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Everything posted by StrikeGundam

  1. [color=navy]I need everybody's help with a silemma that I'm facing. When I walked into eighth period this afternoon, I noticed that one of my best female friends(lets call her Amy), someone that I have known for years, was absent from the class. I had seen this person earlier in the day, and she wasn't the type to cut class, so I was concerned with what happened to Amy. [/color] [color=darkred]After eighth period was over, rumors started to circulate about why Amy was out. Apparently Amy's brother had been badly beaten up by a a couple of gang members (the Bloods, I believe) earlier in the week for wearing their colors and refusing to take them off. Amy, in response to the incident, blogged on her Xanga a post that included some derogatory and racist remarks towars African-Americans. Someone in found out and told a teacher, and that teacher passed it on until the remarks were read by our principal. Apparently the remarks were so bad that Amy was kicked out of school for the rest of the school day. [/color] [color=navy]So far, that's all that I know. Responses to the news have ranged from disbelief to "If she wasn't a girl, I'd knock her the f#%k out." I've resolved to not make any opinion until I know all the facts, but if the post was bad enough for her to be kicked out of school for the day, Its gotta be pretty bad. I've Known Amy for a really long time, and she's one of the coolest, most tolerant people I know. I don't want to have to destroy our frienship.[/color]
  2. [color=navy]Kou was infuriated by what the kid had to say. [/color][color=darkorange]"[/color][color=red]Some kid with a sword that he probly bought at Party Fair thinks that he's better than everybody else here because he couldn't focus on a theme! I'll show him, but first, I've got to modify my deck." [/color] [color=navy]Kou pulled out his side deck and swapped a Kuriboh out for one of his favorite, all-powerful cards. [/color][color=red]"Lets see his unfocused behind get around this..." [/color][color=navy]He inserted his deck back into his dueldisk and took long quick strides toward the kid with the short brown hair and weird sword. [/color][color=red]"Hey kid! Lets duel!"[/color]
  3. [left][color=navy][color=silver]Note: Japanese cards are denoted with an asterisk(*)[/left] [/color]Name: Kou Kobayashi Age: 17 Country: Japan Rarest Card: Chaos Emperor Dragon Bio: Kou is a total Seto Kaiba fanatic. He was at the same orphanage as Seto and Mokuba, and he views him as an inspiration that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to. He was adopted soon after the Kaibas to a modest, middle class family, worked hard to amass enough money to live an extravagent life. Kou has assembled a deck full of dragon monsters in tribute to his hero, and has even obtained a Promo Blue Eyes White Dragon which he keeps in a locket around his neck when he isn't using it. Kou views Yugi as an enemy for defeating his idol. After several years, he has finally assembeled a deck that he believes is strong enough to challenge and defeat Yugi and avenge Kaiba. Description:[/color][url="http://http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=19"][color=navy]Here[/color][/url] [left][color=navy]Deck Theme: Dragon[/color][/left] [color=darkred]Deck:[/color] [color=darkred] [center]Tribute Monsters(4)[/center] Kaiser Glider x2 Jinzo Chaos Emperor Dragon* [/color] [center][color=darkred]Low Level Monsters(21)[/center] Lord Of Dragons x3 Luster Dragon x3 Spear Dragon x3 Witch Of The Black Forest Sangan Cyber Jar Fiber Jar* Breaker The Magical Warrior Gemini Elf x3 Injection Fairy Lily Kuriboh x3[/color] [center][color=darkred]Magic Cards(14)[/center] Raigeki Dark Hole Harpie's Feather Duster Monster Reborn Heavy Storm Pot of Greed The Flute Of Summoning Dragon x3 Premature Burial United We Stand Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Change Of Heart[/color] [center][color=darkred]Trap Cards(5)[/center] Ring Of Destruction Mirror Force Call Of The Haunted Magic Cylinder Imperial Order[/color] [center][color=darkred]Side Deck(15)[/center] Paladin of White Dragon White Dragon Ritual Seeds Of The Beginning* Judgement Of Anubis Blue Eyes White Dragon Delinquent Duo Yata Garasu D.D. Warrior Lady x3 Confiscation Sinister Serpent Tribe-Infecting Virus Don Zaloog Shining Angel [/color] [left][color=darkred]306-042[/left] SEEDS OF THE BEGINNING Normal Magic You can activate this card if there is a [Chaos Soldier -Messenger of Creation-] or [Chaos Emperor Dragon -Messenger of the End-] on the Field. Put 2 of your cards that were removed from the game into your hand. [/color] [left][color=darkred]306-056[/left] CHAOS EMPEROR DRAGON -MESSENGER OF THE END- Dark/Dragon/8/3000/2500 This card cannot be Normal Summoned. Remove 1 Light and Dark Main-Type Monster in your Cemetery from the game to Special Summon this Monster. Pay 1000 Life Points to place all cards in each player's hand and on the Field and in the Cemetery. Do 300 damage to your opponent for each card placed in the Cemetery by this effect. Secret Rare[/color]
  4. [color=navy]I've only really used anime/manga in art class, and that's mainly because my teacher is generally against it(she dismisses them as mere cartoons:rolleyes: ) [/color][color=darkred]Anyway, for one project, we had to do a color chart that displayed common art terms (value scale, color wheel, color mixing, etc.) and I did a DBZ theme. My color wheel was the Geki Dama, and I made Goku the value scale. [color=navy]There was other stuff but the important thing is that I got one of the[/color] [/color][color=navy]highest grades in the cla[/color][color=navy]ss. Now I use any chance that I can get to include anime into my projects. Maybe I'll eventually convert my teacher...[/color]
  5. [color=darkblue]I'll be hanging out with my friends, playing video games, and trying to forget that we all are single and so very lonely. -_-;[/color]
  6. [color=darkblue]Alexander sped towards Moscow in his transport ship. [i]I must speak to Domon about my father before Argo eliminates him. There's no way that he could beat him while his normal strenth is coupled with the Russian version of the beserker system. I must teach him the next level of power before I defeat him to avenge my father![/i][/color]
  7. [color=darkblue]I usually only play with friends at their houses. The only problem with that is that we've all become so used to each others decks that we do less playing and more deck countering.[/color] [color=firebrick]My friends and I used to play in school with people that we didn't really know, but there were too many instances of card theft.[/color] [color=darkblue]I usually only play the games to get in some practice.[/color]
  8. [color=darkblue]I like to put buttered popcorn on ice cream. It's almost like kettle corn. I also can't eat a cheeseburger unless it has ketchup and exactly half of my fries on it.[/color] [color=firebrick]It used to be a speed tactic in my high school, since by the time that you actually buy and sit down with your food the period is over, but now they just don't taste right to me without them.[/color]
  9. I enjoyed the show. Not only did it have humer that you could still appreciate when you got a little older, but it also had an interesting fact that pertained to the show at the end. It made you laugh AND think, while other toons of the time either did one or the other.
  10. [color=darkblue]These are both the picture for cost down, and Hades isn't visible.Maybe you did get a misprint.[/color] [img]http://www.cardhaus.com/images/dcr-053.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.cardhaus.com/images/304-053.jpg[/img] [color=firebrick]Also, Hades is on Soul Demolition, even though his hand looks more cartoony.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie [/i] [B][color=#9933ff]What's also gross is brushing your teeth, and tehn drinking orange juice. ugh. >< [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue]I hear that. I had orange flavored toothpaste and it still happened...[/color] [color=firebrick]Anyway, the worst thing that I ever tasted was this cough medicine called Buckleys. Tasted like vapor rub and Pine-sol, but it definitly did the job; I didn't get sick again for the rest of the year.[/color] [color=darkblue]The funny thing is that the slogan is, [i]"Tastes like $#!%, but it works."[/i][/color]
  12. [color=darkblue][i]ummm...I'm not cleaning that up...[/i] OR Because of the now imfamous Duracell incident, Britain was no longer able to deny rumors of using robotic soliders.[/color]
  13. [color=darkblue][i]"George De Sand!"[/i] George whirled around, expecting to see Domon and Rain back again. Instead he was met with a cloaked figure. [i]"Who are you?"[/i] [i]"Who I am isn't important. However, it is imperative that I speak with Domon Kasshu. If he has gone to Russia, as I fear that he has, then it may be too late."[/i] [i]I will not answer your question untill you answer mine; who are you?[/i] The figure sighed quietly and removed his cloak. George's mouth fell slightly ajar, as he was looking at what seemed to be a ghost. [i]"Schwarz Bruder...but that's impossible! Domon told us that you died, and that he was the one who did it!"[/i] [i]I don't have any time to explain...Now I wil ask you one more time before it is too late. Where. Is. Domon?[/i][/color]
  14. Thanks, I feel really stupid for not seeing it before.
  15. Quick question: I recently had to delete my E-mail acount because of various glitches, and I got another account with a different site. How do I change the E-mail link in my MyOtaku account?
  16. My opinion isn't as clear cut as anyone else?s, but I am generally against it. Although there are valid medicinal reasons for using "recreational" drugs, such as the use of marijuana for blindness, or religious reasons, such as the Rastafarians, there just aren't enough positives to justify its use. Most of what I'll say has already been said, but I fell that I should add my opinion. I'm going to use rttocs77's arguments to justify my own, since rttocs77 seems to be the only person advocating use that has presented anything that could be construed as a valid and thought out argument(which I can pick apart). [quote] [b]And what about Cocaine, it still has medicinal value. It's still used as an anesthetic. In the early 1900's is used to be put in EVERYTHING including Coca-Cola. If you are going to say that you might as well not do anything, that includes drinking anything with caffeine in it.[/b][/quote] Cocaine is, quite possibly, one of the most addictive substances in existence. Although it may have made cured toothaches and headaches, and made you feel great while it did so, it also caused irreparable damage to the person (physically, socially and psychologically). Once a prescription had been used, people destroyed their lives while trying to get more of their "miracle cure". [quote] [b]when airplanes crash, they cause deaths. People die all the time in the OR (operating room) because of complications with anesthesia or other things. Does that mean we just assume that all airplanes and all drugs used for anesthesia are bad?[/b][/quote] When airplanes crash, hundreds of thousands of dollars go into seeing why the plane crashed and how to stop it from ever happening again. When there are complications from anesthesia, there is a through review of why it happened, and if anyone is at fault, they have to answer for it. To make such a half-a**ed generalization like that is pure idiocy, and no intelligent human being would do so. If a plane ride was as harmful as some "recreational" drugs are, everyone would take a boat. [quote] [b]You can't go around flippantly blaming drugs on everything bad that happens. Citing specific examples that on the surface make it falsely seem like drugs are the sole thing to blame is just a cheap tactic that the government and irresponsible parents (IE Tipper Gore) try to use to blame drugs and not themselves or their children for things they might do.[/b][/quote] I agree with you to a degree. I think that it is incredibly cheap when some vote hungry beauracrat goes around beating their one example to death, hoping that no one will notice that it they don't have any other facts; or if a completely rational person takes a puff of anything, and tries to use it as a justification for going on a killing spree. But with the millions of cases of people dying from drug abuse, it can't be just a fluke. [quote] [b]In a way, people should be thankful for drug addicts (I know this is a stretch). If people in China weren't getting high (I know they used it previously and at the time for valid medical purposes) then we probably wouldn't have discovered the opiate which lead to the creation of one of the greatest medicinal advancements of all time, morphine.[/b][/quote] Morphine was first separated from opium by European chemists in the early 1800s, nice try though. (Source: [url]http://www.a1b2c3.com/drugs/gen003.htm[/url]) [quote] [b]Newsflash: people use drugs prescribed by a doctor as recreational drugs. Also a lot of drugs that are illegal nowadays used to be prescribed by doctors, until people started abusing them way too much or they were replaced by safer ones. Another example is that in the 1960's LSD was used in therapy as well as in the 1980's MDMA (E) was used in marriage counseling.[/b][/quote] Newsflash: They're not supposed to. A lot of the drugs that are illegal now were first prescribed by doctors because they were seen for their short term effects, not their long term ones. They didn't know what they, were messing with, they were just playing with their new toys. Remember mercury, ephedra, and fen-phen? Same deal. [quote] [b]Another thing is saying that speed is a horrible thing is stupid. Speed refers to amphetamines which is the ingredient in the legal drugs Dexedrine and Adderall, the latter of which I take 6 days a week during the school year. Aside from legalities, what is the difference between me taking it because I was prescribed it by a shrink or someone (like lots of people at my school) take it without a prescription? Drugs, when used properly, are a good thing. I will continue to 'use' drugs.[/b][/quote] The difference is that you were [b][u]prescribed[/b][/u] the correct amount of a drug that was made [u][b]professionally[/b][/u] in a lab. Speed can be made by some kid in his barn who tells you to take six of them because they're weaker than other speed. You were prescribed a controlled dosage of a medicine. When you get better (if you can, I?m not sure what Adderall is for), you will discontinue use of your medicine. [quote] [b]Chemo therapy is harmful, it kills LOTS of healthy cells whilst trying to kill cancerous cells. Why don't they just go ahead and make chemo illegal?[/b][/quote] Chemo is legal because its pros outweigh its cons. Alcohol is legal because alcoholism is a hereditary disease which makes you more susceptible to becoming addicted to it. There are alternatives to chemo, and medicines that make it far less detrimental. There is tons of help for people who have alcoholism, and many people can give it up completely. When an adequate substitute for chemo is found, it will replace it. The addiction caused by what is referred to as "recreational" drugs is almost always permanent. It never goes away. That's why it is illegal, and chemo isn't.
  17. Katrina climbed up the ridge until she had finally reached the beach. She knew that Stingmon had told her to stay put, but it had been so long since he left her. For a long time, all that she had heard were screams, shouts, and explosions. Even though she didn't have a Digimon, she hoped that she could help somehow... Tullimon and Parakitamon had missed Beelzemon completely, but he had to stand still to absorb the blows of the MagnaAngemon. Together, the four were able to noticiably hurt the mega. He wouldn't be able to withstand another direct attack. Wormmon was furious with himself for his foolish bravado. He had shown off in front of th others in an effort to impress them, but his effort backfired and nearly got him killed. "[color=green]If only I had more ener... Wait! the energy that I took from Velgamon! It's risky, but it should do the trick.[/color]" He tapped the energy and became Stingmon almost instantly. He tapped it again, more energy this time, but he had taken too much. He had glitched and become Dinobeemon. The rabid digimon ran towards the battle, unable to control himself, and charged towards Beelzemon. Katrina looked at the battle. She saw no sign of Stingmon anywhere, but she did see a digimon that looked a bit like... "Flowamon? Is that you?" Katrina watched as Tullimon aided and protected Kalimon and Clair, who were obviously the digimon that had attacked her earlier. "Flowamon, what have they done to you? Come back to me..." Katrina held out her digivice and prayed. Suddenly, a glittering, blinding light shot out of it, engulfing Beelzemon, the charging Dinobemon, and the digimon that Kalimon had ressurected. Dinobeemon flashed several times, becoming Paildramon, Imperialdramon, and finally settled on Fighter Mode. Beelzemon was restored, and the zombified digimon were brought back to true life. "What just happened?" Kailmon pondered incredulously. "[color=teal]Two things. First, the tide has turned, and you're outnumbered. Second, I believe that my friend Katrina holds the fabled Crest of Life.[/color]"
  18. Beelzemon aimed for War Growlmon again. He powered up the Corona Blaster and Fired. One of the Devidramon that he had created attempted to catch the blast and was destroyed. Beelzemon's Finger wavered on the trigger before the readied himself to fire again. [i][color=teal]That gives me an idea...[/i][/color] "[i][color=teal]Desperado Blaster![/i][/color]" Paildramon fired at two Devidramon at once, destroying them both. Beelzemon wavered again, this time nearly lowering his guns before slowly raising it again. "[color=teal]Everyone! Destroy the Devidramon! that will help my brother to regain his concentration! I'll deal with Succubimon![/color]" Paildramon flew towards Succubimon, but Arukenimon got in his way. "[color=teal]I don't have time for you[/color]" "[i][color=teal]Cable Catcher![/i][/color]" Cables flew from Paildramon's wrists and restrained Arukenimon. She would be busy for a while. Suddenly a strange, red, winged digimon crashed through the underbrush, in between Succubimon and Paildramon "[i]Pyro Barrage![/i]" ------------------- OOC: What happened to Kyubimon? She just sort of dissappeared...
  19. Name: Alexsander Bruder Age:15 Nationality:Neo Germany Height:6'2" Weight: 110 pounds Description (written or pic): [url=http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/fc/characters/images/chara_schwarz_a.gif]Found Here[/url] Mobile Trace Suit Design: Both arms are black, the left leg is red, and the right leg is yellow. The torso is made up of the Neo German flag(3 stripes, black, red, and yellow(top to bottom)). Bio: Alex was born on June 1, FC 49. His mother died in the process. The true Schwarz Bruder raised him, training his son in German Ninjutsu as well. When Schwarz died in the 13th Gundam Fight, Neo Germany turned to him as an obvious successor. He received formal training by the Neo German military, and revealed to have potential greater than that of his father, even at the age of eleven. The Shadow Gundam was rebuilt, under the guidance of Erich Heinrich and Wolf Heinrich Jr., the twin sons of Wolf Heinrich, winner of the 7th Gundam Fight. The two brothers created the revolutionary beam generator technology, which can shape and sustain a beam weapon, even after it has left the generator. The generators are mounted around the rotating forearms of the new Saber Gundam. The fact that the forearms can spin allows the Gundam to fire like a gatling gun without the heavy equipment. It also allows the Gundam to preform the powerful Shadow Slash, in which the four generators create four beam sabers that seem to blend into one large one, and the Saber Ender, in which the Gundam grabs an appendage(head, arm, leg, etc.) and shears it off. Personality:Alexander is a comical person, and he often toys with his opponents in a match, and later befriends them, no matter the outcome. He is also focused on winning the Gundam fight in an effort to bring honor back to Neo Germany and the Bruder family name. Crew Members: Erich Heinrich(Medic, Mechanic, Friend), Wolf Heinrich Jr.(Mechanic,Friend) [b][u]Gundam Stats[/b][/u] Model Number: GF14-008NG Gundam Name: Saber Gundam Nationality: Neo Germany Head Height: 16.3 meters Base Weight: 7.6 tons Full Weight: 17.8 tons Armor Materials: Gundarium alloy super ceramic composite, rare metal hybrid multilayered materials Armament: 8x Multi-directional Beam Generaters, mounted around forearm; many x Beam Messergranz, created by beam generators; many x Beam Pikes, created by beam generators; 8x Beam Gatlins, fire-linked, in beam generators; 2x beam shields, created by beam generators Special Techniques: Sturm Und Drang, Shadow Slash, Saber Ender [b][u]Gundam Ability Points(Normal\Perfect)[/b][/u] Power: 27.45/39.31 Speed: 32.85/41.06 Offense: 30.59/41.62 Defense: 25.42/39.58 Search: 27.39/38.02 Adaptation: 35.22/41.16 Total:178.92/240.75 Gundam Design:It looks the same as Shadow Gundam, except there are Beam Generators instead of the Shadow Blades.
  20. If we include Gravity Bind, we're going to need Relinquished and the Black Illusion Ritual, just so that we're not completely helpless and dependant on Book of the Moon to stop Jinzo. Also, it's an easy way to get a monster with a high attack that isn't affected by Gravity Bind.
  21. OOC:Stingmon originally had different digivolutions, but I think that I like the Paildramon line better, mainly because I couldn't find an acceptable mega form for him. --------------------- A few of the Dokugumon jumped in front of Clair and the others, blocking the combined attacks of the good Digimon. Beelzemon aimed at Phantomon, who was attacking Zudomon. "[i]Poisen Cobweb![/i]" Beelzemon avoided the attack and kicked the Dokugumon into the water. "[color=indigo]These stupid bugs are just annoying enough to get in the way. Time to even the odds![/color]" "[i][color=indigo]Spirit Thread![/i][/color]" The threads hit a couple of the Dokugumon, turning them into Devidramon. "[color=indigo]Much better.[/color]"
  22. I think that I'll thin out a couple of tributes, but keep in mind that Dark Paladin can destroy virtually any correctly summoned dragon(Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Black Skull Dragon, etc.)
  23. My Random deck that I mainly use for casual play. I had thinned my deck down from 50 cards to 44, yet the speed of the deck has slowed incredibly. Any ideas for a revamp? [b][u]Tribute Monsters (6)[/b][/u] 1x Barrel Dragon 1x Buster Blader 1x Dark Magician 1xRed Eyes Black Dragon 2xSummoned Skull [b][u]Non-tribute Monsters (14)[/b][/u] 2xCyber Jar 1xKuribo 1xKycoo the Ghost Destroyer 1xMagician of Faith 2xMan Eater Bug 1xMask of Darkness 1xPenguin Soldier 1xRoyal Keeper 1xSinister Serpent 1xWall of Illusion 1xWitch of the Black Forest 1xZombyra the Dark [b][u]Magic/Spell (13)[/b][/u] 1xBlack Illusion Ritual 1xChange of Heart 1xCurse of the Masked Beast 1xFairy Meteor Crush 1xHarpie's Feather Duster 1xMetamorphosis 1xMonster Reborn 1xMystical Space Typhoon 1xOfferings to the Doomed 1xPolymerization 1xRageki 1xScapegoat 1xSnatch Steel [b][u]Trap (9)[/b][/u] 1xA Feint Plan 1xCall of the Haunted 1xCeasefire 1xCollected Power 1xDust Tornado 1xMagic Cylinder 1xNegate Attack 1xRing of Destruction 1xSeven Tools of the Bandit [b][u]Ritual Monsters (2)[/b][/u] 1xRelinquished 1xThe Masked Beast [b][u]Fusion Monsters (3)[/b][/u] 1xBlack Skull Dragon 1xDark Paladin 1xThousand Eyes Restrict ----------------------------- any help would be greatly appreciated
  24. Stingmon lie nearly motionless under the water. [i][color=darkgreen]Too much power... I need to burn it off somehow.[/i][/color] he raised an arm up towards the sky and fired off a moon shooter. The attack blazed into the sky and hovered in the sky, like a flare. [i][color=darkgreen]Still too much power...I'll have to digivolve to [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Jewelbeemon.html]Jewelbeemon[/url]...[/i][/color] Stingmon began to glow with a blinding light... Impmon walked towards the sea with the false Stingmon, still cursing himself for being played so easily. Suddenly, he saw his brother's signal in the sky, and recognized it easily. "[color=purple]So brother... What happened to that girl and her digimon?[/color] "[color=limegreen]They're both fine. I brought them to safety and came to help you.[/color] "[color=purple]I knew that you would[/color]" "[i][color=purple]Summon![/color][/i]" A circle of energy appeared around the false Stingmon and restrained him in ice. Impmon digivolved again. "[color=indigo]Since you're not really my brother, you won't mind this at all![/color] Beelzemon reached into the imposter and pulled out the spirit needle that created him. He then absorbed the data of the the dissolving digimon before it could completely dissapear. He did the same to the spirit needle. [i][color=indigo]Electron Cannon, Moon Shooter, and Spirit Needle. Those three new attacks should do nicely.[/i][/color] Beelzemon spread his wings and took flight in the direction of the light, itching to test his new power on anyone who threatened his family.
  25. Velgamon went reeling, and he ended up running right into Stingmon. The insect digimon latched himself onto the weakened Velgamon's back, and extended his spines on his wrist. "[i][color=darkgreen]Ultimate Spiking Strike![/i][/color]" Stingmon repeatedly struck Velgamon in the back and base of the neck. "[i][color=darkgreen]Evil Antenna![/i][/color]" Stingmon used his antenna as a conduit to absorb more of Velgamon's energy. "[color=darkgreen]Everyone attack now! This is the best chance you'll get![/color]" Stingmon fell off of Velgamon, overwhelmed by the extreme energy he had just absorbed. Unconcious, he fell towards the water below.
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