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Everything posted by StrikeGundam
Impmon and Stingmon continued to fly towards the coast, but stopped when they came upon a sobbing girl. Thye landed right next to her. "[color=darkgreen]What happened[/color]?" "Some girl...attacked us...killed Flowamon...Arukenimon came...they went to the desert, I think." Katrina had started to calm down as she spoke. "[color=darkgreen]Arukenimon...you don't think that it's the Witchmon that we met up with before, do you?[/color]" "[color=purple]Must be. Take her to the Gomamon village at the coast. They'll take care of her there.[/color]" "[color=darkgreen]Where are you going?[/color]" "[color=purple]To go and deal with Arukenimon and her friend. [/color]" "[color=darkgreen]Will you be okay by yourself?[/color]" "[color=purple]Don't worry little brother, I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve. If I need help, I'll call for you.[/color]" Stingmon picked up Katrina and flew towards the water. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Impmon begin to digivolve. [i][color=darkgreen]Good luck big brother.[/i][/color] As he got close to the guts that the Gomamon lived in, Stingmon noticed a disturbance in the water. An Ikkakumon was being attacked by a strange, birdlike digimon that he had never seen before. [i][color=darkgreen]A Gomamon from the village! He needs help more than this girl does. That thing looks really strong; I might need to digivolve...[/i][/color] "[color=darkgreen]That guy over there needs help. I'll put you down here, but I'll be right back.[/color]" "Okay, but hurry back." Stingmon put her down, and looked over to the fight. The birdlike digimon was gaining the advantage. [i][color=darkgreen]No time to digivolve! I hope that this form is enough![/i][/color]
Gypsymon walked to the edge of the sand, towards the forest. "There should be plenty of easy prey over there. Once I'm satisfied, I'll regroup with Karanlik and we'll finish the Digidestined while they're vulnerable and out of their element." Gypsymon had continued to walk as she thought, and nearly didn't notice a Wormmon dozing in a tree. [i]Perfect. An appetizer.[/i] Gypsymon went back a ways and digivolved into Witchmon. The noise awoke the Wormmon, but it was too late for him to move. She lunged foreward, and the Wormmon let out a scream. "Big Brother!!" "[i]Double Impact![/i]" Two shots struck Witchmon in the back, dropping her mid lunge. She winced quietly and whirled around. A Beelzemon stood behind her, both guns still smoking. "How dare you mess with my little brother! You're lucky that he wants you for himself." The Beelzemon started to glow, and an Impmon took his place. "I'd turn around if I were you." "[i]Moon Shooter![/i]" Stingmon hit Witchmon in the same spot that Beelzemon had hit her. She sunk to her knees and de-digivolved. Stingmon landed beside Impmon. "You're obviously injured, so I won't continue. Let this be a lesson to you to never mess with anyone in this area." Stingmon picked up Impmon and flew away.
Name: Shin Gender: Male Description: Shin has spiky black hair and dark blue eyes. He looks like a teenage Gotenks. Shin usually wears a black tank top, black gi pants, and goku's trademark boots. weapon: Shin wields a sword created from his ki. It resembles the sword that Trunks uses Bio: Shin comes from the future. He is the child of Goten and Bra. Shin inherited unique powers from his grandfathers. From Goku, he inherited the power to transform at ease. However, Vegeta left him a much more sinister power. Vegeta's exposure to the Majin control was far more detrimental to him than he let on. The unification of Goku's strenth with Vegeta's darkness created a new new level: Dark Saiyajin. Dark Saiyajin forms are similar to their normal counterparts, but Dark forms have a much higher power level, and the user's hair is mostly black with golden highlights. A person who has transformed into a Dark Saiyajin is usually ruthless, evil, and relentless, with a higher threshold for pain and high endurance , but Shin's goodness allows him to control himself. He has already mastered up to SSJ 3 in both forms, and used his uncle's time machine when Bibidi's magic began to wreak havok even in his timeline. Personality:Shin is usually a good natured person who always has a funny comment, even in the middle of a battle...that is, untill he transforms. After he transforms, he becomes a malicious, relentless being who only ceases his attack when his opponent it too beat up to continue. Side: good
Another reason that you never see them go SSJ is because they never experienced the rage (or posibly just the power level) needed to transform. Pan was always a happy child, and Bra was always sheltered by Vegeta, so she has no reason to train or get angry. If you wanna get scientific, they may not have aquired the SSJ trait that Trunks and Goten received, allowing them to easily go SSJ, because it was encoded into their DNA when their fathers achieved it.
Wait for me too! Digimon: Impmon Description: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Impmon.html]found here[/url] Digivolutions: [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Kiimon.html]Kiimon[/url](Fresh) [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Yaamon.html]Yaamon[/url](In Training) [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/Beelzemon.html]Beelzemon[/url](Mega[warp digivolve, although the Imperfect Form]) [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/BeelzemonBlast.html]Beelzemon Blast Mode[/url](Mega as well, but sort of like a True Form[NOT higher than Mega, since Impmon warp digivolves straight to it after he learns it]) Personality: Impmon is like a big brother on the outside, always making sure that his friends are protected, even if it is at the expense of himself. However, he is distrustfull of anyone else, felling that they are only there to hurt him and others unless you convince him otherwise Bio: Impmon was always alone; when he first hatched, he was the only one to be born that day. As he grew into Yaamon, no one wanted to be his friend, so he focused on growing stronger. When the goal of Yaamon was finally reached, he was alienated by all others except a newly hatched leafmon who saw him as a big brother. Yaamon and Leafmon bonded instantly. They protected each other, traveled together, and trained together, reaching the levels or rookie and eventually mega together. Side: Good EDIT: Sorry about the links, they should work now, if you need them
If you want to get technical, the level of SSJ 4 can be reached if you have already turned SSJ 1, have a tail, and are at the proper power level. It really is a concentrated form of Oozaru. I think that Vegeta was able to turn SSJ 4 because [spoiler]he already had become a Golden Oozaru, the precurser to SSJ 4, while under Bebi's control.[/spoiler] Also, Bulma created a machine, the brute ray, which created the proper energy level to turn SSJ 4, even if you didn't have a tail.
Name:Honjo Umanosuke Age:Unknown, though he looks 28 Gender:Male Abilities:Half-demon(agility,strenth, telekenisis, flight by wings that grow out of his back, pyrokinesis, healing nearly to the point of imortality), Unnatural luck caused by uncontrolled precognition, proficiency with all weapons Nationality:Japanese/demon Occupation:None, he has amassed great wealth in his travels, but sometimes trains those that he deems "worthy" in swordsmanship Weapons:Murasame, Masamune, Excaliber (In Honjo's home) [img]http://www.hybridbe.com/image/articles/murasame.jpg[/img] (Top:Murasame, Lower:Masamune, Farthest Left, behind Knight, in reflection:Excaliber) Appearance:Honjo is six foot one and well built with shoulder length black hair. His eyes can range in color from light grey to deep black. He usually wears a black hooded trenchcoat overhis clothing in order to conceal his weapons. His everyday wear consists of a black pinstriped suit. He can control the growth of his wings, making them either very small nubs ortheir full seven foot span. Location:Originally the area that is now Kyoto, but now L.A. Personality:Brooding, silent, cynical and sardonic, secrectly caring Bio:Centuries ago, the alignment of the planets created a rift to a dark dimension, unleashing upon the world the dark denizens that we know today:werewolves, vampires, dragons wraiths,and demons. One particular demon found a village and utterly destroyed it, leaving only a handfull of survivors, with one woman in particular. Ten months later, the woman gave birth to the demons child, never naming him, for fear of that it may call the demon back if it knew that it had a son. The boy became very ill in direct sunlight, but never became ill other than that. They travelled with the survivors of the village, but in six years, their numbers dwindeled to only the boy. He raised himself, often acting as an assistant to passing samuri. When the ronin that he was working for was attaced by a guild of thieves, the boys latent powers were awakened. He destroyed the group of 120 with the felled ronin's sword, defeating the leader of the guild by burning him from the inside out. When his rage wore off, he ran from the village in fear. He was also running from a power that he now realized, so much like his, but much stronger. He then spent the next many years training and honing his abilities, now aging at a rate much slower than that of a normal human. His only purpose was to become stronger than his father, the force that he felt before that was now chasing him. His strange luck, coupled with his abilities brought him wealth, weapons, and an undefeatable record. He found Masamune when it was lost at sea, taking the name of its owner and his rival. Murasame was recovered from a lost battlefield. Honjo was meditating at the bank of the lake when Arthur tossed Excaliber into it, later recovering it. In the 21st century, Honjo Umanosuke has a home in every country, presently residing in a large penthouse in L.A. He is now a philanthropist, giving millions to virtually every charity. He waits in the City of Angels for the darkest soul of all; His father. -- Tell me if you need a sample. Sorry if the Bio is too long. PM me any changes or if you're confused about anything. [URL=http://images.epilogue.net/users/yoth/ronin.jpg]This[/URL] is a pic of Honjo after he assumed the identity of his felled ronin master. Note the leader of the thieves guild in the backround.
At the moment, I am listening to Last Dinosaur by the Pillows. I think that it is from the best part of FLCL, the climax of the last episode. Even without the show, its great anytime.
Anime Favorite Dragonball Video game of all time!
StrikeGundam replied to Heretic_Hatred's topic in Otaku Central
Legends would have to be one of the best DBZ games that I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Battles just seemed to happen at amazing speeds, and it was hard to focus on just one person when you had two other people to worry about. The system of different characters triggering different events was genius; I think that budokai 2 is trying to incorporate a few of the ideas that this excellent game set foreward, and it will shape up to be a great game if the next one is anything like Legends. -
My Favorites woul have to be : anything from FLCL or Cowboy Bebop Wild Drive H.T.(trigun opening) We Gotta Power(japanese DBZ) Sakura Saku(Love Hina) Tactics and Heart of Sword(Ruroni Kenshin) All the Gundam Seed Openings and closings are the greatest somgs ever composed *dodges various objects thrown for bias* The best thing about anime(besides the anime itself) is the soundtrack that goes with it
I have a couple of favorite moments. My first was in movie 7 when Goku gathers the energy for the Genki Dama [spoiler]and then absorbs the energy as he goes SSJ.[/spoiler] You've gotta love how everyone protects him as he gathers the energy, and the moment when the rage washes over him and he just can't hold it back anymore. My other favorite moment was in movie 9 when Gohan [spoiler]turns SSJ2 and defeats everyone.[/spoiler] When he walks through that energy draning thing(can't remember the name), it doesn't get any cooler than that.
Most times, I have found that it depends on the anime. I find the dub of Cowboy Bebob the verbal equivalent of chinese water torture. It just sounds so cheesey at times. On the other hand, the dub of Dai-Guard is great because the V.A.'s are able to easily convey the comedy and/or the drama of a scene.
I've both read the manga and seen the series, and [spoiler]they screw up the ending in the anime! Hikaru strangly defeats Athena with her own attack. Thats just strange...[/spoiler] Also, I feel that the anime gets drawn out around the middle. Other than that, it's a good series.
Basically, The Genki Dama (spirit bomb for the dubbies (Genki Dama just sounds better)): Goku learned the Genki Dama while training with King Kai. It is a collection of the energy of all of the people/plants/animals/planet around the person performing the attack. [spoiler]In GT, Goku is able to amplify the range of his energy gathering to the entire universe, with the help of King Kai.[/spoiler] Even the particles that make up the air and the atmosphere contribute some energy. To perform the move, one first asks for the energy, and then sticks both arms up in the air so that they can gather and hold the energy. The attack is very powerful; however, the preformer of the attack is defenseless while in the energy gathering position. [spoiler]The Genki Dama is an old standby in the series, and is used to defeat Vegeta, (to some extent) Frieza, Buu, and the evil 1 Star Dragon (can't remember his name) in GT.[/spoiler]
I have two choices- Dai-Guard, and Detective Conan. I first saw Dai-Guard during Giant Robot Week on CN and I then proceeded to rent the entire series. Its got comedy, drama and action all rolled into one. Plus, it has a great theme song. I think that Detective Conan is underrated only because it isn't very available in the area.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i] [B]When talking about a character, it is not if he/she can be defeated, but can make mistakes and suffers from it. [/B][/QUOTE] Wufei obviously did suffer from his defeat, because of his reaction at the end of the episode. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i] [B]Do the characters in GW feel sorry for the countless soldiers they killed? No, because they think they are doing the right things. If the characters are always doing the right thing, they must be perfect, like the characters in Gundam Wing. [/B][/QUOTE] The obvious response would be Quatre, but that?s an easy answer. Instead I'll use Heero as an example. [spoiler]When Heero accidentally destroyed the pacifists of the Alliance, he did feel remorse over his mistake. Also in Endless Waltz, in a flashback, Heero again displayed his capacity to show remorse when he destroyed an Alliance base and accidentally killed a young girl and her puppy. [/spoiler] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i] [B]Only the people in OZ and everyone over 25 who make mistakes because the main characters can not be wrong! [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not sure if you meant the Alliance when you said OZ or not. If so, than I agree with you, at least for that part, only because you have to remember that the target demographic for Gundam Wing was teenagers. It makes little sense to make them look like idiots on a regular basis. Also, Gundam was always a vessel used to convey a message. It is debatable what that message was, but the characters were made larger than life in every series, whether you noticed it or not, so that the viewer could easily focus in on whatever they wanted to, and then make there own assumptions. Just because it is more obvious to you doesn't mean that the entire series isn't worth viewing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Actually, that's because you suggested 3 cards in that posts. You'll notice that I have steadily ignored posts who suggested more than a card (Unles I myself chose the card in a later post). I was free to choose a card I wanted in my post. [/B][/QUOTE] My mistake. My official suggesstion is one Summoned Skull for the sidedeck.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i] [B]Is Treize really that chivalaristic? He has never shown any weakness in normal human. He can easily gain power and lose power whenever he wants. He still has to right to choose when he wants to die. Not alot of people in the world can be that lucky. [/B][/QUOTE] First of all, that isn't even the definition of chivalry. If anything at all, Treize is chivalry personified. He was always the great conquerer, who felt that it was so dishonorable to have long range weapons, that he omitted them completely from his own personal gundam. If that isn't a shining example of chivalry, you show me one better. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i] [B]Do we feel his pain, happiness or sadness? No, we don't because, like any other GW characters, he is created as perfect without any flaws. Is Heero's life sad? It is what we should feel but we don't. We still enjoy seeing him blowing up countless nameless and voiceless pilots. Is there any emotion there? He doesn't have any, so we don't need any as well. Right, he was trained since very young! He was not suppose to have any emotion! Then, why do we have to feel for him if he doesn't feel anything himself. [/B][/QUOTE] There is no way that everyone (save Treize) was presented as completely perfect. Take Heero for example. In the begining of the series, he is presented as the perfect soldier, but that was only on the surface. [spoiler]After he meets Relena, (and even before that, as shown in endless waltz) his feelings begin to break the surface and interfere with him untill he accepts them[/spoiler] Wufei is another example. [spoiler]He feels that he and Nataku are the greatest warriors ever; that is, until he is defeated in a sword duel by Treize. How can you be perfect if someone else beats you?[/spoiler]
I don't know how it didn't make it into the main deck, but the side deck should have at least 2 Summoned Skulls, since they ar the best card ever and they can be used for Dark Necrofear. A Skull Archfiend of Lightning could also be used as a sub for Ha Des.
Maybe not an entirely new series, but a couple of fill in the blank OAVs would satisfy anyone who still wants more DBZ. I also like the prequel idea, but that was already done with the Bardock Special. Other than that, just let an old series be what it is.
Always happy to help the Legendary Super Saiyajin. Like you, I don't know everything, but I do know a lot.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by special [/i] [B]i haven't seen G gundam. SD wsa never meant for kids it was meant to be funny. seed and wing r just stupid money maker waich hav little pointless plot and pretend to be as good as first gundam. [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: That may be your opinion, however, it sounds as if you haven't seen enough of either series to make an appropriate judgement. Also, as far as I know, Wing was never meant to be based on the first Gundam series, so it really cant pretend to be something that it doesn't want to be.
I think of GT in halves(before episode 25 and after it)In the first half, I think that the studio that made GT tried to take a couple of creative licences with the show until it had just warped into a poor facsimile of dragonball with some super saiyans thrown in. The second half was much better, but it was improved too late in the game to completely redeem the show.
to expand on CompletelyRando's ansewer with a little spoiler[spoiler]In GT episode 32 (Give Goku Back!! The Warrior Rage, Ubuu), Buu sacrifices himself to save Ubuu by swallowing Bebi Vegeti's death ball and exploding. Buu then uses his remaining energy to fuse his remains with Ubuu. It gives him a new outfit, boosts his energy, heals his injuries that he got from fighting with Bebi Vegeta, and gives him the power to turn people into food. [/spoiler] I hope that that clears it up, but sorry if it messes up something for you. Chi-Chi and Bulma are still alive and well in GT, and Bulma is an important part of GT as well.