I don't mind the right to left thing....When I was younger I hated it, it was too confuseing, but now I like it better then the Left to right thing. Now I may just mix up some bubbles or pannels now and then, but I really like it now that I have gotten used to it. I think it's kind of cool.
I don't think that swiching it over and translateing the actions would be good for Manga at all. The reson being is there is all the ones that have been fliped alredy (I.E. Big O, Sailor moon, ETC) Mainly the ones that have not been fliped are for older readers.
Eventhough a manga fan like myself doesn't mind ether one, I think you all will agree with me when I say that the Right to left format is much better then the left to right. I just don't like the Amearicanized manga, I mean I don't mind them translateing it, but now that I have seen the "authentic manga" Format, I kind of like that a whole lot better.
So I would say keep the right to left....some people like it.