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Everything posted by Milo

  1. Okay, I know this post is a few away from where we are now, but No_Regrets, what are you telling this boy?! [QUOTE]But whatever you do.... DON'T BREAK UP WITH HER CUZ OF IT! That's why one of my friends is dead....[/QUOTE] No, no, NO!!! It is not the other person's fault, and it is certainly not yours if someone committed suicide. Whoever asked this question in the first place, do NOT feel bound to somebody just because they say they are going to commit suicide. That is simply ridiculous. Anyhow, listen...if somebody really wants to forcibly take themselves from this world, there is nothing anyone else can do to stop them. Milo :whoops:
  2. [QUOTE]I never understood cutting. I cannot figure why anyone, in their right mind, would actually cut themselves.[/QUOTE] People who cut are trying to relieve stress by hurting themselves. They do not know how to normally deal with stressful situations, so they resort to hurting themselves. It's sort of like someone who binge eats when they're upset; it is soothing at the time, but they suffer later for it. When cutters injure themselves, they feel soothed for the time being, as if some of their anger/tension/nervousness may be gone for a bit. But, of course, it comes back again. Well, Transtic Nerve, it's good you don't understand, in a way; probably means you'll never become a cutter. (Only 1% of Americans are cutters, anyway.) Either that, or you're not a masochist in any way. ~__^ [QUOTE]I've had chronic depression since I was 13, I know what it's like to be depressed, but I went to a therapist, I never cut myself.[/QUOTE] That's good that you knew how to deal with your problems, but this guy's girlfriend may not. She probably cannot help herself. That is why it is VITAL that she gets that push in the right direction. Help her out, TotalImmortal. Be tough, stand strong, and be there for her by getting her the help she needs. Milo :whoops:
  3. [QUOTE]Maybe you should try to get your girlfriend to stay with the theropy for a long time and stick with it a well. [/QUOTE] That's a great suggestion. Unless you're a registered therapist/psychologist, you can merely support her. It is not YOUR responsibility to get this young lady to stop cutting. You can only help yourself, so you needn't feel that you are the one to blame for not being able to get your girlfriend to stop. It seems she's quit therapy many times, and isn't taking her problem nearly seriously enough. Not only that, she's putting YOU through stress by continuing. Maybe you need to get strict to get her to quit. You could make an ultimatum, such as "You [I]need[/I] help...and I can't give it to you. You need professional help. This doesn't mean you're 'crazy' or anything like that; this problem is just too big for either of us. So, I'm getting tough; if you decide to drop out of therapy, I'll (insert bad thing you could do, such as break up, if need be)." Tough love, TotalImmortal. Milo :whoops:
  4. My, Crimson Spider! Such a violent one! *wink* I noticed that a lot of folk are giving Wrist Cutter crap for his commentary; well, he's not altogether WRONG, either. Of course it's not your fault if you get picked on. In an ideal world, nobody SHOULD get picked on just because they are different. Unfortunately, this is certainly not--by any means--an ideal world. Now, to agree with WC's point, I have a story. Last year, (I am still in high school, too; I was a junior at the time) a classmate I knew was being picked on by a boy in our sociology class. Thing is, the boy started with ME, but I managed to deflect his irritating actions. (His irritating actions included leaning back onto my desk, taking my papers, and generally pestering me.) I used the sacred, magic weapon: humor! This silly bully also "renamed" both myself and my acquaintance. Now, compare and contrast, here is how my friend and I took it... The bully changed my name (he was VERY juvenile) to Rebecca. He named my friend Tony. My classmate gave the bully a stern, almost matronly look. It made me embarrassed for him. He really let it get to him, and he looked like a fool. I was--meanwhile--laughing at the bully's moronic creativity. So I renamed the BULLY Sam. "Yep...you know, you really strike me as a Sam." Now the bully greets me whenever he sees me, is very nice and humorous to me. Meanwhile, my classmate was tortured that whole semester by him, due to his prudish comments, and effeminate delivery. This poor boy could really have saved himself a lot of trouble, if he had just let it roll off his back instead of getting his undies in a bundle, right Wrist Cutter? ;) Milo :whoops:
  5. Milo

    8 mm

    [quote name='noodleboy'] it really shows what real life snuff films are like[/quote] I have not seen this movie, but I am extremely interested in snuff films. They're so mysterious...are they a hoax? Do they exist? Urban myth? Does anyone know...is this a "real" snuff film, or another fake?? Milo :whoops:
  6. What about the Robin Hood movie, with the foxes? That was my FAVORITE movie when I was little. (Hell, I still watch it!) I think it's amazing how they can truly (for lack of a better term) animate animals. Making them look like people...so cool!
  7. First of all, DeathBug, I'd like to mention that you are one of the few people on this site who has excellent post quality! :) [QUOTE]See, it all boils down to responsibility. It has always been the responsibility of parents to make sure that what their children were being exposed to was approporiate. The media doesn't care, frankly; they're a business, in to make money. It is the parents' job to let the media know: "Cross this line, and there will be consequences!"[/QUOTE] Sooooo true! Parents are wondering why their children are getting pregnant at age 15. When and where were they exposed to such smut? Parents don't even THINK of the most influential source: the media! Who HASN'T been influenced by the media? But is it really the media's fault? I don't know. I guess they've never proclaimed themselves to be the "caring guardians of our children." And who says they have to be? If parents didn't just plunk their precious babies in front of the boob tube for hours because they were too lazy to spend time with them, then what do they expect? To all parents, do just that: PARENT!
  8. [QUOTE]Didn't they prove that theory was not true? ... I don't think that we could ever normally devolop that ability to what we see in the movies and such... [/QUOTE] I don't know. Who's they?? Yeah, I don't think many could develop their abilities like those in the movies. You're talking about Carrie, or something? Oh, yeah, I'm sure people have these abilities, of course. Thing is, they're so afraid to have pig's blood spilled on them that they hide it from the world. :whoops:
  9. [QUOTE]I hope you've decided to get them all taken out at once instead of two then two or whatever because it's easier to get them all out of the way at once-mostly for you.[/QUOTE] Yes, I'm getting all four out at once! (I just want it over with. But who wouldn't?) [QUOTE]OOh, the pain after the first stuff wears out is not fun at all. Luckily tho, you get Tylonal with codine which is one of the best inventions ever Also, your face puffs out for a few days and you look like a chipmunk.[/QUOTE] Yes, I've had codine before. Ah, codine...I remember it well... I just KNOW I'm going to crave crunchy foods immediately. But I'll be too petrified to eat them. (Thank Goddess for fear!) My friend told me that when he had the gauze all put in, it stuck to something he was eating (that he SHOULDN'T have been eating) and he swallowed it, iodine and all. He was fine (somehow).
  10. [QUOTE]Most of the guys around my age have gotten over the ape phase of their puberty (atleast the ones I hang out with-which may not count since one of them is gay one is dating my best friend and the rest are married ) and treat woman with respect since if they didn't they wouldn't get any. Okay, that was wrong, but true.[/QUOTE] Hee, hee! True, I guess. Whatever it takes, right? [QUOTE]I told that story to my friend at school and she brought up a good point: everybody up here (in Jersey), there's so many feminists would think that it was sexist to do stuff like that. It's too bad there's so many of those around here. I kind of liked being treated with respect. That's how I treat everyone. =)[/QUOTE] Ah, Southern hospitality. Sort of confusing. Are they just behind the times/slightly sexist or do they really respect their ladies? Good question. (Although treating everyone with respect is always a good idea.)
  11. Diapers...shudder! Were you babysitting or just dealing with incontinent folk? ;) At least my hands were clean at my job, right? :D
  12. [QUOTE]Godsmack is just another Nu-Metal band that put metal with rock and it sounds really bad.[/QUOTE] All right, that's your belief. Can't do much to change it. At least you put together a coherent argument with examples. If you're into something more "pure" like what you brand "true" metal, then be my guest. But I suppose I prefer more "hybrid" or blended sounds, like nu metal. [QUOTE]Nu-Metal is disgraceful to the whole metal scene because really, it isn't metal. Hence why it's on the radio. Actual metal [along with actual punk] people wouldn't like.[/QUOTE] Um...it would seem that you enjoy "actual" metal. (Either that, or you are defending it rather fiercely! :blackeye: ) Are you saying you're not a person?? :therock: Also, if nobody would like "real" metal or punk, why would these metal or punk bands even MAKE music? What would be the point?? Ah...so similar, metal and nu metal, yet peace can never be made. To me, nu metal can be respected because KoRn was treading through some new territory with their unique sound. To me, KoRn rules even more because they needed their own GENRE. This impresses me.
  13. [QUOTE]Me and my friends are thinking of putting a petition into school at the head office to have coffee available to students, not just the teachers.[/QUOTE] Thing is, you'd all crash at the same time...! What if all the students drank coffee at a certain time in the morning, then you all crashed instantaneously? Goddess, this is the most I've babbled on a thread since 1776. Back in the day... *blah, blah, blah* :babble:
  14. [QUOTE]If you want you can use them as adjectives, like a teddy bear is preppy, but think of my motto,"Label soup, not people."...[/QUOTE] Mmm...soup... Good quote. I just recently made friends with a girl I would have normally never approached due to her, well... prepiness. One such as myself assumed she would treat me poorly. But I was wrong. She's really civil, perceptive, and intelligent. Rock on.
  15. I agree with RainbowChick... and I try to be as nice to the ladies as is humanly possible! (You can take that HOWEVER you want!) But I believe chivalry is dead/dying out. At least in my school, even the more "mature" boys in our school are real jerks to girls, using impossibly pathetic intimidation methods. Seeing guys do this makes me ill. Also makes me want to trip them down a flight of stairs, but that's 'sides the point, isn't it? :p
  16. I worked in Hell!!! I washed dishes in a really crappy, run-down diner. Anyone who's washed dishes/bused tables KNOWS how it is! Is there anyone out there who ENJOYS washing dishes?? (Doubtful.)
  17. Glad your surgery went well! Mine come out next week. I'm extremely nervous, for no good reason. I KNOW I'll be knocked out, completely drugged. Won't feel a thing. Yet...still. You know how it is. Your story eases my fears slightly. :( I said slightly.
  18. Plan A: I'd form my own school at home, then invite all the neighborhood kids to attend. They would ice skate over to my place and I would teach them rigorously for 12 hours per day. I'd lash them with CANES when their feeble minds could not comprehend a topic!!!!!!! Plan B: Watch some soaps, eat some ice cream... Yeah. Sounds like less effort, actually.
  19. Human beings have the capacity to perform amazing things. For example, everyone knows we only use ten percent of our brains. Well, if we could unlock more of our brain potential, maybe we'd be capable of all kinds of things. ESP, telekenesis, even... telepathy. Pretty cool stuff. Y'know, there are books out there on how to improve your natural telepathic skills. Are we on our way? Who knows?
  20. [QUOTE]And I wouldn't call KoRn or Godsmack death metal. For whoever said that is truely sad. Death Metal is not on TV. Sorry to say kiddos, it's not on TV. Cannibal Corpse, Exhumed, Adeklima[sp?], Cattle Decapitator, and Extol are death metal. If your death metal doesn't have double bass or low growls in it, then it isn't death metal.[/QUOTE] You're right! KoRn is not death metal. (Who DID say that??) It is nu metal. In fact, KoRn created the genre of nu metal, to my knowledge. (Only thing missin' be the umlauts, eh? Toughens the image!) [QUOTE]Nu-Metal is like pop rock to rock. Disgraceful.[/QUOTE] Um...no. I wouldn't label the entire genre of nu metal "disgraceful." That's an overgeneralization, and a bit harsh. (Can you tell I'm a KoRn fan? ;) )
  21. What about... coffee CANDY?! Yeah, that's right...CANDY! No one even THOUGHT of candy! You can get the caffienated or non-caffeinated varieties. Which would YOU prefer? Me myself, I don't see a point unless it's caffeinated...
  22. [QUOTE] I have always harbored the notion i am from the moon for some reason. Maybe i was something and died and then became human.[/QUOTE] Hey, maybe you were a moon rock in a past life... :D C'mon...admit it. You know it's funny. :laugh:
  23. [QUOTE]I used to listen to SOAD, they were a good band, but i changed into death metal in a way (Slipknot, Godsmack, Korn, Mudvayne) SOAD comes close, but i dont listen to them anymore.[/QUOTE] Hmm...I never thought of KoRn and Godsmack as death metal... Don't think it is... You and I have similar interests, however, 'cept I don't really enjoy Slipknot a helluva lot. That clown with the blood gushing out of his head. Owie. Jeez, get this guy a band-aid! I really like SOAD. And I thought they did that Zelda song... Thanks for ze clarification!
  24. Milo


    I have two of their CDs, burned from a friend, don't know which ones they are. (I think they're the two first ones...man, I'm senile.) I think the song I like is called "Create." Least, that's what it sounds like they're saying... CREATE!!!!!!
  25. I think I might just own the world's filthiest shirt. However, it looks the cleanest. (Heh, heh...) It's a Wheel of Fortune shirt (unique...that's why I love it). I've probably had it for about 766,788 fillion bazillion years now, and it has served me well. It has also had every imaginable substance on it. You don't wanna go there. Oh, by the way... I'm wearing it... RIGHT NOW!!! :devil:
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