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Everything posted by StrikeGundam

  1. [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Shadowfire, I really think that your deck is really solid, only I think that you should try sidedecking Seven Tools of The Bandit. Its really situational, but a well placed Big Burn could really screw you over. You could also try sidedecking Necrovalley, so your opponent can't special summon your monsters and screw up your powerup. [/color][/size][/font] [color=navy]------------------------------------------[/color] [color=navy]This is the current deck that I'm running, it's mostly archfiend with a few deviations from the theme. I only use it for casual play, and I'm working on getting a Dark Necrofear. I know that the deck is pretty big, but as fas as my experience is concerned, I've found that a larger deck is needed when you use a deck that is focused on field cards. [/color][color=navy]Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated. [/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][u]High Level Monsters[/u](6)[/color] [color=#000080]1x Chaos Sorcerer[/color] [color=#000080]1x Great Maju Garzette[/color] [color=#000080]1x Mefiest the Infernal General[/color] [color=#000080]3x Summoned Skull[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][u]Low Level Monsters[/u](21)[/color] [color=#000080]1x An Owl of Luck[/color] [color=#000080]1x Archfiend Soldier[/color] [color=#000080]1x Cyber Jar[/color] [color=#000080]1x Cyber Raider[/color] [color=#000080]2x D.D. Trainer[/color] [color=#000080]2x Desrook Archfiend[/color] [color=#000080]1x Infernalqueen Archfiend[/color] [color=#000080]1x Kiseitai[/color] [color=#000080]1x Kuriboh[/color] [color=#000080]1x Magician of Faith[/color] [color=#000080]1x Mask of Darkness[/color] [color=#000080]2x Pandemonium Watchbear[/color] [color=#000080]2x Vilepawn Archfiend[/color] [color=#000080]1x Sangan[/color] [color=#000080]1x Shadowknight Archfiend[/color] [color=#000080]1x Terrorking Archfiend[/color] [color=#000080]1x X-Head Cannon[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][u]Spell Cards[/u](14)[/color] [color=#000080]1x Book of Moon[/color] [color=#000080]1x Change of Heart[/color] [color=#000080]2x Checkmate[/color] [color=#000080]1x Contract With The Abyss[/color] [color=#000080]1x Fairy Meteor Crush[/color] [color=#000080]1x Harpie's Feather Duster[/color] [color=#000080]1x Monster Reborn[/color] [color=#000080]1x Mystical Space Typhoon[/color] [color=#000080]1x Offerings to the Doomed[/color] [color=#000080]1x Pandemonium[/color] [color=#000080]1x Rageki[/color] [color=#000080]1x Riryoku[/color] [color=#000080]1x Snatch Steal[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][u]Trap Cards[/u](8)[/color] [color=#000080]2x Bottomless Trap Hole[/color] [color=#000080]1x Call of the Haunted[/color] [color=#000080]1x Magic Cylinder[/color] [color=#000080]1x Negate Attack[/color] [color=#000080]1x Nightmare Wheel[/color] [color=#000080]1x Ring of Destruction[/color] [color=#000080]1x Seven Tools of the Bandit[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][u]Total[/u](49)[/color]
  2. [color=navy]Name: Marcus Solo[/color] [color=navy]Age: 17 Gender: Male Mobile Suit: GAT X-133 Sword Calamity Gundam, [url="http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/f91-msv/f71-vsbr.jpg"]F71 G-Cannon VSBR Type[/url][/color] [img]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-msv/gat-x133.jpg[/img] [color=navy]Bio: The main pilot of the Oasis Guild, Marcus has been trained from birth on how to operate various vehicles and mobile weapons with great proficiency. The guild long ago captured Sword Calamity Gundam from a cell of the alliance, and Marcus protects the guild from any retalliation. [/color]
  3. [quote name='duorocks17][font=Century Gothic][color=blue]I think it would be fun if we could make the whole table set of the myO transparent, that way, if we have a background, you can acutally see what it is. I believed you mentioned making it more easier for us to "make it our own" site. I can't wait. :)[/color'][/font][/quote][color=navy]I agree with Duorocks, I would like it if I could see the wallpapers that are put up on the various MyO sites, although I think that a button that hides the actual table would be easier to do than making everything transparent. Also, please get rid of all of the white around the logo at the top of the page, I find it quite annoying. [/color]
  4. [QUOTE=digitalshadow] [u]Monsters[/u] 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom Mask of Darkness Magician of Faith Dark Ruler Ha Des Man-Eater Bug 7 Colored Fish x2 Arsenal Summoner Skilled White Magician Patrician of Darkness Dark Magician Buster Blader Witch of the Black Forest Gearfried the Iron Knight Harpie?s Brother Nimble Momonga x2 Roulette Barrel Pitch-Dark Dragon Kiryu Giant Germ x2 Dark Paladin (I'm thinking of trying to find the Skilled Dark Magician) [u]Magic[/u] Confiscation Sparks x2 Soul Exchange x2 Mystical Space Typhoon Dark Hole Black Pendant Dragon?s Gunfire Card Destruction Prohibition Precious Cards from Beyond Red Medicine x2 Ground Collapse Metalsilver Armor Polymerization Dian Keto the Cure Master Hinotama [u]Traps[/u] Ordeal of a Traveler Waboku Trap Hole x3 Earthshaker Gravity Bind Gust Solemn Wishes Enchanted Javelin x2 Attack and Receive Skull Dice Michizure A Feint Plan Light Intervention Life Absorbing Machine Magic Jammer Just Desserts[/QUOTE][color=navy]Lets see if I can help you out. First, I would drop the Nimble Momongas and the Giant Germs. There's too many ways to remove a monster without attacking, and if you run into a Terrorking Archfiend or anything equipped with Wicked Breaking Flamberge Baou, there goes your monster for nothing. You're better off using more defence monsters, such as Battle Footballer or The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave, which would be even better for your Dark Paladin. Four Star Ladybug of Doom can go for a Man-Eater Bug, maybe more than one. Try getting a Dark Blade, which you can find in the Yugi Evolution Starter Deck, so you can use it with Kiriyu, and get a monster that is over 2500 or with Pitch Dark Dragon, so that you can have a tranple monster(a monster that damages life points even though your oponents monster is in defense mode) that can stand up for a while by itself. If you get that Skilled Dark Magician, get rid of Skilled White and put in the magic card Emblem of Dragon Destroyer.[/color] [color=#000080]Magic card wise, get rid of Sparks, Red medicine, and all other cards like them. Even if you had three of all of them, they're too weak to make much of a difference. You can keep Dian Keto if you want to. Precious Cards from Beyond won't help you much, especially since you only have 2 double tribute monsters, and they're both being used for a fusion. Work on getting another Ground Collapse. [/color] [color=#000080]Trap card wise, get rid of Earthshaker, it won't help you much. Gravity Bind will hurt you more then it will help, since you can't really take advantage of your opponent not being able to attack, since you won't be able to either. Switch Gust for a Dust Tornado, if you can get it. Light of Intervention won't help much either, and Life Absorbing Machine doesn't really have a purpose in this deck. Try to get a Waboku, and try to balance your number of monsters with your Magic and Traps. I'm not sure what type of deck that you're going for, but I hope that I helped. [/color]
  5. [color=#696969]"Koko puffs, it' s me. Please wake up. We need to get you home, all of you." [/color] [color=navy]It took him a a few hours, and a fight with a Tuskmon whose tail that he had accidentally stepped on, but Andromon had finally located and rounded up the five missing Kokuwamon. Chronomon seemed to have disappeared from where it was standing, so Andromon put it in the back of his mind. He had more pressing matters to attend to. Andromon was at the end of his rope, he had tried everything short of beating them up to rouse the Digimon out of their trance, and it was becoming a promising option. [/color] [color=#696969]Forget it, I'm just going to...wait a minute..."[/color] [color=#696969][/color] [color=navy]Andromon activated his Lightning Blade, but dialed down the voltage and intensity until it was just the way that he remembered that the Kokuwamon liked it, it would seem just like lunch to them. He waved it in their faces, and sure enough, all five of them stirred at once. [/color][color=yellow]"where's lunch?"[/color] [center][color=navy]****[/color][/center] [center] [/center] [left][color=navy]After seeing his friends off, and promising to visit as soon as he could. Andromon began to walk again, no specific direction in mind. It had started raining again, but he didn't mind it as much as he let on to others; he didn't hate the stuff, he just didn't want to live in it. The steady rhythem of the rain, coupled with his previous encounter with hie friends, sent his mind towards his old home, the village where he grew up.[/color][/left] [left][color=#000080][/color] [/left] [left][color=#696969][i]Dad is...was the one who hated the rain. I guess that he just rubbed off on me, and I didn't notice. Dad always kept me inside during the thnderstorms, sheltering me I guess. He believed in me, but he was, I don't know, afraid to show it. I really mis him, and the Motimon that came by every spring, and Miss Togemon too. I miss everybody, even the ones that left me...[/i][/color][/left] [left][i][color=#696969][/color][/i] [/left] [left][color=navy]The rain had stopped. Andromon hadn't noticed that he had been walning for all of this time. He stopped to check his surroundings, a riverbank, when he noticed a trail of blood dissolving into the soaked earth. On closer analyzation, it seemed to be coming from a Digimon, possibly the dramon digivolution line. He followed the the trail into a city, and he saw a rapidly moving Gatomon in the distance, there were many signs of other digimon in the city, mostly Gazimon gangs, Gotsumon bites on concrete, or digi-sludge. [/color][/left] [left][color=#000080][/color] [/left] [left][i][color=#696969]Maybe this is an all Digimon city? Hopefully that means that I will recieve a warmer welcome then I did in the last city that I was in.[/color][/i][/left] [left][i][color=#696969][/color][/i] [/left] [left][color=navy]The trail led him to an empty building, and then to a store. he sensed movement inside. [/color][/left] [left][color=#000080][/color] [/left] [left][color=black]"There's someone out side," Deciperemon told his companion. "Oh crap, I bet it's going to eat us!"[/color][/left]
  6. [color=navy]Kou got into the helicopter and surveyed his surroundings. Kaiba sure knew how to travel. The helicopter was huge, and looked similar to the inside of a large limo. There was plenty of room to sit and there were cold sodas in the mini fridge. Kou grabbed three, and passed the others to his parched teammates. Kou drained half of the soda in a couple of gulps, and then put the can down to answer Kaiba's question of what his name was. [/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=red]"What's my name? Kaiba, I'm shocked. It's me, Kou, from the orphanage. Remember the kid with the yo-yos that used to follow you around all the time? That was me!"[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=navy]Slowly, the realization dawned on Kaiba's face. He gave Kou a hurried appology, and the two began to catch up, leaving Ryan feeling very left out as Kou asked questions like [/color][color=red]"He's been kidnapped [i]how many [/i]times?[/color][color=navy] [/color][color=navy]or [/color][color=red]"So were did you get that God Card?"[/color] [color=navy][/color] [color=navy]Finally, the helicopter landed next to the hotel, disturbing a few duels, and scattering several decks. The two duelists stepped out, but not before Kaiba handed them their locater cards and said, [/color][color=blue]"Get a couple more, I want to see you, [i]Both[/i] of you, in the finals."[/color]
  7. [color=navy]I would have to say that my all-time favorite OSTs are from Furi Kuri, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop. [/color] [color=#000080][u]Furi Kuri[/u]: Its hard not to listen to anything by The Pillows and instantly be in a good mood. Everything about them seems upbeat, which is especially important for Furi Kuri. If it were all serious all the time *cough*Eva*cough* there's no way that te series could be that nonsensical and succeed. My favorite songs are Blues Drive Monster and Last Dinosaur. [/color] [color=#000080][u]Trigun[/u]: It's hard to classify any of the music from Trigun. You like it, and you don't ask questions. Each song reminds you of a specific episode. I can't even listen to some of the music from when [spoiler]Wolfwood died.[/spoiler] The music affects you as much as the show did. I mostly listen to the theme, Fool's Paridise. [/color] [color=#000080][u]Cowboy Bebop[/u]: There's something special about Cowboy Bebop, that it can ever be enjoyed and loved by people that abhor and constantly insult anime. I got my entire house, three people who instantly think "Go Speed Racer, Goooo!" every time I try to watch any kind of anime, to watch the movie, and to listen to the soundtrack on a regular basis. Yoko Kanno (Genius that she is) made sure that there's something for anybody to listen to. I love the entire OST, but I mostly listen to Piano Black(Honky Tonk Woman), The Egg and I(Speak Like A Child), Want it all Back(Stray Dog Strut), Mushroom Hunting(Mushroom Samba),and Green Bird(Ballad of Fallen Angels)[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]EDIT:: I forgot to add Fire!!!, the season four opening to Digimon. It's just cool, the vocals and music all come together perfectly.[/color]
  8. [color=navy]Prynn sat in the courtyard, leaning with his back against a stump in the middle of the courtyard. Sunlight filtered through the emerald leaves that made up the canopy over the clearing, and glittered on the surface of the small grotto that Prynn had built next to his garden. With a large yawn, he closed his eyes and basked in the warm sun. [/color] [color=teal][i]It's after eight, but it's no problem. Frankly, I'm not sure how she either of us gets up this early all the time.[/i][/color] [color=navy]Reese's familiar quick footfalls jolted Prynn awake. He quickly assumed a position that indicated that he had been waiting for a long time, and was slightly irked because of it. [/color] [color=darkslateblue]"I'm sorry I'm late." [/color][color=navy]Reese said respectfully, her head slightly bowed. She knew that he wasn't really that angry, but they always acted out the same routine whenever she wasn't on time. [/color] [color=teal]"Hurry and get ready then."[/color][color=navy] Prynn replied, completeing the routine. [/color] [color=#000080]Reese got ready and preformed an effortless summoning of Leviathan. Prynn was amazed by how effortlessly that she pulled off calling forth the great sea god. [/color] [i][color=teal]If she coninues like this, she'll soon surpass me... Time to move myself foreward as well...[/color][/i] [color=#008080]"Very good," "now, lets continue to practice the double summoning."[/color] [color=#008080][/color] [color=navy]Prynn and Reese found a large clear area and stood several feet apart.[/color] [color=teal][/color] [color=#008080]"Remember that we changed the second set of hand motions to indicate class change. [/color] [color=#008080][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Don't worry, I won't forget this time if you don't." [/color][color=navy]Prynn winced slightly, remembering all of the times that he had slipped and summoned his Bahamut instead of participating in the double summon. Prynn cleared his mind of all thoughts other than the ones needed for the summon. He raised his hands and did the complicated motions needed, making sure to include the new motions. An aura appeared, but it seemed very familiar to the High Summoner. The aura began to glow brighteras the summoning began to take shape. A pair of silver wings appeared, soon followed by two other pairs. Prynn watched a smile dawn on Reese' s face and felt hiss own mouth do the same. He thought to himself, [/color][color=teal][i]We have finally succeeded in a double secrect summon! Its unprecedented![/i][/color] [i][color=navy][/color][/i] [color=#000080]Just as soon as the thoughts entered his mind, the aura faded, and the creature dissappeared. [/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Wait... What happened?"[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=teal]"Ummm... I... don't know. Perhaps we need... a break. How about breakfast?"[/color] [color=#008080][/color] [color=navy]Prynn [/color][color=navy]hurriedly snatched up his staff and quickly exited the courtyard into his home, followed closely by his skeptical apprentice.[/color] [color=#008080][/color]
  9. [color=navy]Kaiba shot a glare across the field at Lilly's owner. [/color] [color=blue]"I really can't stand that card, and nothing would make me happier than to wipe it and its little syringe off the face of the Earth, but at the moment, I don't have a monster strong enough to do so, so I'll summon another Vorse Raider, and play Ekibio Drakmond on your Fairy. Then, I'll place three cards and end my turn."[/color] [color=navy]None of the henchmen seemed very happy at this turn of events. Baddie#1 was especially peeved by the loss of another powerful monster, since he had lost his Beserk Gorilla. [/color] [color=black]"Curse you Kaiba, you think that you've crippled us? You don't even know what's in store for you! I'll summon my Sangan in defense mode and end my turn."[/color] [color=navy]The three eyed furball appeared in front of its master, feebly shielding its face with its weak short claws. It was Kou's turn, and he drew a Pandemonium card.[/color] [i][color=red]Perfect. Just the card that I needed.[/color][/i] [color=red]"You know, that Sangan is a very tempting target, but I don't think that I feel like waiting for Lilly to be destroyed,especially since it's going to be another two full rotations until it's gone. I'll first play Pandemonium, and then I'll summon my Terrorking Archfiend. Next, I'll offer my Archfiend soldier to activate Checkmate!"[/color] [color=navy]Terrorking once again powered up his familiar energy blast, and directed it towards baddie#3. He fell to his knees as his lifepoints reached zero, and one detonator armed itself and began to beep loudly. [/color] [color=red]"You three must be really crappy bad guys if your trap activates on you first..."[/color] [color=navy]Kou took Desrook Archfiend out of his deck by way of Pandemonium's effect, set an Archfiend's Roar, and ended his turn. The remaining baddie set a monster card and did the same. It was now Ryan's turn.[/color] [color=indigo]"Alright, time for me to get rid of that remaining 400 life points! I'll summon Rocket Warrior and[/color][color=magenta]...[/color][color=indigo]"[/color]
  10. [color=navy]As Kou placed the card on his duel disk reader, a swirling vortex appeared in front of him. His two cards, the Summoned Skull and the Chaos Emperor Dragon leapt from the cards in his hand into the fusion. Soon the vortex was replaced by a single being, and what a being it was. It towered over even the Levia dragon, its face and body shrouded in darknessby a cloak that was really two huge pairs of wings that enveloped its body. On its hands it wore gauntlets of the darkest iron, with spikes shooting forth from the wrists. In its left hand, he held a scroll with the names of all of the dammed that it had claimed, and in its right, it held the giant sickle that it had used to do so. [/color] [color=red]"Say Hello to my Keeper Of the Underworld!"[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Very impressive, you've managed to save your behind once again, but your keeper won't last long."[/color] [color=navy]The Keeper wasn't exactly the strongest thing on the field, since Levia Dragon had matching attack points, so Kou ended his turn, hoping that he could pull something before Mako did. [/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Well Kou my friend, I can't do anything to your monster yet, so all that I'll do is set this facedown monster, and end my turn. "[/color] [i][color=red]Oh crap!! I know exactly what that is![/color][/i] [color=navy]Kou thought back to earlier in the duel when Mako had played his Penguin Soldier, and sent it back to his hand along with Pandemonium Watchbear. If he activated it again, it would mean that he would be leaving the island. He drew, but he ended up with a Monster Reborn, a good start, but not exactly the card that he needed. [/color] [color=#ff0000]"I pass my turn." [/color] [color=#00bfff]"I... will lay another monster and end my turn."[/color] [i][color=#ff0000]Huh? What, is he waiting for his Star Boy so that he can totally humilliate me?[/color][/i] [color=navy]Kou drew again, this time pulling a Checkmate. [/color] [color=#ff0000]"I'll pass again."[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"As will I."[/color] [i][color=red]What in the...[/color][/i] [color=navy]For the first time during the entire duel, Kou took his eyes off of the field and looked around at his surroundings. Several people had crowded around their section of the beach, including the famous Ryan Braxton and some kid that kind of looked like Joey Wheeler. The kid was standing still, staring at Braxton with his mouth open. Several other duelists were coming every minute. [/color] [color=red]"Dude, are you toying with me?"[/color] [color=#00bfff]"Um...No..."[/color] [color=red]"You jerk! You are! you think that you can play around with me until I think that I'm coming back, then you end me with somethig crappy!" [color=navy]Kou drew, finally pulling one of his Terrorking Archfiends[/color] "Your Mistake! First I play Monster Reborn for my Desrook Archfiend!" [color=navy]The tiny creature once again appeared on the field.[/color] "Now I Summon my Terrorking Archfiend!" [/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Oh no, I knew that I gave him one turn too many..."[/color] [color=red]"Next, I'll tribute Desrook to activate Checkmate![/color][color=red]" [/color][color=#000080]Kou paused to remove a dark and light monster from play, and special summoned his Emperor Dragon from the graveyard. Then, [/color][color=navy]Terrorking powered up and let loose a huge blast of aDirect Attack that destroyed half of Mako's lifepoints.[/color] [color=#ff0000]"That's not all, because now I order My Keeper Of the Underworld to attack your Dragon!"[/color] [color=navy]The fiend grabbed onto Levia Dragon, and finally opened its wings. A dark explosion blanketed the area, stopping anyone from seeing what the keeper looked like, and taking a 1000 point chunk out of Mako's lifepoints. Now devoid of his awesome power, the Summoned Skull stood in the keeper's spot, completely bak to normal.[/color] [color=#ff0000]"You really thought that you could play around with me and win? Allow my dragon to teach you otherwise."[/color] [color=navy]The dragon self-destructed, leaving Mako with 0 lifepoints when the smoke cleared.[/color]
  11. [color=navy]Andromon sat under the crumbling concrete until Goblimon came to, and then sent him in the direction of the Digimon village that he had passed a couple days beforehand. When he was sure that the rookie would be safe on his own, Andromon started back onto the path that he had been walking for so long before. He could hear It calling to him from the forest, stronger then it had ever been. Andromon broke into a jog, and then a run when he was greeted by a voice that he had half forgotten, on account of the fact that it had been so long since he had last heard it. [/color] [color=sienna]"Andromon! its us! I don't think that he even remembers us... Maybe we should just turn back around and go home."[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]"Maybe you should stop being such a wuss and go faster!"[/color] [color=navy]With a silent chuckle, Andromon stopped and turned around to be greeted by the the sight of [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Mekanorimon.html"]Mekanorimon[/url] and [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Clockmon.html"]Clockmon[/url], his two closest friends ever since he was born. [/color] [color=gray]"[/color][color=gray]I thought that you two had settled into that all-Digimon town out west as its unofficial protectors? What happened, they finally ask you guys to do something?"[/color] [color=sienna]"Interestingly enough, yes. A couple of Kokuwamon disappeared from our little settlement a couple of weeks ago," [/color][color=navy]Clockmon explained. [/color][color=sienna]"They-"[/color] [color=darkolivegreen]"-Were spotted by several eyewitnesses heading in this direction a couple of days ago, saying, [color=orange]'It's calling me...'[/color] [/color][color=darkolivegreen]or something like that all in unison. Obviously we thought of you, so we left the Tankmon in charge of security and asked [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/GrandLocomon.html"]GrandLocomon[/url] If he could bring us up into your area." [/color] [color=#808080]"How is GrandLocomon?"[/color] [color=sienna]"Peachy. I'll send him your congratulations over his recent Digivolution from Ultimate to Mega. Will you help us look?"[/color] [color=#808080]"Of course. I'll have them back as soon as I can. I'll meet you two here, just stay safe until I get back." [/color] [color=darkolivegreen]"What makes you think that you can find them?"[/color] [color=#808080]"The same thing that's the real reason why you two left."[/color] [color=sienna]"What, chicks?"[/color] [center][color=navy]***[/color][/center] [left][color=navy]Andromon emerged from the woods into another destroyed city. This one wasn't as devoid of lire as the last one was, it was busling with activity. Several Digimon were streaming towards some sort of glowing pyramid looking rock in the middle of a bombed out house. Andromon scanned the crowds, looking for some sign of the Kokuwamon, but instead found:[/color][/left] [left][font=Lucida Console][color=lime]Species Name: Chronomon[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Lucida Console][color=#00ff00]No Additional Information Found.[/color][/font][/left] [left][color=#808080][i]No data? That's never happened before. Maybe I'll check this Chronomon out...[/i][/color][/left]
  12. [color=deepskyblue]"Why don't we make this match a little more interesting?"[/color] [color=navy]Kou cocked his head to the side as he watched Mako draw another card. [/color] [color=red]"I'm listening..."[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"How about we put two locater cards on the line instead of one? That way, we're eliminated by a friend instead of some random punk with an overactive Elma card."[/color] [color=red]"Sure. I'll try to be gentle when I wipe you out.[/color][color=red]"[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Be gentle to my two facedown cards! I'll place three more facedown cards and end my turn."[/color] [color=navy]Kou took note of the facedown field and monster cards, and drew. It was Solemn Wishes. [/color] [color=red]"It looks like I'll be doing almost the same thing as you. I'll place two facedown cards, and a facedown [color=navy][color=red]monster[/color] [color=#ff0000][color=navy](Pandemonium watchbear)[/color]. T[/color][/color][color=red]hen [/color]I end my turn."[/color] [color=navy]Mako drew. [/color][color=red]"I activate Solemn Wishes!"[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Then I'll place another monster and activate Ultimate Offering. I also reveal my Mysterious Puppeteer and end my turn."[/color] [color=red][i]A warrior card? He's been hanging around Wheeler way too much... [/i]"I'll play Pot of Greed." [/color][color=navy]Kou drew one of his Summoned Skulls and his Emperor Dragon. [/color][color=red][i]How perfect is this! I may get to play my new card in it's first duel! "[/i][/color][color=navy][color=red]I'll[/color] [/color][color=red]reveal my Pandemonium Watchbear and Pandemonium Field spell card."[/color] [color=navy]The sky above the duel turned a dark red as an arena rose seemingly from the ground between the two duelists. Holographic lightening struck the ground as a red demonic looking bear was released from its card. The spiked chain around its neck was connected to a spire near the structure in the center. [/color] [color=red]"Ain't it cool? It make it so that I don't have to pay any lifepoints for this little Desrook Archfiend that I'm summoning right now. And since i've got an extra five hundred lifepoints, i'm going to use your Ultimate offering to set this facedown card. Attack my Watchbear! Destroy his puppetmaster!"[/color] [color=navy]The chained bear rushed foreward to annhiliate the puppeteer, but its chain snapped taut and strangled the watchbear half to death seconds before he hit his mark. The chain was being held by a group of three robed women. Mako smiled brightly as his card resolved itself. [/color] [color=deepskyblue]"My Waboku. Ain't [i]it [/i]cool? If you're done, I'd like to go ahead with my turn." [/color][color=navy]With a slight snarl on his face, Kou nodded. [/color][color=deepskyblue]"Good. I'm almost sorry to say this, but I'll have to destroy your little plan. First, I 'll play Mystical Space Typhoon on your middle card." [/color][color=navy]Suddenly, Kou was left without his Mirror Force. [/color][color=deepskyblue]"Then, I"ll play Penguin Soldier to return it and your teddy bear to their respective hands." [/color][color=navy]Now his Pandemonium was unprotected. [/color][color=deepskyblue]"Now that that guppy is out of the way, It's time for the big fish to rule the seas! Activate my Legendary Ocean!" [/color][color=navy]Everything changed in an instant, as the fing in the middle became flooded, along with the rest of the dueling field. A cube of water, complete with schools of tiny fish and the ruins of a lost civilization, now seperated Kou and Mako. [/color][color=deepskyblue]"Much more fitting for our setting, don't you think? Now I'll relieve my waterlogged puppeteer for something more befitting of Atlantis." [/color] [color=navy]The Mysterious Puppeteer stopped treading water and dissappeared in an explosion of pixels, and was replaced by a sleek sea creature. [/color][color=deepskyblue]"Meet my Levia-Dragon - Daedalus, but thats not all,because i'n sending out my Giga Gagagigo to join it! "[/color] [color=navy]The giant lizard dove beneath the surface, quite at home in the ocean even with its heavy armor on. [/color][color=deepskyblue]"Now my Giga Gagagigo, destroy his facedown card!" [/color] [color=navy]A pair of claws breached the water and tore into the card. [/color][color=red]"Not so fast! You attacked my Kryuel. Activate coin flip!" [/color][color=navy]A huge coin appeared in the sky and fell, rapidly flipping as it desended. It hit the water face side up. Kryuel was destroyed, but not before it took Giga Gagagigo with him. [/color] [color=deepskyblue]"No matter, because I'll activate Levia dragon's special effect now!"[/color] [color=navy]Each card except Levia Dragon dissappeared from the field. [/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Now I equip Axe of Despair, and directly attack you for 3600 of your lifepoints! Your move!"[/color] [color=navy]Kou winced while the sea serpent took a huge chunk out of his arm, along with his life points. He was left with only 400 . Kou prayed desperately for the card that he needed as he drew. [/color] [color=red]"Yes!! Go Polymerization!"[/color]
  13. [color=navy]As Kou exited the lobby and emerged into the bright Hawaiian sunlight, he tried to cut away some of the more useless cards that made made their way into his deck.[/color] [i][color=red]Fairy's gift... What the hell? [/color][/i] [color=#000080]By the time that he neared the beach, Kou had created a deck of that proudly represented the decks that made it up. [/color] [QUOTE][u] Tribure Monsters[/u](8) 1x Skull Archfiend of Lightening 2x Summoned Skull 1x Red Eyes Black Dragon 1x Darkruler Ha Des 1x Chaos Emperor Dragon 1x Dark Necrofear 1x Great Maju Garzette [u]Non-Tribute Monsters[/u](15) 1x Kryuel 3x Archfiend soldier 3x Infernalqueen Archfiend 2x Terrorking Archfiend 2x Desrook Archfiend 2x Pandemonium Watchbear 2x Vilepawn Archfiend [u]Spell[/u](15) 1x Offerings to the Doomed 2x Polymerization 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Rageki 1x Seeds of the Beginning 1x Delinquent Duo 1x United We Stand 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 2x Pandemonium 1x Monster Reborn 1x Checkmate 1x Hell's Final Level [u]Traps[/u](8) 1x Ring of Destruction 1x Barrel Behind the Door 1x Mirror Force 1x Nightmare Wheel 1x Judgement of Anubis 1x Seven Tools of the Bandit 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Solemn Wishes [u]Fusions[/u](3) 2x Black Skull Dragon 1x Keeper of the Underworld [/QUOTE][color=navy]It seemed as if he had made it just in time, because Mako seemed to be in a bit of trouble. [/color] [color=deepskyblue]"I'm really sorry man, I didn't know that she way your girlfriend...My, what big muscles you have...Kou! There you are! If you'll excuse me, I have a prior engagement to attend to." [/color] [color=red]"I'm really sorry that I'm late."[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Honestly, I'm glad that you came when you did. Shall we?"[/color] [color=red]"Of course."[/color] [color=navy]Both duelists inseted their decks into their duel disks and waited for the familiar sound of their lifepoints counting up to four thousand. Each drew five cards.[/color] [i][color=#000080]Kryuel[/color][/i] [i][color=#000080]Desrook Archfiend[/color][/i] [i][color=#000080]Pandemonium[/color][/i] [i][color=#000080]Pandemonium Watchbeat[/color][/i] [i][color=#000080]Mirror Force[/color][/i] [color=red]"Ladies first."[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Ha ha..."[/color]
  14. [font=Tahoma][color=red][i]This is taking longer than I thought...I sure hope that Mako is enjoying his meal...[/i][/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=navy]Freshly showered and fully clothed, Kou sat in the center of his bed with an array of cards spread around him like a halo. So far, he had cut about twenty cards out of his deck, and he was in the process of adding some of his old fiend cards back in. It was mostly for old times sake, just so that he could truly show Mako how much he had changed. Kou looked around the halo, and in went his favorite cards. The archfiends, Pandemonium Watchbear, and Summoned Skull went back into their original spots, relieving several cards, including the Gemini Elves, from active duty. [/color][/font] [color=#000080][/color] [color=red][i]Hmmm... Should I add in Necrofear, or am I already out of room? I might as well side deck another Pandemonium, but what should I take out...[/i] [/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Aaahhh! I don't even care anymore!"[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=navy]Kou grabbed what deck that he had finished, added in some side deck cards, and ran towards the door.[/color] [color=#000080]--------------------------------------[/color] [color=#000080]OOC: I'll post Kou's deck right before the duel[/color]
  15. [color=navy]Name: Prynn Age: 26 Bios: The High Summoner of the Mage village. He is on the village council and is highly respected along with the head mage Cid. Though very different from the head mage, Prynn lives in a massive estate which has been in his family for generations. Prynn is a bachelor, which is rather shocking to the gossipy women in the village seeing as how he?s still so young. He is single still because he is focusing on finding an apprentice worthy of being his equal. Prynn is doing this because he knows that the village must have a High Summoner. Unfortunately though, some of his past apprentices have either come close to death or quit and turned to practicing magic again. Finally one day Prynn opened his estate doors to a young girl named Reese who had supposedly summoned forth the hell demon Ifrit to defend herself and her parents. When the girl arrived in his testing room he saw a massive aura surrounding her and then the aura took the shape of Ifirt itself, but there was something else, her aura matched his own aura?s wavelength. He?d finally found his perfect apprentice who would be able to do the double summoning with him which was the ultimate technique a summoner could accomplish. One night, after many months of training Prynn decided that Reese?s power had matured enough that they could attempt the double summoning. When they arrived in the courtyard where they had been practicing (Reese had summoned several other monsters, Ramuh and Leviathan had appeared to have chosen her as well.) they performed the Double Summoning but they were only able to see the aura, the creature could not be seen or heard. Prynn though, was not so easily subdued, neither was his apprentice. For the rest of that year the two devoted themselves to perfecting the Double Summoning. Finally one day they were able to summon forth the wandering knight known as Odin, but according to Prynn?s scriptures there were several others that could be summoned as well, he and Reese just needed to practice the other movements to get them summoned forth. Weapon of Choice: Staff Summons: Bahamut, Shiva, Alexander Double Summons: Odin, Magus Sisters, Phoenix, Madeen Picture: [/color][url="http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=28"][color=navy]Prynn[/color][/url]
  16. [font=Lucida Console][color=lime]Waiting_[/color][/font] [font=Lucida Console][size=2][color=#00ff00]Wakeup Sequence Initiated_[/color][/size][/font] [font=Lucida Console][size=2][color=#00ff00]Diognostic Activated.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Lucida Console][size=2][color=#00ff00]Checking..................................OK[/color][/size][/font] [font=Lucida Console][size=2][color=#00ff00]Open Eyes_[/color][/size][/font] [color=navy]Andromon woke up and checked his surroundings. It was raining. He hated the rain. Andromon had a long way to go, and rusting was the last thing thast he needed to do. The android type digimon had come to rest under the crumbling remains of an overpass and was shielded from most of the falling precipitation. He sat there for a moment, staring upwards at the gray concrete and matching sky, and listening to the dull rumble of the rain. Andromon remained motionless, quite at peace with his liquid foe, until an alarm went off in his head. [/color] [color=lime]Alert![/color] [color=lime]Proxcimity Alarm Activated.[/color] [color=#00ff00]Movement Detected 30 Feet Southeast Of Current Position_[/color] [i][color=dimgray]Here we go...Maybe this one will prove to be a challenge...[/color][/i] [color=dimgray]"I already know that you are there, so you might as well show yourself!"[/color] [color=black]"You shut yah mouth, [i]thing[/i], and speak only when spoken to!"[/color] [color=navy]It was merely some dreg of a racist human. [/color] [i][color=dimgray]I guess that's a negative on the challenging fight then.[/color][/i] [color=#696969]"You should really reconsider your attitude, before someone teaches you a lesson for it."[/color] [color=navy]Andromon sauntered over to the human, who had to be in his mid teens. The kid was wearing a tattered black t-shirt and a pair of ratty blue jeans. He wore a makeshift pair of sandals on his feet, and an old yankees baseball cap over his rumpled brown hair. The teen peered up at Andromon, dwarfed in size by the seven foot tall digimon[/color] [color=black]"You better learn to hold yah tongue, [i]thing[/i], or else I'll scrap ya and turn ya into a laptop!" [/color][color=#000080]The surly kid told Andromon. [/color] [color=dimgray]"Do you even know what a laptop looks like, let alone how to build one?" [/color][color=#000080]Andromon answered back. [/color] [color=black]"... Nevermind that! I'll show ya how much I know!" [/color][color=navy]The teen pulled a gray digivice out of one of the pockets on his jeans. The kid called his digimon, a Goblimon, while Andromon studied the digivice closely. [/color] [font=Lucida Console][color=lime]Model No. xx00001[/color][/font] [font=Lucida Console][color=lime]Early Prototype Digivice; Circa Early 2012. Characterized By Sporadic Periods Of Function. Prone To Short Circuit. Generally Unreliable.[/color][/font] [color=navy]A smile crossed Andromon's face, but he made sure that it disappeared before his opponent noticed it. [/color][color=dimgray]"Its strange that you would partner with a Digimon when you are so prejudiced against them."[/color] [color=black]"He understands who the boss is, and when we're done with ya, you will too! Digivolve!"[/color] [color=seagreen]Digi...volution_[/color] [color=#2e8b57]Warning! Target digivolve not recognized. Searching for apropriate target...Target not found. Shutdown activated.[/color] [color=navy]The Goblimon began to glow, but instead of growing into an Ogremon, it merely stopped glowing and fell over, unconsious and snoring. [/color] [color=black]"Useless pile of crap... I knew that I should have taken care of this myself..."[/color] [color=navy]The kid pulled an old Beretta out of another of his pockets, but Andromon cleaved the barrel off with a Lightning Blade attack before the teenager could aim it. The Ultimate type Digimon then snatched the digivice away from its owner and chased the kid off. He then proceeded to crush the digivice in his hands, and absorbed the stored data of the handfull of Digimon that had been scanned and absorbed into it. [/color] [i][color=dimgray]That was...strange. Now where was I?[/color][/i] [color=navy]Andromon walked a bit of a distance away from the sleeping Goblimon, and went back to listening to the rain. [/color]
  17. [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Kou smilled brightly at his new cards. He was especially happy about Keeper Of The Underworld, a fusion of two of his favorite cards. Then the smile evaporated off of his face. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080] [color=red]"Oh crap! I hope that I remembered to bring those cards with me[/color][color=red]!"[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#ff0000] [color=navy]Kou gathed together the things that his opponent had dropped and rushed towards his hotel room, but he stopped when he heard a famillar voice.[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#ff0000][color=navy][color=deepskyblue] "Kou, my friend![/color] [/color][color=deepskyblue]That has to be you, because I'm sure that no one else would wear clothing that's louder then they are!"[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#00bfff] [color=red]"You're one to talk; you barely wear any clothes to begin with!"[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy] Kou whirled around to face one of his best friends, Mako Tsunami. They shook hands and each caught up on what the other has been doing. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=deepskyblue] "I never thought that I'd see you so soon after we lost in that tag-team exibition match."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy] "You mean the one where we got destroyed by those twins with the Exodia/Spirit Message decks? Don't worry, I'm sure that that will never happen again, I've changed my deck around quite a bit since that match."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080] [color=deepskyblue]"As have I. Perhaps we could have a duel so that I could show you?"[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red] "Sure thing, but can I take a shower first? My last duel was kinda heated, and I want to be sure that I look my best when I knock you senseless. I'll meet you on the beach by the hotel in an hour."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080] [color=deepskyblue]"Sure. See you in an hour then. Perhaps I'll go get something to eat..."[/color][/color][/size][/font] [center][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]***[/color][/size][/font][/center] [left][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kou slid the card key into its slot and opened the door. He flipped on the light, grabbed a drink from the mini-fridge and walked over to his bedside drawer. He reached into his pocket and dropped the broken mask pieces in next to the bible. [/color][/size][/font][/left] [left][i][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Maybe I'll make a necklace out of those when I get home. I'm a really strange person...[/color][/size][/font][/i][/left] [left][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kou placed his half empty bottle of juice on the table, walked over to his suitcase and then proceeded to dump its contents onto the bed. He then ripped through his spare shirts, pants and yo-yos until he found a binder that was marked "Spare Cards" on its label. He leafed through the cards until he found what he was looking for- his cherished Fiend/Archfiend deck that had won him many a tournament. [/color][/size][/font][/left] [left][i][font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]I've got some deckbuilding to do, but first that shower...[/color][/size][/font][/i][/left]
  18. [font=Tahoma][color=navy]Digimon Sign-Up[/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=navy] [u]Name[/u]: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Andromon.html]Andromon[/url] [u]Species[/u]: Android [u]Level[/u]: Ultimate [u]Attacks[/u]: Lightning Blade, Gatling Attack[/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=navy] [u]Digivolutions[/u]: Fresh: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/MetalKoromon.html]MetalKoromon[/url] In-Training: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Kapurimon.html]Kapurimon[/url] Rookie: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Hagurumon.html]Hagurumon[/url] Champion: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Guardromon.html]Guardromon[/url] Mega: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/HiAndromon.html]HiAndromon[/url] [/color][/font][font=Tahoma][color=navy][u]Bio[/u]: Andromon has never had it easy. His "father" was a great hero back when the two worlds were seperate, friend to the Digidestined and champion of the Machine digimon; so little Kapurimon had quite a lot to live up to. He trained constantly for years untill he was able to digivolve to Hagurumon, and then again to Guardromon. He became a leader among his friends, helping them to digivolve as well, and to build their strength up. When the Union came and went, most of their village, along with many of its inhabitants, it was that training that helped him and his friends to survive the ensuing chaos. They began to travel until they could find a new utopia for themselves and all other digimon, but their ranks slowly began to thin; everyone has their own view of a utopia, and for that matter, who deserves to be a part of it. Now Andromon is alone, searching for a place that only he can see.[/color][/font] [color=#000080]--------------------------[/color] [color=#000080]You can PM me with any questions that you have, or else you can reach me on AIM.[/color]
  19. [color=navy]Pretty solid deck, Marik_Duelist, but your deck would benifit from Manju of the Ten-Thousand Hands, which comes out in IOC. It acts as both Senju and Sonic Bird in one.[/color] [color=#000080][u]My Revised Semi-Beatdown Deck[/u][/color] [color=#000080]Tribute monsters(3) 1xGreat Maju Garzett 1xDespair From The Dark 1xSummoned Skull[/color] [color=navy]Non-tribute monsters(21) 2xRoyal Keeper 1xCyber Jar 1xX-Head Cannon 2xMan-Eater Bug 1xMagician of Faith 1xKycoo the Ghost Destroyer 1xBazoo the Soul Eater[/color] [color=navy]1xOpticlops 1xWall of Illusion 1xGiant Orc[/color] [color=navy]1xSecond Goblin 1xBlindly Loyal Goblin[/color] [color=navy]1xPenguin Soldier[/color] [color=navy]1xWitch of the Black Forest[/color] [color=navy]1xMask of Darkness[/color] [color=navy]1xKuriboh[/color] [color=navy]1xGreat Angus[/color] [color=#000080]1xSinister Serpent[/color] [color=#000080]1xZolga[/color] [color=navy]Magic/Spell(13) 1xToken Thanksgiving 1xChange of Heart 1xFairy Meteor Crush 1xHarpie's Feather Duster 1xBook Of The Moon[/color] [color=navy]1xWicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou[/color] [color=navy]1xMonster Reborn 1xOfferings To The Doomed 1xRageki 1xSnatch Steal 1xSoul Exchange 1xScapegoat[/color] [color=navy]1xMystical Space Typhoon[/color] [color=navy]Trap(11) 1xBad Reaction to Simochi[/color] [color=navy]1xCall of the Haunted 1x7 Tools of the Bandit[/color] [color=navy]1xMagic Cylinder[/color] [color=navy]1xSakuretsu Armor[/color] [color=navy]1xRing Of Destruction[/color] [color=navy]1xCeasefire[/color] [color=navy]1xNegate Attack[/color] [color=navy]1xAltar For Tribute[/color] [color=navy]1xJudgement of Anubis[/color] [color=#000080]1xBottomless Trap Hole[/color] [color=#000080]Total=48 cards[/color] [color=#000080]Again, please try to evaluate the entire deck.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE=Inuyasha7271] [u]Monsters Level 5+[/u] Dark Magician Dark Maju Garrazett Summoned Skull Total:3 [u]Monsters Level 4+[/u] Skilled Dark Magician Neo The Magic Swordsman Witch of the Black Forest Gearfried The Iron Knight Hysteric Fairy Crimson Sentry La Jinn The Mystical Genie of the Lamp Amazon Archer Great Angus Battle Ox Lady Assailant of the Flames The Stern Mystic Kojikocy Celtic Guardian Wolf Axeweilder Darfire Soldier #1 Spirit of the Harp The Hunter with 7 Weapons Mystical Elf Swordsman of Landstar Old Vindictive Magican Cliff The Trap Remover Total:22 [u]Magic and Spell Cards[/u] Soul Exchange Card Destruction De-spell Lightning Blade Fissure Shield & Sword Block Attack Change of Heart Dian Keto The Cure Master Sword of Destruction Remove Trap Yami Monster Reborn Poison of the Old Man Dark Hole Sogen Last Will Total:17 [u]Trap Cards[/u] Waboku Thunder of the Ruler Enchanted Javelin Hidden Book of Spells Driving Snow [b]Total:47 Cards in All [/b] [u]Side Deck[/u] Trap Hole Bad Reaction to Simochi Hinotama Rain of Mercy Pigeonholding Books of Spell Enchanted Javelin Gather Your Mind Ante Type Zero Magic Crusher Sparks Mass Driver Book of Secret Arts Infinite Dismissal Dragon Capture Jar Dark Core[/QUOTE] [color=navy]Inuyasha, I can see what you mean about the tributes, and I usually run a larger deck as well, but your deck is filled with a lot of cards that you don't really need. Get rid of Type Zero and the extra magic cards that you use with it; because all that they do is keep you from drawing the cards that you need. Also, cut Driving Snow and Book of the Secrect Arts, since they are too situational, and can be replaced with better cards that you can find in some of the starter decks. Most of your monsters with an attack at 1500 or less will harm you more than help you. Try to get your hands on some more 1800s or 1900s, if you can get them.[/color]
  21. [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"Dude, you sure have a flair for the melodramatic..."[color=navy] Kou told his hideously corny opponent. Kou drew a Lord of D. on his next turn. [/color][color=red]"I'll sacrifice Gemini Elf for this card, in defense mode. Next, I'll remove one counter from Breaker to destroy one of your tokens. Then I'll place this card facedown, switch all my cards into defense and end my turn." [/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red][color=red][i]Perfect! [/i][/color][color=navy]Kou thought to himself. [/color][color=red][i]I'm safe from any magic cards that he'll play, and when he destroys Kaiser Glider, I'll be able to take out one of his stupid masked cards. [/i][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=indigo]"I play Graceful Charity to refresh my hand!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"I think not! Your hand will remain as stagnant as the stench wafting off of you! Reveal Imperial Order!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Kou must have hit a nerve with that remark, because his opponent straightened up, turning from an overacting loser to a somewhat more serious threat. [color=indigo]"You'll pay for your impudence, useless wretch! Masked Beasts! Attack his Magic Warrior and his facedown card![/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]A huge smile crossed Kou's face as he realized the stupid thing that his opponent had done. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"You destroyed Kaiser Glider you fool! Return Des Guardius to your hand!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=indigo]Grrrr, blast you! You'll pay for that![/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"With what, I cut your number of monsters in half without even doing anything. Are you trying to defeat yourself?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#ff0000][i]I love to watch them squirm, [/i][color=navy]Kou thought to himself as he drew his card. It was Pot of Greed. [/color][color=red]I'll choose not to pay the lifepoint cost, and destroy Imperial Order. I now play Pot of Greed. [/color][color=navy]He got Magic Cylinder, and Witch of the Black Forest. Kou's grin got even wider than before. [/color][color=red]I'll place this monster in defense mode, and plave this card facedown. Your turn."[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=indigo][color=navy]Mask boy drew a card. [/color]"Attack my Masked Beast! Wipe away his new defense!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]I think not. You activated my Magic Cylinder trap card.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]The Masked Beast dashed straight into the the cylinder and came out of the other side in front of its master. It hit him, making a most satisfying thump noise when it did so. Control shifted back to Kou as his opponent rubbed on the dent in his mask. He drew Jinzo, but it was irrelevant, as he was about to end his opponent anyway. [color=#ff0000]"Allow me to finish the job that you started on defeating yourself. I remove Kaiser Glider and Breaker the Magic Warrior from play to summon Chaos Emperor Dragon! I then pay 1000 of my lifepoints, which you never touched by the way, to activate his effect! I don't even need to Yata-lock you, you're finished! [/color][color=navy]The resulting explosion from CED destroying itself enveloped the field. When the smoke cleared, Kou saw his opponent running into the distance, trailing broken pieces of his mask. [/color][color=red]"Quiver before that!" [/color][color=navy]he yelled after him. Kou picked up his locater card, along with a few other cards that his unknown opponent had dropped. [/color][color=red]"Time for me to get my new booster,"[/color][color=navy] Kou said to himself.[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]------------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]The Wandering Scientist[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]System Failure[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Hell's Final Level[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Keeper Of The Underworld[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Antibiotics[/color][/size][/font]
  22. [color=navy]OOC: Sorry about my long absence, I've been preoccupied, and I didn't really want to interfere with the sidestories that were developing.[/color] [color=navy]-------------------------------------[/color] [color=#000080]Impmon and Wormmon sat in the dark cavern that was Psychomon(Sykkakumon) for a long time. They were almost completely drained of their energy, and they needed the time to regain their strength. [/color] [color=purple]"Even at full strength, I don't think that we'll be able to break out of this place." [/color] [color=seagreen]"It never hurts to try, big brother." [/color] [color=navy]The two brothers stood up and tried to digivolve, but all that the duo could muster were non-blast mode Beelzemon, and Stingmon. They hammered on the wall with Double Impacts and Moon Shooters for what seemed like hours, but they weren't able to make the slightest dent in Psychomon's side.[/color] [color=darkslateblue]"I give up, there's nothing that we can do if we don't fully digivolve. We might as well-"[/color] [color=navy]Huge amounts of dark energy filled the cavern, suffocating Impmon and his brother in its dark depths.[/color] [i][color=darkslateblue]Can't...move..can..hard...ly...think...what...is...this?[/color][/i] [color=navy]The world went blank as Megidramon X detonated his Darkness Sphere. [/color] [color=#000080]Leafmon awakened to see that he was in his DigiEgg. [/color] [color=palegreen][i]I...Died?[/i][/color] [i][color=pink]No, I only regressed your forms because it would have been far too difficult to keep all of you in your complete forms. [/color][/i] [i][color=palegreen]Who's there?[/color][/i] [color=navy]Leafmon and Kiimon burst out of their surroundings and looked around. They were what seemed to be a shining fog. They could make out other DigiEggs and what looked to be sleeping human infants.[/color] [i][color=pink]Don't worry, you and the digidestened are all safe. We are all inside Sykakkumon's digispirit. I am the essense of Flowamon, empowered by Katrina's digivice. [/color][/i] [i][color=plum]Katrina's crest of life has a few impressive powers... [/color][/i] [i][color=pink]Indeed. We do not have much time here, I am using the digispirit as an energy source, but it will not last long, and all is lost if the evil digimon reabsorb the spirit. Trust in your former enimies, and beat back the darkness. Also, please protect Katrina, you lot are all that she'll have, now that I'm gone. [/color][/i] [color=navy]A blinding white cross appeared on Leafmon and Kiimon's backs. It empowered them fully, giving them the feeling that they could push their limits, if not surpass them. [/color] [i][color=pink]You two are bound to Katrina now, until I return, that is. Go now, while your allies still have the upper hand. I will release the others soon after you, but you must defeat Kailmon now! Align yourselves with anyone who would aid your cause. [/color][/i] [color=navy]***[/color] [color=navy]Two shining lights emerged from the Sykkakumon digispirit, breifly ceasing the raging battle. The two orbs exploded outward, to reveal Beelzemon Blast Mode and Imperialdramon Fighter Mode.[/color] [color=teal]"We're Baaaaack!" [/color][color=navy]Imperialdramon told Kailmon. [/color] [color=black]"Oh boy, we've missed you both [i]so[/i] much," [/color][color=navy]A voice responded to him. It was Kerpymon, with Kailmon's mini-zombie army not far behind her. [/color] [color=teal]"I guess that this won't be as easy as we first thought that this would be, huh?"[/color] [color=indigo]"Ya think?"[/color]
  23. [color=navy]I've rebuilt my deck again, but I'm still having problems with speed and keeping monsters on the field. Any help would be appreciated, but try to back up what you suggest, and [b]PLEASE [/b]try to look at combos in the deck, and not just certain cards that you find out of place in a serious deck. Maybe I just need new cards..[/color] [color=navy]--------------------------------[/color] [color=navy]Tribute monsters(4) 1xBuster Blader 1xMoisture Creature[/color] [color=navy]1xBarrel Dragon 1xSummoned Skull[/color] [color=navy]Non-tribute monsters(20) 2xRoyal Keeper 1xCyber Jar 1xHarpie's Brother 2xMan-Eater Bug 1xMagician of Faith 1xKycoo the Ghost Destroyer 1xRyu-Rishin Clown 1xWall of Illusion 1xZombyra The Dark[/color] [color=navy]1xOpticlops 3xLa Jinn[/color] [color=navy]1xPenguin Soldier[/color] [color=navy]1xWitch of the Black Forest[/color] [color=navy]1xMask of Darkness[/color] [color=navy]1xKuriboh[/color] [color=navy]1xYomi Ship[/color] [color=navy]Magic/Spell(14) 1xUpstart Goblin 1xChange of Heart 1xRain Of Mercy 1xFairy Meteor Crush 1xHarpie's Feather Duster 1xBook Of The Moon[/color] [color=navy]1xHorn of the Unicorn 1xMonster Reborn 1xOfferings To The Doomed 1xRageki 1xSnatch Steal 1xSoul Exchange 1xScapegoat[/color] [color=navy]1xMystical Space Typhoon[/color] [color=navy]Trap(10) 1xBad Reaction to Simochi[/color] [color=navy]1xCall of the Haunted 1x7 Tools of the Bandit[/color] [color=navy]1xMagic Cylinder[/color] [color=navy]1xA Feint Plan[/color] [color=navy]1xRing Of Destruction[/color] [color=navy]1xCeasefire[/color] [color=navy]1xNegate Attack[/color] [color=navy]1xCurse Of Aging[/color] [color=navy]1xReverse Trap[/color]
  24. [color=navy]Kou breathed a sigh of relief as Matthew walked off to meet up with Joey. He viewed Matt as a rival, but the two were still on friendly terms. [/color] [color=red]"Time to get down to business!" [color=navy]Kou[/color] [/color][color=navy]yelled to his opponent. The guy was a huge hulking creature; he wore a strange cloak and cowl that covered his face, but not his hair. His hair covered the top of his head like a mushroom cap, and his mask did nothing to cover his huge, horselike teeth. [/color][color=indigo]"Foolish mortal!" [/color][color=navy]the kid said while brandishing his sword, [/color][color=indigo]"[/color][color=indigo]You will be destroyed by the flagship monster of mine and my brother's deck!"[/color] [color=navy]Kou rolled his eyes in response to the melodrama and drew his first five cards. [/color][color=red][i]Kuriboh, Cyber Jar, Gemini Elf, Kaiser Glider, and Imperial order. Not bad. [/i][color=navy]His next card was Emperor Dragon[/color][/color] [color=red]"I will set a facedown card and place this facedown in defense mode." [/color][color=navy]Kou's adversary set a single monster and ended his turn. [/color] [color=red]" I activate Cyber Jar! You know the drill, don't you?[/color] [color=navy]Kou drew another Gemini Elf, all of his Luster Dragons, and Breaker the Magic Warrior.[/color] [color=red]"You'll never last if my luck keeps up like this,"[/color][color=navy] Kou told his opponent as he summoned all of his monsters. [/color] [color=indigo]"I was just about to tell you the same thing! I reveal Executioner Makyura, and I activate Metal Reflect Slime by way of the Executioner's effect![/color] [color=navy]A ball of liquid metal with spiky protrusions appered in defense mode on the other side of the field. It was a metal slime token, and it had a defense of 3000. [/color][color=indigo]"I now sacrafice the Melkid and other Excecutioner that your Cyber Jar so kindly placed on the field to summon my Masked Beast Des Guardius, and another Slime token. I then play Spiritualism to return your facedown card to your hand. Now I activate Curse of the Masked Beast to bring it to the field! [/color][color=navy]Two Giant Orcs disappered from his hand as one of the strongest cards in the game entered the field. [/color] [color=indigo]"Quiver before your doom! I won't attack because there is nothing at all that you can do! Hahahahahahaha!!"[/color]
  25. [color=navy]Not a bad deck, but unless they changed the restrictions, you have 2 Jinzo's too many. Switch out a messenger of peace for book of the moon or magic drain. Also, you may wanto to add a couple more cards, since it is a gravity bind deck and you're going to be in for the long haul. If you want, you can try adding in a cyber jar so that you can get more monsters out easier. [/color]
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