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Everything posted by Satoshi_Tajiri

  1. as someone who doesn't know too much about FF7, here's what I thought when I saw the ending. I'm not sure how Red got lucky, and who his kid's mother is, but... yeah, that's all I've got to say about that. About humans surviving. I think they did. I mean, if you wait until the very end of the end sequence, you can hear children laughing. Conclusive evidence. [SIZE=1](hope no-one notices I don't know what I'm going on about.)[/SIZE] Were the weapons (or at leart the first one) trying to protect the promised land? Is that why it attacked Midgar, because Midgar IS the promised land? I doubt that, actually. I mean, if it was, then wouldn't Aeris have realised that when she was there? Does it even matter? DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO?! DON'T I?! ........................... ...Yeah. The re-make should be good.
  2. doesn't knowing almost everything about a computer game make you... well, sad? :box: So :butthead: to you guys!!!!
  3. I tried inviting them round for tea, but they were a bit upset about the death of Diamond Weapon. You needed an invitation to get in the funeral, so I was forced to wait and ambush them. However, Ruby sneezed and passed it's cold onto Red XIII. So as you can tell, I wasn't happy.
  4. Well, I think you guys can figure out what to type. For Emerald, my maths skills indicate that W-Summon and Mime will let you use KOTR 4 times in a row. that leaves it with around 70,000 HP, so OmniSlash and some other Limit Breaks ready before the fight could secure the victory. Discuss.
  5. All the promises etc. made by Cloud to Aeris, and the fact that she has a forth Limit Break are meant to make her death a surprise. The hints towards her returning are all referring to her one second appearance at the end. It is a flash-back of the first movie though, probably because if they would've made it longer, they might have needed to use 4 discs. My opinion is that the pool that Holy falls into is connected underground to the pool where Aeris goes to rest. I think it's a bottomless pool of the Lifestream, personally... that would explain the Mideel bloke. From the moment I checked the guy in the pipe in Midgar, I knew he was an Ancient. Well, the second time I played it, 'cos of the number tattoos. It seemed pretty obvious to me... I thought it was a good ending. Midgar got turned into a harmless jungle, Nanaki got lucky and we were safe in the knowledge that there are still stars in the FF7 world. A helluva lot of 'em...
  6. Barret? EEEEEEEEWWWW!!!!!! :eek: Yuffie's a really nasty girl... I wouldn't trust her with my house keys... Tifa is great. Tough, cool Limits, nicest hair... :love: Aeris... she died!!! It's so sad!!!!! :eek: Such a waste of Clouds loving... :tasty:
  7. I know... 3 KOTR 1 OmniSlash 1 Cosmo Memory 4 2x-Cut 1 Ultima and Emerald is still standing. Sometimes I wonder what the meaning of it all is... :mad: :o :( :rolleyes: :p :D
  8. Satoshi_Tajiri

    FF7 Quiz!

    Why, how much does that do?
  9. I'll asume you meant Tseng, not Zeng... AWESOME PIC DUDE!!!!!!!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Single H [/i] [B] Good luck. To get omnislash you must collect 12800BP (I think I'm right) at the Golden Saucer battling arena (I hope that's right). You musn't go out of the place (your BP will be lost). Make sure you use your strongest character and enter the arena. Almost forgot, you need 10GP to enter it.(I'm sure I'm right). BP: Battle Points GP: (I forgot) [/B][/QUOTE] BP: Battle Points. Guess what? It took an hour, but I got Omnislash. It took 32,000 BP. Ahem........ [SIZE=4]I BEAT SEPHIROTH!!!!!!![/SIZE] :D I didn't use Wall, I never DeBarriered him, I didn't have KOTR, and I beat him by pounding him with 2x-Cut. I also used Ultima, Neo Bahumut and various other magic. At one point, Red XIII turned into a frog, but I used Estura (is that it? The leveled-up Poisona) to cure him. Other than that, I kept up Haste and Regen. Then, DISASTER. He uses Super Nova. After taking a quick nap, I woke up to find the Sun exploding in my face (does it have to be so long?) and all my characters were VERY low on health. Also, Cid had fainted. Pheonix time!!! After using Cure3 on all charcters, I kept up the heat and re-cast Regen and Haste. But Sephiroth used Super Nova again, putting all of my characters on about 100 heath (it was that close). But............... He was in for a surprize................ [B]OMNISLASH!!!!!!!![/B] Bte bye Sephiroth! :cool: FF-VII completed ;) Thanks guys!!!
  11. Satoshi_Tajiri

    FF7 Quiz!

    No, it's Death. If it hits... Actually, it's probably KOTR with W-Summon.
  12. Do I need the Golden Chocobo to get Mime? Where is it? Most of the attacks Sephiroth does kill my guys straight away. However, The first time I fought Sephiroth I threw this ink or some kind of item at him, and he missed with some attacks. In that case, is it a good idea to use Hades? He does all-sorts to normal enemies. I have all the ultimate weapons, and te Level 4 Limits for Red XIII and Cid. I also have Cloud's Ultima Weapon Sword. Since KOTR does about 70 000, is there ANY way of beating Sephiroth Knight-less? I have a "Wonderful" Chocobo, but no coloured ones. Where do I get Carob and Zeo nuts? I am seriously crap at this!!!!!!!! :(
  13. On FF7, I am up to the last boss. I stupidly put the save point at the very top of the crater. I can beat the first one where you have too beat the different parts in the right order, but the weird Wings-for-legs Sephiroth is impossible!!! I usually get turned into a frog, or just die. I use Cloud (No Omnislash I'm afraid), Red XIII and Cid. Should I just master 2-X cut and give them all 4-X cut? Does he avoid those attacks? I can't remember. I am REALLY tired of those bloody Chocobos, so I don't think I can get KOTR. No Neo Bahumut, I screwed up the space rocket thing. I need help!!! I'll pay you to come to my house and do it for me!!!!! I just want to see it done!!!!!!!! :(
  14. Satoshi_Tajiri


    Kanto's Radio Tower is in [B]Lavender Town[/B] . ______________________ Satoshi_Tajiri :smirk: The people's game designer
  15. Give it... -Sweet Scent -Whirlpool -Horn Drill/Fissure -Psychic/Recover
  16. I told you there were 50!!! Almost 1/5 of all pokémon are [COLOR=blue]water types[/COLOR] . And there are 4 [COLOR=green]Dragons[/COLOR] ? Insane, isn't it? :rolleyes:
  17. Thanks for the rates. By the way, these are all level 100, so any moves involving levelling-up or breeding out... By the way, I wanted Flamethrower on Aerodactyl because of Forretress and Scizor. But Jolteon is becoming more and more popular, so Earthquake seems like a good idea.
  18. There are [B]50[/B] [COLOR=blue]water[/COLOR] types. No more, no less. Trust me. ;) :smirk:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gary Oak [/i] [B]ill have to go w/ bug, i always run into one [/B][/QUOTE] You have GOT to be kidding me. There are [B]50[/B] water types!!! :rolleyes:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gary Oak [/i] [B] hate to bust ur buuble, riachu can learn surf and you can get him in yellow version for him to surf..... u must be a newbie, cuz who wouldnt know he can he learn surf [/B][/QUOTE] NEWBIE!?! :flaming: HOW DARE YOU!!! :mad: Ahem. I'll have you know that I've been playing Pokémon since Blue and Red were released in America, and I live in the UK. I ALWAYS buy pokémon games as soon as they are released in the USA. For the record, I own...[list] [*]Red [*]Yellow (did know about Raichu, just meant I couldn't beat R2 mode :( ) [*]Stadium 1 [*]Stadium 2 (Australian Version) [*]Pinball [*]Silver [*]Crystal [/list] So don't call me a n00b. I might replace Raichu, with Jolteon maybe. Or should I use my Zapdos? Help!!! :confused:
  21. Raichu can't learn Surf... Double Edge works great for Aerodactyl, but I might change Sandstorm for Flamethrower or Earthquake. Which one should I give it? :( :confused:
  22. How exactly do we battle? What do we do if we don't have an AIM? What's this screen on top of this noisy box? :confused:
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