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Everything posted by Gecko

  1. The dark in her eyes seemed to take over and he got mad, she tried attack, but suddenly Kunai came flying from nowhere and sarounded Veil. She couldn't move in any direction, it seemed the one throwing them had no intention in harming her. The transparent Hentaro clapped his hand together. [b]Transparent Hentaro[/b]: SECRET TECHNIQUE! GENTAL SEAL! He slamed his palmes onto the ground in front of Veil and suddenly a round orb, a barrier of sort appeared around her, it seemed to burn so she couldn't touch it. She was trapped in a burning prison. [b]Veil[/b]: What is this? Who is helping you? [b]Transparent Hentaro[/b]: I am... Veil had a shocked look on her face, but at the same time, mad, confused over what was happening. [b]Transparent Hentaro[/b]: Relax Veil. The fumes inside will soon put you to sleep, don't resist it, it's not harmful.
  2. OOC: I had no other choice, I couldn't continue when it was wrong... Also, Hentaros techique is a secret bloodline ability, no one knows of it, Not even Veil... But lets just say she was guessing it was a techique... ------------------------------ IC: When Sirus was about to go away again, suddenly 21 High lvl Ninjas appeared in the trees around him. One of them stepped out, and revealed his face from under the hoove. It was the Hokage. A fairly young man which a consentrated look in his face. [b]Hokage[/b]: Sirus. You have been ranked a A-class criminal of high potential. You posses great threat to our village, country, and families. I have been asked to stop you... Will you please surrender yourself before further conflict is made?
  3. OOC: oh boy, this sooo wrong! Didn't anyone read Hentaros bio in the sign up? This is his special attack. He's not really dead, nor is he ghost!!! Read that post and then change your story, both of you
  4. OOC: Wonder why Sirus is so frightened of Veil... He's imortal. If I was imortal I'd laugh in Veils face :P ---------------------------------- IC: Sinahiro stopped staring and was trying to heal himself. Mya and Kilik stood side by side. And Hentaro was... Missing... No one could see hentaro. He was gone. Even Veil was confused as to what had happened... They herd it... [b]Hentaro[/b]: SIRUS! Veil!... Everyone looked to the direction where the sound came from. Suddenly they saw a frightful sight... Hentaro... was a ghost! You could see straight though his body. He was transparent, and everyone was wondering what was going on. [b]Sinahiro[/b] (Whispering): So he finally decided to use it. hehe... Hentaros eyes and face turned into a frightening sight. Thehate it reppeled gave en Sirus a chill down his spine. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sirus!... I will punish you for what you did... For what you did to us, and for what you did to Veil... I'LL KILL YOU! Hentaro pulled out his dagger. Sirus, still gasping, pulled out his sword. [b]Sirus[/b]: I don't know what freaky thing you're doing punk, but you'll end now! They attacked each other. Their weapons clashed and their hatret ran through their veins. Veil watch, no longer having the cocky look on her face. She watched how Hentaro had gotten so strong so fast. What was this new technique he wasusing? How couldhe be transparent? Hentaro took this fight seriously and was very causious with his moves. He blocked first and looked for the perfect opening. He was going for a Critical Hit! Sirus had not met such a match since Sinahiro...
  5. Hentaro opened his eyes briefly again, and saw what was going on. [b]Hentaro[/b] (quetly): Veil... No... As Hentaro fainted again, the last few seconds of his sight focused in on Veil. He saw her closely for the first time ever. From her back, he could only see drops of swet. Veil was swetting. Her body moved it's own way, didn't obey Veils mind. She was deeply hypnotized. As she was aiming at Sinahiro her eyes looked into his. She stared into them, he seemed calm and afraid at the same time. But mostly worried, could it be for her sake? His eyes glipset at her, and she only keept zooming in on his. His light blue eyes, the emotion they repelled. She focused on his eyes compleetly, the rest of his face seemed to fade away as she looked deeper into them. When it finally got so close that it seemed he was standing right in front of her. She saw it, Veil saw what she was looking for. It was her own reflection. Suddenly she blinked, her eyes looked around, soon after even her body started to move as she lowered her arm, still feeling light headed, she fell to her knees. Sinahiros eyes twitched as he got back to his battle. He attacked Sirus with his blade. The battle raged further. Veil was just coming to, still dazzed. Behind her Mya was shouting... [b]Mya[/b]: VEIL!... Hentaro has awakened. Get some leaves and sticks so he can heal himself before he faints again... Veil slowly turned her head and looked back at Mya, suddenly she smiled... [b]Veil[/b]: Hai. Veil jumped up, got on a tree and started picking leaves. As she looked away for a minute she could see that Kilik was being attack, and was even hurt. She grabbed a few more leaves, jumped down, handed them to Mya, and then jumped up on the tree again, she used the hight to jump over the flames, over to Kilik side. She used her Glaiv to throw away a few of the Roxoski people, and then stood by Kiliks side to help him. They were still attacking. Mya put the leaves and twigs on Hentaro, she helped him perform the seals with his hands and then she held his hands as the technique started healing him. Mya smiled at Hentaro as his pale face finally got some color. Hentaros eyes opened compleetly as he saw Mya, holding his hands. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Thank you... [b]Mya[/b]: No problem... Sinahiro and Sirus swords were clashing, and they both threw each other back. As Sinahiro kneeled to stop, he held his blade in front of him with his right arm, with the other he performed a few seals.His blade started glowing blue, Sinahiro slashed the air with the blade and a giant whirlwind flew at Sirus, tossing his body all around, he couldn't control it. Suddenly Sinahiro appeared behind Sirus, thrusting his blade at him. Sirus turned around and did the same... The wind stopped... Sirus sword ran through Sinahiros shoulders. And Sinahiros blade ran through Sirus stomach. Both were tired, swety, and bleeding. Gasping for air they stared at each other evily. Sirus fell flat on his back, and Sinahiro on his knees, then on his backside.Sinahiro gasped for air as he was trying to calm down. Hentaro had got back up on his feet. He still dazzeled, but he would manage. Then he saw Sirus on the ground and Sinahiro sitting with a sword through his shoulder. He ran over to him. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sinahiro-Sensei!... You did it!!! Sinahiro was still gasping for air... Mya stood behind Hentaro, watching as he was picking up any leaves to heal Sinahiro with... Suddenly Sirus jumped up, pulled out the sword from his stomach and grabbed Mya, then held the sword to her neck. Sinahiro tried to get up, but he couldn't, and there was no time to heal him... Hentaro stepped forward, pulled out his dagger and stared at Sirus... [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sirus, I will pay you back for this. He pulled up his shirt, revieling a big scar on his stomach. [b]Sirus[/b]: Big deal, I have one myself. See?... Although, hehe, I do think my will heal much quicker. Mya picked up a kunai from her holdster and cut Sirus arm, he let her go. [b]Sirus[/b]: Aaaa!!! You little peace of ****!.. I'll kill you for sure... But first, this little punk has a promiss to keep.... They went into a stare-down... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Hentaro!... I sware, if you beat him you will graduate! Do your best!... Mya! Mya twitched and noticed how Sinahiro was trying to tell her to look over at the other side of the fire... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: They need your help... Go!
  6. OOC: Dude... You can't kill Hentaro... That's just too damn unfair. He's one of the coolest characters... And I strongly doubt Sinahiro would let you stab him so easilly... Serioiusly, if you charged at Sinahiro. You think he would only stand there and watch you cut him? At least I had a good and hard motive to how You got cut.
  7. On the other side of the fire, Sirus put on some clothing. [b]Sirus[/b]: Does this mean we're not friends any more? [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Our friendship was a brief minute in history.You will regret the day you came to Auraski and met me. [b]Sirus[/b]: [i]What?... I didn't meet him in Auraski... I met him in Roxoski, where he bellongs[/i].. Trying your tricks on me again, eh Sinahiro?... Well it wont work. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: [i]What is he talking about? What trick?[/i] Sirus attacked sinahiro with his sword, Hentaro jumped into the air as Sirus sword clashed against Sinahiros blade. But Sirus had the speed, which made Sinahiro fall backwards with the pressure from Sirus body. As Sinahiro fell, he used his legs to throw Sirus behind him, and the jumped back up on his feet. Sirus fell on his back, but jumped up just as quick. In the air Hentaro did a few seals, and blew "great balls of fire" (;) :P lol) at Sirus. Sirus jumped back a few feet to avoid the fire balls. Then he stood and watched at the giant flames which the fire had created between him and Sinahiro. One second he could see Sinahiros fading shape across the fire, but that same secons the shape disappeared. Sinahiro reappeared behins Sirus, swinging his blade at him. Sirus turned around and blocked it with his own sword. Behind Sirus came Hentaro, flying at him with his dagger. Sirus threw his legs into the air and jumped over Sinahiro to his other side. Hentaro missed Sirus and slashed the ground underneith him instead. Hentaro was behind Sinahiro, and Sinahiro was in front of Sirus, still blocking his sword. Suddenly Sinahiro jumped into the air, and Hentaro charged at Sirus with his dagger while he was distracted by Sinahiro. Hentaro cut Sirus stomach, but didn't kill. Sirus Was bleeding, and just as he was about to cut Hentaro, ducins of Kunai came flying from the sky. Hentaro had jumped back. Sirus jumped sideways, avoiding the kunai. But as he stopped, he fell to his knees. He was bleeding badly... Sinahiro landed on the ground where Sirus was standing earlier. Hentaro came standing to Sinahiros side... [b]Sinahiro[/b] (Whispering): Just a little bit longer. I can feel the Hokages pressans approaching. Hentaro nodded...
  8. As the elder was holding the knife, Sirus was getting undressed. He needed to be nude as well for the bathing. As he took of the last peaces of his clothing, Veil look in shock at how perfect his body looked. How could someone so powerful, and probbably faught a million battles not have any scratches on him? It was scary, as she was looking at him, Sirus turned around and looked at Veil, smiling. As the elder was about to hand the knife to Sirus he said... [B]Elder[/B]: Now, if there are no objections.. I give Sirus the Savior... [B]People[/B]: We Object! Everyone turned their heads, out of the crowed came 2 Roxoski people out. One ugly young woman, and one even uglier man. Everyone stared at them [B]Elder[/B]: What is the meaning of this? Suddenly the 2 people exploded in a cloud of smoke, as the cloud cleared, the 2 were revieled. Kilik and Mya were revieled. Kilik jumped forward throwing his bo at Sirus, it flew right at him but he caught it like it was a baseball. Sirus looked very man. As the people were about to attack, Hentaro appeared in the air above them. He did a few seals, then he blew a fire that blocked the crowd out from Mya and Kilik. None of then could get across the fire. Hentaro started spining in the air and then he disapeared. He reappeared behind Sirus and made a wild punch right at him with his left arm. Sirus turned around and caught Hentaros hand, Hentaro quickly did a few seals with his right hand, then it started burning with a aweful fire. he swinged at Sirus with the burning hand. Sirus was unable to block, coz it would only burn him. Instead he jumped back, letting Hentaros hand go. As he look to his left he saw Kilik and Mya releasing Veil from her ropes. He tried running over to them, but Hentaro used his burning hands and blow fire between them, Sirus couldn't reache them. Sirus was very mad. He looked over at Hentaro with a burning hatret. He grabbed his sword from a bench close by, then charged at Hentaro at high speed. Hentaro had no time to react. [B]Sirus[/B]: You're dead you little peace of ****... Suddenly Sinahiro appeared in front of Sirus with his back towards Hentaro, he blocked Sirus sword with his sword. [B]Sirus[/B]: You again... [B]Sinahiro[/B]: Didn't think I'd leave my student to die, did you? Sinahiro used his left hand to perform a few seals, then blew Sirus way back with a big gust of wind. Hentaro took out his dagger and stood preppared next to Sinahiro. Sinahiro had no objections. Over on the otherside of the fire. [B]Mya[/B]: He's gonna let Hentaro fight? [B]Kilik[/B]: If anyone can help Sinahiro, it's Hentaro. C'mon. Lets get Veil out of here. They jumped of into the woods. As they got to safety, Kilik let Veil stand on her own legs. [B]Veil[/B]: Thanks Kili... She saw his eyes. Kilik looked scared and blood was running down his nose. Veil looked down and jumped to. Then covered herself up. [B]Veil[/B]: You little pervert!... She punched Kilik out. Behind her, Mya handed Veil her clothes...
  9. OOC: LOL, But Veil. I thought you loved me! :P... By the way. A Hokage is the leader of the country, and is always considered the most powerful Ninja in it.
  10. OOC: Yeah, I found all that stuff wierd to... I though Veil went in with the other Emishes and the leader o Unashi... What would she be doing outside???
  11. OOC: HEY, Back Off... Veils with me ;) Oh, and someone should E-mail jro13, coz I don't think he came back to the boards when they got back up. And we really need Siro in this... ----------------------------------- IC: As the group were wondering in the woods, in hope of catching up to Sirus and saving Veil. Sinahiro was walking in front of the group with Hentaro by his side. Mya and Kilik were walking behind them, thinking... [b]Mya[/b]: Pssst, Kilik, isn't there something about Hentaro that reminds you of something? [b]Kilik[/b]: You've just thought of it? Mya looked at Kilik. [b]Mya[/b]: What do you mean? [b]Kilik[/b]: He is Hentaro Shimura... The prince of the extinced Clan of Shimura... The soul Surviver of the tragedy that accoured years ago... The Roxoski attacked and destroyed the whole Shimura Clan, and Hentaro was the only one found alive. Since then Sinahiro has been training him. Although he never went to the Academy, everyone says he is probbably more powerful then many of the tutors there... Mya turned her head and watched Hentaro from behind... [b]kilik[/b]: Sinahiro is said to have trained him after his own style, and now Hentaro has even taken on a similar walk as Sinahiro. Mya looked closely and noticed how Hentaro and Sinahiro walked exactly the same way... [b]Mya[/b]: You think he could beat us two? [b]Kilik[/b]: Probably. He has had a lifetime of hatret and unrges for revenge, and advanced training. We haven't even finnished academy training yet, while he can beat most tutors already... I herd most times when he returns from training with Sinahiro, he often needs to see the doctor. He probbably trains more then anyone in the village... [b]Mya[/b]: We're lucky they are on our side... I herd the Shimura have a bloodline abiliy... [b]Kilik[/b]: They do, but no one outside of the Shimura have every lived to see it. [b]Mya[/b]: You think he has learned about it yet? [b]Kilik[/b]: I don't know... Mya ran up ahead and walked up next to Sinahiros other side. [b]Mya[/b]: Sinahiro-Sama, what were you planning on doing when we do catch up to him? We've already met him 3 times and he always slipps away. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I haven't got a plan yet. But we are suppose to hold him in place as long as possible. [b]Mya[/b]: What!? But why? What good would that do? [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I've sent a message to the temple elders. The Hokage has been asked to come find us, and stop Sirus. Mya and Kilik got a shocked look on thir faces... [b]Kilik[/b]: We're going to hold Sirus until the Hokage comes?! That's insane. Who knows what can happenen' until he arrives! Killik keept walking behind them, bowed his head a shook it... [i] This is insane[/i] Mya was still walking next to Sinahiro. She looked across to his other side and saw Hentaro. He looked just as calm and focused as Sinahiro. Mya stepped back again and walked next to Kilik, who still seemed upset.
  12. OOC: But Mage15 said they were searching the streets... How can they find her in the streets when I put her deep in the woods?
  13. OOC.. I was joking, you can fall in love with me ;P lol...BTW: I already thought that the leader and the father were the same person :P ------------------------------- IC: As Veil stepped back the people were at first very quiet. Still sceptic to the idea of a woman warrior. But then Shino started clappin. And soon after everyone did to. Cheering more loudly then when the Emish arrived. Veil smiled and and look at the Shino who was whistling. She nodded her head to him as thanks, and he smiled back. The Emish leader stpped forward again. [b]Koryu[/b]: I as well want to thank you all. But now I and your leader must negociate, and decide just what we are suppose to do about the Unashi. So thank you for coming, and I hope to see many of on the training grounds when the time has come. Good Night! The People cheered like crazy, as the Emishes stepped away with the leader ofUnashi and his men. The people slowly started walking away to their homes but many justpicked a spot to sit outside since their homes were destroyed by the Shogun. OOC: Dorry, don'thave time for more.
  14. OOC: I thought everyone got Veil away, so how could Sirus find her in the woods?... But of course I did put her in the woods and Mage15 says you guys found her and get her away :P.. hehe, this is strange. P.S... Sinahiro would never curse like that! >=(
  15. Shino was standing way out in front of the crowd, chering the Emish as they came on their horses, while the leader of the Emish, the man who was gonna help the Unashi was speaking to the public Shino looked and saw a young girl among the Emish. [b]Shino[/b]: [i]What's a girl doing with a group of Emish warriors? Although she is kind of cute[/i] Veil was standing beside the speaker just as the other Emish followers. She was looking around at the public when she suddenly noticed Shino staring at her. When he saw her and understood that she knew he was staring at her, he turned his head quickly. Veil Smiled and then turned away as th speaker said [b]Speaker[/b]: And now my daughter Veil. I know many of you might be sceptical to the idea of a female warrior, but you should all know she a very talented fighter and shehas every right to be here... Veil, please say a few words. Veil had a nervouse look on her face as she stepped up and looked out at the people... OOC: Take it away Veil! ;)
  16. The day had finally arrived. Shino was the first person in front of the tempel, waiting. After a few houres a lot of people had assembeled in front of the temple. When finally the arrivel of the Emish warrior had come. Everyone was cheering and happy. New hope had lit a fire in their hearts. Finally they could fight back. Shinos eyes were glowing as he watched the majestic warrior ride in through the gates on his beatiful black horse. When he reached the tempel, he climbed off, stood on top of the podium and started speaking to the public, who were all excited to heat his words OOC: Sorry... Too busy to write any more :P
  17. As I promissed ;) Name: Shino Usame Age: 20 Sex: Male Weapon: Blade Bio: Even though the village of Unashi never before had a war, nor a need for warriors, young Shino trained since he was a little boy. Inspired by his great grandfather who was a famouse warrior before he joined the Unashi and became a peaceful man. Shino is now trying to follow in his footsteps. His chance to proov himself worth of his grandfathers name has finally arrived. He will fight to deffend the village just as his grandfather would. Description: Dressed in a kimono, with a holdster for his blade on the left side. Although under it he wares a shinobi attire which was once owned by his grandfather. He wares it in his memory and as proof of his heritage. He has shoulder long blond hair which he ties behind his head. Side: Unashi (Good)
  18. OOC: o_O?... boy... that was... was... gruesome... little boys arms and ****... Cyrel, you're evil... ---------------------------------------- IC: As Veil was laying on the ground with her chest down, she was about to pass out. When suddenly a pair feet appear in front of her, she could hardly see, but managed to lift her head, a blurry shape was standing in front of her. it kneeled down in front of her, and her sight focused to see who it was. Sinahiro, put his finger on his nose to indicate that Veil should be quiet. Unfortunatlly that was unecessary as Veil passed out right then. Sinahiro picked her up and jumped away with her. When he got deeper into the woods, far away from the fire, he put Veil in a safe place up in a tall tree, and he went back to the village. The village was in giant flames and Sirus was in the center, with his arms out, laughing his *** off. All of a sudden, the biggest wirl of wind ever hit sirus and threw him into a wal, the giant wind slowely made the fire disappear. As sirus coming to, he saw the last few flame disappear. [b]Sirus[/b]: No! When he looked up at one of the few buildings that were still standing, he saw Sinahiro standing, with his arms crossed, and a very mad face. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: SIRUS! YOU WILL PAY!... With your life...
  19. o_O? Hu??? Oh me? Well, I'll sign up later.. or sooner :P... but don't worry, I'll be with you in a min ;)
  20. Sinahiro had just come back to the temple after some meditating relaxation. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Oh hello guys. I didn't know you where still here. Veil and Hentaro jumped up on their feet and bowed. [b]Veil, Hentaro[/b]: Sensei! [b]Hentaro[/b]: We were discussing what we could do about Sirus. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: What would you have to do with that?... You are all unfit to meet him. So far it has only been freak accidents that we ran inte him like this... You are all to leave this matter to the Elite Shinobi now. Everyones eyes widend. Some even got a mad and disapointing look. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: You guys don't understand the danger... Sirus, he is not just another high level criminal... Thruth is, I can't kill him. And neither can anyone else... Many years have passed since I last saw him, his sword has given him a form of imortality. He probably not as strong as me, but he can't die... The only one that could possibly get rid of him is... The Hokage. Everyone got a shocked look on their faces.
  21. As sirus came back to the fight, Sinahiro never noticed he was gone. But Sinahiro could sence that something happened. [b]Sirus[/b]: [i]I have to do whatever is in my power to win[/i]... Sinahiro! I WILL WIN! [b]Sinahiro[/b]: [i]I'm sorry to do this Sirus, but you have to be stopped[/i] Sinahiro made a very unique seel with his hands, he formed a dimond shape with his thums and index fingers (Sort of like Dimon Dallas Page does [url]http://wrestle.ru/photo/ddp/images/19.jpg[/url] [url]http://wrestle.ru/photo/ddp/images/44.jpg[/url] Or his shirt on this one: [url]http://wrestle.ru/photo/ddp/pages/50.shtml[/url] ) He lifted his arms in from on his head and looked at Sirus through the middle of the dimond shaped hole. A red laster-like beam came from the cente of the hole and planed itself on Sirus leg. Sirus watched in amazement. The dot on his leg slowely went further up his body until it got to his forehead. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: MIND LOCK! Sirus froze in his tracks. Couldn't move at all. As if he was inside an ice-cube. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I didn't kill Sirus. But that should keep you away from us for a few days untill your mind finds the code to unlock your controll... Good bye Sirus. May this be a hint for you not to return. Sinahiro jumped of over to Veil. Picked her up and disapeared again...
  22. OOC: Eh?... Mage, I'm pretty sure everyone knows where Sinahiro is... 1; because Veil ran i a certain direction... 2; because they can all feel where the power is coming from :P
  23. OOC: (Theme: Historical, Drama, Action, Romance (maybe) IC: Long ago in Japan, there was a peacful Village in the Gentatsu country. This village was the Unashi. The village excisted long, and stayed in peace for a long time. They had no need of weapons and warriors, since no one wanted to destroy such a peacful place. But in the end of the 8th century The first Shogun clan was created, and not long after, so was the second. These 2 clans were at war with each other. Unfortunatly, the Unashi were in the cross fire. The Unashi vilage was right between the small camps where the Shogun clans stayed. When the clans waged war, Unashi would take most of the beating. Just as the people of Unashi were about to give up and leave their homes of many centuries. The leader of Unashi assebled a few brave men who were willing to fight. Unfortunetly, they were unready for this tasc. So the chief braught in a very powerful Shinobi from a village of Emishes, very far from Unashi. He promissed to train and prepare the brave men for battle. Now the story beginns. Will the Unashi survive this gang war of 2 Shogun? Or will this be the end? You decide! OOC: NOTE: No super-powers, demons, magic, etc.
  24. Ok, well I'm starting it anyway now. So go start guys... This will remain open, so people can still join!
  25. [b]Sirus[/b]: You see, Veil here, she is also after the Siroshima Fire... Sinahiros eyes got wider. [b]Sirus[/b]: Me and her. We sort of, made a pack... We are working together on getting the Siroshima Fire and killing Siro! [b]Sinahiro[/b]: NOOOOO!!! Sinahiro bowed his head and Sirus got an evil grin on his face... Suddenly Sinahiro smiled... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Sirus... Your tricks don't work any more... I've seen into Veils heart. It is filled of sadness but also hope. But it does not even have glimps of evil in it... So you see, she tricked you... She would never do a thing like that... And now I will punish you for using her namein such a way. Sirus got mad. Sinahiro liften his head to reviel the, now, even more powerful blue fire glow in his eyes. The aura around him was shrinking fast. He had finally finnished his technique, and his powers had increased to 55% of his ful potential. Sirus was still mad but also scared. Walking backwards, step by step. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Sirus, your punishment is coming to you... Sinahiro suddenly disappeared and before Sirus had time to blink a very powerful hit came from his left side, preppeling him many ducins of feet away. Sinahiro was standing in the dust of where Siruses body was standingbefore the hit. Looking pumped and ready, Sinahiro was prepared for a show down.
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