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Everything posted by SuzakuGrl

  1. Konbanwa!! I'd have to saw that I absolutely LOVE Rurouni Kenshin!! It's my fave anime. Kenshin is such a sweet heart and Sano is kawaii too. Not to mention Hiko and Aoshi. Characters are awesome....great complexity/plot/romance. I'm known for being a Kenshin fanatic at school and I'm proud! I also do like InuYasha and Yuu Yuu Hakusho!! Actually, I love both shows, but Kenshin is still my first love. I like them all for their own reasons, like many other people have said. They all have great character development and bishies!!....InuYasha, Sesshie, Miroku, Kurama....Bishies!! I haven't seen Noir tho. Gundam is great and Slayers is funny! I agree with you're choices Anime babe. Check out Fushigi Yuugi also. It's my second fave after Kenshin. If you like shojo, bishies, drama, love triangles, angst, fantasy....FY is freakin awesome too! Ja Ne!
  2. I absolutely love Do As Infinity and Ayumi Hamasaki!! I'm listening to them right now as a matter of fact! I know almost all the lyrics to Dearest already! I really like all the InuYasha themes! Have you heard See Saw....they sing the theme in .Hack//Sign. It's pretty awesome...makes you wanna dance. I have heard of Duel Jewel a lot, but never heard their music, or Gackt. Ja Ne!
  3. I like this show a lot actually. Although, I don't really think it'll end up like Pokemon because it's not mainstream enough. I do agree that the main character will win and keep winning. Ok....Ja Ne!
  4. I got this CD two weeks ago and I can't stop listening to it. It is an awesome album! Personally, I like 'Always' and 'All of This.' I like all the other songs too, but these two are my faves!
  5. Anime has definitely changed mostly every aspect of my life. I discovered that I can be just as weird as I want to be without being self-conscious about who thinks you're cool and who doesn't. It also changed the way I look at things and made my mind and heart more open. Anime got me into drawing and now I actually like drawing cuz I didn't before. Anime got me into learning about diferent cultures and languages. (I can have a simple conversation in Japanese now). Anime has given me something to look forward to everyday and has made me new friends and new love interests....heh. *blushes* It has given me a hobby and a reason to spend my money. I've gotten my friends familiar to anime and now they want to learn more about it. Anime has introduced me to new forms of music which I absolutely love...Ex. Opening and ending themes, Jpop, Jrock, etc. I guess I owe alot of what I am now to anime!!!!
  6. Hey..I just bought the new Blink 182 cd. I love it!! It has a song on there that Robert Smith from The Cure worked on with them. I was so psyched!! I love The Cure!! They're freakin' awesome!! Also, I just got the .Hack//Sign dvd for x-mas and I love listening to the theme song. It's called Obsession. It's a good dancing song! Ja ne!:wave:[COLOR=firebrick]I LOVE KENSHIN![/COLOR] [QUOTE]"It is better to die on your feet than to live an eternity on your knees."-Emiliano Zapata[/QUOTE] :excited:
  7. Stupid or not so stupid nicknames.....hmmm..... My name is Stephanie Stupid nicknames: Step-on-me: I absolutely hate this name and who ever is so evil and cruel to call me this is looking a beating. Nicknames I'm actually ok with: Ayame: This name is used between me and two other friends (Tamayo and Misaki). We all decided to have Japanese names because were so obsessed with anime!!! Suza: This is my dub for chatrooms, etc. Stephanya: This is my elegant ish name for Stephanie. (I use it see how it would fit with bishies names. Ex. Kenshin and Stephanya Himura). Kawaii!! That's it for now......KENSHIN IS MINE AND WILL BE MINE FOREVER! Mwahahahaha!!
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