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Everything posted by MaggieMehve

  1. I never had a first kiss, really. Sure I got a peck on the cheek when I think I was five or so, from my friend Josh, but, no real serious kiss as of yet. -_-;; I've already been hearing enough of kids at my school babbling on about their first kiss of how sucky it was or how romantic it was, and I haven't. But I'm just thirteen, and there's still more time. but if I don't get one when I'm fourty, that will be pathetic. O_O
  2. Same here with my teeth taken out, this was before i was going to get the spacers for my braces, and I didn't feel the needle in my gums--I actually liked it for some odd reason. O.o
  3. I haven't gotten my wisdom teeth as of now, but I do have braces and that is real pain to live with O_O Especially since they tightened it too much two weeks ago. That was a horror!
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