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Everything posted by MGuyPersonDude
[B]0510 hours, October 7, 3052\the bridge of the Ascendant, patrol route through Horiig system[/B] "Anomoly detected." a voice sounded through the bridge. "Send a probe to investigate." a powerful voice commanded. "Aye, sir." "Sir, we have a priority one message directly from High Com." a comms. officer stated. "Send It over to my data screen." the powerful voice commanded. He opene up the message file. [B]Priority One Urgent all U.E.F. ships report to Earth system defence ring immediatetly, Large force heading for Mars. Prepare for battle.[/B] "Change course and prepare for hyperspace transit to Earth system"the powerful voice commanded. A voice sounded over the intercom "all units prepare for hyperspace, start the cryotube process." I request that your posts in the adventure are at least a paragraph long. _______________ [U]Sign-Up[/U] Name: Age: (18 to 45) Gender: Position: (we need communications, navigations, weopons, and status officers as part of the crew and some marines to command the marine force) Appearance: (there is a uniform) Personality: Weapons: (crew start with handguns but can pick up heavier weopons later on and marines have access to heavy weopons) Bio: ________________ My sign up Name:Captain L. Herbert Age:27 Gender:Male Position:Captain of the Ascendant Appearance:About 6 feet 2 inches tall. Short brown hair and dark brown eyes. Has a moderate tan. Personality:Is calm and collected no matter what the situation. Will risk his own life to save those under his command. Can easily rally his forces to give a battle 110% Weapons:two handuns Bio: see above story(powerful voice
Blackouts(not the electric kind)
MGuyPersonDude replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
its like the guy that passed out was holding scissors and fell on them -
Sign Up Trial by Inferno (violence, mild swearing)
MGuyPersonDude replied to Squall's topic in Theater
Name: Patrick McHall Age: 21 Gender:male Description:An overconfident but lucky fool that has extrordinary aim. Wears his brown hair in an almost spiky fashion using a kung-foo style headband.Wears blue jeans, a green t-shirt with a green jacket on top, green/brown vans, great sword on back and hanguns inside jacket. Bio:"Hey Patrick what was that?"Tim shouted over the sound of the gun range. "Holy s**t look at that!" Patrick yelled. Fire sprung up from a large crack in the ground and every one stopped shooting and looked at this wonder. Suddenly demonic creatures poured out of the fire and stsrted attacking the people. We shot at the lil' buggers killing many but for every demon we killed 10 more emerged from the flames. We grabbed as much ammo as we could and retreated firing at the demons the whole time. The abbominations hacked many of us to peices with their blades whiled we shot many demons to death. A large demon weilding a great sword burst from the flames. Patrick made a few well aimed shots to the creaturse head and took its great sword as it fell to the ground. The gunmen had no choice, they had to retreat or they all would die. They hopped into their cars and onto their bikes and drove off to the next city to warn the people there. Aong the way many of these men died but the few that survived gained much experience in slaying the demons and weilding such weopons as swords. Many days have passed and only ten of the gunme remain, they are all riding Motorcycles except for fourt are riding in a van modified to carry a machine gun on top and a truck with a turret mounted on the back with rocket launchers on the sides of the gun barrel. (how you like them apples) Weapon: a great sword and duel handguns(rides a motorcycle) -
Name:Patrick Tener Age:20 Gender:Male Appearance:Is about five feet eleven inches tall. A karate style headband keeps his medium length hair hair up in an almost spiky fashion.Brown eyes full of warmth. Has an almost hispanic look but not quite, has a nice tan. Team:Sabre Flash Team Team Rank:Member Zoid:Slash Liger Zoid Appearance: see attachment, balck and red instead of purple and turqoise Zoid Weapons:Trinity Impact cannon, Hardened alloy laser baldes, hardened alloy tail blade, hardened alloy claws and teeth Personality:Is very carefree and is often refered by other Zoid combatants as a fool. Acts as if he doesn't care about anything but is known to be serious on rare occasions. Biography:Was introduced to zoids at the young age of 8 by his older brother Kyle, a pilot. Kyle trained Patrick to pilot zoids wich he seemed to have a knack for. He then joined his older brothers team until it disbanded 5 years later. He was then 18 years old, he met up with the Sabre Flash Team who were impressed with his extrordinary piloting, they invited him into the team and he happily accepted. awwwww poo
Name:Zakoji Harutomo Age:14 Instrament:Torris[sax] Description:about 5'9 tall. Brown slightly spiked hair.He usually wears a white shirt, and a blue over-shirt, and blue jeans. Personality:a happy go lucky guy with such a carefree atitude that he barely cares about anything. Also probably the laziest person alive. Bio: Had a strange dream that stayed vivid inhis mind, he realised dreams don't do that so there must be truth to It. His Sax that his misterious uncle had given him he now new what its purpose was. Living by himself he decided he mst take on this quest.
Teo burst out laughing at Serena's embarrassment. "Hey, stop laughing!" Serena commanded.Teo just kept on laughing, he looked over just In time to see an inraged angle lunging at him. He started running away but It seemed that he would soon be caught."Some one help me!!!!" He exclaimed but the others chuckled as Serena eventually caught Teo and started beeting snot out of him. Serena came back saying "Te rude jerk." "He's not getting up, did you *gulp* kill him?"Mika warily questioned. "No, the jerk is just unconscious." Serena answered.After a long while Teo got up and limped back but before he sat were he was earlier Serena shot him a warning glance and he decided against lying down there. They were unaware of the pair of eyes watching them.
Teo walked to the balcony saying "I already know who that evil is."He looked on at the view hearing only the low murmer of Dango and Quel explaining who the Dragon king is. "This view is so peaceful but the world has a great evil, nature may be the only thing that is untouched by evil" Teo commented to himself. He heard a rustling below the balcony, and looked down to see a creature with huge dragon wings listening intently on conversation inside. Teo jumped off the balcony hitting the Partiari in the back of the head with the hilt of his sword, effectively knocking him out. Every one ran to the balcony to see what the commotion was. Dango questioned "What happened?" Teo answered "We have an unexpected visitor my good king"
"My Name is Mika and I had a vision that I must join a quest here." explained Mika. "And what about you?"questioned dango while looking at the other winged girl. "I'm Serena(you changed it right) and I was following her looking for adventure." the angel explained. Then a drunk warrior started walking neer by.As he came next to the group, he passed out. Dango exclaimed "Too many accursed drunks fill this world!" Serena ammediatly checked to see if he was alright.After a close inspection she said "this is no drunk, his breath does not even smell of liquor." "What are you doing here spy, Name yourself!" Dango commanded.The "drunk" stood up and said "So you are the werewolf, I was seeking out informtion on the evil abomination himself.......My name is Teo and I am setting out to destroy this evil known as the Dragon king"
Blackouts(not the electric kind)
MGuyPersonDude replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
have you been doing something different lately such as exersising or eating less or more lately. You could be not getting enough nutrition wich would lead to blackouts and slightly eratic behavior(trust me) or maybe you have a long lasting but subtle(not the best word for the situation) sickness.:sara: -
RISK, and other awesome board games!
MGuyPersonDude replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
Personally I hate monopoly *dodges rotten vegetables* but I like risk. I can figure out the best deployement and plan for any military situation(for anything not just risk, including historical battles) although I suck at pretty much everything else. -
the world isn't going greedy, its been greedy for a long time. all living creatures ar naturally selfish.
1. get revenge on my enemies for stuff they did 2. get revenge on my enemies for stuff they didn't do 3. spend at least 5 minutes on my home work 4. get a girlfreind 5. stop making new years resolutions i cant keep
Name:Teo McHall Age:19 Race:Man Gender:Male First Weapon:Vengeance(a Great Sword) Second Weapon: Dagger Armour:a mix of leather and chian mail and also has a dragon scale under shirt. Master/ King:Is currently a wanderer Personality: At first glance he seems boisterous foolhardy and often drunk but his eyes show a great deal of sorrow and agony and while his fighting seems clumsy and inefficient a carefull examination would reveal that every blow is calculated and every step carefully placed. Description:Messed up brown hair with a head band keeping hair slightly spiked up(a karate dudes head band). Looks about 6 feet tall. Has tanned skin and brown eyes. A great sword is strapped to the back of half leather half chain-mail clothing and a dagger strapped to his side and weres boots. 5 amulets can be seen worn around his neck. Biography: Lived in a small village until he was 7 when the village was raided and burned to the ground, He was the only survivor. He then lived in the wilderness learning the ways of nature. During the 8 years of living in the wild he learned how to use many weopons he stole so he could hunt for food. He then joined a group of 5 adventurures were he become more attuned to battle and using a large array of weopons. After 4 years the group encountered a powerful dragon wich was eventually slayed but not before it killed everyone except Teo who had landed the final blow.He forged a great sword using the dragons parts and tempered it using blood spilt from the dragon and himself and made a dagger out one of the dragons claws, He then encribed the word "Vengeance" on the sword. He also made amulets from the dragon to memorize each of his freinds. After this turn of events he started wandering and looking for a purpose. Extras: 5 amulets, a vile of dragon's blood, and a tome of nature and exotic weopnry he has been writing.
Sign Up The samuri pizza cats and animal friends rpg
MGuyPersonDude replied to Mighty kai's topic in Theater
Name:Sir Tener gender:male animal:Tiger suit colour:white & grey weapon:katana job:body guard/advisor personality:more of a blaancer towards Lord Siabi(trys to convince him not to be so bad) pretty strong. fav quote:"Idont want to do this but I have to" -
If some one stops posting on an rpg kill them off or send them some were
Name:Tenera Age: 21 Gender:Male Weapons:duel handguns(does that count as one weopon, if not alternate weopon is an M60 that straps on back) Description: Slightly messed up short brown hair. Has an almost hispanic apearance. weres a large array of clothing. Is acrobatic and lean. About 5'11" in height. Background/Bio Joined a group of theifs when his parents were killed. The theives were eventually caught and only Tenera escaped.Tenera joined a group of smugglers when he hid them from police. Rose to led the smuggler when he saved them all from pirates.Once again tragedy struck, the ship crashed and only Tenera surveived. He has been hiding from the athorities on the planet ever since.
I was by an intersection when *crash* a water full bottle completely smashes the windshield
Gaming Problems with Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic
MGuyPersonDude replied to Ani_Freak's topic in Noosphere
Ive only had problems with the last sequence and then its still bearable -
Anime Gundam Wing and Relena*asking for trouble*
MGuyPersonDude replied to Verykawaiineko's topic in Otaku Central
personally I dont think shes all that bad even I dont necasserily like that much. -
Anime Your Favorite Gundam (From Wing)
MGuyPersonDude replied to Lightning Baron's topic in Otaku Central
I personally like Wing Zero -
I would save up my money to purchase both.
Anime Does anyone wish .hack//SIGN had more action?
MGuyPersonDude replied to zdude255's topic in Otaku Central
I think its fine the way it is but its knida weir d that its an rpg were you fight stuff but there is not much fighting. -
[receiving datafile] Name:Tenera[last name not found] Age: 17 Gender:Male Race:Human Homeworld: Coruscant Weapons:duel mandelorian blasters and a vibro sword Ship:The "Dark Angle", an illegaly modified Corellian freighter used to smuggle goods. faster than most ships. turbo lasers on top and base and Concussion Missiles. Description: Slightly messed up short brown hair. Has an almost hispanic apearance. weres a large array of clothing. Is acrobatic and lean. About 5'11" in height. History: Joined a group of theifs when his parents were killed. The theives were eventually caught and only Tenera escaped.Tenera joined a group of smugglers when he hid them from police. Rose to led the smuggler when he saved them all from pirates. They eventually stole the "Dark Angle" from a crime lord. [end of history] Personality:Is warm and freindly but remains cool in serious situations. [End of datafile]