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Everything posted by Gecko

  1. OOC: Well I guess I'll continue the battle even tho Box Hoy needs to checke his post... ------------------------ IC: Sinahiro was sitting on the ground, and Sirus walked up to him with his sword. He swong it up above his head [b]Sirus[/b]: Well now old enemy... I say good bye for the very last time. Sinahiro closed his eyes and smiled at Sirus. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: You never stop to underestimate people. Sirus made his swing at Sinahiro with his sword. But suddenly Sinahiro wannished into thin air. Sirus sword mist, and sirus lost his balance from the swing. [b]Sirus[/b]: FAST! How can anyone be that fast? I can't even see him, let alone catch up to him. Sinahiro appeared again in a tree without Sirus knoticing him. He grabbed a few leavs from the tree and healed himself with the healing technique he taught Hentaro. Now that he was fully healed, he could fight. He sat in the tree, closed his eyes and meditated. That's when Sirus felt it, and found him. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: CONSENTRATION TECHNIQUE! Sirus eyes widend. Just as Hentaro was about to continue talking about his plan. He quick turned his head and had a shocked look on his face. Then he closed his eyes, looked down and smiled... [b]Hentaro[/b]: No need for a plan any more... Everyone suddenly felt a chill down their spine. [b]Kilik[/b]: What is that incredible feeling As Veil was nearing the battlefield a chill ran down her spine as well, but much bigger since she was closer... She stopped in her tracks and amazed in the incredible stream of power that ran through her. [i]"What is the freaky power?"[/i] [b]Hentaro[/b]: What you are fealing is half of Sinahiro senseis power, consentrated. It's a special technique that only he is able to use. He uses a technique that focuses ALL of his other powers. His Technique Ability, Power, Speed, Stamina, Defence, everything is at 100% focus. Right now, anyone near by him is probbably pissing their pants. A powerful blue aura sarounded Sinahiros body and spread all over the area. Covering the trees, and almost reaching Sirus. Sinahiros eyes turned into blue flames. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: NOW SIRUS!... I WILL STOP YOU!!! --------------------------- OOC: The End! :P
  2. As Hentaro was checking for new wounds he discovered that Kilik had injured some very dangerous places. [i]"These need to be taken care of first"[/i] He picked up a few leaves and sticks from the ground and placed them on top of Kilik. Then he kneeled in fron of him. Closed his eyes, and did a series of seals with his hands while he chanted [b]Hentaro[/b]: Somon, Nusaro, Funa, Kuni, Dame, Taro, VA! He placed his glowing hands a few inches above Kilik, the leaves and sticks suddenly started to be absorbed by Kiliks body. His wounds healed and he opened his eyes. Hentaro helped Kilik up who was dazzled at how he was suddenly healed [b]Kilik[/b]: What was that? [b]Hentaro[/b]: A very old healing technique that Sinahiro-Sensei taught me... Plantation is the ultimate life form. If we absorb it it will heal us compleetly. [b]Veil[/b]: I don't understand. If Sinahiro-Sensei knows this technique, then why didn't he use it when he helped me. That way he would have been awake. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Probably because this technique needs time to be proformed. He was in a hurry at the time, so he used his own life force to heal your... You were more important at the time. Veil looked at the ground. Thinking of what happened in that earlier battle. [b]Hentaro[/b]: I think I might be able to use this 1 more time. Get some leaves and sticks and Ill try to heal Mya. When they did that Veil and Kilik watched in amazment as Hentaro healed Mya. [i]"He is really powerful. I guess he was only joking when he said "I thought you might get me there...for a millisecond or two"... I wonder if I could beat him?"[/i] Thought Veil to herself. Mya rose from the ground. Shocked from this amazing healing Technique. She felt like a million bucks.
  3. OOC: Box Hoy, you are a bit confused... Don't stear the story that way because... Well as it says in my Bio, I was born and raised in Auraski and I'm a sworn protector. AND I was trained by the greatest Shinobi of all time so I doubt I would let you stab my hand :P Aspecially since I wear a hand guard which deflected your sword earlier :P
  4. As Myas vision faded to black she fell to the ground. Her head bounced of the dirt and the men attacked her as she was unable to fight back. The man that stabbed her stopped the others and said "She's mine" He reached for hus kunai, and fell on his knees in front of her about to kill her. "Sorry little one" *Ching!* Suddenly Sinahiro appeared in front on the man, fending him back with his blade. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Sorry. This one is with me... Veil, get Mya and Kilik out of here. [b]Veil[/b]: Hai sensei! Veil threw one of her bombs, and smoke spread all over. It covered Sinahiro and the other man and even the other men. Veil then grabbed Mya and Kilik and carried them away. As she was picking Kilik up he opened his eyes a little bit. [b]Kilik[/b]: V..Veil...don't...do...i...i...it He passed out again. Veil had an upset look to her face. She took them both and ran off. The smoke started to clear up and the men could see, but the other man and sinahiro were still in what was left. The men tryed to looke carefully for what was going on in there. Suddenly the other mans Body came flying out of the smoke and slamed into the other men. Making them all fall over. The smoke cleared compleetly and Sinahiro was standing there in a majestic pose. Ready for battle. Veil re-appeared. [b]Veil[/b]: Sensei, I've gotten them to safety. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Good work Veil. Now, get out of here. Veils eyes widend. [b]Veil[/b]: But Sensei, I can hel... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: No Veil. Go get out of here. Your comrads safety is more imprtant. Veil was angry and confused, but she didn't have a choise. She ran of. and now Sinahiro was alone with the men.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyriel [/i] [B]OOC: Hey, Gecko, what's with you and women? ;)[/B][/QUOTE] OOC: I don't know. They just seem to like :P... I guess it's my unresistable Charm X-) :P ----------------------------------- IC: Sinahiro fell on his back from the bump. When he got his back up, he had his right knee up. He rested his right arm on the knee and used his left arm as support on the ground. He smiled politely. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Oh it's quite alright Veil-Chan. I seem to be bumping into peeple all day today, hehe. Anyways, I was actually only on my way to my place to pick up a few things. You see Veil-Chan. Im leaving for a mission. I'm going to look for Kilik. So I was going to apologize to you for not being able to train you as I promissed. Veils eyes widend. [b]Veil[/b]: Sinahiro-Sensei, please take me with you. Please! I need to go with you on this or else... She bit her lip and bowed her head. Sinahiro was a little bit curious to this behavior, but he just smiled. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Alright, I guess it couldn't hurt... He's probbably just lost in the forest anyway... Well Tell ya what. I'll go get my stuff, and you can go get ready as well, and we will meet here in 20 minutes. How about that? [b]Veil[/b]: HAI! Arigato Sinahiro-Sensei. They both jumped of to their homes.
  6. [b]Mya[/b]: Sinahiro-Sama!... I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. I was about to attack. She smiled politely. And so did Sinahiro. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: That's quite alright. For some reason I keep having that effect. Hehe... Anyway, I'm looking for Kilik. I just saw Veil. She said you 2 were talking. But you couldn't find him. [b]Mya[/b]: Sorry Sinahiro-Sama, I don't know where he is either. but I did find his Bo. Sinahiro got worried. Why would Kilik leave his weapon behind unless something happened to him. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Well, thank you miss Mya. I'll keep looking. He jumped away in high speed. Mya staying behind, blushing at the thought of him calling her Miss. There was something about that, which she found funny.
  7. Mya and Kilik were carried into the temple by the Elite Shinobi who were late for the battle. Everyone was collected and talking to each other to eas their minds from what just happened. Sinahiro was outside the temple resting his back against the wall. When Hentaro noticed Sinahiro was missing he went out to look for him. When he got out of the temple he found him. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sinahiro-Sensei, what's the matter? [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I should have stopped him... He is a very dangerous man. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Don't worry Sensei, I'm sure you will defeat him... It's our fault you didn't do it this time. We were all in your way. If you were alone... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: It shouldn't matter. I should have been able to protect you all anyway... I failed. They were both quiet for a while. Sinahiro turned his head down and looked at the ground. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sensei, you have trained me well for a very long time. I have whitnessed your power many times, and I'm sure you have more then that... What I'm trying to say is that I am sure you could beat him. We were in your way. That's a fact... I hope you wont let something like this get in your way. Hentaro walked back into the temple. Sinahiro stood still but this time he raised his head... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: [i]He's right... Even though I am his teacher, I have to edmit he is the one who got me straight... I know I only gave a small part of my power, but I shouldn't have been so careless.[/i] [color=blue][i]Where have you been all these years old friend[/i][/color] [color=blue][i]This time Sinahiro I will finish you off[/i][/color] [color=blue][i]This Siro will die[/i][/color] [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I will stop him... No matter what. Inside the temple, Hentaro had just walked into the main room where everyone was. No one seemed to notice him. He stood there, then he looked back across his shoulder. [b]Hentaro[/b]: [i]Good luck Sensei. Hope you overcome your troubles...[/i]
  8. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: [i]What am I gonna do?... I can't run, carrying Veil will slow me down. He'll catch us in no time... I've got to win some time[/i]... Kage Bunshi!!! Using his power he created yet another 20 clones. This would buy him time. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Veil, if you can year me. I'm gonna try to help you. When you come to. Run! Run as fast as you can, and don't worry about me. Sinahiro used his last power to summon a globe around his hands. Glowing of a blue aura. He blaced his left hand on her forehead and his right hand on her chest, and then closed his eyes. The aura started to spread across Veils body as her wounds healed. When all her wounds were gone. She opened her eyes, but only in time to see Sinahiro fall to he ground. [b]Veil[/b]: Sinahiro-Sensei! What's the matter? Wake up!... [color=blue][i]When you come to. Run! Run as fast as you can, and don't worry about me.[/i][/color] [b]Veil[/b]: Oh, but Sinahiro-Sensei... You saved my life. Thank you. For that I cannot leave you. I'm sorry. She picked up his head and put it in her lap. She bowed her head. A tear from her eye fell down and on Sinahiros forhead. Sirus used a great power to expell a purpul aura-like attack and destroyed all the clones. [b]Sirus[/b]: Now I'm coming for you! HAHAHA!!! He charged at the 2. Veil was unable to lift Sinahiros budy. But she was unwilling to leave his side. [b]Veil[/b]: Thank you Sinahiro-Sensei. And, I'm sorry... [b]Sirus[/b]: You're dead. *Wham!!!* A flying Bo hit Sirus right in the face. He lost his balance and fell to the ground, gliding several feet back untill he smashed into a wall. The Bo keept flying and turned around, it flew right into the hands of Kilik, who was more then ready for a battle. Followed closely by Siro and Hentaro, who knew they had no choise but to help their master now.
  9. Lol, ok you're in. Just don't fall in love with me here too ;) :P We only need 2 more so sign up. and bring your buddies!
  10. We need at least 3 more players. So tell your friends to join s we can get this thing going...
  11. As Sinahiro was using the force of his own blade to hold back Sirus, who was giving his all. Suddenly Sinahiro sees the body next to the stone far away. He used his blade to redirect Sirus to the ground and then blew him away again with a giant gust. This was his chance. He used his hands to form benoculas, and used some of his power to zoom in on the body. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: VEIL!?... Where are those kids when I need them. [b]Sirus[/b]: What is it Sinahiro? You afraid of fighting me? Are you gonna keep blowing me away untill I leave... Well I got news for you. I'm not giving up! [b]Sinahiro[/b]: [i]I've got no choice[/i]... KAGE BUNSHI!!! 2 clones of Sinahiro apeared next to him. He taged them in and they attacked Sirus. Then the real Sinahiro jumped of after Veil... Sirus had his hands full with the clones. So he was unable to follow. When Sinahiro reached Veil he picked her head up... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Veil? Are you ok? Say something.
  12. OOC: Lol, you're confused Mage... It's Hentaro and Siro who are running with you... Veil was hid by Siro, somewhere else :P
  13. Sirus jumped at Sinahiro with his sword. [b]Sirus[/b]: A swift death! I'll grant you that! Sinahiro performed a series of hand seals, then he spread his arms out. I HUGE gust of wind came from behind him and straight at Sirus. The gust blew Sirus through the wals and out of the building. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I told you we should take this outside. He jumped out after him.
  14. OOC: *Pukes*... Bah, Cypher. You sure are violent... We're not use to that high level of ruthlessness here... ---------------------------------- IC: As the situation got tence both fighters were getting more and more seriouse. [b]Sirus[/b]: After all this time. You think you can beat me? Don't forget, when we were little. I whopped your ass. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: We were 5. A lot has changed. Including me. [b]Sirus[/b]: Well then lets see if you can make it this time. They both bowed to each other. Sinahiro reach for his sword behind his back. It was sitting upside down, so he pulled down to get it out. He was ready o fight. [b]Sirus[/b]: Ah yes. Your legendary blade. The blade said to be the only one that has ever cut the Hardship stone. You seem to be taking good care of it. Well I can tell you that I have been taking good care of my sword as well... It has swollowed hundreds of souls by now. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Your sword has been damned since it's creation. You know very well that you will die from it like everyone else that has weilded it. [b]Sirus[/b]: I would have taken this sword even if I knew it was cursed. That chicken Ark. I should have killed him when he handed it to me... Enough! Sinahiro... FIGHT ME!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyriel [/i] [B]OOC: Quote: Aww, cool, you want me as your tutor ^_^... Am I allowed to have more then 1 student? o_O?... Bah :P Veil's alter ego:Wow, he's so cute! I'm so lucky! Umm...yeah, tutor's good. And jee, he must be really cute even when dirty, cuz Veil fell for him pretty quick...like two seconds. hahah. personally, I don't know if Veil likes guys who are dirty. Next time they meet, Sinahiro should take a bath first. ;) And how does Veil think that he's cute if his face is all covered up?[/B][/QUOTE] I thought girls like greasy mysteriouse men ;) :P --------------------------- IC: Sinahiro looked surprisingly as a young man came running in with a bo. and then Veil came in angry. He could sence just by looking at them that they would have no chance again Sirus. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: You with the bo. Get out of here now. There is nothing you can help with... Veil! What did I tell you!? Get back Now! Too late. Sirus jumped at Veil with his blade. Veil was shocked at his speed that she couldn't move. She closed her eyes. Sinahiro:[i]I have no time... I can't save her[/i] *CLASH* Suddenly a Hentaro appeared in front of Sirus, blocking with sword with twin daggers. Behind him Siro appeared, grabbed Veil, and jumped of with her. Hentaro jumped back a bit, but while in air he put 2 fingers to his forehead, then pinted at Sirus with them. dusins of birds came flying in through the door and attacked Sirus. [b]Sirus[/b]: Ahhh!!!.... ENERGY DRAIN! A strong light came from under the birds as they all fell to the ground. [b]Sirus[/b]: Thank you for giving me fuel. I needed that. [b]Hentaro[/b]: Sorry I'm late Sensei. I will help you. [b]Siro[/b]: And so will I. Said Siro as he reappeared at oneof the windows. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Hentaro, Siro. Is Veil safe? [b]Siro[/b]: Hai Sinahiro-Sama. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Good, then take the boy with the bo and get out of here now! They all looked confused. [b]Hentaro[/b]: But Sinahiro-sensei. We can... [b]Sinahiro[/b]: NO, Go Now! Hentaro and Siro ran to the boy, grabbed him by the arm and ran out. The boy with the bo was confsed and was trying to ask what was goingon. But there was no time. [b]Sirus[/b]: I see you're still as chicken as always Sinahiro. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: I only care about there safetly. And everyone elses. I will not let you have the Siroshima, so we might as well takethis elsewhere...
  16. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Well Veil, I gues we should be goin.... Sinahiro turned his head and his eyes turned into a conserned look. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Saruto! Get all the kids into the schhol, then asseble the elite Shinobi. Send them to the temple... We have trouble. He flew off in high speed. Veil was staring at amazement as he disapeared. [b]Saruto[/b]: Veil, quickly run into the school building. Take any students with you along the way. If you find the prinsipal, tell him what Sinahiro told us. Veil nodded her head. [b]Veil[/b]: Right! As Sirus was entering the temple he grabbed his sword. the tip of it was gliding on the ground next to him. He threw of his robe. When he slided a door open, elders were surprised to see him. [b]Elder[/b]: Who are you!? You know you are not allowed in here... Binoshu, Nebura. Show him the way out. [b]Sirus[/b]: That wont be necessary. He lashed out at them and cut the 2 guards. They died emidietly. The Elders were frightened and started moving slowly backwards. [b]Sirus[/b]: Now it's your turn. I'm here for the Siroshima. As he jumped at them with his sword the Elders slightly gave away a small shout. Suddenly Sirus was stopped in his tracks as Sinahiro blocked the sword with his hand guard. When he noticed that the hand guard was starting to break of he used one of his wind attack to blow him back. Sirus landed on his legs and and looked up at Sinahiro with evil eyes. [b]Sirus[/b]: Sinahiro Gohan. It's been a long time. I've herd you became quite a shinobi... You'll understand if our friendship is no longer in effect. He smiled with an evil glare. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Sirus! Leave now and we will take this another time. [b]Sirus[/b]: Unfortunatly, I'm not here for you now Sinahiro... I'm here for the Siroshima. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: You cannot have it. We have a chosen one, and he will own it one day. [b]Sirus[/b]: Hmm... Well then I guess I will just have to kill him then. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: No you wont. Not while I'm around...
  17. Lol, cool mage15 ^_^... Looking forward to the RPG. We only need a few more members :)
  18. OOC: Aww, cool, you want me as your tutor ^_^... Am I allowed to have more then 1 student? o_O?... Bah :P ----------------------------------- IC: As a boy ran of to look for Sinahiro. Veil looked around to see what it was like. She saw a few boys a standing in front of a tree consentrating. Then they suddenly started climbing up it very fast. In another part 10 older kids were having a mass multifighter hand-to-hand battle. And over at another part, 3 younger kids were staring at each other. Suddenly one of them liften his arm and punched himself in the head. [b]The boy[/b]: [i]OUCH! Ok, you win![/i] While Veil was looking, someone walked up behind her. She turned around to see a tall man in a shinobi attire with a mask over his face. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Hi there. My name is Sinahiro Gohan. He smiled politely. He was durty and a little bit sweaty. so he was whiping himself of with a towel. [b]Veil[/b]: Umm, hello. My name is Veil Koryuma. [b]Instructor[/b]: Sinahiro-Sensei. This is a new student. She needs a tutor, and right now, you're the only one with slots left. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Thank you, Saruto... So, it's very nice to meet you Veil. I look forward to training you. I'm sorry I'm a little bit of a mess. I was training another one of my students. You will meet him soon as well. [b]Veil[/b]: I'm sorry sensei, but I was expecting someone older. [b]Sinahiro[/b]: Ah, well that's understandable. I am pretty young for a tutor. But I promiss you, I have plenty to teach. *Wink* Veil smiled. [b]Veil's alter ego[/b]:[i]Wow, he's so cute! I'm so lucky![/i] ------------------------------- OOC: Lol, sorry, I had to do it XD
  19. (Theme: Historical, Drama, Action, Romance (maybe) Long ago in Japan, there was a peacful Village in the Gentatsu country. This village was the Unashi. The village excisted long, and stayed in peace for a long time. They had no need of weapons and warriors, since no one wanted to destroy such a peacful place. But in the end of the 8th century The first Shogun clan was created, and not long after, so was the second. These 2 clans were at war with each other. Unfortunatly, the Unashi were in the cross fire. The Unashi vilage was right between the small camps where the Shogun clans stayed. When the clans waged war, Unashi would take most of the beating. Just as the people of Unashi were about to give up and leave their homes of many centuries. The leader of Unashi assebled a few brave men who were willing to fight. Unfortunetly, they were unready for this tasc. So the chief braught in a very powerful Shinobi from a village of Emishes, very far from Unashi. He promissed to train and prepare the brave men for battle. Now the story beginns. Will the Unashi survive this gang war of 2 Shogun? Or will this be the end? You decide! NOTE: No super-powers, demons, magic, etc... No over the top looks, everyone must ware normal clothes (Even shirts, yes you herd me mage15 ;) )... 1 sword at most, or one main weapon. THIS IS A REALISTIC RPG! Seriouse stuffhere people! To sign up: Name: Age: Sex: Weapon: Bio: (Make it good) Description: (Acknowledge the "NOTE" Above) Side: Shogun side (Evil), Unashi side (Good), Emish (Acient race of barbariens who get extinced) (Good) REGISTER NOW!
  20. On top of a building Hentaro was on all fours and he gasped for air. Sinahiro: What? Is that all you've got? You'll never defeat the Roxoski like that. Hentaros eyes turned a vengeful hatret. He jumped straight into the air and spun uncontrolably. As he was spinning, dusins of Shuriken came out of his spinning body and straight towards Sinahiro. Sinahiro slashed the air with his left arm, creating a sort of baracade of wind, which blew the shuriken away. Suddenly Hentaro was running at Sinahiro with ful speed. He aimed a wild punch at Sinahiro, but sinahiro blocked and blew Hentaro away with a similar wind attack. Hentaro landed on his back and glided a few feet back. Hentaro just barelly got up again. Now sweating, bleeding and bruised, he stared Sinahiro-Sensei right in the eyes. But for a moment he looked away. He saw Siro talking to some elders. Sinahiro checked to see what he was looking at... [i]hmm, he still wants to proove his point[/i] Sinahiro: Alright, go. You did good for today. Hentaro stood up straight. Hentaro: Hai! Arigato Sinahiro-Sensei! He then ran away. When he got himself cleaned up quickly, he ran to the town hall and waited outside for Siro.
  21. Gecko

    Siroshima Fire

    I would like to have another character... Name: Hentaro Shimura Gender: Male Age: 14 Weapon: Kunai, Shuriken, Ninja dagger. Bio: Hentaro is a direct desendant of the Shimura clan, before the Shimura was destroyed by Roxoski Clan. Hentaro managed to survive becouse he was out training at the time. By the time he got back to his village, it was in flames, and everyone was dead. He is the soul surviver of the Shimura. When the Shimura village was discovered destroyed by the comrad village of Auraski. They only found one boy alive, and in tears. They took him in to the Auraski, and now he was growing up in Auraski. When it was determined that it was the Roxoski that destroyed the Shimura, Hentaro swore vengance. Though he knows that the Auraski have the same goal as him, he refuses to fight by their side. Although he does accept being trained by them to preppare for his revenge. Even though there is a small diference in age between Hentaro and Sinahiro, Sinahiro is considered powerful enough to tutor anyone. Which is why he was assigned to train Hentaro. Description: Hentaro has long, brown hair, almost to his shoulders. he wears a headband with the Shimura logo inprinted as a symbol of his heritage and sworn vengance. He wears a sleeve-less shirt, and Hand Guards. and on the lower part he wears the lower part of a ninja attire. He even wares a thin scarf arounf his neck, that he even uses as a weapon sometimes. Side: Shimura Clan / Auraski Clan (Good) Secondary weapon: The Shimura clan has a special bloodline ability which allows them to creat a body double which is transparent. When using it the real user hides. Since the double is transparent the enamy believes it's a special attack, and so they don't know that the real one is hiding. Another part of the bloodline ability is even more powerful. The user makes an unherd sound that almost hypnotises the oponent. This is used during the body double attack, to distract the enamy and confuse him from the situation. Class: Ninja
  22. Gecko

    Siroshima Fire

    Why are shirtless? And are you shirtless in the winter? :P lol
  23. Razorblade: How do you think he blew the school up? Andy got a sudden frightened look on his face... How were they suppose to defeat it? Razorblade: Well no use soaking around here. Lets do it... They struggled to get back on their legs and once more jumped out on the roof. Razorblade: We need to come up with an idea. Andy: Well... Might not be original. But how about we split up. The creature can't fight us both at the same time from diferent directions. Razorblade: Alright. It's a deal! Andy: I can distract him with a few smoke bombs and gun shots. But you got the real power, so you give him hell, ok? Razorblade: Got it! Andy: Good luck! Razorblade: Dito! Razorblade disapeared as he jumped into the air. Andy got his guns out and preppared for a show down with the monster. Andy: Alright freak. It's just you and me...
  24. When Andy, Nicolai, and KC got themselves together again, they agreed that they should go outside, since most of the injured people are out there trying to run away. Andy: Lets go! When they ran out to the hallway they were nowhere near an exit out of the school, but they saw a big hole in the wall, which was the hole that Razorblade made when themonster threw him... it led right out, so they usedit as an escape. When they got out they looked around and could only see burned monsteres on the ground, and the ground was still sticky. When they looked farther ahead they could see injured people hiding out the outer part of the school. They started running to them with the supplies. But while running, a huge explosion accured behind them, back in the school building, and smoke was coming out. When the smoke cleared a bit everyone looked up to see the monster and Razorblade on top of the school building. Both were injured and tired, but not willing to give up... ------------- OOC: Sorry it's short, I'm tired now -_-
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