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  1. i remember ya. i was once SSJGoten cept got banned fo rno reason, so the boards r kind messed with tehre mod choices right now. not mentioning n e names coughaltroncough
  2. forget that wut happened?? I cant until i get my name back, Cuz i didnt flame n e 1 after ur warning.
  3. getting on ppls nerves alot is mine.
  4. Its me SSJGoten. And u dont wanna no wut i did. But it was all a joke, dont worry if u find out.
  5. heh Roxy dont this seem familiar. lol(ya right) well just wanted to say sorry one more time. So guess this is it. Well ive had sum good times here and sum bad times(tear falls down eye) Hope u ppl have a good time here Bye.
  6. Yes it does have alot to do with stress. Now Altron is reporting me sumwhere, for sumthing i didnt do. O and wut the heck is Bandwith???? Well this my last post. Adios
  7. I didnt meant to do wut i said. When i got banned it oushed me over the edge. Im under alot of stress righ tnow. Since my dad died ive been under stres, now we have to swell his store and we might gonna have to move. So when i was banned i jsut got really mad. Sorry about wut i did. Ill leave the Otkau for good now ok?
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