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Death's Rose

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Everything posted by Death's Rose

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RPCrazy [/i] [B]Why I Hate V-day: The Ever Growing List 1) I always got the "Sympathy Card" at those grade school parties. They never [I]really[/I] wanted to give me a card, they just did because they had to. 2) I have never had a valentine for V-day. 3) I have never been a valentine on V-day. 4) I'm reminded about how glaringly single I am. 5) #4 happens. Every. Year. 6) People take some sick pleasure in saying to me "Lookit! Asshole #1 (who is not Asshole #1 in their head; only in mine) wants me to be his valentine this year! Tee hee!" 7) I'm bitter. 8) Repeat #2 9) Repeat #3. 10) Repeat #7. 11) Repeat #'s 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 12) Repeat #11...several times. 13) And let us not forget to repeat #5...every year. Do you really need me to continue? -_- Yes, V-day is nice if you've got someone to spend it with. I've seen that with my own two eyes...that's why I'm so bitter about it. And I agree with James...V-day should be every day. But if that were the case, I probably would have committed suicide by now, so I'm very glad it's not. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Ditto here cept i'm a girl[/COLOR]
  2. Well let's see when I was little 4 or 5 I was at daycare and a boy ran over at me and bit my left cheek. It scarred but now you can hardly see it. When I was in second or third grade I was out on the playground when some kid ran over to me and bit my left arm. It started to bleed really badly and I was rushed to the nurses office. When I got there it was still bleeding and the nurse said it would likely scar. At 10 I burn my thumb on the car lighter. I know have a spiral on my htunb print. When I was twelve I was at my cousins house playing jumping on the bed I fell off and some how impaled my knee on her dresser. So now I have a white round scar on my knee. I have several on my make from chickenpox on my back and legs. My right shoulder I have a scar from one of my friend stabbing me with a pencil(non-mechanical)I also have multiple scars from my cats using me as a launching pad. Most recently my cat bit my hand three times (learned not to hold her when the vacuum is running >_
  3. My favorite color would be midnight blue. I like it because when i see it i feel calm and relaxed. I also like black, burgandy, maroon, pine green, dark green, silver and cool grey-it's sort of a blue grey color. I find all these colors to be calming and that is why i like them.
  4. I have three tattoos. On my right shoulder is a peace sign with a dagger and a rose coming in through the top. the dagger is dripping w/ blood. on my ankle are music notes. and my around my left thorns that go all around my arm and black flowers blooming.
  5. I also like motor cycles. my fav. being the Haarley Davidson FXSTBI Night Train. I like the look of it and the feel.not to posh and not a basic copper either. :)
  6. I live in Fargo, ND. :sleep: It is really boring up here. Not much to see or do. Most people go over to the twin cities in minn. to do stuff or they get drunk :alcohol:. In the winter it is really dreary because the ground, buildings, and the sky are all the same color.:rolleyes:
  7. Thanks for the warning. I changed it. :)
  8. What is your favourite vehicle? and WHY? Mine is a 1964 black Lincoln Continental convertible. my second fav. is a '65 Pontiac Bonneville. :) I like older cars for the most part. The reason I like older cars is the lines of the cars. Smooth like someone took their time in designing it instead of just jotting something down and then turning it into a car. They are also not crammed full of things that aren't really needed for driving like tv screens in the steering wheels and electrical this and that. They also had real bumpers on them not some peace of fiberglass. I mean if you were to get hit by one of them today your car would be totalled while the older car might have a few scraps and dents. That is why I like these cars. :D
  9. I also think that Ryoko deseves someone better than Tenchi. :) Glad i'm not the only who thinks that. I love this show. I like Washu, Ryoko, and Kagato. Even if he is only in the first series.
  10. i like the beatles which is kinda wierd since both of my parents hate the beatles. anyways my favourite song is either Paperback writer or a Hard days night.
  11. I had the lamest new year's. I was on the computer till about 11:50. I went to make some hot chocolate(it is cold up here) the hall light burnt out when i flicked the switch and almost broke my toe on the freakin' cats condo trying to find a new light bulb. Made myself a nice cup of c.h. and then went to bed. [color=blue]lame and boring told ya.[/color]
  12. alvin & the chipminks, beetlejuice, carebears, fraggle rock, eek! the cat, smurfs, teenage muntant turtles, the california raisin show, GI Joe, and my favourite when I was little Pirates of the Dark Water. I was fascinated by nibbler the monkey bird. Ah does anyone else remember this show? :sweat:
  13. my new year's resolutions are: 1. keep up good marks in my classes 2. try not to harm my cats even though they are driving me crazy! they are always fighting these days. 3. get over my ex :angry2: :bawl: that's it for this year :)
  14. I am rarely bored. I have lots of school work to do especially with my interpersonal communication course. :p WhenI am not doing school work i am trying to clean the apartment clean, reading, writing, and fighting with my upstairs neighbours. :grumble:
  15. Well here in the central TZ it is 9:04. :alcohol: only three hours left so Happy New Year's to those who already are in the new year and to those who will be in a few hours. :beer:
  16. Right now my favourite bands are Thre Days Grace and Korn. ;) I also like Linkin Park and any classical music. I know strange to like rock/ hard rock and classical but i do. :)
  17. Around here in glorious Fargo, ND:rolleyes: it is dangerous to cross the roads because of drunks and college students. The safest place to walk is on the campus were [u]all vehicles have to stop for pedestrians no matter what.[/u] I've almost been hit just walking in the driveway of my apartment building.
  18. My younger brother and I get along fine because he lives with dad so we never see each other. except when I visit then we have socks wars and the house ends up with socks all over the place. good times, oh yeah, good times :D
  19. I am listening to 'Just like You' By Three Days Grace I could be mean I could be angry You know I could be just like you i could be fake i could stupid you know i could be just like *you thought you were standing beside me you were only in my way you're wrong if you think that i'll be just like you* chorus i could be cold i could be ruthless you kow i could be just like you i could be weak i could be senseless you know i could be just like you chorus On my own, cause i can't take livin' with you I'm alone, so i won't turn out like you want me to. this is one of my favourite songs on the album. :)
  20. one of my favourite quotes is in my sig. it is Hiei at the Dark Tournament - " i'm sure your minty fresh breathe was well worth it." he was talking to kuwabara when he and Yusuke arrived to watch the elder toguro fight. Kuwabara was amazed that by taking 5 mins. to brush his teeth they missed the fight. And thus hiei the quote above. :sweat: sorry about the sorta long explanation :sweat:
  21. I will sit alone in my room staring at the computer screen. :rolleyes: what a shame :rolleyes: I've been banned from the family new year's party indefinitely due to an incident last year. :blackeye:
  22. When they first came out my family got me two. TWO for xmas because they were just soooo cute :rolleyes: one was pink and the other black. I killed the pink one and the black one i taught to swear and then gave it to my cousin when she said she wanted it. And now she doesn't ask me if she for my stuff. :D
  23. Well after college I plan on being either a clinical psychologist or something with computers. and a poet on the side of both :)
  24. Death's Rose


    My roommate listens to Enya. I think she is under new age.
  25. i have a few nicknames: black sakura, wolfie, scully, psycho teddy bear, and freak w/o a leash. don't ask 'bout the last one okay?:cool: My family calls little foot because i have small feet. :angry2:
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