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Everything posted by MGuyPersonDude

  1. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you" his smile melted and a pang of guilt entered his gut. "Ill just go to town now, maybeci can find a place to stay" he sulked off towards the door opened it and passed through. Outside he tried to admire the beuty(sp?) of the outdoors but kept thinking about whst had happened, his guilt continued to rise. "I should keep my mind off of that for now." he told himself. He started walking towrds town...... --------------------- When we get farther Ill be able to make bigger posts
  2. Name: Ezekiel Appearance: see attachment Personality: He Is ever vigelent and will remain untill he Is sure that he has done what must be done. He may seem 'vicious' at times but always has good intentions. He prefers to face things head on but will resort to a more subtle aproach if necassary.
  3. Name :Teo McHall Age: 23 Gender:Male Height: 5'9" Weight: 140 Animal DNA Donors: Spider monkey, Bat, and Eagle Special Abilities: Enhanced agility and climbing skills, greatly enhanced hearing, and enhanced vision. Personality: He listens intently but speaks only when necassery, he Is always serious and prepared for anything. Has great determination and patience. Faction:Evans
  4. Name: Patrick Tener Age: 22 Gender: male Hunter Name: Thinker Ability: He can slow down time so that he can evaluate the situation although he can't move faster when time is slowed. Personality: he is precise and uses as little words as possible. he has many phobias but faces them all head on. he is a very serious person but on rare ocasions shows affection. Appearance: short brown hair,brown eyes, and moderate tan. about 5"10'. Wears camoflouge pants and shirt, brown boots, and hingerless gloves. Facial expressions seem non existant on his face but every once In a while a slight smile will appear. BIO: born and raised in Spring, Texas. Once while commuting to Galvoston Bay A truck almost ran him over, everything slowed down and he was ale to see the truck and run out of the way in time. He eventually realised that he can slow down time to think and strategise. He undertook hunter training and seemed to specialise In snipinf from long distances and making precise shots at close range. Secret Crush*starts typing*oops nevermind*backspaces a couple of times* Favored Weapon: sniper rifle or assault rifle
  5. Tenera rushed down the alleyway as some police men ran past. "That was close" he said to himself. He saw a ship land In the distance. "Finally, maybe I can get work oj that ship and get off this forsaken planet." he said hopefully. He quickly went to the ships landing site. He made It just as some one who looked In charge stepped out. "Errr, hello I was hoping you may have some work for me." Tenera said. The man looked uninterested. "I have experiance on ships, Im an exelent pilot and can easily repair ships." He said as a girl walked out. "Look Ill do heavy lifting.....hey, this is a pirate ship isn't It. Look I've had experiance as a pirot." he tossed a gold coin to the man. He contimplated It realising that It was valuable and the only few left were stolen mid transit by pirates a few years ago.
  6. /me realises that my charector Is the only guy *has mischievous look in his eyes* ----------------------- Zakoji Horutomo followed Arunue Kalamara insideand took a seat on a neerby chair. "Here, you can write what you're gonna say In this." he pulled out a notepad and handed It to her. "I trust you know the importance of your flute." he said. She nodded then took a look at Kane. "We need to find the holders of Laki and Taorii," Zakoji stated," so you might want to pack your things. I'm going to go into town to get some things, but you can come If you want." he got up and started heading for the door. ooc: Ill try to make these posts longer
  7. Name: Duh Who you're making fun of: Aragorn Species: Crackhead Description: Very shabby clothes, red eyes, shabby brown hair and beard Bio: To busy with his crack and getting more crack to do aything else. p.s. for the sake of this rpg Im gonna change my avatar
  8. I have It and personally think It Is a great game(both pc and Xbox) The Xbox CS does provide more fast pased gameplay because of the controller. there wont be that great amount of player created mods but hacking Is pretty much zilch. Also I seem to be very good at It.
  9. Jeep wlked In front of Xeo as he walked In city hall . "What was wrong with you back there, you almost sucked me Into the portal." Kyle angrily yelled. "There was nothing else I could do, we were eing overrun." Xeo explained. "Ok, I guess I can see your reasoning. Next time warn me so I can grab on to something." Kyle said a little less angrily and walked ahead of Xeo ------------------ sorry for the short post
  10. "Hey, I see a building over there." Mika yelled over the raging storm. Everyone else looked over and saw a large stone structure." I will provide shelter from the wind" Quel stated. They huried over to the building and rushed in the large door. "Hello Is anyone In here?" Serena questioned loudly. No answer. "What I want to know Is why Is there a building way out here." Teo said. "That Is strange." Dango agreed. "If anyone lived here they wished for solitude" Laucia commented. "We should split into groups to search this place for people and a place to rest," Teo said, his stomach growled," maybe some food to.
  11. *starts throwing eggs at people for no reason at all* the skeltons are skeletons, right? --------------------------- A jeep crashed through skeltons (laughs at spelling) smashing many of them to bits. "This Is gonna be on the news forever!" the driver of the jeep yelled as he jumped out of the jeep shooting a few skeltons in the process. The hanguns were proving inaffective so he picked up a neerby crowbar and jumped into the fray. "There is way to many of them!" Kyle pulled out a grenade and tossed it at a large group of skeltons blowing them into tiny peices. He saw a young man and a young woman a little to the left of him fighting the skeltons.There were just to many of them, they needed to resort to something else to stop all the skeletons, but what?
  12. Now we need a few people to join the other factions
  13. name:Kyle Stine age:19 gender: male weapon:duel handguns race:Human bio:Born in Razzaria he was soon orphaned and lived as a street urchen. Through the years he learned to be very affective with guns through crime. He eventually wanted a change of scenery and a break from crime so he moved to Cathrina rank:General descripation:brown eyes and hair, moderate tan, about 5'11" has no coherent clothing style element: fire
  14. don't I feel imbarassed, ok no cloaking device. -------------------------------------------------------- "Tenera, we have landed on Ossus and there is nothing here." Harve stated. "Don't be so sure, the atmosphere is breathable I take It." Tenera said. "Yes, also the probe sent to the imperial vessel has comfirmed that It is an Victory Class Star Destroyer and on the way back It detected two more ships." Harve informed. "I'll search around this area to see If anything Is here." Tenera stated. Tenera continued looking around for something just he wasn't sure what It was. He could feel that something was here but were could It be. He remembered the breif flash he saw from orbit "Could It have been merely the reflection of a dust particle." What ever the case Imperial activity proves that something Is here. He decided to rest a while and sat on a stone. Immediately a bit of land rose up revealing a large door. "Its so obvious."
  15. Name:Teo Farn'el Age:16 Race:Human Faction:Umi Rank:Leader Description:Tall, has messed up short brwon hair, deep brown eyes, moderate tan, wears white battle armor with a small sheild genrator and is covered in scratches, burns and other battle scars Personality:Very mature for his age, a brilliant strategist. Is cool headed during all situations but can be warm and freindly to those close to him. Weopons:An assault rifle, a silenced Five-Seven, a prototype plasma sword Equipment:binoculors, implanted comm. system, Bio: Was born In Tajami system were he lived like a king. He joined an influential school until he realised that the current government of the system was corrupted so he lead a rebbelion and started the Umi faction. The Umi liberated the Tajami system and now rule it with a peaceful hand. Mode of transportation (optional):The Umi flagship "Hand of God" the biggest ship in the fleet. Has a prototype hyperdrive codenamed the "angelic wing". A prototype sheild generator is used on this ship.500 laser turrets, 300 plasma turrets, 200 conventional cannons, 100 gravity cannons, and 50 warp cannons cover this ships hull.
  16. The Oni have attacked the Umi. The Vixens have allied with the Umi and the Dragonets have allied with the Oni. ------------ Factions Oni- they are cruel and evil. They will do everything In there power and kill anyone to get what they want.They are based in the Onikai system. Umi-they are just and good. They fight to defend peace and prosperity.Based In the Tajami system Vixens-they are subtle but effective, while not completely pure from evil they prefer being good over being bad Based in the Dragonets-a power house of money, they controlmost crime through the Dejra galaxy.They are based In the Hikamara system --------------------- there are four main biological groups(and robots) Humans- not the strongets of creatures but their main strength and weakness is powerfull emotions. can have bionic inhancements Aliens- if you are an alien you can describe him/her can have bionic inhancements Robots-they dont have emotion and do what they are deigned to do efficiantly.Can be upgraded. Demons-often time similar to humans but theier emotions aren't as powerful and they may have special powers. can have bionic inhancements ----------------- technologys there is hyper space tronsportation plasma, conventional, laser weopons, and gravity cannons can be hand held(not neccasarily in one hand) warp cannos are to big and powerful to be used by hand. ------------------ Sign up Name: Age: Race: Faction: Rank: (Leader, general, recruit, etc. I may have to alter this) Description: (pics are fine) Personality: Weopons: (up to two guns and a close range weopon) Equipment: (be creative) Bio: Mode of transportation (optional): (what space ship do you ride/command Ill wait or some people for sign up before I post my sign up ranks Leader and General of Umi are reserved
  17. "Quel, I can't help him because im fighting the poison from the arrow but in this book there should be some herbs that can heal Dango." Teo handed Quel his book. Quel could see Teo start to heavily perspire perspire "What about you?" Quel asked "Forget me, his condition is much worse" Teo struggled to say. Quel started searching for a cure in the book. Teo watched as his freinds fought the enemy above, the Patriari had all pulled out swords but none the less many had fallen. He saw many of the Patriari gang up on Serena "Serena! take this blade, Its inchantments will increase your strength and cut through their weopons!" he used tha last of his strength to throw the sword to her and passed out.
  18. "You better have a good reason for waking me up." Tenera threatened. "Well you see, the planet Ossus is just a waisteland with nothing on It and there seens to be an imperial ship heading towrds It." Harve, his most trusted crewman, said. "The fact that an imperial vessel is headed there proves that somethings there." Tenera stated,"Activate the cloaking feild and head into low orbit around Ossus, send out all the probes to see what's there." "Aye" "also send one of the probes to scan the imperial vessel and prepare for a possible battle." "got it." Tenera went to the cockpit and looked at the nav. map. 'something seems distorted' he thought to himself. He lokked a little closer and saw something 'Thats It' he thought to himself ,' who ever is there is ingenious' "head to this location but stay cloaked" Tenera commanded.
  19. *takes out carton of eggs and starts pelting Outcast with the eggs* Thanks for the Idea --------------------------- "Damn troopers." Tenera cursed as he climbed over a fence. Storm troopers followed after him through an alley way. "Hey, were'd he go?" one of the troopers asked. One of them yelled out as a blast went through his head. Tenera quikly shot the others before they could locate him. "That 'ill teach you Tenera mocked.". Tenera contacted his crew through the intercom "Troopers dispatched I Made the delivery and Im heading back" "Roger" a voice answered. Tenera was half way through the alley when he heard something behind him. He pulled out his blasters "who are you?" "No need for blasters." a tall figure in what looked like what the Jedi from folk tales wore. "Who are you?" he didn't put away the blasters "I am Fillak your grandfather, I served and died in the Clone wars." "then how is it you speak to me?" "that does not matter, but what does is that you must travel to Ossus to do a great deed." "why?" "that is all I can tell you" the figure disapeered. Tenera quikly contacted his crew "prepare for launch, when I get back we are heading to Ossus. And launch a few probes to see whats there." "roger"
  20. They rode on at a fairly swift pace. "Hey I see mountain peak a ways over there." Mika said. "I see It to." Serena commented. "Shit!"Teo yelled.They all lokked over to see an arrow stuck in Teo's arm, he pulled It out. "Watch out, there are archers trying to hit us." Quel warned. Teo grunted loudly "I think the arrow tips are poisened, I can feel It running through my veins." Laucian cought an arrow heading for his face and another arrow wizzed past Dango. "This is useless we need to know were they........up there in the sky Patriari archers!" Serena exclaimed. "Its up to those of us with wings to stop them" Dango stated. "That leaves Teo, you and I helpless." Quel said. Serena, Mika, Haj'Ei, and Laucian sped upwards towards the archers.
  21. Character Concept: Name:Alex Costner Age:24 Gender:Male Height:5'11" Weight:130 Eye Colour:dark brown Hair Colour and Style:light brown, short messy spikes Physical Description: thin but lean, moderate tan, looks like a new age punk Attire: Camo pants & a black ODT shirt Equipment: Silenced Schmidt MP, combat knife, Cell-phone, basic hackers tools, Bionic computer uplink(hacking), retina inhancements(eyes), reflex stimulants(i even type faster yay), credit card hack(mess with atm machines), data pad Personality: hes much smarter than he acts, he seems like a lighthearted punk but someone that has great empathy skills can notice its an act if the look closely Current Occupation:hacker, investigater(steels from some places) Bio: Was born In Texas Republic. His dad( a computer genious) tought him how to hack and his older brother took him to the shooting range. While he was out his family was murdured by a megacorp. he used his skills to take down the company peice by peice. He is now wanted in many areas but he uses many names. (I mite add more later) Character Quote/Theme Tune: "If you can't fix It, your stupid."-Me Preferred starting location:Old America
  22. Teo saw Serena get subdued. He pulled out his dagger and prepared to throw It "Here It goes." He threw the dagger and It hit the guy in the back of the head. She heard her captor gasp and loosen his grip so she looked back to see a dagger point sticking out of his forehead. "Lucky Break." She said. Teo ran over to her and pulled the dagger the man's head "Dont get so cocky next time, you could have been killed. Mika's got one of them captured lets go see If she got any information out of him." he hurried overto were Mika was. :drunk:
  23. Teo saw how Laucian and Dango had easily slain thses men and memorized this to compare to his own fight. Two of the horsemen sped towrds Teo and he charged directly towrds them. He jumped off of his horse and stabbed one of the horseman through the head with his dagger and kicked the other off his horse then landed on his feet. The horsman stood up and lunged at Teo who cut through the blade and the man with his own sword in one blow "Steel is no match for the magical bone of a dragon!" Teo yelled, he then looked over to see how Quel, Mika, Haj'ei, Orien, and Serena faired.
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