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Everything posted by Kanuckgrrl
And YET...He worked on the movie no less. Im sure he was on set as much as robert rodriguez was, and he was there trying to get the rights for the movie from Frank Miller alongside Rodriguez. so, yeah..... :rolleyes:
[SIZE=2]Grindhouse looks really sweet! I had only recently seen a trailor for it when i went and saw 'smokin aces' its unique which is what i usually like about his work. Killbill was deffinately my favorite by him though, he should deffinately have gotten an oscar nomination for it, but because it had to have been seperated into two volumes it couldnt, THAT BLOWS! ! GAH! He so deserves it. Oh and SinCity is one of my favorite movies to it deffinatly kicks *****![/SIZE]
I cant BELIVE that I missed all the good tours! Taking back sunday is my favorite band right now, I went to the taste of chaos tour '06 while it was in canada, and the biggest bands they had that I knew of were silverstein, and thrice :animedepr Plus it was in some retarded hockey stadium where you had to buy floor tickets or seat tickets, I counted on my friends to buy floor tickets...what do they do? We're sitting in the very far back. Some people got lucky and was able to run past the security and into the crowd. All my friends are lazy though :animecry: I havent bought any of the CD's, I just buy the CD's of the bands that I like lol (Atreyu was pretty good though)
LOL I looove family guy!! Peter is the best, but the only reason its the 2nd worst family rated show is because its not a family show, and the people that rated it are retards. although I HATE Lois, and chris is only just starting to get funny.
I think that the first few episodes are really funny, but I have to wonder which are paid to act like retards from the ones that actually think they can be the next american idol. And if it wasnt for the judges like simon to be pricks and overly honest, then the show probebly wouldnt be doing so well. Nah, Ide never audition in a million years. I think that whats her face, the female judge should be in rehab, it seems she shows up drunk all the time, but it also seems that Simon is beginning to not care and have fun with it. Its interesting to watch, but i dont take it to seriously
[SIZE=2]Face sucking is rather gross to watch.... :o 1)18 2)ide say its good, perhaps people need to pracitice it alot better like teenagers and people with AIDS lol! 3)once, when the guy was coming on to me, and I was extremely unattracted to him, and wasnt about to **** up my life while i was still in highschool, cause well, it takes a retard to do that :animesmil 4)None that were serious, just kiddie stuff, ive maybe had 7 boyfriends, some of which I would go out with more than once, but... It was boring and a waste of time. 5)mmm...At school, everyday, but now that im out of school, it rarely happens, but when it does.... I just assume they do it for attention 6)well...it doesnt hurt anyone, but I wouldnt do it, its not anyones buisness to see that, and there are young people watching and absorbing what they see 7)some ***** straddeling her boyfriend and they were hard core going at eachothers faces and doing humping motions lol! 8)no, at my school, its always been the drugs, alcohal and violence 9)18 is a pretty mature age, but I think it really depends on what that persons doing with their lives, other wise it should be held off till after school, but always having some kind of a ttraction and spending time with the opposite gender would be healthy i think[/SIZE]
When I was little we used to make caramel popcorn balls that were warm and gooey and thats the way I like it :animeswea Otherwise Im rarely in the mood for popcorn
Is it okay to go *** to mouth? [Adult]
Kanuckgrrl replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
What?? Are you talking about head or somthing? cause the question doesnt even makes sence to me :animestun -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]There is an alternative way to gather stem cells and thats through the bone marrow in the leg from an adult, but its proven to not be as successfull. I think that If abortion is going to happen, its not like these embryos have a chance to live anyways right? So, what do they do with aborted embryos? Put them in jars? This way their cells can be put to disease research and for giving people back their limbs or their abilitie to walk, or reverse brain damage. Um, the main thing thats been viewed as unethical about stem cell research is its use for cloneing. Its the cloning that has been known to have had horrible and cruel failures, its a waste of resources, and has no real benifits except scientific breakthrough. Theres been many success' other than dolly, but because of the deformities and very low success rate, its difficult to be given the okay. But other than for cloning, I think that stem cell research is our best chance to fix alot of things.[/SIZE][/COLOR] :animesigh
Art Just A Random Question To All You Artists Out There
Kanuckgrrl replied to a topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Red]My dad, Ive been drawing and loved doing art before I went to school, and my dad is a really talented drawer. so yup! My dad :catgirl: haah[/COLOR] -
I find a lot of people to be disapointed in inuyasha, and ive only seen very few different animes but of the ones ive seen inuyasha is one of my favorites. the story is really good, although it seemed that after the first season the writers got bored of the shikon jewel, and moved on the the romance between inuyasha and kagoma or kikyo.(therefore it got boring) its funny, and sad at parts, and the action i find is pretty good, esspecially after youve been watching dragonball z where theyr fights consist of energy balls, and fighting SSOOOO fast that its just a blurr, its like they got lazy or somthing, and you know that everytime theres a villain, goku can defeat him no matter what. Gundam wing is another of my favorites, i havnt seen any of the episodes, but ive seen "the endless waltz" and i really liked the story and the charactors. and i LOVE the mobile suits! they are well detailed and rather entertaining to watch them battle. Digimon is good too, but they tend to have a bunch of extra main charactors, if you know what i mean. theres the girl with the puple hat, the fat kid, the small kid, the main charactor with the goggles and koji, but after a while the others become to weak and have to lend thier spirits to the stronger two(koji, kid with goggles) and the others get left out, and just stand on the side lines cheering them on and sometimes getting in the way. T_T and in pokemon what happend to misty?! she just got replaced by a girl who doesnt even like pokemon and little nerdy kid max. :tasty:
:sleep: Serenity from yugioh. she makes girls look weak and like cry babys, and it takes her forever to get over things, she just crys to much, and taya with her big speaches! pan from dbgt is annoying too, with her winning and complainging at goku and blaming him for everything. i agree with rini from sailor moon, shes to pissy. i dont like any girl anime charactor that stands on the side lines dressed like a hooker or school girl. which makes me wonder why kagome in inuyasha is always wearing her school mini skirt thing when shes always in danger, she goes home! why not change into pants or somthing! it makes her vulnerable, and i hate that. if i were to change things it would be to stop making girls weak and crappy, and the dorky charactors like kenny (his voice actor is annoying too) from beyblade, same with that girl on beyblade whos just a cheerleader kind of thing that gets yelled at all the time by tyson. :o
hmm... i like them both, but the one i like the best is the one with the blue background, (ive never seen naruto to know the names so sorry bout that) and out of the three id pick the second on the top, i guess i just liked how the text isnt hugging the edge. so theyr not both yours? if not, :tasty: :) which ones yours?
[SIZE=3]what i would give to move!! ive lived in the same house all my life (15 years going on 16 this month) this house used to be concidered "country" until finally they built around it. In the spring, the basment floods ruining everything, and bugs always manage to get in. we have a pretty big back yard, but of coarse isnt fenced in so we get trespassers day in and day out, 9 bikes stolen (locked too) 2 break ins, our car has been stolen. Plus i live in Manitoba and we get 2 extreme weathers (VERY cold winters, and very hot summers) . basically: crappy neighbourhood, crappy house sums it all up! only 2 more years of school, and i have to get out! well im done ranting and raving! thanx it felt good (not as good as hitting someone, but itll do!! :tasty: :p bubi![/SIZE]