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Bullet Theory

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Everything posted by Bullet Theory

  1. Jake watched in amazement as he saw the blade of the sword flash and slice the plastic open. He walked over to Amy. "That was amazing!" Jake told her. "Thanx!" Amy yelled. "Oh, sorry. I forgot you had the CD player. I'll stop bothering you so you can listen." Jake replied. Amy took the headphones off. "No, its fine. You wanna listen to it too?" Amy suggested and motioned for Jake to sit next to her. He walked over and sat down. "Sure. Whatcha got?" Jake asked. (OOC: Don't know what kinda music you like so I'm gonna say Seether. Sorry if you don't like them.) "Seether." Amy told him. "I love Seether!" Jake yelled. She gave him the left headphone and they listened to Sold Me. He saw her hand down on the floor near his. [I]I guess it's not or never...[/I] He thought. Jake slowly moved his hand to hers. He placed his hand on her's and looked at her. They stared into eachother's eyes for a second or two. Amy turned her hand over and held Jake's.
  2. Name: Jac (pronounded Jase) Andrus Race: Archangel Order: Chaos Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/4-7.htm]Jac[/URL] Weapon: One [COLOR=DarkRed]blood red[/COLOR] bladed Katana Abilities: Holy Ember- Jac summons a fire storm and rains meteors down on the enemy. Summoner- Jac summons Encania, a fire entity to assist him in battle.
  3. here is a song i call save me: V1- im losing im fading im drowning the awakening has brought me back to where i was running from now its over im gone now this hell has taken over and ive fought to change who ive become CH- why will no one save me? help give me back the life they've stolen why will no one save me? and help me up when i have fallen... ive fallen again v2- Now im alone so far gone and so damn cold all that ive kept inside me is about to unfold ill stop this by myself ill stop this on my own all alone and wondering why... then the chorus and V1 whatcha think?
  4. Jacob woke up for a few seconds while he was being wheeled into the ER. He saw Alexis and looked into her eyes. He held out his hand for her as the door closed. As the doctors took him to the emergency room, he let out a single tear. He thought that he had let Alexis down by not being able to fight off Eddie and his gang. He wasn't strong enough to protect her... [I]Why couldn't I fight them? Am I not able to protect her? I don't deserve Alexis...[/I] After this thought he slipped back out of conscienceness. In the room, the doctors places an IV in Jacob's arm. His pulse began to decrease...as did his breathing...Jacob was fading fast. His pulse flatlined. "Oh no! Get the refibulator! CLEAR!" The doctor sent a shock through Jacob's chest...nothing. "CLEAR!" Still nothing. "CLEAR! C'MON COME BACK TO US!!" Beep.....beep......beep...beep...beep Jacob's heart started back up. He was still alive.
  5. Here's a poem I wrote last night Here in the dark I'm all alone My heart and my soul are black and cold These images in my head are vauge These thoughts about this are just a plauge Nothing here is helping me I wish to be able to be free I'm searching for my Lost Breath And suffocating as I search for my death How is it?
  6. okay. listen. if you go to [I][B]RECRUITMENT[/B][/I], then you will see that the signing up for Destined Love has been closed. Since you are new, I'll tell you this...CHECK THE RECRUITMENT THREAD FIRST! As you hae probably noticed, we were RIGHT in the middle of a serious scene in the story and you my friend have completly messed this up. I thank you for screwing up the entire mood of the scene with your insolence, now Members of DL, if you will please continue with the story. Thanks again, happyjoyjoy0011, for ruining the mood. Now don't do it again. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  7. Jacob had almost no strength left in his body. He sacrificed his body for Alexis. Now he will sacrifice his energy for Shaun. "We need to get him some help right away..." Jacob whispered. Alexis ran to his side. "You need as much as he does!" She said. "Alexis, are you ok?" Jacob asked. That's all he wanted to know. "Yes, I'm fine but you need to get to the emergency room!" Alexis sobbed. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. Jacob placed his hand on her face. "Alexis, I'll be...fine..." Jacob then fainted. "Jacob!" Alexis cried. "Please wake up! We need you...I need you!" She shook his shoulders trying to wake him up, but to no avail. She began to cry out and dropped her head onto Jacob's chest, her hair grazing his left hand. Just then the medics came and put Jacob and Shaun on stretchers. There were two different ambulances, one for Jacob, one for Shaun. Imric and Alexis went to the respecive ones. Alexis held Jacob's hand and cried.
  8. "Nice to meet you too." Jake said as he shook her hand and stood up. He streched and popped his back. "Ah, that felt good!" "Haha, I bet." Amy laughed. (OOC: wow captain obvious eh Sean?) "Well I suppose we can try and find the others...if there are any." Amy suggested. "Good plan." Jake replied. Amy and Jake ventured into the dark store and searched for other people. They saw two people heading toward the CD rack. "HEY!" Jake yelled. "What the...who are you?" Shaun asked. "My name's Jake. And you are?" Jake said.
  9. Alexis and Jacob decided to chase him thru the forest. As they raced off, TJ, Mitch, and Shaun and Imric got in with Spence and drove off. Jacob was a little nervous. "Alexis, I want you to run if things get too heated, ok?" Jacob asked. "I'm gonna stick with you, Jacob. I'm not leaving you." Alexis replied. Jacob skid to a stop and so did Alexis. "Alexis, please. I can't let you get hurt...I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Please, get out of there if things get too rough." Jacob begged. "Okay, fine." Alexis nodded. The two raced off and found themselves in a clearing. 4 Thugs came out from different areas. "Well this is it, baby. Let's kick their asses." Jacob said. He went into a fighting stance and motioned for the thugs to bring it. Three of them jumped at Jacob. He ducked one of them but the other two hit him hard from behind. The fourth went for Alexis but she kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. She ran to Jacob to help him but two of the thugs held her back. They weren't after her, it was Jacob they wanted. "Let me go!" Alexis screamed but they held on. Meanwhile, Jacob was trying to fight off the other two thugs. He would kick one, then punch the other and just go back and forth. It ended up taking more out of Jacob than the thugs. He became too tired and the thugs saw this and quadrouple-teamed him. Alexis tried to help but one of the thugs threw her back. Jacob managed to look to her to mouth "Run..." Alexis didn't want to but she knew she had no choice. With tears in her eyes, she turned and ran. Before she did, she whispered... [I]"I'm so sorry."[/I]
  10. Jake was sitting down on the end of an isle when he got his CD player out and turned it on. He had Cold's [I]Year of the Spider[/I] Album. He turned it up to max volume and closed his eyes... [I]And every time it rains...I feel her holding me...[/I] "Wonderful. I'm trapped in this god forsaken store. I wonder if anyone else is here..." Jake thought to himself. He opened his eyes and noticed a shadow coming towards him. "Guess so." He mearly closed his eyes again and disregarded it. He felt a tap at his shoulder. Jake opened his eyes and looked up. "Someone came up on the intercom and told us to head to the back of the store. You comin'?" the shadow asked. "Yeah, I suppose." Jake replied. "Oh, by the way, I'm Jake."
  11. Name: Jake Ward Age: 19 Country: Britain Line Of Work: Admiral Bio: Jake was born right outside of London to a wealthy family of a British father and a Chinese mother. He appears to be more Chinese than British. When he was growing up, he got whatever he wanted...whether it be rifle lessons or piano lessons...he got it. By the age of 15, he decided he wanted to join the British Military. He was sent to boot camp and recieved the basic training. He learned how to shoot a rifle, strategize, and move swiftly. After a few years in the service, he was promoted to the Lutiniet(no idea how to spell it) and eventually he became an Admiral. He has been commanding the forces for a little over two years. Appearance: [URL=http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy8/kamikaze04.jpg]Jake[/URL]
  12. here's some more: [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/reijinmusic/anime%20avatar.PNG[/IMG] This is an avatar i made to go with... [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/reijinmusic/RPG%20dude.png[/IMG] this banner. The boarder is kinda messed up but oh well.
  13. "I'll go but you're not paying for me. I never let anyone pay for anything for me. I'll pay for Alexis." Jacob replied. "Jacob you're not paying for me. That's the end of it." Alexis told him. "Yeah I am! You don't have to pay for anything." Jacob said. "Jacob..." Alexis started. "Nope! I'm paying for you." Jacob said before she could go on. "Fine." Alexis sighed. "...Jacob...I'm paying for everyone." TJ said. Jacob looked at him and shook his head. OOC: Sorry it's so short. Can't think of anything.
  14. Family Guy is my favorite cartoon and I can't wait for season four. I have seasons one and two on DVD and the episodes are great. I'm planning on purchasing season three tomorow.
  15. This is my favorite CD out of the many that i own. The music is great and Corey's(lead singer) vocal range has seriously improved sinse the last two albums. My favorite songs are Before I Forget and The Nameless(obviously).
  16. These are a few banners I made with the GIMP Program. They're not that good because I was sitting there for an hour and a half trying to figure the damn thing out. Here they are (I know they suck): My Current One: [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/reijinmusic/resize.png[/IMG] Pillar Banner: [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/reijinmusic/Pillar%20Banner.GIF[/IMG] (was a JPEG and I switched it to a GIF so the color quality got messed up) Inverted Beware: [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/reijinmusic/untitled.PNG[/IMG] What do you kids think? EDIT: I found a Chevelle Invert that I made [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/reijinmusic/chevelle2.png[/IMG]
  17. wow. that's a great song. it flowed very well throughout the whole thing. very nice indeed. *applause*
  18. OOC: Haha! The Shotgun! AH!!! You dare tag me?? HAVE YOU NO BRAIN WORMS?!?!(Invader Zim line). Oh, i'll shut up and post IC: Jacob checked the ball into Alexis and smiled. "You told me not to hold back, and I don't intend to. Just a fore-warning." Jacob said. Alexis glared at him. "I won't either." She took basketball very seriously and doesn't mess around when she plays, not even against her own fiance. Jacob saw that she wouldn't hold anything back so he was going to play his ass off. As was she. Well the game got underway and Alexis drove for the net and went for a lay up. Jacob blocked it and got the rebound. He dribbled it back to the 3-point line and took a fade-away jump shot. *Shwoosh* "3 zip, baby. You wanna play first to 5 baskets?" Jacob smiled. "Not for long, honey. Sure that sounds fine." Alexis snapped back. He checked the ball back in to Alexis. She faked a drive and made a shot for 2. She just smiled at him. She checked the ball to Jacob and he dribbled it between her legs and did a 360 dunk. "BAM!" Jacob yelled in victory. "It's not over just yet, Jacob. Don't get cocky." Shaun reminded him. OOC: TAG...whoever wants to post next!
  19. Ok just posting to tell everyone that Delirium has decided to come back!! WHOO HOO!! So Jamie, now you don't have to sweat playing two characters.
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hakuro awoke to his favorite song, "Rain Song" by Cold. He threw the blanket aside and stretched. He let out a loud yawn and headed downstairs. He opened the pantry...no food. Fridge...no food. "Damnit! We have no food again!" Hakuro groaned. Hakuro went back upstairs and hopped into the shower. He brought his stereo with him so he could listen to music in the shower. He's always done this. After his shower, he quickly got dressed. He grabbed his trusty A.D.I.D.A.S hat and his cd player. He put in Slipknot's "Vol. 3 - The Subliminal Verses" album in. He turned it all the way up as he headed towards the school.[/COLOR] OOC: sorry its so short
  21. Jacob, Alexis, TJ, Mitch, and Imric all waited for Shaun to show up. Imric stood against the fence, looking at his watch. [I]"Where is he??"[/I] Imric thought to himself. Jacob saw Imric's worried look and walked over to him. "You okay man?" Jacob asked. He put his hand on Imric's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just worried." Imric replied. "Shaun?" Jacob asked again. "You're good." Imric fake laughed. "Well let's get some practice in, shall we?" TJ suggested. "Sounds good to me." Mitch replied. Throwing the ball to TJ, "One on one real quick, TJ?" Jacob asked. "Haha. It's your funeral." TJ retorted. "Keep talkin'. You'll see." Jacob snapped back. TJ passed the ball into Jacob. Jacob began dribbling and started pulling street moves. He went to go to the left of TJ, but faked back and threw the ball backwards through his legs. "Whose funeral?" Jacob laughed.
  22. OOC: alright here we go! Jake: Yeah, I'm fine...Dad...calm down. Dad: :mad: :mad: Jake: ...Don't worry about Kyle. He's mine. Mom: Jake, you can't take revenge on your brother. Jake: WHAT? He attacked me with a Machoke!!! Dad: Jake. Take him down. OOC: can't think of anything else at the moment. sorry
  23. Jake: Oh, yea. I forgot about that! Andrea: Smooth move, Jake. Jake: Haha. You got a cell on ya? Andrea: Yeah, hold on. *Gets cell phone out of her purse and hands it to Jake* Jake: Thanks. *ring ring* Jake's Mom: Hello? Jake: Hey mom. Mother: Hey. Where are you calling from? I don't recognize the number. Jake: My girlfriend's cell phone. Listen I gotta-- Mom: GIRLFRIEND!? How cute! Jake: Mom listen. I'm in the hospital! Mom: WHAT?!?!?!?! WHY?!?! Jake: Kyle sicked his Machoke on me and messed with my girlfriend. I've broken my arm and tore a ACL in my knee.
  24. where can i find a download for GIMP or do you have to buy it?
  25. OOC: Okay, good news. Crucifix has agreed to play both Imric and Alexis. I owe you one, Jamie! IC: Jacob went to the closet to get Mitchel a pallet set up. He brought out a small cot and a comforter and some pillows. "Is this ok, Mitchel?" Jacob asked. "Yes, this is fine. Thank you." Mitchel replied. "Your fiance is..." "Pretty? This I know." Jacob said. They began to laugh. "So what brings you here Mitch? Is it okay if I call you that?" "Yeah, it's cool. Just some problems at home." Mitch said. "Oh, I see." Jacob replied. --THE NEXT AFTERNOON - Saturday-- There was a ring of the doorbell. It was TJ. "Hey man! Come in." Jacob let him in and introduced him to Mitchel. "Nice to meet you, TJ." Mitch extended his hand for TJ to shake. "Likewise." TJ replied, shaking Mitch's hand.
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