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SSJ4 Gohan

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Everything posted by SSJ4 Gohan

  1. My favourite final fantasy character of all time is Auron. He looks cool and is super strong. His weapons are so pro as well. And he is a samurai-type warrior. He is quite blunt as well and his overdrives are cool. He is quite hard to get rid of as well as you know who found out. SNAP. Sorry about the vagueness of some of the post.
  2. The most annoying game play i've had lately is on Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists of the Rose. The first fight when you are evil is sooo hard. Maybe it was just me but i really couldn't win. One other moment comes to mind. After the gay spider on Metroid Fusion. Ihad no health after the fight and the enemies after the boss are soo hard. Maybe i should just give up. The most annoying moment for my friends though would probably be the farsight on PD. They don't stand a chance, unless the gang up on me from three sides. My accuracy was so good that i picked all my friends off about 80-90% of the time with each bullet.
  3. The ending of Zoids New Century was incomplete. I don't know if they made a third season, but, the first two seasons ending was to blunt. I wnat to see this special prize. I hope that wasn't a spoiler. It would be so cool to see Bit and Lina and Brad fight more competitors. Oops. Forgot Jamie. Oh well. So can someone please tell me if they made a third season or was the ending just completely useless???
  4. Thanks. I wish there was a way a could see the older serieses. Living a hole like maryborough is pretty ****.
  5. My favourite Gundam series is Gundam Wing
  6. Three of my favourite quotes are "Is that all you've got" Gohan just after Cell show's his "real power", Duo in Endless Waltz "Like my shuttle manouvering" and "If you're joking that's cruel, but if you're being sarcastic that's even worse." Oh i forgot, in DBZ movie 7 when Goku asks bout how many androids were made and 13 says about the computer and Goku says "Now his computer is trying to kill me". [color=hotpink][size=1]Please do not double post. Just go back and edit your original. Thank you. *QA*[/color][/size]
  7. I absolutely love Gundam Wing intro "Just Communication" Endless Waltz intro "White Reflection" and all the Vegeta and Most Gohan music from DBZ. And Cruel Angels Thesis from Neon Genesis is cool and the theme for FLCL or whatever is kinda catchy.
  8. My fav moment in DBZ is when gohan turns SSJ2 for the first time and nobody can see his actions and at the end of Unstoppable Gohan when Cell shows his "true power" and Gohan says "Is that all you've got?!" and then Cell punches him in the head and then WHen Gohan smiles he goes to punch him again and Gohan scores one right in Cell's chest then he punches him again and Cell says "Two punches.. so damaged..etc."(can't remember offhand) But then the episode finishes :'(.
  9. Yeah I wish that Gundam Wing would come back to Cartoon Network. It was one of the only reasons for watching the channel, except for adults swin and Bubblegum Crisis. Oh well, once I get all the episodes of GW on dvd i wont have to worry bout watching it on tv and waiting for it to come on everyday(in the end it was ont he weekends).
  10. For all you people who think that the gundam in Endless Waltz is called Heavyarms Custom, its not. Its called the Heavyarms Kai and the only difference from the gundam at the end of the series is the artwork (plus an extra arm full of bullets). The Heavyarms is my second least favoured of the gundams (atleast it stood the test of time, Wing didn't). And anyway the Deathscythe Hell could beat it to a pulp with it's active cloak down (that thing can take a pounding, probably not the buster rifle or that thing the Tallgeese III had though)
  11. Yeah I agree with you now mysticheero, now that i own endless waltz since yesterday and have watched it three times already (only because i had to go into town and sleep) and i can remember parts of the story that would of changed my mind about my decision. Thank you (and EW) for reminding me.
  12. Yeah, well it is what it said on the dvd anyway.
  13. I thought this thread was about all the gundam series. Although I have not watched the other series I still think that GW is the best. Can someone tell me when the first Gundam series is set, please? And by first I mean first timeline wise and to make it clear to me can you please tell me if GW is connected to the rest.
  14. I reckon the Deathscythe Hell, Heavyarms Kai and Gundam Altron, with the Deathscythe Going ahead to draw heavy fire which it can take with its active cloak down and it also can also do major damage with it's dual scythe and the Heavyarms Kai can cover it and the Altron from a long range and the Altron can attack multiple targets from a range or at melee.
  15. My favourite Gundam is the Deathscythe Hell. It is so cool. Duo is also my favourite character not only because he is the pilot of Deathscythe but because he is the funniest in the show to memory.
  16. The reason i chose Trowa was because he has the most hidden life. Him and Heero we don't even know the real names of, but at least Heero was chosen to be a Gundam pilot. Trowa stepped up to the job and assumed the personality of the real Trowa Barton. And what is the deal is the movie where he joins the Mar. Army. He doesn't explain that, well I can't remember him explaining it anyways.
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