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anime babe

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About anime babe

  • Birthday 01/07/1988

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  • Biography
    Ummm I live in the states
  • Occupation
    Student/Dq Chick

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  1. i live in the middle of nowhere aka great falls, montana basically we're central comand for all the missles scattered in our big state.And griffles is very military like :S nothing but jetters everywhere(not sayin its a bad thing)lol and we are just really cold or hot thats all no inbetween lol
  2. i have a lot: nano_second,inuyasha_chicka,flower_bot,athlon_xp_03,nlt_amt,shadowgals,and thats all i can remeber right now :S but hey have a great day lol
  3. Dude the movie rocked!!! And of duh! i'm going to buy the dvd.lol.And they left the ending open for the next movie if they decide to make one,and personaly i want to know what happens to the "love birds" as you might call them.lol
  4. hey i'm really sorry to hear about your family and your family problems :( i can relate to the problem with the rent thing...my mom and step-dad kicked me out of our house so i have t live with friends now but hey anything to get out of the house lol keep on livin' its what we were ment for!
  5. Some of you people are very strange to go on and on over something that matters not. I just don't get how you can sit there in front of your computer and just nag on everything you see and read. It's not always about the best drawn, or the best plot line or whatever. I would have to say what makes an anime series the best or most popular is not the way everything is worked out to a T. Its about seeing something that none of the other series offer. it's about when the end is coming and you like it so much that you want more and more until you can't take it anymore...you starve for the series...the perfect series that i find InuYasha gives its people. And you know another thing its far from perfect, but because it is people find that it is everything that they long for in anime. It's got a bit of everything in it and thats what makes it such a good series to watch. Thats all i wanted to say so i guess laters ppl~
  6. I got many things for x-mas this year. I got lots and lots of anime videos. I also got a whole bunch of clothes...like i wanted those:S.lol.Ne who I really don't care about material things unless they have to do with InuYasha ;) Well thats it hope ya'll had a merry x-mas!!!
  7. [strike]ahhh that was a good read :D[/strike] [size=1][color=navyblue]Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far, but please make sure you catch yourself up on OB rules - posting in a thread that you haven't already signed up for in the recruitment forum isn't exactly one of them. This is considered spam, so please don't do it again. Welcome to the boards. ^_^ Just read our rules and Harlequin's sticky at the top of the forum, and you'll be fine. If you have any questions, just PM one of us Mods and we'll try our best to help you out. Thanks, Arcadia.[/color][/size]
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