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Everything posted by sakura13

  1. sakura13


    :o Tsukasa's a girl for real???Hey,ya learn somethin new every day!:D -Gelgoog Pilot good point!(sorry,had to add on to this one or they'll prolly delete it :rolleyes: )
  2. Well,I think it's anime if a non-Japanese person drew it really well...and it looked like anime.When I grow up,I wanna draw anime and be an anim...ator but I'm not Japanese! :D
  3. Hey,I luv that show!^^ What does "butchered " mean?Is it bad???
  4. How do u get little avatars in myotaku.com for like,signing guest books and stuff??? :help:
  5. Mine is G Gundam,it ROCKS! ^^'
  6. Both of those ROCK!Why would anyone hate them???
  7. I've never even heard of half the characters you guys have said!Anywayz, my favorite is Mimiru just because.Just joking!She's funny and caring! =^-^=
  8. It's because of the way some of the girls dress...^^' It's not really that bad tho...
  9. I dunno,maybe the Final Fantasy Series or Chrono Cross...?
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