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About RawrKijett
- Birthday May 27
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LadySibyl v2o
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Cute... yet somewhat physco >_>
O.o I am unsure
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[COLOR=darkred]ehh i am from chicago, illinois but more in the suburbs were there are lots of fields... >_>;; and .. horse farms... about 4 of them are by my house its sort of cool yet sort of boreing because where i live is so quiet XD; [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred] ah I must say that I hate when parents try to force what they want you to do over what you want to do my mom always wanted me to become a teacher and is always trying to make me be one even though i've decided to become an artist o.o; for the simple fact i love to draw and i'd like to do something I love then dealing with bratty children who all like me and i dont even like them o_o but as for my advice i think that you should talk to your dad and explain to him that its your life and it should be what you want and even though he wishes that you become something else that it isnt technically his life and you have no wish to be what he wants you to be and it wouldnt make you happy therefore i think thats probably the wisest thing to do and if he doesnt listen >>; try and just get your opinion on that whole court thingie majiger, y'know? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]my first date was way back when... *lights fade then a spot light goes on her* it was on the weekend when i had my first boyfriend back in 6th grade my best friend and her boyfriend and me and mine decided to go catch a movie o_o i remember the day so well because we went to watch that one movie "superstar!" with the girl hugging the tree err whatever >>; and we were worried if we were old enough to get into the movie because me 'n cody were only 12 but the others were 13 so old enough XD but we ended up going in anyways and he paid for my ticket even though i tried to refuse because i believed in that i could pay myself ^^; anyways we bought candy and watched the movie, then after we decided to go get more candy at the candy place and cody bought me gummie worms ^__^; it was adorable.. then i went home and got introuble because my parents didnt know it was a "date" since they thought i was too young :] they didnt even find out i was going out with him untill later so that was fun and hilarious it was funny that they didnt realize i was going out with him because i went to his house a lot and stuff XDDD but y'know my parents are always non-existant in my life and slow i guess sometimes thats a plus. anyways that was my first date it wasnt much of one but we were young and didnt have that much to work off of. but as for what happened to cody o_O well he still goes to my school, we dont talk really anymore, let alone.. o_O see eachother..and my best friend at the time is still a year older and still a friend. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Have you ever had a time in your life in which you question everything? I am now in that time. Some of my questions include, why was I put on this earth? What am I going to do with my life? Does he like me? lol Questions like these...[/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]actually i have gone through that where i seemed to question everything from existance to the most simplest things ^^; but sometimes it is good to question you learn more things about yourself and will maybe dig deep to answer them.. anyways this time wont just be now..it happens frequently over periods of time as you grow older ^_^; so anyways good luck with that and search for the answers deep down you might be surprised X3 [/COLOR]
Do you consider yourself a real Otaku?
RawrKijett replied to Moor_Child's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkred][QUOTE]What I mean by real Otaku is do you watch a lot of anime?[/QUOTE] Yes. i watch a lot. :3 i love anime. [quote]Do you know some anime vocab?[/quote] Yes. [quote] Do you own lots of anime?[/quote] Well i'd like to say No i dont. i am too cheap. i borrow from other otaku friends of mine. XD its easier if we all share. i'd hafta consider myself a real otaku.. but.. i don't know i am always learning more and more. I enjoy a lot.. of anime.. drawing and everything ^^; anyways yeah.. i guess [/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]Yes, it would be very "smurfin'" if we all did. I don't know which school you go to, but here in NJ, pretty much anything goes. It's not that people are so accepting, just that we prefer to see how stupid people can get. I mean, women's clothing on a guy is pretty disturbing when you first see it, but you get a good laugh from it later. Any attire that doesn't reek of "I'm an idiot and I want to express things that other people would prefer not to know about" is ok in my book. You can wear 60s clothing for all I care - that's ok with me, but if you like to wear women's clothing...
[COLOR=darkred] well i like drawing and stuff so i want to do animation. and i'd like to study abroad to japan in college..then maybe come back and get a job or just live there and get a job :3 i havent decided fully yet but thats my plan for now. [QUOTE]Teachers are underpaid, underappreciated. And it just isn't something I'm amazingly happy to do. If I had it my way, I'd just write poems all my life, or writing, and get it published. With no money or money, just as long as at the same time I had enough to keep food on my table. [/QUOTE] o_O teachers are underpaid..but they do have a lot of benefits and they arn't that under appreciated. you just dont realize what a teacher does for you untill you are out of school and realize how much they have helped you. and writings eh? i have to check out your poetry sometime. but i am quite the critic o.< and if thats what you want to do...then dont settle for something else. do what you want and dream to do. o.< and along with boba my career path might change in time though so you never know. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]I don't think that schools should put restrictions on holding hands. What's next? Creating "Burp Zones" and charging a fine if someone commits the illegal act outside the designated area? Give me a break. I mean, sure...there should be limits. Telling people not to have sex on campus being one of those limits. ~_^ But as far as kissing/holding hands, I think that's fine. I personally don't see it as something that the school should place a restriction on. But that's just me; I'm sure various parents have a different viewpoint.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred] well I agree almost 100% even though more than half of the people at my school do PDA i can get along with or without it. just some people do it to a point and it gets annoying.. like a couple makeing out in the hallway..and you literally have to shove them for them to move. but I don't know. i dont have anyone to do "pda" with.. nor have I really been part of that problem X3 so..meh and at my school there isnt a rule like that because they understand i guess. I don't know. I really dont care [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]Santa brought me.. lesse he brought me a lot of art supplies i.e. drawing book. coloring pencils. other art stuff. pencils. erasers. lots of lead. a drawing tablet for my comp. and penguin socks :D now i can say "You rawk meh penguin sawks" XD so spiffy and some earings... from my grandma i recieved 100 dollars... uh.. my uncle i recieved this.. lil chest with a key ^^; and thats all folks~ [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]alright .. lets leave it at this.. people are greedy but there isnt much that we can do anyways..but hope that in some way in years to come it just wont get too out of hand..then what are we left with?[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mage of Asgard [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]What does life mean to you? If life is good, why? If it treats you bad, why? I'll tell you mine now. I have yet to discover the true meaning of "life". It treats me bad, no matter how good I treat it, and it treats me great when I don't want or need it to. Many people say that it's a silly reason to not like life, but my family sucks too, and I'm underage to get a name change or leave home. Well, I was just wondering what life meant to everyone else out there. I told you what it meant to me. Please respond. This board is also to be used for suggestions about how to turn life around, and to discuss your problems and try to get help. Thank you to anyone willing to read and reply to this Board.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]My answer in this is i have yet to discover the true meaning of life just recently i've become to change it to that from things such as "life has no point. i cant wait to die" but life does have a point no matter what you think about it you just have to take the time and find it.. you may not even find it untill you are old *shrugs* but life has a point. just wait and see :] [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Suicide is the cowards way out. Those who are truly brave and strong search for their light, no matter how dark the situation. You are one of the weak, for you have given up/refuse to being strong, ArunueShekamari.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]I am tending to think you have never been through a suicide period before? because its not all that you think. and it isnt the cowards way out.. believe me.. if it was you'd be calling the most strongest people you know a coward because sometimes you get to a point where you just cant do anything and the world is so tough on you and you cant do anything you can even get back on your feet and it doesnt mean they have always given up or refused.. they could of tried and tried and still not of gotten anywhere suicide in my opinion is a mind set but *shrugs* its not the answer and its not something i tend to like anymore.. i hold a strong disliking for it now.. but you dont care about that so i'll shut up [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][QUOTE]I don't think that everyone is greedy. Some are greedy, some aren't. But giving and receiving gifts doesn't make you greedy. I like giving gifts to people, because it's a token of my appreciation for them themselves. And basically, it's nice to do things that make others happy. I think it's pretty harmless; it only becomes crazy when people really do start to become entirely materialistic over it. [/QUOTE] I must agree.. i am not saying that giving and receiving gifts make you greedy but there is a line where people do act all. "Omg you [b]have[/b] to get me this" and demand it like a spoiled child. [QUOTE]I've talked with a couple people about Wish Lists, and I was surprised to find out that not all of my friends make them. My family's required to, heh. This year they're posted online so everyone has easy access to them.[/QUOTE] XD my family makes us do wish list.. only problem with me is that i dont really want anything anymore..ran out of things :X [QUOTE]And by the way, this is going of topic, insted of disussing greedyness in gerneral, your now focussing on chistmas greedyness. [/QUOTE] I intended it to be christmas greedyness i am sorry i was too vague on the title :].. and i noticed it more around christmas this year then usual. [QUOTE]And I do not know who said it but someone said if someone does not go to church they should not be able to celebrate Christmas.[/QUOTE] o_O;;; Thats an absurd idea. christmas isnt all based on religious beliefs.. my family takes it to be religious but just because you dont believe in that doesnt mean you have to not celebrate christmas. Christmas has many meaning and its [b]not[/b] all about the religious things but also rather about the tons of other meanings that i wont go into because it'd take too much time. [QUOTE] People are greedy. Get over it. Jesus is dead. Get over it. Christmas is just a holiday. Get over it. Let people be greedy. Is there anything you can do about it? No. Does saying that people are greedy mean you're doing something about it? No. It only means you're complaining, and not taking action. If it's such a big deal, then act, instead of pointing fingers [/QUOTE] I am not simply complaining in this thread, dear. I am simply trying to get the word out about people being greedy and hopeing that in some way people will get the idea. *pat pat* Its alright. Dont Assume next time.. And do not make attacts on religious beliefs so easily makeing you seem like a fool, if you dont believe in it you can atleast do what i do and not say anything at all, keep your opinions to yourself and let some sort of respect towards others belief show. -- I also think that hearing some people saying they are greedy really arnt greedy or under what i classify as greedy o_o anyways this post has been stretched out and i was just merely hopeing to see if anyone else agreed on how the world tends to be more about themselves then others but i am not saying everyone is greedy but i wish in someways those who are will get a sense of it and maybe just maybe perhaps learn not to be. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]i know that i havent played all those games but i must have to vote for monopoly XD i mean come on you get to handle money and send people to jail.. sure sometimes it drags on but its fun in the end ^^; [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred] Well what i am trying to say is of course we are all greedy about christmas in one way or another but when are we overdoing it? when has it become too much when you start asking a random person to buy you this and they must and then get mad if they dont? i mean i think its wrong.. its overdoing it and people are just forgetting the whole meaning.. like you said you dont believe in the whole religious thing but there is also that other meaning of the joy of giving and recieving even the stupidest gifts even if they come from the heart.. should matter i don't know.. i must confess even though i really wanted only two things for christmas i ended up haveing the most gifts under the tree..but then again i didnt ask for any of them they just gave them to me and i am sure i'll appreciate them whatever they are the same as i would of what i wanted because they came from my parents hearts when they could of gotten me nothing at all.. anyways my only hope is that people dont overdue greedyness such as i stated.. and erm Ami ^^ i agree with everything you said >_>[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MGuyPersonDude [/i] [B]the world isn't going greedy, its been greedy for a long time. all living creatures ar naturally selfish. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]thats not entirely true... about christmas? i am probably the least bit selfish because i dont care about gifts.. but i mean a part of me is like ":D Presentttssss" but as i have grown older i've learned to snuff that flame out and not like that and it has been greedy for quite awhile... and i wish there was some way to change that =\ [/COLOR]