Ninetales @ Miracle Berry
-Confuse Ray
Nice. With Forretress, Scizor and all those starters, Ninetales makes sense. 5/5
Lanturn @ Leftovers
-Confuse Ray
At first I tought, "Duh!!! Rain Dance-Surf-Thunder!!!" but this works well. Makes sense with the Bellosom down there. 4.5/5
Hypno @ Mint Berry
-Light Screen
Good idea, but there are better pokémon for the job. Blissey is a good example. With a wopping great HP, our happy chappy is untouchable. Also, what happens if a Tyranitar or Houndoom turns up? 2/5
Golem @ Leftovers
-Rock Slide
Here's the standard...
-Rock Slide
I'd stick to that. If you can't get rid of a Skarmory, Steelix, Snorlax or any other tanks, power up Curse and Explode. I doubt that they will survive. In fact, it's fairly impossible... 4/5
Bellossom @ Leftovers
-Solar Beam
-Sunny Day
-Stun Spore
Sweeet, with a capital SWEEE. Pretty darned good then. 5/5
1. Aerodactyl @ Miracle Berry/Leftovers
-Wing Attack
-??????? Maybe Flamethrower, Return or even DragonBreath.
Sweeper. 3.5/5
Not bad, I prefer.....
2. Aerodactyl @ Miracle Berry/Leftovers
-Double Team
-??????? Again, Flamethrower, or Sandstorm, Toxic.
I love this annoyer, which I use as an opener. I once battled a guy who use 4 Mewtwos, a Lugia and a Mew. Aerodactyl beat all but 1 Mewtwo. You know it's good. 6/5 ;)