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Everything posted by Fujimiya

  1. Ran Fujimiya (everyone's favorite Weiss Kreuzer): Leave after the beep, don't bother with your message. Hotohori (Fushigi Yuugi): You have the pleasure of leaving a message for the most beautiful person on Earth, man I love me... Pikachu: Pika pika chu pika chu chu pika.
  2. I really haven't seen the anime, but at least I plan to. Afterall, the OST is really worth buying. I mean, with a soundtrack that good, the anime has to be good, most of the time anyway.
  3. Anime...probably the greatest boon and the greatest curse since the invention of the computer. Boon: well...it...made me...happy...for the time while I'm watching it... Curse: wasted money, wasted time, wasted ideals, wasted life (O_o) Well...I guess if you balance the two out...
  4. Forgot about the discussion thing... SO...what are you guy's favorite anime EDing themes? Feel free to describe them if you want!
  5. Velvet Underworld from Weiss Kreuz Y'Know from Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 ED Theme (forgot the name) for Fushigi Yuugi first season Knife of Romance from Angel Sanctuary Wind from Naruto (sing along! ..ok, just kidding) Etc, etc.
  6. As a typical obsessive anime fan, this is probably what one will expect. However, I do recognize the fact that anime has problems, even aside from the technicalities. I'll point out one within the short duration of this reply. Look at the animals in anime (not the chibi ones). Take Princess Mononoke and Lion King, and juxtapose the animals next to each other. Epiphemy: wow...the Japanese can not draw animals. Anime as a form of art is FAR from perfect, what appeals to me is the eh...how should I put this...the ideals of physical perfection. Gotta love the bishou-persons. :tasty:
  7. For centuries, humans and anime fans have asked themselves the question: dubbing or fansubbing? For me, it depends on WHICH ON IS BETTER! Makes sense doesn't it. If anyone thinks American dubbers are overused, look at the Japanese seiyuus. Take Koyasu Takehito for example, I completely respect him, but he's in just about every single anime I've seen. He's even in Evangelion for a very minor role. Sometimes it gets old, so one needs variety. Wait...where's my syllogism going...? All in all, it really doesn't matter as long as it's good!
  8. Talk about shoujo revolution. It's quite ironic in my opinion. All the show justifies is the impossibility of such a revolution. Look at her pink hair for goodness sakes. Japan has yet to see a real "femme forte" (strong woman for those that don't read French). But hey, at least she's hot! (Ok ok...fans don't kill me ;P)
  9. Angel Sanctuary - Knife of Romance All the way! This may sound like promotional marketing...but I really have no material incentives for marketing the song. Everyone should listen to it! I'm not a huge rock fan, but this song just drew me in. Beautifully deep male voice + awesome instrumentals = Knife of Romance!
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