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About Wolfgang688

  • Birthday 03/14/1988

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  1. Yea, I got two older siblings, a brother (18), and a sister (17). We get along okay, but, we do argue alot. My brother is a complete a** when he doesn't take his medicine ~looks at full medicine bottle on counter~ Yea so he's an 18 year old a**bruiser with a god-complex and an evil corrupted brain. He's ok, very rarely, but most of the time we're arguing, or he's locked in his room or out smoking somewhere. In the off-chance that he does take his medicine, he's really nice, really, really nice, (give away free money nice). That's the only time we have fun, and that's the only part of my brother that i'll miss if something would happen to him. My sister and I get along great. We don't talk much, but when we do, it's almost only good things. Only when "it's that time of month" is she upsetting. Other then that it's good. As for myself, I guess i'm annoying at times, but, it is only when i want attention, and I rarely need attention. Most people say that I'm pretty mature for my age. My parents even say I'm more mature then my brother. ~Can't think of anything else.~ So there ya' go.
  2. oh, sorry sorry sorry. forgot. well, yea um, the ideas sound cool for Animal Crossing 2. I would really like to be able to play online, if i could get my modem to work. But today (Christmas Eve) is my one year anniversary for Animal Crossing. and if this is off topic just delete this reply or just work your moderator magic. But leave the thread open. Sorry.
  3. Anyone heard of the game Harvest Moon? it's comin out for gamecube in january. it's pretty much like Animal Crossing, but it has a lot more stuff. and u can date different people, start a farm, get married, raise a family, get a job etc etc........ Well, I do plan on gettin it. It sounds pretty fun.
  4. hey thanx (i think), yea well, the mutants do look cooler, but they are evil, and i just like the defaults better. i'm at a slump right now and i can't come up with any new banners. I made this one a while back. It's from the Beyblade anime. It's the same as the second one pretty much.
  5. ok, little wolf dude accidently turns into a mutant. evil evil mutant. it's an accident. so I made it worse, and turned him into CHEESEMAN. hehehe. there ya' go.
  6. Here's another one. Still Neopets. But it's funny if you know wats goin' on. And it looks funny too. Don't forget to critique.
  7. Yea I was waitin' for someone for reply, I forgot to put the other ones up here. But thanx for the compliment. Critique the next few that I put up. This on is still for Neopets.
  8. Hey, I made this avatar a while back. It's for my Neopets account. Don't laugh. I made it with MS Paint and a program called Barbarosa. It's a GIF maker. Critique it as much as you want.
  9. Ooooooohhhhh, my turn, my turn. Can I draw a megaman, can I, can I, pleeeease. Ok, well, if you are able to get more colors, get prismacolor. They're the best in my opinion. really good colors. And the mix well too. if i do draw a megaman, I'll need to find a way to scan them onto the computer. ok. There ya' go.
  10. There are 55 K.K. Slider songs total in Animal Crossing. My Turn: What is the strongest weapon (as in stat boost) in Golden Sun (the first one)?
  11. Yea, well, sorry, I just needed to say that, it helps the pain. Oh the pain. I learned a life-long lesson, don't walk around with stuff stickin' out of your mouth. Toothbrushes, spoons, forks, toothpicks. Yea well, I just learned that wisdom teeth don't really do anything, no extra wisdom or anything. But they don't hurt for everyone, for most people they do, but not everyone. There ya' go.
  12. What exactly are wisdom teeth? I've heard that they're teeth (of course) but why does everyone get them removed. It doesn't make any sense to me, but, I haven't gotten mine in yet. So I don't know what it feels like. But if you don't get them removed, and get through the pain, if the pain stops, would it do anything special? Would I become wiser, or tougher because of outlasting the pain? So confuzzling, well, ignore this message if it appears stupid to you. P.S. My toothbrush got jammed under my tongue yesterday, it's all swollen and it hurts now. Just thought you should know.
  13. i guess nobodies been here long enough to remember that stuff. ok then. it was a few years ago. i had a lot of friends here. but the all disappeared. ~sniffle~
  14. Ello, just joined. Well, I was wonderin if any1 in here has come to this site since it was absolute gameboy. i miss that site.
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