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Everything posted by Gecko

  1. The group walked into the temple and say Sinahiro lying awake in his bed. They approached him with a smile but no one knew what to say. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Don't go after him. Everyone was shocked. How did he know what they werethinking? [B]Sinahiro[/B]: You guys have been planning to go after Siro. I'm telling you now, if you do, I will not be your teacher any more. [B]Kilik[/B]: But Sinahiro-Sensei... [B]Sinahiro[/B]: No Kilik! If he did this to me could you imagine what he would do to you guys? Even if are a good team you have neither the skill nor knowledge to defeat his liegen of zombies. [B]Veil[/B]: Then what are we suppose to do? He'll be coming for us eventually. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: You'll have to train to be able to defeat his zombies. While someone more powerful defeat Siro. [B]Kilik[/B]: But Sinahiro-Sensei, we don't have time, you're hurt. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: I didn't mean me, Kilik... I've sent for an old friend, and an extreemly powerful shinobi to come train you while I heal. He shall be here tomorow. In the mean time I suggest you guys get ready for his arrival...
  2. [B]Shinobi Guy[/B]: Where are we gonna find fire out here? [B]Kilik[/B]: HENTARO! [B]Veil[/B]: Of couse! Hentaro can create fire! [B]Kilik[/B]: No, I mean look over there! It's Hentaro... He's carrying Sinahiro-Sensei... Sinhairo is hurt! We have to help him, c'mon! [B]Shinobi Guy[/B]: Did they say Hentaro? That Shimura guy? Hentaro and Veil ran over to Hentaro and took Sinahiros fainted body of his shoulders. Hentaro fell to his knees from exchastion. Mya helped him up and they all ran to the Shinobi squad as shelter while they check out Sinahiro. [B]Mya[/B]: Hentaro-san, please you have to use your fire powers to get rid of these zombies. [B]Hentaro[/B]*Gasping*: Get me some wood. [B]Veil[/B]: She didn't mean that kind of fire! [B]Mya[/B]: No Veil, he needs it to heal himself. Mya handed some sticks and peaces of wood to Hentaro. He held it in his hands while he preformed seals. [B]Hentaro[/B]: Somon, Nusaro, Funa, Kuni, Dame, Taro, VA! A glowing light came out of the wood and went into Hentaros body. Hentaro stood up [B]Hentaro[/B]: Everyone, stand back. The shinobi all moved away as Hentaro clapped his hands. When he moved them apart from each other a flame apeared in the palm of his hand. Hentaro threw the flame high into the air above the zombies as they stared amasingly at the fire. [B]Hentaro[/B]: Destruction of Burning Sun! The little flame grew into a giant inferno of destruction as it landed on the zombies, burning them all...
  3. Sinahiro and Hentaro headed into the swarm of hundreds of Zombies in the forest. Their goal was to find Siro, and set a stop to this before it spread. Mya, Kilik, and Veil stayed to protect the Temple and the village. Sinahiro faught of a few zombies and threw them away from himself. When he saw an opening, he liften his blade over his head and started spinning it. A tornade sprouted from his body and threw many zombies in all directions, many landed on sharp objects, but they just started moving again. Hentaro was also fighting of zombies but couldn't find an opening for a large attack. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Hentaro! Let's go, we can't waist our energy here. We must find Siro. [B]Hentaro[/B]: Hai Sensei! They ran of once more, deep into the forest... Near the village... [B]Veil[/B]: Bah, it's hard to fight when the stench makes me want to faint... [B]Kilik[/B]: Veil! Catch! Kilik threw an object to Veil, she caught it in one hand, and then smiled. [B]Veil[/B]: Thanks Kilik! She put it on her nose... [B]Mya[/B]: Guys, I don't know how much more I can take, I think we need a plan... Kilik suddenly shined up... [B]Kilik[/B]: I GOT IT!... Girls, let's use our training. Suddenly Mya and Veil look at each other, smiling... [B]Veil[/B]: Of Cource! [B]Kilik[/B]: Ready!?... Go! Suddenly all three started jumping on zombies heads and smashing their heads. The zombies couldn't figure out a way of catching them since they were moving so fast from one head to the other... Deep in the forest Sinahiro and Hentaro finally found Siro. He was on his way back to hell, slowly being sucked down by the moist ground. Half way down... [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Siro! Siro opened his develish eyes and looked angry... [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Stop this right now! Behind them zombies were about to attack. Hentaro turned around, performed a few seals with his hands a blew a giant flame that spread across all zombies, making them fall to the ground moaning from pain. [B]Siro[/B]: I see you've been training Hentaro well. He has grown incredibly since I last saw him... As a screaming baby! Hentaros' face turned into a blend of a insanly angry, and shocked. Sinahiro looked disapointed. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: He wasn't suppose to know about this. [B]Siro[/B]: Oh, so you haven't told him what really happen during the destruction of his clan? Siro smiled develishly at Sinahiro and then at Hentaro, who seemed to want to shout out in pain. [B]Siro[/B]: I was the one who ordered the destruction of the Shimura Clan! [B]Hentaro[/B]: NOOO!!! Hentaro, insane with rage, charged at Siro with his full power. Siro put his left hand on the ground and earth flew up and slamed Hentaro away into the trees. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Hentaro!... Damn you traderous Siro! [B]Siro[/B]: Haha, you still haven't learned that even though I look young, I'm older then you, and thus, have the power to crush every bone in your body... You should watch what you say around me... [B]Sinahiro[/B]*Performing hand seals*: I've grown since we've last met, don't underestimate me! Sinahiro used a kunai to cut his hand and let blood drip on the ground. Then he slamed his hands on the ground. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Elite Destruction! Explosion of earth! Suddenly the ground began to shake. Then the earth grew into a huge boubble and then exploded. Siro and many zombies were thrown high into the air and into the trees. Then everyone saw what made the ground explode. A giant whind monster rose from the huge hole that was created. The creatures face could briefly be seen before it disapeared once more. Even sinahiro was on his knees, gasping for air and looking frightened. Out of the trees came Siro once more, his clothes were torn and he looked a bit hurt, but nothing bad. [B]Siro[/B]: Haha, I'm surprised you dared to summon the Whind Lord to attemt to destroy me... You still haven't learned to controll him, that's why you didn't summon him compleetly. Siro looked at Sinahiro and smirked. [B]Siro[/B]: I was expecting a challenge against The Great Shinobi, Sinahiro... I don't want to be disapointed. This war is over for now... Preppare while you can, Sinahiro... I will be back.... Let's go!... Oh and, I'll let your friends finish of the last of my zombie friends... If they can... Mya, Kilik and Veil were strugeling against the zombies, because they had finally found a way of defending against their plan. They were all having a tough time, but Mya was being attacked by many zombies at the same time. She had taken a lot of hits and could take much more... Suddenly a zombie appeared behind her, it was about to kill her... [B]Kilik[/B]: MYA! Mya turned around, but couldn't find time to react. She closed her eyes. *Ching* When she finaly opened her eyes she saw the zombie, covered in Shuriken. They turned around and saw a group of Shinbobi. [B]Shinobi Guy[/B]: Don't worry, your help has arrived!
  4. When Mya and Kilik finaly found Hentaro and Veil they could still feel the stench of the rotton flesh. [B]Veil[/B]: Ewww, what is that [i]Said Veil with her hands over her nose.[/i] [B]Mya[/B]: We don't know, but it came from the direction we came from. I can only imagine what it smells like over there now... [B]Hentaro[/B]: Quiet! Everyone looked suspiciously at Hentaro. He looked very consentrated as tried to sence something. [B]Hentaro[/B]: Whatever it is that stinks, it's bad. And it's coming straight at us... Fast. [B]Kilik[/B]: What is it? Can you tell? [B]Hentaro[/B]: No, but by the smell of it, I could almost guess it was Zombies... However, zombies are only an urban legend, no one believes they excist. *Crash!* A tree a few yards away from them falls down, and from behind it come 20 druling, bleeding, rotting, stinking zombies with the worst dental plan ever. [B]Veil[/B]: You were saying, Hentaro? [B]Mya[/B]: They don't look too friendly, you guys. [B]Kilik[/B]: If it were up to me, I'd say we run... However, I've learned that I'm not always right. [B]Hentaro[/B]: No point in running... I've always thought zombies were slow creatures, but these ones got here pretty quickly. I fear they might be too fast to outrun...
  5. OOC: Ehm?... oh boy, another plot twist... :-S
  6. The battle raged on between Veil and Hentaro. They were both starting to get tired from the battle, but neither would give up. Veil charged straight at Hentaro, but before she reached him he jumped high into the air, looked down and threw ducins of shuriken. Veil managed to stop by gliding after she missed Hentaro. She looked up and saw the shuriken coming, so she liften her glaiv and spun it in high speed. The shuriken were deflected, and Veil stopped to look and see what happened to Hentaro, he wasn't in the air any more. Suddenly Veil turned around and stopped Hentaro who was behind her with a kunai in his hand, they were both pushing hard with their weapons. But then Veil takes a step back and Hentaro falls down in front of her. Veil then uses the back of her glaiv to hit him on his back, but when she does that his body suddenly explodes into smoke. Before she had time to react she herd a voice behind her... [B]Hentaro[/B]: SECRET TECHNIQUE! GENTAL SEAL! Those words echode in Veils head, she had hurd them before. Her first reaction had to be the right one or she would lose. She jumped straight ahead with her arms out, landing right outside an orb which was suddenly created at the area where she was standing... Veil trew a shuriken at Hentaro but the orb was between them and deflected the shuriken. Hentaro realized the seal failed so he let go of it. Veil saw an opening so she jumped at him again, Hentaro grabbed a kunai and was about to block, but... *GRAB* Suddenly Sinahiro appeared between them holding Hentaros hand in his left hand and Veils in his right. Everything stopped. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: This match is over. [B]Mya[/B]: What's the matter Sinahiro-Sensei? Shouted Mya from outside the arena. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Something is coming, we need to be ready. Everyone looked surprised at each other. What was coming and was it so powerful that Sinahiro was getting nervous?
  7. As Robin was trying to help Terra up before Cinderblock comes back, he notices it's to late. Cinderblock arrives and is about to attack, Robin jumps up and stands in front of Terra in a fighting stance. Cinderblocl launched his arms for a huge hit on Robin, but suddenly, small, shine, metal objects came flying out of the air and pierced his rock arms. [b]Cinderblock[/b]: AAARRGHHH!!! Then everyone saw the metal objects were in fact 5 shuriken, sticking out of his arms. Everyone looked towards the direction of where they came from. On top of a building everyone saw a man dressed all white in a white combat suit, coat, and a peace of cloth to cover the lover partof his face. His hair and eyes were white as well. The wind caught the mans coat and it waved majestically next to him. [b]Terra[/b]: Who is that? [B]Robin[/B]: I don't know... Cinderblock looked really angry. The man jumped into the air and dissapeared. Then reappeared behind Cinderblock. Cinderblock suddenly felt a tap on his left shoulder, and turned around. *SLASH*, a Ninja blade cut a scar on cinderblocks face... Then a huge kick to the gut threw Cinderbock into the wall... Robin ran over to the man. [B]Robin[/B]: Thanks! Who are you? The man looked briefly at Robin and then disappeared again... [B]Robin[/B]: Hmm, well that was rude...
  8. :-S she sounds... Too powerful... I mean, all the superpowers, and not even a weakness???...
  9. Here's my own character, only a bit edited from his real self ^_^ [b]Name[/b]: Max Milton Neemoy [b]Code-Name[/b]: Razorblade [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Side[/b]: Neutral, but Good. [b]Gadgets[/b]: Ninja Blade, Twin daggers, Kunai, Shuriken. [b]Powers / Abilities[/b]: Enhanced speed and agility, as well as slightly enhanced strength. A very skilled fighter, is a master of most martial arts techniques. [b]Description[/b]: Razorblade on left, max on right... As razorblade he's got white hair and eyes, and wears a white combat uniform, coverd with a white, knee-long coat. [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/Gecko6000-razorblade2_2.jpg[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: [i]As Max[/i]: Drawn back, and very mysterious. Doesn't let people know much about him. But he is still nice and helpful. [i]As Razorblade[/i]: Appears in the nick of time. Helps a lot and is still very mysterious. Many tricks up his sleeve, and is often very underestimated. Mostly quiet, but speeks when needed to. [b]Weakness[/b]: His head... One good blow to the thinker and he might fall into a coma. [b]Small Bio[/b]: Born a child prodegy, Max Milton Neemoy was a very different child. He was far too intelligent for any school. But had a seveir problem with pacians. Later it was discovered he had a lack of adrenelin, and for that he craves much of it most of the time. He works part time as a stunt man, but when he has free time he fights crime...
  10. As the training keept going, everyone seemed happy and sure of their thing. Sinahiro was pleased to see how experienced they had gotten from one practise session that never even finished. Suddenly Sinahiro twitched. He could sence something... Something bad... He looked up and saw a bird flying in curles around the arena. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: [i]What is this incredible energy?... Could it be that the bird is doing this?[/i] Suddenly Sinahiro could hear a slight, slithering whisper from an unknown location. "[i]Come back[/i]"... The bird turned around and flew away from the arena. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: [I]What was that?[/I] Minutes later... [B]Sinahiro[/B]: *Whistle*... Ok everyone! Come down! The group jumped down from their poles, looking really confused. [B]Veil[/B]: What's the matter Sinahiro-sensei? It hasn't even gone half the time we did this last time. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Nothing is the matter Veil... I wanted you to resume your battles instead. And if I remember it correctly, it was you, Veil vs Hentaro... This time however. Let's keep it on ground level... Everyone, go outside of the arena and let Hentaro and Veil continue their battle... [I]This might at least prepare them a little for what might be approaching[/I]
  11. OOC: Damn you all for this
  12. OOC: S'ok, just don't let it happen again ;P ---------------------------------------------------- IC: As the battle raged on Sinahiro carefully watched all their movements. He could clearly tell that they where still tired from the warm-up. But at the same time he noticed the battle was going quite slowelly. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: [I]What is she doing. She can do much better then this. I've senced great talent in her from the beginning, but I've never actually seen her give it all she's got. Why does she hold it back?... If this keepsgoing like this, Mya will lose to Kilik, fast.[/I] Mya and Kilik were jumping between poles as fast as they could. They didn't dare to slow down, because they knew that would only give the oponent a great advantage. As they both landed on paralelle poles at the same time they turned around and saw each other. They looked into each others eyes. They somehow felt sad and worried. Without Kilik seeing it, a tear dripped down Myas face, she was crying. But Kilik was dripping to, he was sweating unusually much. Just as they were about to continue, Kilik flintched. He lost conciousness and fell from the pole. Sinahiro, Veil, and Hentaro looked up in terror as they saw Kilik lifeless body fall towards the ground. Just as Sinahiro was about to take of for a great rescue, a sword flew by Kiliks body and attached itself to one of the poles. There was a small rope attached to the sword and Kilik landed right on it. Before he slided of it, Mya jumped on the rope, grabbed his body and made a safe landing on the ground below them. Sinahiro quickly went to Kilik to see what happened. It turns out Kilik only fainted of exascion. He was too tired, and it seems he had caught a bad colt from the chilly weather of the night. As Sinahiro was carrying out Kilik from the arena, Mya had a very sad look on her face, she could almost break out into tears. Suddenly a faint voice was herd. [B]Kilik[/B]: Let me fight. Everyone looked surprised of Kilik words. [B]Kilik[/B]: Sinahiro-Sensei, please let me fight Mya-chan. I don't want to leave my training with a sign of failure on me. [B]Mya[/B] (Shouting): Kilik-san! I don't want to fight you. I want to become stronger, I want to bring out my true self. But not at the risk of injuring you Kilik-san... I'm sorry... Tears pored down Myas face. That's when Kilik realized... Mya liked him...
  13. Hentaro slowely looked away. [b]Hentaro[/b]: I told him to... Veil was shocked to hear what Hentaro said. Even though he wasn't looking in her direction she was trying to see his eyes. She seemed very sad and puzzled. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sensei was assigned to me. He didn't fight it and accepted to train me without hassitation. For that I feel I owe him. No one else as great as him would have even concidered to accept me, but he did. As we spent more time together we became almost as brothers. That's when I started to feel that I could say almost anything to him... I asked him to train me hard. From the tim I met him he only trained my simple things, like how to deffende myself in imple hand-to-hand combat. I didn't feel that the training lived up to the standard I had set for myself. So one day I asked him to make me a prime fighter... [b]Veil[/b]: What happened? Said Veil, totally in trans of Hentaros story. [b]Hentaro[/b]: When I asked him he smiled and then walked away from me with his back turned... When he got a few qards away he shouted "Fight Me!". I was shocked at first to say the least, but before I even had time to react, he had shown up behind me and beaten me in one swift move... When I got back on my feet, he approched me and said, "If you are unable to deffende yourself against simple attacks like this, what use would you have of learning your own attacks?... When you are ready Hentaro-Kun, I will teach you things which will turn your eyes into baloons"... After that I trained harder then I ever could only in deffence. He tought me to see in all directions during battle, to be preppared at all times, to never be surprised or shocked during battle, and we got to the advanced stage of hand-to-hand deffence techniques... Before he finnished the deffence training, he called me to him, thus begun my first technique session. He taught me the healing technique which you've already seen. I was just as amazed as you the first timeI saw it. When I fully learned this technique, he taught me a few more, including the entrapment technique I used on you when you were abducted... When all that was done I had fully compleeted my deffence training. Now I have the general ability of protecting many people around me against high level enemies. This is a great gift which Sinahiro-sensei has given me... When I discovered the great power of a great deffence I discovered how lucky I was to have Sinahiro-sensei. [b]Veil[/b]: He's really that great? Veil asked as she looked away to find Sinahiro. [b]Hentaro[/b]: He's more then that... Without him I would surely be dead now...
  14. Sinahiro keept looking up at them. He had a pleased look in his eyes. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: [i]They are doing pretty good concidering it's their first time[/b]... Keep at it guys, it's looking great! Suddenly Sinahiros voice caught Kiliks attention and he flitched. Failing to jump on time Hentaro was already in the air. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Kilik, Jump! Before Kilik had time to turn his Hentaro crashed right into him and they both lost their balance. Gripping a hold of each other they fell together. Hentaro spun them into an upright possision, and then pulled out a kunai. He logged it into the Pole for a grip and with his other hand he grabbed Kiliks hand. They hanged for a bit, Kilik looked nervouse and Hentaro was a bit nervouse to. Suddenly the Kunai lost it's grip on the pole and slipped out. They both fell again, but as they neared the ground suddenly Sinahiro was there, he caught them one by one one and put them down. [b]Klik[/b]: Thank you Sinahiro-Sensei! And I'm sorry for failing you! [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Don't worry Kilik, everybody falls the first time. Kilik smiled a bit, glad over the fact that Sinahiro wasn't angry. Then he turned and noticed Hentaro looking upset up at the pole. [b]Kilik[/b]: Hentaro, I'm really sorry for making you fall. [b]Hentaro[/b]: It's ok Kilik, everyone makes misstakes. Hentaro walked over to the benches to sit and wait. [b]Kilik[/b]: Sinahiro-Sensei, why is Hentaro so upset? Is it because I faild him? [b]Sinahiro[/b]: No kilik, he's just upset because he failed. This is the first time he fails in this training. Sinahiro went over to the center of the poles. Kilik looked at Hentaro as he was looking down at the ground. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Ok you two. You can come down now. That will be the end of this training. Mya and Veil who were standing crouched at their own poles were looking down at everything that was happening. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: No point in overheating you on your first training day so I'm gonna give you 20 minutes to rest. Do what you will with the time, but concider the next training, I suggest some resting would be in order.
  15. OOC: Welcome back everyone. I beginn with a quote from the last postof Season 1 --------------------------------------------- IC: [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I thought we could worm up a little first. As you can see, in every corner of the arena I have put up a 7 foot pole. There are exactly 4 poles, and this is not only to worm you up, but thisis a training of team-work and punctuality. I will blow my wistle, when I do that you will all jump to the next pole, and keep going like that. You cannot stop at any time because then the one behind you will crash into you and you will both fall. The only time you can stop is when I blow my wistle for the second time, if you would happen to jump after the wistle blow, you will crash into the one in front of you... We will continue doing so until you're wormed up, or all have fallen... Any questions? Everyone look really surprised. Their chins had dropped and they were scared of this training, because a fall would really hurt. Was this Sinahiros idea of a worm-up? Only Hentaro gave away a faint smile. He understood his master was truelly back. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Ok, no questions?!.. Then let's Begin!
  16. Lol, where it said "The skilled young fighter who came into the crossfire between Sinahiro and the evil Sirus." I mean to write: "Kilik, The skilled young fighter who came into the crossfire between Sinahiro and the evil Sirus." Sorry ^_^ *Edits* Anyways, welcome back guys, I'll get the thread started A.S.A.P.
  17. OOC: Since jro13 left this I decided to continue it on my own... This is season 2 of Siroshima Fire --------------------------------- Since the start of the adventure a very evil and powerful deamon known as Sirus attacked the village in hope of finding the Sirohima fire. Many attempts were made to stop him, but he was too powerful. The young Gohan Sinahiro was a teacher at the Shinobi Academy. His main student was Shimura Hentaro, a decendant of the extinced Shimura clan. Now seaking reveng, he trains to become powerful enough for it. As the story started new characters were introduced. The beautiful Veil, who is on her own quest, but she to needs to be trained for it. Kilik, The skilled young fighter who came into the crossfire between Sinahiro and the evil Sirus. And Mya, a dangerously underesstimated young warrior with the intelligence to do anything. These 5 brave souls were the only good deffence of the village against the evil of the Roxoski Clan. At the climax of season 1, a huge battle errupted in the Roxoski village, and Sirus was once more threataning the lives of innocent. This time it was Veil. The group came to her rescue, and in the end it all went well. The Hokage came and defeated Sirus and everyone was saved. Except Veil. Her soul was abducted by an evil power. The group managed to save Veils soul, but later it god abducted again, by Sirus. Sinahiro sacrifised his soul to save Veils, but they were both near death. Later Veil woke up and found out what Sinahiro had done, and somehow feelt responcible. As much time passed Sinahiro awoke from his deep slumber, fully healed, and with his own soul in tact. Now begins the groups first training lesson. ------------------------------------ Ok, everyone who needs to read last season go to that thread and read it. Previouse players don't need to put in their info, but they do need to post in his thread as verification. If any new players want to join, I STRONGLY suggest you read last season. And then come up with a good character. We'll need Your name: Side: (You don't have to be in one, but the current main clans are Auraski {Good}, Roxoski {Evil}, and the Shimura {Good / Neutral}. But the Shimura are extinced and Hentaro is the last decendant.) Age: Sex: Weapon: Skill: Description: Bio: ---------------- LETS GET THIS SHOW BACK ON THE ROAD!... We'll start when we have at least 5 characters, including me. Which means we already have 2 :P
  18. OOC: C'mon guys. Don't let this game die. Post! ---------------------------------------------------------- IC: As a few days past, everyone could notice how Sinahiro was getting better. he was up on his feet and he got the color back in his face. Everyone was excited about the first training day with Sinahiro. Veil, Mya and Kilik looked strangely at Hentaro as he was the only one who wasn't excited. He had already trained with Sinahiro many times before. Sinahiro told them to meet him in the forest, at the area where Kilik found Sinahiro after he had woken from the Immortal Seal. When they all got there they couldn't believe their eyes. Sinahiro had earlier leveled everything with the ground, but he rebuilt it into a great, new, big Training Arena. It looks like he was prepparing for this a long time. Even Hentaro seemed surprised. When they all looked a bit further ahead they saw Sinahiro coming towards them. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: I'm glad to see you all came. As you can see I have preppared for this training. And I hope I will be able to bring out the great power within you all. Everyone smiled. They were so happy. After everything they had gone through, this is exactly what they needed. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: I thought we could worm up a little first. As you can see, in every corner of the arena I have put up a 7 foot pole. There are exactly 4 poles, and this is not only to worm you up, but thisis a training of team-work and punctuality. I will blow my wistle, when I do that you will all jump to the next pole, and keep going like that. You cannot stop at any time because then the one behind you will crash into you and you will both fall. The only time you can stop is when I blow my wistle for the second time, if you would happen to jump after the wistle blow, you will crash into the one in front of you... We will continue doing so until you're wormed up, or all have fallen... Any questions? Everyone look really surprised. Their chins had dropped and they were scared of this training, because a fall would really hurt. Was this Sinahiros idea of a worm-up? Only Hentaro gave away a faint smile. He understood his master was truelly back. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Ok, no questions?!.. Then let's Begin!
  19. The search for Sinahiro continued. Veil was outside the Elders doorstep, talking hysterically. The Elder seemed worried then went back in to get something. When he got back out he and Veil went on their way to the temple. Hentaro had searched together untill they reached the town center. After that they split up and looked. Hentaro stopped with every person he could see and asked if they had seen Sinahiro... No one had... Kilik reached the edge of the city and didn't have anywhere else to look. He decided to look outside of the village. He searched the woods for several minutes, untill he herd a noice. Deeper into the woods there was a sound. He had to check it out. He ran as fast as he could... When he finally reached the noices origin, he found... Sinahiro! Sinahiro was training. Kilik watched in amazement as Sinahiro faught the sarounding trees. Ha did some powerful wind attacks and used his sword. A place once rich with life was now almost leveled. Sinahiro finally stopped and stood in the center of the destruction. But he fell to his knees very soon. He was tired. He shut his eyes tightly as if he was in pain. [B]Kilik[/B]: Sinahiro-sama! Are you okay? Sinahiro opened his eyes. Surprised that he couldn't sence Kiliks pressand earlier. He got up on his feet once more and turned to Kilik. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: I'm fine Kilik. He smiled politely. Kilik seemed worried for a mement but his face lit up as he finally saw Sinahiro alive and well... Sinahiro and Kilik went back to the temple where Mya, Veil, and the Elder were waiting. They all got together in the main room and started talking while Sinahiro was drinking a cup of tea. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: I'm sorry if I scared you all... I finally managed to lock Sirus spirit inside me, and when I woke up in the middle of the night my body was compleetly frozen and numb. I had to go and warm myself up... However I'm still weak. My body is only getting use to my new powers. [B]Veil[/B]: New powers!? [B]Elder[/B]: Yes, once the battle is won, the winner doesn't only take his oponents body, but also his powers. Sinahiro is now almost twice as strong as he use to be. And Sirus soul is safely locked away in Sinahiro for eternity. Suddenly Hentaro came flying in through the door. [B]Hentaro[/B]: Sensei!... You are okay!? Sinahiro smiled. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Yes Hentaro. Thanks, I'm fine ^_^, I know you've been worried. Hentaro was staring, but gave away a faint smile. A hint of a tear could been seen in one of Hentaros eyes as he smiled back. He went over to the others and sat down. Once more they were all together... Sinahiro keept smiling as he reached his cup of tea over to Hentaro who was sweaty and tired from searching. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Well, I should probably be able to stand on my own legs in a few days. When that time arrives I will start training you guys again. As i promissed. Mya and Kilik looked at sinahiro then at each other. [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Would you two liketo join us? ^_^
  20. Days as long as years past. And the group keept waiting. They sleept over every night outside. Huddeling together to keep warm. Every night the Elder would put a bowl of water next to Sinahiro and go of to their homes for sleep. During this time the group would guard the temple. As yet a new night was growing, to indicate the 2nd week of healine. The group was once more huddled together sleeping. In the middle of the night, Myas eyes opened. She tried to close them once more, but couldn't sleep. To make her more tired she got up and started walking around. When she got back she was still not sleepy. But decided to check up on Sinahiro. She slowely went up to the temple doors and slided them open. The night heat had made a mist inside. Mya made her way to Sinahiro. It was very dark and very misty. When she finally got to him, she kneeled. Wiping her eyes she looked down... Sinahiro Was Gone! Myas eyes widend in horror... What had happened? Where was he? She saw the blankit which Sinahiro was under, and the bowl of water was empty. She looked over to one of the corners and saw hes clothes gone and his mask disappeared. Mya carefully turned around and started running for the exit. [b]Mya[/b]: HELP!... Sinahiro is Gone! Get up, hurry! He's Gone! Everyone opened their eyes slowely. Still tired and sleepy they could hardly hear what Mya was shouting. Then they herd "[i]He's Gone![/i]" They all sprung up on their feet. Running into the temple they saw the exact same things as Mya did. [b]Kilik[/b]: What happened. How did he disappear without us noticing? Could it have been Shinobi who kidnapped him? [b]Hentaro[/b]: No. Even evil Shinobi know not to attack injured Shinobi in a temple... Whatever happened we have to find him... Kilik, Veil. We'll go look. Veil, you go to the Elders home. Mya, you please stay here incase he turns up. Kilik, you and I will search the village... Let's Go!
  21. OOC: Ooo, I like the thing with the mask, nice ^_^ ---------------------------------------- IC: After another day, Elders could finaly see Veils body healing, and she was her good old self. She woke up a few houres after that and when she went out through the doors Mya, and Kilik had smiles on their faces, and greeted Veil. However, Hentaro was still not happy. Sinahiro was still in there. Hurt badly, and not even sure if he could survive. When Veil found out what had happened, she sat down next to the others and keep waiting... After 2 days, one of the elders came out of the temple. He looked worried... [b]Elder[/b]: I know you've all been waiting here for your master. And I can understand that you're worried about him... But this can take a very long time. So I suggest you go and do other things. Tend to yourselves. You've been sitting here for days. Quite frankly even us elders inside are starting to feel the stench. [b]Kilik[/b]: Then I'll take a bath herein the temple. I don't need any food. I'm staying here... Sinahiro would have done the same for me. The others nodded in agreement. The Elder still looked worried, but gave away a faint smile. Understand the great love they had for their master, and how wonderful it was. When the Elder turned back and walked into the temple hentaro stopped him. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Elder-Sama... Please tell us what is wrong with Sinahiro-Sensei. And will he live? The elder didn't turn around. He still had his back towards them. [b]Elder[/b]: Your master performed the Seal of Immortality. Hentaros eyes widend and he almost feelt faint coming to his head... [b]Elder[/b]: He ripped the evil spirit out of Veils body and locked it in his body with his own. Right now, both those spirits are fighting inside him for ownership of the body. Sinahiro has and advantage. Since it being his body... But the evil spirit use to bellong to Sirus. And it grew stronger when he died. If Sinahiro wins Sirus sould will be safely locked away inside Sinahiros body for all iturnity. However... If Sirus wins. The same thing that happened to Veil, will happen to Sinahiro... Everyone was shocked. Their face had a numb look. They had no words to speak, and they could only think of the horror. And how sorry they feelt for Sinahiro... Veil looked down at the ground. tears glided down her face and she was about to burst into a cry that would last for days... [b]Veil[/b] (Whispering): It's my fault... It's all my fault... It's because of me that Sinahiro will go inte the horror of a dream I was in. Mya looked sideways and saw Veil wispering. She turned to her... [b]Mya[/b]: Veil... It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for this. You couldn't do anything about it. And it was Sinahiros choice to do what he did... He did it for you so don't show disrespect by crying about it... Veil stopped... Something in Myas words got through to her.She stopped crying, and turned her head towards Mya. She smiled faintly towards her. [b]Veil[/b]: ... Thank You... --------------------------------------------- OOC: Please don't let me be abducted by Sirus X-(... I Am Stronger!!!!
  22. OOC: -_- Why do you always complicate things?... We just finnished of Sirus and you gotta go do this... Why can't you just let us have some fun before all this -_-... ------------------------------------------ IC: Sinahiro had an angry and worried look on his face. He had no defence against this and he couldn't attack... What was he to do?... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Sirus, you leave me no choice... I didn't want to do this because it could kill me. But now I know you've truelly gone too far... Hentaro! Cover me! Hentaro jumped out in front of Sinahiro, and distracted Sirus away while sinahiro focused his energy... Hentaro was fending of Sirus attacks with his dagger, but it was tough, he/she was strong... Sinahiro started doing many seals... He was doing ducins of them, really fast. When he was done, he pulled out his bade, and cut his palm with it. Blood was dripping, but Sinahiro seemed to not notice... Suddenly Hentaro got hit and was thrown way back behind Sinahiro. It didn't matter, Sinahiro was ready. He turned the blade sideways, and charged at Sirus/Veil. He/She did the same... When they met in the air, the side of Sinahiros blade touched Veils shoulder and her body froze. From inside her mouth you could hear a Powerful cry of pain, which was coming from Sirus... Siddenly the life force of Sirus turned into electricity, it ran through Sinahiros blade, straight through his arms and into his chest. All were screaming in aganising pain. Veils body started to slowly turn back to her former self. During the screaming, Sinahiro managed to open his eyes, which were glowing a golden yellow color... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: SEAL OF IMMORTALITY!!! Suddenly a loud thud was herd. As if a door was just slammed shut. The golden glow in Sinahiros eyes turned to a powerful blue, and then it all just stopped. Veil and Sinahiro fell to the ground unconcious. Sinahiros blade fell between them. And there they were, lying lifelessly on the ground... Hentaro slowly opened his eyes. He saw them both on the ground. He jumped up and ran over to them... [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sensei!... Veil!... SOMEBODY HELP! HELP! ----------------------------------- OOC: Hehe... :D
  23. OOC: -_- Sometimes I get the feeling that you people don't care what I say... WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME AREA AS SIRUS AND THE HOKAGE!!!... So neithe Mya, Kilik, Sinahiro, or anyone else can see Sirus dead body, or the hokage. Because the Hokage, Sirus, and the Ninjas are all deep in the woods, while Hentaro, Mya, Kilik, Veil, Sinahiro and the Roxoski, are in the Roxoski Town square!!! -_-... Lets just say that the Hokage took Sirus to the town Square, and that's when shahi's post starts... ------------------------------------------------ IC: As they were exiting Roxoski village, Hentaro transparent body exploded into a cloud of smoke. Everyone was looking shocked and confused, but Sinahiro was just smiling. Then, out of the blue, a new Hentaro came down from the trees in full Opacity... [b]Mya[/b]: YOU MEAN IT WAS JUST A COPY!!?? Hentaro nodded [b]Kilik[/b]: Incredible... How did you make it transparent? Not even the most advanced of techiques have the ability to make anything transparent... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: That's true. But Hentaros attack was not only a technique, it's a special ability he was born with... He can make anything transparent... Everyone locked shocked, and finally understood that this was one of Hentaros bloodline ability... However, they didn't find the time was right for more talk, so they keept going... As they were walking back towards their village, the group had the same possitions as when they were going towards Roxoski... Sinahiro and Hentaro in front, and Mya and Kilik walking behind them... But this time, Sinahiro was carrying Veil in his arms. Still looking calm as he walked, Hentaro seemed to imitate Sinahiros emotions. Veil eyes opened briefly, but only in enough time to see the blurry shape of Sinahiros face...
  24. OOC: -_-... first of all the Hokage is not THAT young... he is in fact a few 8-9 years older then Sinahiro... Second, the Hokage is about 10 times better then Sinahiro, and if Sinahiro can beat Sirus (Just not kill him since he is immortal), then just immagine what the Hokage could do to Sirus.. You think someone so powerful would be dumn enough to charge at you blindly and trip on you? Box Hoy, you have to start taking consideration of other characters in the story... Sirus can't just go do **** just the way you want it... I'll change your story a bit now, and I'll play the Hokage... ----------------------------------- IC: Sirus looked down at the hokage and smiled... [b]Sirus[/b]: Poor Sinahiro will be so disapointed. He swung his sword at the Hokages head, but in mid air it stopped, Sirus stared... What was this, he was giving his full power, but he couldn't move. he moved his eyes to hisleft side and saw one of the cloakedninjas shadows, connected to his own. The Ninja then removed his cloak. [b]Ninja[/b]: I am the real Hokage... The ninja released Sirus shadow from his own...
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