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Bullet Theory

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Everything posted by Bullet Theory

  1. OOC: This'll be my last post so other people can post. I'm not quiting the RP I'm just letting others join back in. Jake: Yes it will, but right now I don't want to think about Kyle. All I want to do is be here with you. *Jake takes Andrea's hand in his* Andrea: I feel the same way. *She places her other hand on top of his* I love you Jake. Jake: I love you, too. Jake sat up and scooted over so Andrea could lay beside him on the hospital bed. He put the arm he could use around her and she laid her head on his chest and put her hand on his stomach. She began to cry. Andrea: I was so scared, Jake. I was so worried about you. I don't know what I would do without you.
  2. The next thing Jake sees is Andrea asleep in a hospital chair beside him. Jake: And...no. I better not wake her. Andrea awakens anyway. Andrea: Jake! *gets up and throws her arms around his neck* You're awake! Jake: Haha. That I am. What's the diagnosis? Andrea: The doctor said that you have a broken arm and a torn ACL in your knee. Jake: Oh...that's why I can't feel my leg. Gotcha...TORN ACL!?!?!?!?!? Oh, bloody hell. Kyle will pay for this. Andrea: Jake don't move. You're in no condition to be moving around...let alone fighting your brother. Jake: *lays his head back on the pillow and sighs* I'm sorry. Andrea: For what? You did nothing wrong. Jake: Yes I did. I shouldn't have fought him. I almost got you hurt and I'll never forgive myself...or Kyle. He's not my brother. He's not a person to me anymore. Andrea: Jake...
  3. Jake: Y..yeah, I'm fine. Are you? Where's Kyle?!?! Andrea points to Kyle who's doubled over in pain. Jake: *Raises Eyebrow* Nice! As Jake says this, he falls to one knee and grasps his arm. It's broken. Andrea: Jake?! Are you ok?! The group hears Andrea scream and rushed over to her and sees Jake on his knee. Tomiko: What happened?! Are you ok Jake?!?! Jake: Kyle attacked me with his Machoke. It slammed me shoulder 1st into the tree. I'll be fine though. Andrea: We have to get you to a doctor right away! The group runs into the house to tell Mamimi's mom what happened, leaving Jake and Andrea alone. Jake struggled to get to his feet. Andrea helps him up. Jake: I'm sorry. If I didn't storm off, none of this would've happened. I put you in harm's way because of my stupidity. I'm so sorry. *cringe* Andrea: Jake, don't say that. None of this was your fault. Now we have to get you to the hospital. Jake: *walking toward the house* No, I'm fine. I don't need...to go to...the... Jake couldn't finish his sentence. He passed out.
  4. Jake: I'm glad they're getting along. Andrea: Yeah, me too. Jake put his arm around Andrea and she did the same. He looked into her eyes and smiled. Jake: *whispers* I love you, Andrea. I always have. Andrea: I love you too, Jake. Nikki: Haha. Look at those two, Mamimi. Two love birds. Mamimi: Haha. Jake: Oh, Andrea I wanted to show you something. Let's go over here. Jake led Andrea over to a tree where no one when paying attention. Andrea: What's up, Jake? Jake took Andrea's hands into his own and leaned forward. Jake then kissed Andrea. When he leaned back Andrea's eyes were wide. Jake: I love you.
  5. Name: Trowa Barton Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Same as normal...He now stands at 6' 3" Mech: Trowa's new mech is much like his old Heavyarms. It is a modifies Taurus with a double gatling gun on one arm and a single on the other. It has a beam sabre with a blue beam on its back. He found it while on a drive in the country. He heard rumors about a damages Taurus being found in a forest while he stopped by a local bar. He found it, remodeled it, painted it a Dark Red color, and bought the designed the weaponry himself. Country: L3 Colony Personality: Trowa is a very quiet man. He is also a gentleman. He keeps to himself as much as possible. Bio: When Trowa battled using his Heavyarms Custom that one Christmas Eve, he was at his piloting best. After the dust settled over that battle, Trowa and the others destroyed their Gundams for good. They would never need to battle again...or so they thought. During the two years of peace, Trowa was working in the circus and making good money. Once he heard of the war breaking out, Trowa knew that he would have to suit up once more. One day, he left without warning, leaving only a note: [I]I have left to fight. I'll come back for you, Catherine. Trowa[/I]
  6. Jake: *bends down to pet Vulpix* Nice thinking, Vulpix. Vulpix: Vulpix-VUL. Nikki: You two...are going out...since when?? Andrea: Well, Jake asked me out on the way to the gym. Jake: Yeah, well she said yes and..well yea. Here we are now...why do you look so sad, Tomiko?
  7. Avatar: What is it? It's kinda creepy whatever it is! Haha. Banner: Very well done. Edges are nice and smooth. The flower in the background was a great idea. It matches nicely with the whole banner. Great Job
  8. Jake: Kyle, I've told you to stop calling me that. Kyle: Oh, what's the matter? Afraid of being embarrased in front of you lady friend? Oh, and she's a cute one too. *goes to grab her hand but she pulls it back* Jake: *punches Kyle* Don't touch Andrea! Kyle:*gets up* Nice little bro. You've gotten stronger. But that's too bad...GO ONIX! Onix: Onnnix! Jake: So you're going to sick your Pokemon on me? Too afraid to fight me yourself? Kyle: *face turns red* THAT'S IT! ONIX RETURN! Jake you're mine! *jumps at Jake* Jake: *flips Kyle over his head* Nice try, bro. I'm too quick. Kyle: Not for my friends! Thug #1 and 2 pull Jake off of Kyle and hold him by his arms. Kyle: Not so tough now are ya, Jakey-boy? *punches Jake in the stomach* Jake: *cough* Gotta have your thugs hold me down, do you? Kyle:...Let him go. I'll take care of him. Jake: You'll try to. Kyle: That's it! *throws a punch* Jake: *grabs Kyle's fist and shoulder and takes him to the ground* I told you, Kyle. You can't fight me! Andrea: Jake stop! Jake hold Kyle for another second or two and let's him go. He walks over to Andrea and puts his arm around her waist. Jake: Don't mess with me anymore Kyle. This was a warning. Jake and Andrea walk back to Mamimi's house. Nikki, Mamimi, and Tomiko: :eek: What happend?!? Jake: Kyle tried to mess with Andrea so I fought him. Nikki: I see. Why is your arm around Andrea...? Jake: Well..um...
  9. Jake: *face still red with anger and gritting his teeth* If you ladies will excuse me...I have to run a quick errand...I'll be right back. Jake stands up and walks toward the door. Andrea grabs his wrist. Andrea: You're not going anywhere. I know you too well. You're going to find your brother, aren't you? Jake: Yes I am, Andrea. Now if you will let me go, I've got to talk to him. Andrea: *tightens grip and glares* Sit down, Jake. Jake: Andrea...let go of me...now. Andrea: *tightens grip even more* Sit...down...now. Jake: Andrea if you don't release my hand you're going to have to come with me. Andrea: Fine then, I'll go along with you. Jake and Andrea walk out of the house and down the porch steps. Andrea: Jake, please. Don't get in trouble. Jake: Fine, whatever. Andrea: *walks in front of Jake, stopping him* Promise me. Jake: *sigh* I promise. With that, Jake and Andrea walk toward the gym. Jake stops Andrea and looks into her eyes. Andrea blushes a little. Andrea: What is it, Jake? Jake: Andrea..I need to tell you something. I...I really like you...and I was wondering if I could have the honor of calling you my girlfriend... OOC: All your's Foxtu
  10. [B]OOC: Sorry for the massive absense[/B] Trowa ran off to join Quatre and Wu Fei and looked back at Releena. He looked back ahead of him just in time to run smack into Quatre. "Oh sorry man. Didn't see ya." Trowa said. "Haha it's ok Trowa." Quatre replied, helping Trowa up. "Thanks. That Releena is starting to creep me out...what about you guys?" Trowa asked. "Same here." Wu Fei agreed. "C'mon you two. She's fine. She means no one any harm." Quatre told them. [B]OOC2: Sorry its so short. I'm really tired.[/B]
  11. The group finishes their meal and heads out. Andrea releases Pidgy and feeds it. Everyone is now set to go to Mamimi's mother's house. They walk in a clutter. Jake is between Andrea and Tomiko. Those three were in front of Nikki and Mamimi. Mamimi: Here we are. Jake looked up at the house. It was a simple two story house; tan with grey shutters. Mamimi went up to the door and rang the doorbell. Her mom answered the door. Mamimi's mother: Hello. Oh! Hello everyone. Mamimi, aren't you going to introduce me? Mamimi: Oh, yes. Mom this is Jake, Andrea, Nikki, and Tomiko. Everyone, this is my mom. Jake: Nice to meet you. Mamimi's mom: *whispers to Mamimi* That boy is pretty handsome...he'd make a good boyfriend. Mamimi: MOM! With that, Mamimi blushes slightly. Everyone enters the house and sits in the living room. The news is on the T.V. Anchorman: Welcome to the 6 o'clock news. Today, the Veridian gym leader was defeated by a young man by the name of Kyle Ward. Andrea: Kyle Ward...is he a relative of yours? Jake's face was a fire-red. Jake: THAT KYLE!!! He's always trying to beat me at everything. He's my brother. Nikki: I never knew you had a brother...
  12. Jake: I'll take them if anyone needs to get healed. Nikki: Mine's fine. Timiko: Same here. Jake: Alright then. Let's eat! The group walks into the restaurant and sit at a open table. The waiter comes over. Waiter: Hey there. Welcome to Veridian Cafe. What will everyone have to drink? Jake: I'll have an ice tea. Andrea: Coke, please. Timiko: Coke for me too, please. Nikki: I'll have a Sprite. Mamimi: Dr. Pepper. Waiter: Alright. Is everyone ready to order or do you need more time? Jake: I'm ready what about you girls?
  13. OOC: Haha. Jake is in quite the traveling group now isn't he? Jake: You...you shut up! *blushes* Mamimi: Aw...he's blushing! Jake: Oh, be quiet. What's the big deal with me being surrounded by beautiful ladies? I have NOOO problem. Do you girls? *puts arms around the ladies* Andrea: Jake...what are you doing? *blushes slightly* Jake: Nothing! Just getting to know everyone. Speaking of which, is anyone else hungry? I hear there's a great restaurant in Veridian. I'll buy everyone some food. Sound good? Nikki: Sounds great! I am a little hungry. Timiko: *whispers to Andrea* Do you have a crush on Jake? He's kinda cute...
  14. I think what you have now is a great idea. A skating RPG is a wonderful idea in my eyes. I have been hoping one would surface for sometime now. So, yeah I think that you have a great RPG in the works.
  15. Hey there. My RPG, Destined Love, has lost one of it's members and I was wondering if someone could take her place. She played the part of Alexis, the main character's fiance. Since the member backed out, I have had to place DL on hold. Could someone please help me out and take her place? I would be greatly in your debt.
  16. Name: Haruko Shizami Age: 24 Gender: Male Class: Assassin Weapon: Katana, Throwing knives Alliance: Overlords Partner: Haruko works alone... Personality: Haruko is a quick man, he's here one minute, there the next. You can never seem to be able to communicate with him because you can't find him! When Haruko is around people, he seems to be the perfect gentlemen: Suave(sp?), Polite...just gentlemenly. When he is working...that is a completly different story. Haruko is known as the "Great Assassin." Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/8-5.htm]The Great Assassin[/URL] History: Haruko was born into a wealthy family. He got whatever he wished, whether it be Swordsmanship lessons or piano lessons. Although he was surrounded by money and was living the easy life, he despised it. He wished to be alone and on his own. By the age of 15, Haruko had run off to venture on his own and tried to make a name for himself...and he did. He made a living as a hitman, killing who he was asked to. Depending on his client, he would made either a large or meager amount of money. It did not matter to him, he just wanted to work. After a few years, his skill greatly increased. He came to be known as the Great Assassin. The name Haruko struck fear into the hearts of many. To this day, he had never been detected by his prey...and he continues his deadly training in the dead of night, shrouded in darkness, alone.
  17. name: Haruko Shizami age: 19 gender: Male apearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/8-5.htm]Here is Haruko[/URL] items: extra clothing, baseball hat with "LP" stiched on it in white letters, and a CD player with Linkin Park's "Meteora" Album. weapons: Katana
  18. Name: Hakuro Sakoda Age: 17 Sex: Male Value/s: Courage and Power Earth Appearance: [URL=http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy8/kamikaze04.jpg]Here[/URL] Angel Appearance: Same but include 2 dark grey wings. Weapon: A Katana with a black blade. The handle has the angelic engravings for courage and power. Quick Fact: Hakaro seems to be a little...well evil, but he's a good guy! Honest!
  19. "Oof..Hey watch it!" Jake said. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." Timiko replied. "Obviously. Well (helping Timiko up) are you ok?" Jake asked. (Dusting herself off) "Yes I'm fine, thank you." Timiko said. "Well Andrea and Nikki, you ready to head out?" Jake asked his comrads. They both nod. As they begin to head out, Jake turns to Timiko. "You wanna come along? The more the merrier!" Jake smiled. "Sure...if it's not a bother." Timiko replied. "No bother at all! C'mon!" Jake threw his arm around Timiko's neck. "You ready?"
  20. I am posting to let the RP know that Delirium has decided to pull out. I am going to have to place this RP on hold until I can find a replacment for her. Sorry. *Waves goodbye to Delirium* Cya buddy!
  21. [B]Name[/B]: Jake Andrews [B]Age[/B]: 19 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://rockj.geekrevolution.net/images/rockj_anime_punk.jpg]Here's Jake...minus the little bear thing.[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Jake is a pretty nice guy. He has good friends and always looks out for those close to him. He is known, however, to have a short temper. [B]Biography[/B]: Jake lives alone a few blocks away from Lots-o-Crap. He moved away from his family (which consisted of a mother, father, and two little sisters) when he was 18. One day, he listening to the stereo he bought a few days before when it shut off. He checked the outlet...it was plugged in fine. He took it to the Lots-o-Crap customer service counter to check and see if he could get a refund or an exchange. [B]One item[/B]: Jake has a CD player with Cold's [I]Year of the Spider[/I] album.
  22. I agree with Fall. I would take a bullet for any family member, whether I like them or not. They're still family. Also, I'd take a shot for any friend of mine. But the one person that I know for a fact I would die for is my girlfriend Alexis. There's my two cents.
  23. Trowa walked silently as the 5 headed down the stairs. [I]Those two always argue.[/I] Trowa thought to himself. "How about some breakfast?" Quatre asked. "YES!" Duo yelled. Trowa put his hand over Duo's mouth. "Duo, you have GOT to learn to be quiet." Trowa said. The 5 saw the hotel owner some out of her office. "Good morning, everyone. Hungry?" she asked. "Oh, forgive my rudeness. My name is Relena." "Nice to meet you. I'm Trowa. These guys are Heero, Wufei, Quatre and the idiot is Duo." Trowa commented. "Man what's with everyone bashing me?!?" Duo asked. "It's so simple!" Wufei repled. Trowa, Heero and Quatre stiffled a laugh.
  24. Jake: Hey, wait! Nikki! Nikki turned around and looked at Jake. Nikki: Yes? Jake: You wanna stay here for a while? Maybe train together? Andrea looked at Jake with anger in her eyes. Andrea though to herself, " [I]Wait...do I...have a crush on Jake?[/I]" Andrea: Yea...you should..train with us. Jake looked at Andrea. Jake: That's okay, isn't it?
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