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- Birthday 11/11/1986
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The briefing was over. As everyone left they seemed a lot less enthusiastic than the last time he saw them all leave. He understood most of what the Hokage said, but he couldn't help but notice the lack of information he had about Akatsuki. Was he holding back intentionally or did he really not find out anything from the two captives from the day before? Donobu had to know, he didn't have anywhere better to be anyway... [b]Donobu:[/b] Hokage-sama... Akatsuki? [b]Naruto:[/b] I had a feeling you'd want to know more. I'm surprised the others didn't call me on the bluff... Yes, it's true, I know more about the Akatsuki then I mentioned during the briefing. The reason I didn't reveal more is because I didn't want to consern everyone with it. For now I think they need to keep their minds focused on the Fire village. Whatever happens, the fire village will in one way or another lead us to the Akatsuki. Donobu stared intently at Naruto. He was still not telling him what was really happening. [b]Naruto:[/b] Alright... The truth is, with my personal experience with the Akatsuki and specifically Uchiha Sasuke, I believe that whatever actions the fire village shinobi are taking are most likely the direct result of whatever Akatsuki is up to. Knowing the amount of power that Akatsuki hold, there is no chance that their collaboration is mutualy beneficial. The fact that those two impersonators seemed to be acting on behalf of Akatsuki seems to speak for that theory more than anything else. I believe the Akatsuki are in direct control of the entire fire village. Whether the villages shinobi are willingly following orders or if they are somehow brainwashed, I do not know. But brainwash would not surprise me. The fire village has absolutely no use for all the Jutsus in the world. However, we already know that both Sasuke and his former master at one point were set on that goal. Donobu finally understood why his master was killed by the Akatsuki. They wanted to know the technique. But then why were they after him if they already have it? What more could Donobu possibly offer them? [b]Donobu:[/b] For now Donobu, I think the best thing for you is to spend time with the others in case of any more attacks. If nothing else, you all have a lot to learn from one another. That will help a lot in future events. You still need to learn more of our language and way of life, and in turn you could help train the others by sparing with them. If they can manage to defend themselves against your speed, then that would be a great asset in case the Akatsuki get your abilities. For now, this was all Donobu could do until the Akatsuki presented themselves again...
Donobu and Illudin stood still, trying to observe as much of the situation as possible without dropping their guard. Illudin seemed concerned by the fact that Donobu barely looked around him. And then he noticed Donobu closed his eyes completely. [i]"What is he doing?"[/i] Illudin thought, trying not to loose his focus on the surroundings. Without making his bugs shapeshift they couldn't get help fast enough. He had no choice but to let them run in their own individual forms. At least then the Akatsuki members can't stop them. As he watched one of his beetles fly off, he noticed it was briefly knocked off course by a small gust of wind. [i]"That's it!"[/i] He thought and looked at Donobu, [i]"... I know what you're doing... And I'm gonna help by stalling these guys"[/i]. Suddenly Illudin raised his arms... [b]Illudin:[/b] Hey losers! Hidden in the trees, the two Akatsuki were suddenly surprised. One of them came out of hiding. [b]Akatsuki 1:[/b] You're not exactly in a position to be talking to us like that. Are you [u]trying[/u] to get killed? [b]Illudin:[/b] I'm just curious what you want from us. [b]Akatsuki 1:[/b] Ha! We want nothing from you! It's your friend we're after. He has something we need. [b]Illudin:[/b] Then why haven't you made your move yet? [b]Akatsuki 1:[/b] Your friend is not the type of guy we can just walk up to. For our own interest we need to secure him first. [b]Illudin:[/b] And what about me? [b]Akatsuki 1:[/b] You? You're practically dead already. We just haven't finalized it yet. [b]Illudin:[/b] I think you'll find it's a little more difficult than that. Having said that, Illudins body suddenly dispersed into a pool of insects. The curious Akatsuki stared intently, not noticing the bugs flocking together behind him, forming a brand new Illudin ready to strike with his kunai. As he's about to strike, the other Akatsuki suddenly threw another wire at Illudin to stop him. It was too late for Illudin to react, but suddenly a shuriken came flying by him, cutting the wire before it reached him... It was Donobu, still having his eyes closed, he threw that shuriken so precisely. [i]"I was right, that's what Donobu's doing..."[/i] He though for a second before the Akatsuki in front of him turned around and attacked him. They engaged in an intense battle in the tree tops. [i]"I have to stay close to this guy. If I do that, his friend wont dare throw more wires at me"[/i]. Suddenly Donobu opened his eyes, and dispersed a shower of shuriken in all directions. One narrowly missed the hidden Akatsuki. [i]"Hmph, he missed..."[/i] he thought, but at the same instant he was shocked as he saw all of his wires drop. Without a moments pass Donobu appeared behind him and drop kicked him straight down into the ground, breaking the tree and causing a hole in the ground. Before the Akatsuki managed to get up, Donobu landed on top of him, twisting his arm and keeping him in place while Illudin dispatched the other one. The battle was raging on, but Illudin seemed surprised by now easy this Akatsuki members battle patterns were easily to learned, and how weak his punches were. Not to mention the fact that he was so slow. As they both leaped into the sky and started dropping towards the ground Illudin allowed his foe the higher ground, but just before he landed bellow his body once again dispersed into a flood of insects, shocking his opponent. As the Akatsuki landed in the pool of bugs Illudin appeared again, observing as the bugs engulfed his opponent, pinning him to the ground. Illudin looked over towards Donobu. [b]Donobu:[/b] Illudin, sugoi! ... said Donobu with his thumb in the air and a kind smile on his face. Illudin returned the gesture. Illudin and Donobu returned to the Hokage with their two prisoners unconscious. Illudin sat them down in the floor and turned his attentions to Naruto. [b]Illudin:[/b] Hokage-sama, we were attacked outside of the village by these two dressed as Akatsuki members. [b]Naruto:[/b] Dressed? [b]Illudin:[/b] Yes. They are way to weak to be Akatsuki. However, don't know how they got these outfits. It's not exactly something you can buy in a clothing shop. [b]Donobu:[/b] Akatsuki, give. [b]Naruto:[/b] oh I see you taught him some Japanese, that's good. Donobu, are you saying that Akatsuki gave these men their outfits. [b]Donobu:[/b] Hai. [b]Illudin:[/b] Huh?! How could you possibly know that? [b]Donobu:[/b] Akatsuki, watch, battle. [b]Naruto:[/b] Eeh? How do you know that?... [b]Illudin:[/b] ... Ahh, I see. Donobu uses a very unique battle technique in which he controls the wind. In the battle with the impersonators he used it as a sort of radar to detect every single wire around him. He seems to speak to the wind, as if it's watching over him. [b]Naruto:[/b] Donobu, did the wind tell you that Akatsuki were watching you? [b]Donobu:[/b] Hai. [b]Naruto:[/b] This is more serious than I thought. They were testing you. They were obviously aware of Donobus arrival. But it's very unlike Akatsuki to use decoys. [b]Illudin:[/b] Those two said that Donobu had something that they needed. A message from the real Akatsuki maybe? [b]Naruto:[/b] We can't jump to conclusions. We need to interrogate these two when they wake up to find out more. [b]Illudin:[/b] There's more. Before we brought them here, I searched them and found these. Fire village headbands. [b]Naruto:[/b] Then this whole Akatsuki issue may be connected to what's been going on in the village of fire... I want both of you to return here tomorrow with the other team. We'll have a definitive plan by then, and hopefully a few answers from these impersonators. [b]Illudin:[/b] Hai Hokage-sama. ------------------------------------- OOC: Phew, sorry bout the long post, but I was inspired ^^ --------Edit-------- Awe dang, The Enemy hadn't posted that yet when I started mine. What now? -_-
[i]"Hai Hokage-sama!"[/i] everyone shouted and hurried off. Donobu simply stared as they left. He had no place to go. No home to return to... As Illudin was about to leave... [b]Naruto:[/b] Illudin! I would like you to stay here. I have had a change of heart and think you would be more useful here. [b]Illudin:[/b] Hai Hokage-sama. [b]Naruto:[/b] First of all, I can't keep referring to this man as "our friend". We need to know what his name is. [b]Illudin:[/b] We can call him Shin. (This is a pun. The word Shin in Japanese means white. And Donobu is all white, [i]See bio[/i]) [b]Naruto:[/b] I'm sure he must have a name. Naruto went over to Donobu and sat down on the floor in front of him, indicating that he should do the same. He pointed to himself and said "Naruto Uzumaki", and then pointed at Donobu with a curious expression. "Donobu Otah", he replied looking at Naruto as if he was explaining himself to his father. [b]Illudin:[/b] Donobu?.. What an unfortunate guy being named after a thief. [b]Naruto:[/b] I'm sure Donobu doesn't mean the same thing in his language. Naruto took the map of Asia off his wall and presented it to Donobu. Ge gestured that this place is the same as the one he pointed to on the map. Then he gestured at Donobu that he should point out where he came from. Donobu looked at the map, his home wasn't even chartered on it. He slowly lifted his hand, and pointed several decimeters bellow the map. [b]Naruto:[/b] ... Could it be that he is from Enopu? [b]Illudin:[/b] Enopu? I thought that was just a legend. [b]Naruto:[/b] I fear only it's mysticism may be legend... We need to find out what he knows about Akatsuki. [b]Donobu:[/b] Akatsuki!! [b]Naruto:[/b] Yes! What do you know about it?! Have they been to your home?! Donobu only saw memories as Naruto desperately tried to communicate with him. He looked at the floor for a moment, interrupting Narutos trail. Donobu suddenly started to cry, surprising both Naruto and Illudin. [b]Naruto:[/b] It seems Akatsuki really are back... And they are up to something. We need to know what... Illudin, let Donobu stay with you tonight. It's still early so try to spend the day teaching him about our language and customs. We will need his help, and we need to simplify communication. Come back with him tomorrow morning after the other teams briefing. [b]Illudin:[/b] Hai Hokage-sama.
[quote name='garmeil']I didn't know what it meant when he said mime by nature. And well if he couldn't speak any japenese then he wouldn't say anyhting. So I don't think every thing has to be exactly perfect. I forgot about him only being able to talk asian. So sorry bout that. And as for me using yall. I was born in texas and it's a habit to use that word. Sorry I can't stop doing what I normaly do.[/QUOTE] Well that's what "Roleplaying" is. You act according to the character, not according to your habits. You know that these characters shouldn't saying things like Yall, so you make it right. And Koro speaks Japanese. My character Donobu, doesn't. That much of the story maybe you just got confused. And mimes don't talk, hence "mime by nature" means he doesn't talk. And since The Enemy said "[i]practically[/i] mime by nature", that just means he doesn't talk much. In general you seemed to branch the story off from what everyone else comes up with. In your last post you suddenly changed the scene from what it was to something completely off track. Donobu just arrived everyone is surprised and don't know who he is. And suddenly you changed things to [i]Gekko stands up and talks to Koro like they're old highschool football buddies[/i]. We are building a continues story, acting off of what the other characters have done and said, just try to remember that. Anyway, all that we ask is that you try to act the scenes out while keeping in mind what kind if characters the other players are. So that they don't do things that are out of character for them. Also, to be completely frank, although this isn't a demand or anything:... I think it would be nice if you changed your last post. It just sets weird things into motion that don't make sense to me. [B]Edit:[/B] Awe dang. Me and The Enemy made a simotanious post. What now? :S I put so much time into mine :'( [COLOR="Green"][SIZE="1"]Please do not post twice in a row, but use the edit-button to add things to your first post instead. Thank you! - Sandy[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='garmeil']The idea of making this backstage forum was brought to my attention by Gekko. I'm sorry for changen the stuff, but yall didn't didn't have a personality thing. So I didn't know what yalls personalities were. He didn't show any sign of being a loaner is his posts. I don't know what you were talking about when you said I'm changing like the mood to fun or something. Isn't it supposed to be fun?[/QUOTE] uhh, lol, well he kinda did... The way he spoke in his posts and also [i]"As he went he saw Airi, a jounin of the Inuzuka clan native to Konoha. He would have said high were he not practically mime by nature."[/i] This was a fair description by The Enemy. You also changed the characters heritage. Despite their all living in some sort of a twisted version of, Feudal Japan(?), you changed they language into one that suited you better. You added words like "Yall". As if they were suddenly American southern. Now it may seem silly of me to pick on the language since none of us probably speak Japanese. But I think that we can compensate for that by at least having dialog thats in a similar manner as Japanese in the Naruto setting. It makes the RPG sound that much more realistic.
[COLOR="Red"]Since this is being addressed in the Backstage thread, I'll edit this post now.[/COLOR] [i]OOC: Uhh, Garmeil, maybe you should make a Backstage thread so we can discus a few things. I'm not to fond of how you suddenly turn everything to a playful mood and away from what was happening... And also you completely changed Koro's quiet, loner attitude all of a sudden. I just think we should respect everyone's personality preference as far as how the players wanna represent their characters. Sorry about this post, feel free to move it to a Backstage thread when/if Garmeil makes one. The reason I posted it instead of PM is because I think that the others might have an opinion in this. I'm probably not the only one who doesn't like having their characters changed in any way by others. I know Garmeil didn't change my character, but I value every players contribution, and I like The Enemy's character the way he was.[/i] ----------------------------Edit---------------------------- Donobu knew that communication would be difficult. All he really needed was one good link to build upon. One word that would make them understand what this is all about... [b]Donobu:[/b] Akatsuki!! Everyone was shocked. Naruto got a scary serious look on his face. [i]"Sasuke"[/i] he thought to himself [i]"... what did you do to this young man to make him come so far for you?!"[/i] [b]Airi:[/b] Did he just say Akatsuki?!... Hokage-sama, does this mean they're back?! [b]Naruto:[/b] I don't know Airi. But if what this young man is saying is true, then we need to investigate matters further. I need to have a talk, of sorts, with our new friend here. In the meantime you all know what your mission is. Meet here tomorrow morning at the same time for briefing before you set off. [b]Gekko:[/b] But Hokage-sama! This is much more important! We should be going after Akatsuki! [i]Illudin arrives through the window. He places himself comfortably in a corner of the room, near Donobu. They glance at each other, and after a few seconds they nod while smiling to indicate no harsh feelings.[/i] [b]Naruto:[/b] No! The matter of the Snow is still as important as it was. The fact remains we know nothing about the situation with Akatsuki. Thats why I need to talk to our friend. And if I do find out something I will send Anbu to research it. You four have your mission, now follow through with it!
OOC: I'm not sure if everyone knows this, so I'm just gonna remind everyone. Donobu is not a bad guy. Read the sign up if you are not sure. Anyway, it's good so far so I'll continue. --------------------------------------- Illudin stalked Donobu in the shadows. The rain had stopped, but there was still an unusual amount of wind. He's ok if he sticks to the trees... But then suddenly! Back at the Hokage's room, Illudin's Shadow clone had just disappeared. Koro said something and everyone agreed. Naruto-kage took a few seconds to grab a breath and was about to say something when he was suddenly interrupted by another Illudin Shadow Clone. [b]Illudin clone:[/b] Hokage-sama! He's Gone! He disappeared in front of my eyes! I don't know where he is but... [b]Naruto:[/b] That's ok Illudin. You can stop searching. He's right here. Everyone was shocked, when they suddenly turned around they saw Donobu standing by the door quietly observing them. [b]Naruto:[/b] It's ok everyone. He has been here for a while. If his intention was to harm us he would have done so long ago. [b]Airi:[/b] How did he get here so fast?! It's almost 30 miles to the shores! [b]Koro:[/b] [i]"This guy... his speed is incredible... He's probably faster than Hokage-sama himself"[/i] [b]Naruto:[/b] Stay calm everyone, no one will be harmed. But I am interested to see just what this young man wants. They seem to understand Donobu is of no threat to them. But that's not enough. He needs their help to find Akasuki. Now it's just the matter of how he will communicate with them...
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]You forget the compounding factor. Ten, and ten more, and ten more....... It rounds easily up to large numbers. Plus, again, we just increased the dimensions a short while ago, so I doubt another one will come this quickly.[/FONT][/QUOTE] The maximum standard posts per page is 15. That's 150px spread across the entire height of the page. It's barely noticeable at all. And if anyone has set to more posts per page then that person obviously doesn't care or mind that the page gets [u]slightly[/u] longer. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]And yes, I get what you're talking about, but that just seems too much distracting, unnecessary information. Yes, granted, it's constantly updating, but still. I like looking at the artistic talents more than a noisy statbox. (Not to mention a statbox which I feel serves no purpose.)[/FONT][/QUOTE] Well why should I care if you like it?... Signatures are great coz we can customize them and put whatever we like. I like my siggy and am proud of it's stats (even if they are meager compared to other members at A-P :P). Whether you like it or not shouldn't matter the slightest. And you forget we choose our own backgrounds in the signatures. So there is "Artistic Talent", since I could just as easily paint a Picasso if I wanted it to, and place it as my background in the siggy.
... Wow... just wow... I'm sorry, no offence, but none of those replies made any sense. I don't quite think you've understood the concept of these signatures. What's the point of having a dynamic signature if I hade to edit it myself evey time I watch anime (which I do daily)? I think that's exactly why Sothis came up with the idea. No one wants to edit a picture every time they do something. On A-P it's automatic and fast. It's not just an image. It's a dynamic image that changes every time you update your profile on the A-P website, which I do about 2 or 3 times depending on how much anime I watch in a day. And it's Much faster than having up edit it myself in an image editor. And the 10px ruining thing... Well I really don't know what to say to that. To me, it sounds very very stupid. No offence. 10 pixels is like the equivelent of 1 linebreak ó_Ò
[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]My feeling is that we have things just about right. Other anime forums can do what works for them, but we prefer to have fairly organized/tidy signatures. This is also helpful for people who have slower connections (or who simply don't want to wade through millions of giant signature images when reading threads).[/font][/QUOTE] [quote name='femme fatale'][color=black][size=1]This i definately agree with. I prefer how tidy and simplified everyones signatures look on this site, and increasing size will only ruin that =/[/color][/size][/QUOTE] 10 px would ruin the simplicity? ó_Ò? [quote name='femme fatale'][color=black][size=1]Plus, can't you just crop the image? If its 'only 10 pixels', then surely its only 5 from the top 5 from the bottom, most your guna lose is a layer of text if even that >>;[/color][/size][/QUOTE] uhh, we can't edit the sigs ourselves. Its a part of the site, and hosted on the site. We can only choose the background image and the statistics... The only chance we have of changing the sigs size is of Sothis rescripts her functions in whichever programing language she uses.
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Easy there, man. :animesmil Aye, and we just got through with a whole debate on this angle not, what, two months ago? Anyway, as I understand it now, the site will not support more than one image per signature, so line breaks aside I doubt you'll be able to do much about that; and calling the staff on the edit/delete/ban card is kinda foolhardy, neh? Now, granted, there are no restrictions on total height, meaning one can fill space with as much (or little) text as they please. (I.e., [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=32786"][COLOR="Blue"]Tetra of Sound[/COLOR][/URL]. Or mine.) So I can understand then how a restriction on banner height might be considered unreasonably stringent. At the same time, though, I see no reason to balk at the current rules. And then also, I see no purpose in keeping a tally of what I have or have not seen/read. It sure as heck ain't a status indicator. 'Cept maybe for [COLOR="DarkRed"]Dagger[/COLOR].....[/FONT][/QUOTE] If I came off as an ***hole, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to insult anyone or make anyone mad. I was just trying to get my point across. What I said about the banning/blocking thing wasn't any kind of threat, I was simply pointing out that the rules had their limits in either case. [quote name='sothis']Hello thar! Well, I run Anime-Planet and this thread was pointed out to me by one of the random users (not Gecko ^_^ but hi!) - anyways, as I like joining anime forums I decided to sign up, so I might as well mention something here. :p It's unfortunate I missed your sig limits here - when creating the default size I went to most of the major anime sites and checked their rules, and went with the smallest height limit I could find. Ah well! Anyways, eventually we'll have other size options - though I stil think the default size looks the most awesome ;) Anyways, off to the other anime sections for some fun posting![/QUOTE] Hey Sothis! ^_^ I'm Roaziel! Yeah, the guy that made the thread "The still and future purpose of anime forums" on A-P forums. So you can see I'm pretty much a troublemaker everywhere, not just at A-P. xD :P
I still think it's wrong to deny a simple request like this specifically for A-P. I agree on the whole continously increasing size matter, but this is an exception. Whether other sites have banners with updating stats hasn't got anything with Otaku Boards to do. A signature dedicated to the pure enjoyment of all anime, and the viewers pride in what they've seen does, since Otakus are Anime fans. Gamers and Book readers signatures have nothing to do with Otaku Board, Anime lovers do. And as far as I know the A-P is the only site out there that has a feature such as this. And if more are to come at some point in the future you can simply reffer them to A-P. Either way, my case and point still remains that a Very small increase in HEIGHT makes no big difference as I could just as easily make a lot of line breaks. And it doesn't matter that you can edit it since I can do it again until you block/delete/ban me and then someone replaces me. Whereas the image size rule can't be broken. Also, as kind as you may see yourselves as being for having allowed as much as 550x120, I think that's a waaaay small number, and would increase it more than 10 if it were me. But it's not, and I don't care. I just feel strongly that the A-P's signatures are a special circumstance that should be considered. As far as I know the A-P's signatures are the only updating statistics signature that truly relate to Otaku Boards. P.S. Their signatures look like this [url]http://www.anime-planet.com/users/images/signatures/Roaziel.jpg[/url] and you can choose what statistics are shown and what background you want. It's pretty much the full package :P
The wind was strong, the raindrops were so powerful it almost seemed like it was hailing. Donobu stood like a proud statue at the bow of the boat as it slowly approached the shores. The boat and crew cost him nearly everything he had left, but he had finally made it. He had finally come to the mysterious world called Asia. The boat almost ran ashore on the country of fire. He knew there was no point in the crew getting stranded. He turned his head softly, catching a glimpse of the captain, giving him a gentle nod which the captain kindly returned. Donobu leaped into the sky and a sudden powerful gust of wind carried him across the water to shore. He flew with such grace, as if he was one with the wind. When he landed the captain signaled the crew to turn the ship around. They had a long journey ahead of them, it was better to risk starving at the ocean than to stop at the docks and most likely getting robbed. Donobu made his way on the sand, heading into the woods. It didn't matter where the path lead him, the first village he found people at, he would find out where Konoha Village is. Unless he was lucky enough to arrive at Konoha by sheer coincidence. His trail of thought was interrupted by a small gust of wind that whispered in his ears. His eyes calmly turned to the shadowed trees around him. He noticed the glowing eyes first, as the rest of their bodies appeared slowly out of the shadows. 5 bandits, they were obviously scouring the shores for stranded ships to rob. [b]Bandit 1:[/b] Oh no, we've been spotted boys. No point in hiding around, let's show ourselves to our friend here. [b]Bandit 2:[/b] Look at this freak guys, he's all white. Look at his eyes and hair, he must be from the country of Snow. [b]All bandits:[/b] HA HA HA HA HA! [b]Bandit 2:[/b] Well freak? Are you from the country of Snow?... Answer me! What's the matter with you?! Don't you speak Japanese!? Donobu stood quietly and calmly, observing the bandits. Their language was so foreign to him. He had learn to understand a little bit of it from his master, but they were talking to fast and mentioned words he hadn't learned yet... [i]"What is... Freak?"[/i]... However he did not fail to interpret their intentions. He would rather not waste his time on this, but if they give him no choice... [b]Bandit 1:[/b] I don't think he understands us. Look at his eyes, he's not Asian. [b]Bandit 2:[/b] I don't care! Let's just get his money! The bandits attacked Donobu, running at him like wild boars. The leader was the first to get to him and swing his giant sword. The swing was very powerful, but before it even touched Donobu, he disappeared. The leader ended up flipping himself over and landing on his back in the mud. They were all shocked, one second he was there and the next he was gone in a blink of an eye. Suddenly one of the bandits dropped down from the sky, the remaining 3 and the leader on his back looked up in the trees and saw Donobu standing on a branch. Donobu did not want to waste any more time with the bandits. He would finish this quickly and be on his was. He leaped from the branch and as he started to drop head first the bandits stood in fighting stance. Before he reached the ground, wind again blow at him, this time making him disappear again. He only appeared briefly in front of every bandit delivering powerful kicks and punches that knocked them all out. There was no point in killing them, that's not why he came here. The rain continued to pour down, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get to Konoha.
Yeah but as far as I know there are few sites like A-P that offer unique signaturess. So I think this makes this request specific since A-P does have a lot of dedicated members. Not sure about how many are already members here, but either way, I'm not saying keep giving in to bigger and bigger sizes. It's just that A-P is sort of a speial site that offers a cool and original feature, which is it's point, and we as members at other forums can't even use it. And I'm not asking to increase the width limit, 550 is ok. But it's not like 10 px in Height will make a difference, coz face it, members can simply put 20 linebreaks in their signature space and it takes up 5 times more space than a signature simply 10 px larger than the limit.