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Everything posted by MaggieMehve

  1. To Lava Lamps Post: I'm not exactly an anime purist. I have my own interests too such as graphic design, writing, photography etc.. I'd rather not watch dubs. Dubs annoy me 90 percent of the time and rarely you can find really good dubs such as in Mononoke Hime etc. Anyways, I'm not trying to showoff. You don't even know me, so why are you thinking that I'm one of those people striving for attention? I'm NOT. Period. I am weird, yes I'm insane, but that is just me. And suggesting medication already makes my face boil with anger. I'm sick of medication for my depression, my own health, I don't know how many pills I take a day just for my health. And no, this isn't started by watching too much of TV, its for other reasons. Besides, I barely watch any TV shows anymore. I'm NOT labeling myself. In fact, I hate that, I'm even in a hatelisting for labeling people. I've already gone two years without anime back when, and I know that I did cringe a little thinking that I liked anime back when I was seven or eight, but I like it. And I know I won't cringe because I actually am seeing good anime and good stories. So stop acting like a hypocrite and picking on me for things like this. This was the question, do you consider yourself an otaku? and what animes or manga you own. I answered truthfully and now you're freaking out over me and pointing out things to show that I'm messed up. Meh....
  2. Right now i'm listening to the ending song of .hack//SIGN called Yashashii Yoake. Here it is translated in English (Its originally in Japanese, well...of course O.o) Searching for eternity, you are a frivolous dreamer Clinging to unreliable dreams. Where are you going? Searching for the key to open twilight, I cry, Unable to reach the moon's shadow. Where am I going? Even though secrets are lost in our eyes, We will never unfasten our arms from each other. Pale moon of January, hide the colors of the sunrise. The gentle dawn of a night that should not end. Because of love's heaviness, painfully close, The heart no longer mine cried for freedom. When shining things existed only in dark places, I gazed out the small window into the distance. Pale moon of January, sinking into infinity. The gentle dawn of a love that should not end. Pale moon of January, hide the colors of the sunrise. The gentle dawn of a night that should not end.
  3. I'm probably pathetic. I'm a prejudice kind of person when it comes to English dubs of series, yet I still watch them if I have no choice. Anyways, I've been in this anime thing since I was six or seven because my cousin sometimes does fansubs for some animes and my brother was always getting tapes from his homeroom teacher, Ed, of Hayao Miyazaki movies in original japanese. Ahem, anyways, this year I consider and turned myself into the direction of insane otakuness. My bookshelf (I have three bookshelves o.o;;) behind my bed is jammed with manga. I have already all the volumes of Inuyasha that are translated up to date and have preordered the 16th volume, same as with Fushigi Yuugi and Neon Genesis Evangelion. I don't know how many DVDs, fansub tapes, or just tapes of anime I have. My recent galore is getting the boxsets of Inuyasha (ep. 1-102 and 1st Movie), .hack//SIGN, and Haibane Renmei from Christmas, but of course I paid half of the Inuyasha one since it cost so much -_-;; I already have two wallscrolls, one of Inuyasha and other of Evangelion. I have three anime t-shirts, one that I made myself with the design and everything, and I'm actually learning Japanese. I went so far for the japanese course, that when I had a book report and we had to act as the person from the biography, I was Hayao Miyazaki, and I spoke in Japanese with translation cards for my presentation. @_@ My friends and I use Japanese vocab. At the beginning of the school year, we barely said these words to each other, so I had to teach them in some respects. I had to teach them the suffixes of -chan, -san, etc. We use -chan or the suffixes rarely, but whenever we do, its really fun! And now everybody calls me Maggie-sama or Lord Maggie after I suggested we should "walk around the school aimlessly in circles." Its a joke, yet I'd rather be just called Maggie. Actually, our manga group (actually its just a duo, my friend Rachel and I write and do the stories) is called Baka^Ni, which means Idiot to the Second Power. ^_^ And usually or sometimes, we call each other bakas etc. My secret way of just making someone shut up is to say, "Nandemo o hanashi mo kikinai." Heh...*evil laugh* But its not that rude. o.o Its kind of embarrasing to say, but I actually went as Sango from Inuyasha for Halloween, I made the costume and everything. >_< Oive`! I just realized, I bought too much of manga yetserday, I bought about 6-7 books of it! XD Hmm...oh yeah, I also go to the anime "conventions" here: [url]http://tass-anime.com[/url] It's where I got to see Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass movie. And another thing, I own website(s) (actually I'm creating them as we speak). So far the only anime website that is up is MehveGhibli :P But more is coming since I've already have got my domain. :D *looks down at t-shirt* Oh god, I'm still wearing my Inuyasha t-shirt. ._. I'm so weird....
  4. Here's what happened for the past week: -Stayed Home -Code -Post on my regular boards, here or there... -Code -Code -Do graphic design -Can't sleep -Wake up to many anime gifts -Watch Inuyasha, Haibane Renmei, and .hack//SIGN on computer through DVD -get soar throat -go down to Mesa -feel unnoticed at relatives house for Christmas Party -Get crappy gifts -got to hotel -went to aunt's house and played a game called "Catch Phrase" -got back to crummy hotel -Watch Inuyasha on labtop -Go to sleep, not really... -get more sick -Go to the Phoenix theater to see the Rockettes -Stare -Clap -Stare -Clap -Leave to eat at Chilis -Eat food -Leave for Grandma's house -Listen to weird tales of a family friend running off with an Indian woman a few days ago in Montana -start driving -listen to CD -cough -cough -sneeze -parents question me -coug--COUGH! -Eat at the Crackerbarrel -Get home -Can't sleep -Soar Throat -Wake up, feeling crappy -Fatigued -OFFICIAL Sickness! -Code -Code -Cough -Fall asleep in front of keyboard -repeat the sickness cycle. :P I still got another week, and I'm STILL sick. This sucks.
  5. My brother quoted it "A very Maggie Christmas". Probably because I made my x-mas wishlist in sometime of early november. XD Ahem, anyways: Inuyasha Boxset Ep. 1-100 Inuyasha the 1st Movie Haibane Renmei Boxset All Episodes .hack//SIGN Boxset All episodes Chobits DVD 1 (I didn't even ask for it O.o) Best of Inuyasha CD "The Rising Stars of Manga" Manga .hack//Legend of the Twilight Manga Vol. 1 How To Draw Manga Vol. 7 PHP Manual Spark Charts of HTML Fushigi Yuugi Vol. 2-6 2 Sweaters, one with the number 4 on it. *shrugs* A Japanese Panda watch from Ebay A Panda pin Two pajama clothing (yeah, not much to you, but I only have one pair of pajama's and usual I sleep in my own daily clothing X.x) Inuyasha Wallscroll CD and Floppy Disk container that you push to open! w00t! Weird Al "Poodle Hat" CD Two Mini Inuyasha collectible figurines of Shippou and Inuyasha with Tessaiga A Kokopelli Ocarina Inuyasha Blue T-Shirt $50 from Grandma Computer Drawing Pad CD Cleaner (XP) Two Think Geek T-shirts: One says Baka in Japanese on the front and baka in leet on the back; The other has simple words that says: "I'm blogging this..." XD SO yeah, that's what I got. I'm VERY satisfied. And yet, I didn't get my Photoshop.
  6. Oh god. Remember the episode where they kept on saying "yaddi yaddi yadda"? Oh! That was a gold mine. I kept on saying that to everyone at school for months as my excuses and reasons. XD "What took you so long?" asks my friend. "Some people yaddi yaddi yadda." End of Conversation. :P
  7. My WHOLE entire wishlist for both my b-day and x-mas can be found here on my lame layout (oh god! It sucks! X_X): [url]http://summernight.topcities.com/wish_list.htm[/url]
  8. You believe in things that aren't physical. *tries to balance a pair of scissors upwards, it clatters on her keyboard* Nope, it doesn't work. Sorry, your physics aren't working for me. The only way that i have a black out and then get stabbed by a pair of scissors is if Weird Al ran into me with them: [img]http://www.amazon.com/covers/B/00/000/JH8/B00000JH89.l.gif[/img] But, I haven't been stabbed--now have I?
  9. I never trust doctors. Only my dad (he's a scientist/doctor). They seem to give you the wrong drugs and make it even worse. That's been happening to my dad for a whole year, and also for me when they got the wrong test results. >_<
  10. I've seen the first OAV at an anime convention for Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass down at the University of Arizona. We weren't supposed to view it, actually, they were testing for its volume (there were problems with the stereo before the movie), so I only got to read the subtitles. I agree, the backgrounds are gorgeous! Almost as close to the ones made by Studio Ghibli. What I saw in the OAV, was a wonderful plot and I wanted to find out more. Its a very interesting story from what I could tell. O.o
  11. Wow, I guess they were communists or something. O.o
  12. Hmm....let's see: The Last Samaurai - I really just want to go and see it b/c my brother and his friends saw it, and they were going crazy about it (not otaku-ish, I mean MST3K-ish). Inuyasha: Love That Trascends through Time - I'm seeing this at an anime convention at the college, so sorry folks, it's not in theaters. :P Peter Pan Big Fish - I'm a big fan of this director's movies. ^_^ Yeah, I'm not planning to see LOTR, until the crowds wipe out, I'll probably go and see it. But I'm not a big fan. Sure I've seen the first two and I've read the book The Hobbit, but sitting in a chair for over 3 hours is tantalizing for me. O.o
  13. That happens to me actually. I've been having them ever since I was little. Whenever I sit down for a long period of time or in the same position, then I get up and suddenly everything becomes blurry (even though i do wear glasses! O.o) and I can't see what's in front of me. So I have to stand there, clutching my forehead and then my vision is back. Its just....weird.
  14. The Furbies reminded me of the gigapets. They were first cute, then they whine, then they annoy, and then they die. O.o
  15. Did you know that most dentists do suicides on themselves because people hate them so much? O_O
  16. I told my mom that two days ago, actually, in a sarcastic mode.
  17. I did Rei Ayanami from Evangelion: The name Rei gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary. You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in. Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious. You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships. Probably? Haruko from FLCL: Your name of Haruko gives you the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour. Your ideas can be very original and inventive. You enjoy being with people in a social environment. Your personal appearance is important to you, for you desire to make a good impression on others. Your pleasant manner attracts people to you with their problems and you are capable of offering practical advice, though you may not follow such advice yourself. This name causes you to be somewhat too concerned with the personalities, problems, and activities of other people. Eh? And, I love this. I typed in Pie for the heck of it and I got this: Your first name of Pie has given you a quick, active mind, which has caused you to delve into many different ideas and theories. You have a desire for association with people and, since you have no difficulty in being spontaneous and expressive with others, you have considerable ability for discussion and debate. You enjoy unexpected opportunities for meeting people, or doing things on the spur of the moment. Where you have difficulty is in organizing and systematizing the handling of your responsibilities. Though you can work on any undertaking intently as long as it absorbs your interest, you cannot persevere when confronted by obstacles or by tedious monotony. Thus your success in your undertakings is limited.
  18. Wasn't there a part where George and the guy at the gym were whining about somebody not wiping off their sweat?
  19. [QUOTE]To make a long story short, it got run over by a car twice.[/QUOTE] I can hear them now in the commercials, "The best things about Furbies, is that you can execute them all you want" *shows a child cutting off its head and the Furby saying, "I wuv you!"* "Its the best durable toy on the market! w00t! Buy Furby or we'll kill you." Nice commercial, eh?
  20. Oh god, Christmas Songs O_O They can get probably more annoying than ever, but sometimes I like some of them. Feliz Navidad - I had to do this for a dance this year, and the song got stuck in my head. Its easy to memorize and since I live nearby Mexico (in Arizona), I know the Spanish words they say by heart. ^_^ He's Too Fat for the Chimney - This is on one of our old records and that's the songs title. Hallelujah - Who wouldn't love this song? O-o Winter Wonderland - Classic. Period. All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth - The song, which we have on record along with the "He's Too Fat for the Chimney" is from the 1970s, and the singer always reminded me of a little mouse. :D Jingle Bells - Wonderful. :P Let it Snow - I really want a White Christmas here, since I live in Tucson, AZ, the last snowfall was in 2000 and it wasn't much, so this song makes me really hopeful. White Christmas - Another Classic. Christmas At Ground Zero - This is by Weird Al Yankovic. Favorite band, so I like his parodies. Here's his song: Christmas At Ground Zero It's Christmas at Ground Zero There's music in the air The sleigh bells are ringin' and the carolers are singin' While the air raid sirens blare It's Christmas at Ground Zero The button has been pressed The radio just let us know That "This is not a test..." Everywhere the atom bombs are droppin' It's the end of all humanity No more time for last minute shoppin' It's time to face your final destiny Well, it's Christmas at Ground Zero There's panic in the crowd We can dodge debris while we trim the tree Underneath a mushroom cloud You might hear some reindeer on your rooftop Or Jack Frost on your windowsill But if someone's climbin' down your chimney You better load your gun and shoot to kill Oh, it's Christmas at Ground Zero And if the radiation level's okay I'll go out with you and see the all new Mutations on New Year's Day It's Christmas at Ground Zero Just secondsleft to go I'll duck and cover with my yuletide lover Underneath the mistletoe It's Christmas at Ground Zero Now the missles are on their way What a crazy fluke we're gonna get nuked On this jolly holiday What a crazy fluke we're gonna get nuked On this jolly holiday
  21. Oh god--furbies. Just about yesterday or so, my brother, Nick, and I were talking about it. I can't believe I was in that craze. The reaason why we were talking about it was because we were puting in my brother's new bed in his room (since the bed has been broken for five years now) and while we were cleaning it out, we found a smooshed furby along with his shrine to monkeys and Peewee Herman and various other odds n' ends. His right eye was closed and the other was opened, and it looked like it was twitching. When I blew on it, all this dust came off of it. I then checked if there were any batteries on it, and noticed that it was taken out. And then I remembered why. Back when I was eight or nine, it kept on repeating this one phrase a thousand and one times. I think it was "butter" or was it "I'm hungry!!" ? But anyways, it was annoying the hell out of us and so we turned it off. Later that night, it screamed that so suddenly that we all freaked out. I personally took out the batteries and went back to sleep. I actually thought that the furby was a murderer when it screamed that. O_o ACK! So we killed it. I forgot the name of the furby, actually. And we also had a mini one, too. I think it was thrown out or its somewhere under all this junk in my brother's room. o.o Now, with the story of my old barbie dolls that I had when I was four, that's a different kind of execution tha we gave it back when I was nine or so.
  22. Christmas is rounding the corner, Hannukah has just started, and Kwanzaa will be soon after Christmas. As most of us know we have our traditions, some completely stupid or some really fun to do, for these holiday celebrations. So I have a question, what is your winter holiday that you celebrate? What are your customs during this month? and Are you visiting any family members and if so, what will you do? That's all, Happy Christmas, Merry Holidays! :D
  23. I've finally have heard of Björk's music finally! ^_^ I heard the music while browsing through the music CDs at Barnes and Noble's CD section. And I love her songs, I just need enough money to finally buy one of her CDs. O_o I like various bands and artists. Most of bands that i like to listen to are in different languages. Heh..But anyways, here are some: The Pillows- They did the music for FLCL. w00t Nanase Aikwa (sp?): I really love her voice, its not too high pitched nor is it screaming like most Japanese rock singers do. Evanescence: I can relate to their lyrics, and all of their songs aren't just about love, but also the opposites. The Vipers: I believe they did the song of "Turning Japanese". Berlin: An old 80s band, yet still I like them. Do as Infinity: They did Fukai Mori and Shinjitsu no Uta, awesome songs that they have also. Ayumi Hamasaki: Even though she does J-Pop, I still like her singing and that she writes most of her lyrics herself. Every Little Thing: Good Japanese band. *nods head* And last but not least: WEIRD AL YANKOVIC! I love his parodies! I'm listening to one of his CDs right now. They're probably the only songs where they're funny and his lyrics can be written by a "genius". My favorite song of his (which I'm listening to right now) is Albuquerque. Here's the lyrics: Way back when I was just a little bitty boy living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement half a block down the street from jerry?s bait shop You know the place Well anyway, back then life was going swell and everything was just peachy Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning My mother would make me a big bowl of sauerkraut for breakfast Awww - big bowl of sauerkraut Every single mornin It wa driving me crazy I said to my mom I said "hey, mom, what?s with all the sauerkraut? " And my dear, sweet mother She just looked at my like a cow looks at an oncoming train And she leaned right down next to me And she said "it?s good for you" And then she tied me to the wall and stuck a funnel in my mouth And force fed me nothing but sauerkraut until I was twenty six and a half years old That?s when I swore that someday Someday I would get outta that basement and travel to a magical, far away place Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like warm root beer And the towels are oh so fluffy Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long And anyone on the street will glady shave your back for a nickel Wacka wacka doodoo yeah Well, let me tell you, people, it wasn?t long at all before my dream came true Because the very next day, a local radio station had this contest To see who could correctly guess the number of molecules in leonard nimoy?s butt I was off by three, but I still won the grand prize That?s right, a first class one-way ticket to Albuquerque Albuquerque Oh yeah You know, I?d never been on a real airplane before And I gotta tell ya, it was really great Except that I had to sit between two large albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor And the little kid in back of me kept throwin? up the whole time The flight attendants ran out of dr. pepper and salted peanuts And the in-flight movie was bio-dome with pauly shore And, oh yeah, three of the airplane engines burned out And we went into a tailspin and crashed into a hillside And the plane exploded in a giant fireball and everybody died Except for me You know why? ?cause I had my tray table up And my seat back in the full upright position Had my tray table up And my seat back in the full upright position Had my tray table up And my seat back in the full upright position Ah ha ha ha Ah ha ha Ahhhh So I crawled from the twisted, burnin? wreckage I crawled on my hands and kneew for three full days Draggin? along my big leather suitcase and my garment bag And my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball And my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel But finally I arived at the world famous albuquerque holiday inn Where the towels are oh so fluffy And you can eat your soup right out of the ashtrays if you wanna It?s ok, they?re clean Well, I checked into my room and I turned down the a/c And I turned on the spectravision And I?m just about to eat that little chocolate mint on my pillow That I love so very, very much when suddenly, there?s a knock on the door Well now, who could that be? I say "who is it? " No answer "who is it? " There?s no answer "who is it? " They?re not sayin? anything So, finally I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected It?s some big fat hermaphrodite with a flock-of-seagulls haircut and only one nostril Oh man, I hate it when I?m right So anyway, he bursts into my room and he grabs my lucky snorkel And I?m like "hey, you can?t have that" "that snorkel?s been just like a snorkel to me" And he?s like "tough" And I?m like "give it" And he?s like "make me" And I?m like "?kay" So I grabbed his leg and he grabbed my esophagus And I bit off his ear and he chewed off my eyebrows And I took out his appendix and he gave me a colonic irrigation Yes indeed, you better believe it And somehow in the middle of it all, the phone got knocked off the hook And twenty seconds later, I heard a farmiliar voice And you know what it said? I?ll tell you what it said It said "if you?d like to make a call, please hang up and try again" "if you need help, hang up and then dial your operator" "if you?d like to make a call, please hang up and try again" "if you need help, hang up and then dial your operator" In albuquerque Albuquerque Well, to cut a long story short, he got away with my snorkel But I made a a solemn vow right then and there that I would not rest I would not sleep for an instant until the one-nostrilled man was brought to justice But first, I decided to buy some donuts So I got in my car and I drove over to the donut shop And I walked on up to the guy behind the counter And he says "yeah, what do ya want? " I said "you got any glazed donuts? " He said "no, we?re outta glazed donuts" I said "you got any jelly donuts? " He said "no, we?re outta jelly donuts" I said "you got any bavarian cream-filled donuts? " He said "no, we?re outta bavarian cream-filled donuts" I said "you got any cinnamon rolls? " He said "no, we?re outta cinnamon rolls" I said "you got any apple fritters? " He said "no, we?re outta apple fritters" I said "you got any bear claws? " He said "wait a minute, I?ll go check" "no, we?re outta bear claws" I said "well, in that case - in that case, what do you have? " He says "all I got right now is this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels" I said "ok, I?ll take that" So he hands me the box and I open up the lid and the weasels jump out And they immediately latch onto my face and start bitin? me all over (rabid gnawing sounds) Oh man, they were just going nuts They were tearin? me apart You know, I think it was just about that time that a little ditty started goin? through my head" I believe it went a little something like this . . . Doh Get ?em off me Get ?em off me Oh No, get ?em off, get ?em off Oh, oh god, oh god Oh, get ?em off me Oh, oh god Ah, (more screaming) I ran out into the street with these flesh-eating weasels all over my face Wavin? my arms all around and just runnin?, runnin?, runnin? Like a constipated weiner dog And as luck wouls have it, that?s exactly when I ran into the girl of my dreams Her name was zelda She was a caligraphy enthusiast with a slight overbite and hair the color of strained peaches I?ll never forget the first thing she said to me. She said "hey, you?ve got weasels on your face" That?s when I knew it was true love We were inseperable after that Aw, we ate together, we bathed together We even shared the same piece of mint-flavored dental floss The world was our burrito So we got married and we bought us a house And had two beautiful children - nathaniel and superfly Oh, we were so very very very happy, aw yeah But then one fateful night, zelda said to me She said "sweetie pumpkin? do you wanna join the columbia record club? " I said "woah, hold on now, baby" "i?m just not ready for that kinda commitment" So we broke up and I never saw her again But that?s just the way things go In albuquerque Albuquerque Anyway, things really started lookin? upi for me Because about a week later, I finally achieved my lifelong dream That?s right, I got me a part-time job at the sizzler I even made employee of the month after I put that grease fire out with my face Aw yeah, everybody was pretty jealous of me after that I was gettin? a lot of attitude Ok, like one time, I was out in the parking lot Tryin? to remove my excess earwax with a golf pencil When I see this guy marty tryin? to carry a big ol? sofa up the stairs all by himself So i, I say to him, I say "hey, you want me to help you with that? " And marty, he just rolls his eyes and goes "no, I want you to cut off my arms and legs with a chainsaw" So I did And then he gets all indignant on me He?s like "hey man, I was just being sarcastic" Well, that?s just great How was I supposed to know that? I?m not a mind reader for cryin? out loud Besides, now he?s got a really cute nickname - torso-boy So what?s he complaining about? Say, that reminds me of another amusing anecdote This guy comes up to me on the street and says he hasn?t had a bit in three days Well, I knew what he meant But just to be funny, I took a big bite out of his jugular vein And he?s yellin? and screamin? and bleeding all over And I?m like "hey, come on, don?tcha get it? " But he just keeps rolling around on the sidewalk, bleeding, and screaming (screaming sounds) You know, just completely missing the irony of the whole situation Man, some people just can?t take a joke, you know? Anyway, um, um, where was i? Kinda lost my train of thought Uh, well, uh, ok Anyway i, I know it?s kinda been a roundabout way of saying it But I guess the whole point I?m tryin? to make here is I hate sauerkraut That?s all I?m really tryin? to say And, by the way, if one day you happen to wake up And find yourself in an existential quandry Full of loathing and self-doubt And wracked with the pain and isolation of your pitiful meaningless existence At least you can take a small bit of comfort in knowing that Somewhere out there in this crazy mixed-up universe of ours There?s still a little place called Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque, albuquerque Albuquerque, albuquerque Albuquerque, albuquerque Albuquerque, albuquerque I said "a" (a) "l" (l) "b" (b) "u" (u) "querque" (querque) Albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque Albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque Albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque Albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque, albuquerque Albuquerque (belch) This whole song is for 11 minutes, and I never get bored of it!
  24. Seinfeld is still one of my favorite shows on the planet. I agree with Sarah about it probably being one of the only shows that i still laugh at even though its a re-run. I still watch the shows every weeknight on UPN and laughing my effing head off. XD I like many of the episodes, I really like the Soup Nazi and the episode where Kramer lives in his own shower. Its such a screwball comedy that it doesn't have much of a plot. I really like George, however, everyone in the cast is just awesome! ^_^
  25. My real name is Maggie Thorpe, so I've goteen some embarrasing stuff or just some weird things that I wonder where these people got these ideas: Maggie Bear: My sixth grade teachers call me that and when I got a present from them on the last day of school (nothing huge, but it was because I was their student aide) and on the present it said Maggie Bear. Maggot: From the bully, so I just call him cuss words in other languages in return :D Magma: This was started from my friend Ethan last year, and that really REALLy annoyed me. Magnator: This was during PE and I was called this when I won for something that I was having trouble with (I forgot what it was). Then, somebody on my team, called me that. >_< Mag: Simple way to say Maggie Magmo: From my old best friends mother called me that. Maggie-chan: My friend, Margaret, and I both call each other over IM or sometimes in real life with an ending of -chan. Mehve: After people at my school found out my username of Mehve, they started calling me that. It soon went away. Lord Maggie: This was a joke when I said to my friends, "How about we walk around the school in circles, aimlessly?" And then they started saying, "Oh yes, great Maggie!" "Yes we shall, Lord Maggie!" and started bowing to me. It was started by my friends Megan and Margaret. Michelle: I was only called this during our dance rehearsals because there was a girl named Maggie, so we went with my middle name of Michelle. Big Maggie: This was also the nickname I recieved because of that little Maggie during Dance Camp. So everyone started calling me Big Maggie, and the little girl was called Little Maggie. X_X Baka^Ni: This is our drawing/REACH group name and I thought up the name. So, I'm called this sometimes. Throw-up: Mispronounciation of my last name when I won the Science Fair. Thorpe: I'm called by my surname by various teachers. Margaret: People think my real name is Margaret, but its NOT!!!
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