rock together is amazing and a breath of fresh air to the industry.
  23. [B]Name[/B]: Paul Feanor [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/2-9.htm]Paul(without the wings)[/URL] [B]Weapon[/B]: A Light Maul with spikes on one end of the hammer. [B]Starting Magic[/B]: -[U]Enflame[/U]- Paul summons a small fireball and shoots it at the target -[U]Cumbust[/U]- Ignites the target in flames for a few seconds -[U]Energengo [/U] (pronounced en-er-jang-oh)- Paul's body is engulfed in flames for a short while, increasing his physical abilities. [B]Bio[/B]: Paul was born to a middle class family in south-west America. Once in a while, he would sneek out at night and train under a martial arts master known as Tatsuki. Paul trained with his sensei for many years...until one day. The two were sparring and all of a sudden, there was a crash at the front of the room. 5 men came and destroyed everything. These weren't normal men though, they looked as if they were dead. After they ransacked the place, they came for Paul. They were mumbling "This is one of Archeron's targets...destroy..." Paul knew he was in trouble so he and Tatsuki tried to flee, but they grabbed Tatsuki before he could escape. They killed Paul's sensei right before his eyes. He swore revenge.
  24. It's not too late. You can join, too! I'll keep the sign-ups open until the 15th.
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