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Everything posted by kamemaster

  1. I was thinking of getting a network adapter, can anybody recomend some games, and where are they cheapest to buy?
  2. I agree, my fav character is gohan too, i think toriyama should have done the story, but he didnt even want to make dbz.
  3. hey, i like that pic a lot, the cropping doesnt seem all that bad, especially because you used paint, i have a decent mouse so cropping isnt that bac, its using this one freeform shape tool that kills me.
  4. did you use the texturizer on it, and if so which texture, PM the answer to me.
  5. [color=indigo]i dont think it would take that long to develop, bandai already has most of the 3D models of the servers and NPC's becaues of the ps2 games, they would just have to put them into an enviroment more suitable to an mmorpg. they have the chaos gate rootwords script from the game also, its just a matter of getting around to making it and getting funding for it.[/color]
  6. [color=green]Gene and crew have been through a lot, they have been everywhere from heifong to the galactic leyline, from sentinel III to Planet Tenrei (hot springs planet ep. 23 not aired on cartoon network.) now they are making thier way back to Sentinel III, to check up on Fred, they have just encountered 5 pirate ships and almost depleted thier missiles. They are now curious, they havnt seen pirates in months. why now do they encounter a group of 5 powerful pirate ships. in less than a day they make it to sentinel III and get their ship ready to launch again. they decided to goto the Towards Star Inn , the spacerace was in less than 2 weeks, and fred had agreed to sponsor them again. They were about half way there, when they saw a huge pirate ship coming towards them fast, all of a sudden the outlaw stars lights flickerd and on the viewer appeared a pirate with a mask that appeared to be a liquid metal, i seemed to flucuate, all of a sudden it turned into an evil grin, the pirate announced that he was Lord Hazanko's brother, and that he seeked revenge for those who killed his brother. all of a sudden a barrage of missiles bigger than any of the outlaw stars crew had ever seen befor came from the pirate ship...[/color]
  7. i got a few things for christmas [color=green]From "Santa" i got... 1) 108 mbps wireless router 2) 11 mbps wireless internet card for my pocket pc 3) The ben stiller show! (really funny i might mention) 4) Pirates of the carribien(DVD) 5) Monty Pithon, the meaning of life 6) cd's 7) LODR The Return Of The King 8) Enter the Matrix (PC) 9) candy 10) food 11) more candy 12) clothes From Relatives 1) money 2) money 3) money 4) gift card 5) gift card 6) many other things that i cant remember
  8. i think it could have a little more action, but it is fine the way it is, only ive noticed some episodes dont really go anywhere, they might as well be repeats of the previos episode, those ones are the ones that could use more action.
  9. kamemaster

    Bad Guy

    he comes from a strage underground society that practices strange forms of magic that can manipulate energy and matter. when he was younger many people saw he had a gift at doing this, they were threatend, so he got beat up a lot and didnt get enough to eat, he secretly practiced his skills, and one day 10 people started attacking him at the same time, he snapped and used his great skills. he imploded them all into nothingness,(much like the caster gene used on lord hazanco) he saw that he didnt hav to put up with his hard life anymore, he then used his power to conqur the underground society, with his giant medal sword that he made from thin air, (it is 15 feet long but only weigs 2 pounds). conquring the city that made him suffer was not enough, he now is going to conquer the race that made him suffer his name is Zefex...
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