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About Leoko's_Koibito

  • Birthday 03/29/1989

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    I'm dark. I'll kill you. You know enough. XD
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  1. Well......i have to say that life is horrible and wonderful. All in the same package. Every once in a while you have what you consider to be the best day of your life, and them it all goes to hell. Right now i feel like my stomach is turned inside out...going to lay down... xx;
  2. I want a nice shiny digital camera and the new Gackt CD. MUAHAHAHAHAH O_O;;;
  3. well....i guess i'm glad they captured him. my parents were very happy... o.o
  4. My parents actually support my love of anime. They say that if I like it and it makes me happy, then i should pursue my love of it. But to tell you the truth, they do have problems with the japanese. They keep telling me about all the ppl killed in pearl harbour and such...it gets so irritating. And i can't believe CN got sued for FLCL. There are warnings before that show comes on. I think they should be read and heeded. It makes no sense to see something on your TV screen about ratings and ignore it. Which brings me to my Father making fun of J-rock stars. Calling them gay just because they express the feminine side of their nature. I hate to tell you this, guys, but you all have a feminine side. lol
  5. I really like Yami no Matsuei's opening theme, Eden. It really captures the essence of the show and the characters. The beauty of this song is over-whelming, and the guy who sings it has a really beautiful voice.
  6. I couldn't really get into Utena...it just never caught my interest. blech. o_o Too much shoujo-ai, not enough shounen-ai. lol
  7. Hm.....I like the dub, and usually only watch the sub if i have time. And i usually do, so yeah. lol I prefer the dub, but if the dubbing sux, i'll watch the subbed version.
  8. I like the opening theme for Yami no Matsuei, Eden. It's done by To Destination, which is a "boy" band that kinda copied L'arc en Ciel. If you have no clue what i'm going on about, i advise you to look at some good jrock sites. Now. o_o lol
  9. Okay...my top ten faves... o_o 1) Edward Scissorhands I dunno why i like this movie. Really i don't. It's sad, and it's funny. Acceptable acting....and Johnny Depp. Love Johnny. ^_^; 2) The Matrix Great acting. Wonderful acting. Nice characters. Great effects. All around loved the movie. I got the disturbing message and I still like it alot. It was a great movie...and then they made a 2nd and a 3rd. I saw both recently. The first could've stood on it's own. They shouldn't have made any more. 3) Spirited Away Okay, I just love Miyazaki's films. I love his stuff...i love the characters. It's a bit childish, but everyone needs a sweet movie every once in a while. Great characterization, wonderful animation. Loved it. 4) Tremors Okay, that movie was hilarious. So funny. Kevin Bacon did such a great job, he's so funny! XD It was just such a great movie....my Dad loves it even more than I do. oO; 5) Sleepy Hollow Funny, morbid, errie and bloody. whoo-hoo~ Gotta love it. There's a bit of a love story too. Really good movie. Just enough gorey bits to keep me interested and romance which lightly threw me off. Good movie though. 6) Escaflowne The Movie Great animation, good story. Not too sweet or sappy, and i bit creepy at times. The animation was really very lovely...I really liked the way the wings looked. ^_^ 7) Pirates of the Carribean Really cool movie. More Johnny Depp. Gotta love Johnny Depp. o_o And Orlando Bloom. Funny story, cute characters. XD Hilarious ending and beginning. Loved it. ^.^ 8) Cry Baby OLD movie. OLD, OLD movie. Kinda odd, but I have a love for Johnny Depp so yeah. ~_~ 9) Pretty Woman My Mom introduced this movie to me when i was like eight. Not a great idea, but anyway. It is a good movie, although I kind of don't like the way some of the women are portrayed...still, Roberts did such a good job. How could i not love it? 10) The Nightmare Before Christmas Such a funny yet weird movie. Odd characters and weirdish animation...still good. I loved some parts and hated some parts, but its a really cute movie all in all.
  10. I'm listening to No Doubt - Don't Speak. Old, but really great. ^.^ Not exactly my fave band though...i truely love Malice Mizer. Too bad they broke up. ~_~
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