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Everything posted by Satoshi_Tajiri

  1. [QUOTE]**** right it is! [/QUOTE] if THAT'S not spamming... they had already established that the kid had spammed. erm..... :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  2. This is my REAL team, OK? [B]Opener, annoyer[/B] Aerodactyl @Leftovers -Swagger -Double Team -Sandstorm -Double Edge [B]Attacker (can't learn T-Wave, so don't suggest it)[/B] Raichu @Magnet -Thunder -ThunderBolt -Reflect -Body Slam [B]Attacker[/B] Feraligatr @Mystic Water -Surf -Iron Tail -Ice Punch -Hyper Beam [B]Psydo-hazer[/B] Charizard @Miracle Berry -Flamethrower -Fly -Roar -Earthquake [B]Elemental[/B] Nidoking @Focus Band -Earthquake -ThunderBolt -Surf -Fire Blast [B]Sweeper[/B] Tyranitar @Pink Bow -Crunch -Earthquake -Rock Slide -Hyper Beam
  3. Psyduck is rarer, stronger and better than Mew!!! P.S. joking :babble:
  4. Hi! Just a quick fact I found out... Did you know there is no japanese word for your english word "gullible"? :laugh: :rolleyes:
  5. Ninetales @ Miracle Berry -Flamethrower -Safeguard -Roar -Confuse Ray Nice. With Forretress, Scizor and all those starters, Ninetales makes sense. 5/5 Lanturn @ Leftovers -Surf -Thunderbolt -Thunderwave -Confuse Ray At first I tought, "Duh!!! Rain Dance-Surf-Thunder!!!" but this works well. Makes sense with the Bellosom down there. 4.5/5 Hypno @ Mint Berry -Psychic -Light Screen -Rest -Counter Good idea, but there are better pokémon for the job. Blissey is a good example. With a wopping great HP, our happy chappy is untouchable. Also, what happens if a Tyranitar or Houndoom turns up? 2/5 Golem @ Leftovers -Rock Slide -Earthquake -Explosion -Substitute Here's the standard... -Rock Slide -Earthquake -Explosion -Curse I'd stick to that. If you can't get rid of a Skarmory, Steelix, Snorlax or any other tanks, power up Curse and Explode. I doubt that they will survive. In fact, it's fairly impossible... 4/5 Bellossom @ Leftovers -Solar Beam -Sunny Day -Stun Spore -Moonlight Sweeet, with a capital SWEEE. Pretty darned good then. 5/5 1. Aerodactyl @ Miracle Berry/Leftovers -Earthquake -AncientPower -Wing Attack -??????? Maybe Flamethrower, Return or even DragonBreath. Sweeper. 3.5/5 Not bad, I prefer..... 2. Aerodactyl @ Miracle Berry/Leftovers -Double Team -Double-Edge -Swagger -??????? Again, Flamethrower, or Sandstorm, Toxic. I love this annoyer, which I use as an opener. I once battled a guy who use 4 Mewtwos, a Lugia and a Mew. Aerodactyl beat all but 1 Mewtwo. You know it's good. 6/5 ;)
  6. These are your teams? I'm starting to get less worried about the Pokémon Tournament on Saturday... Here's a team ;) ... Aerodactyl @leftovers Double Team Swagger Double Edge Sandstorm (might change for Earthquake) Raichu @Miracle Berry ThunderBolt Thunder Wave Reflect Return Tyranitar @Hard Stone Crunch Earthquake Rock Slide Flamethrower Dragonite @Bitter Berry Ice Beam ThunderBolt Outrage Return (Hyper Beam's charging is, well, pants.) Feraligatr @Mystic Water Surf Ice Beam Earthquake Iron Tail Charizard @Charcoal Flamethrower Earthquake Fly (needs somit else, eh?) Sunny Day It's alright, I suppose. U agree? P.S. Name a tactic I don't know and win a free trip to your local mental hospital!!!
  7. Hello dudes. It is is I, Satoshi. I came to be friends with my fans here on the internet. (Am I convincing or what?) Anyway, I am new here. So I though I'd say "hi". ;) Hi!!! :)
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