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Everything posted by Gecko

  1. Gecko

    Siroshima Fire

    Name: Sinahiro Gohan Gender: Male Age: 18 Weapon: Ninja blade, Kunai, Shuriken, Thin Aluminium Strings Bio: Born and raised in the Auraski Clans village. He was the best in his class at the Shinobi academy. At the peek of his education he surpassed his class by many levels. The only way he could get better was if he got trained by the legendary Ninja Sunira. Which he was for many years. Now considered one the top ninjas in the Auraski clan. He is constantly picked to deffend the village and it's inhabitans. And he also helps train new shinobi in the Academy. Description or Pic: After many years of training with master Ninja Sunira he once got in an accident that conserned his face. Now he covers it up with a mask that hides his nose, moth, and chin. Otherwhise wearing a black shinobi uniform, with patches that cover up the cuts and burns in it from previouse battles. Bandages around his arms and legs. Side: Auraski Clan (good) Secondary weapons: Kunai, Shuriken, Thin Aluminium Strings. Class: Shinobi
  2. OOC: Yo man! You just ruined a great battle between me and the monster... becides, This is the mother of all monsteres. Seems unfair that you can kill it so easilly... Yeah, I guess that's ok... but I thought Andy and Nicolai just ran out of the Nurses office? I told them too. Now I'm in there fighting with the creature... Or did I missunderstand your post? :P
  3. Razorblade was standing face to face with the source of the monsters. It seemed like an old cowboy movie, and they were both about to draw. Razorblade put his fast reflexes to good use and pulled out a sword-handle from under his coat. Out of nowhere a blade poped out of the handle, and Razorblade started charging at the monster... The monsters sharp and powerful clawz colided with the blade and they were both pushing their weapons at each other. But they seemed to be of equal strength because both of them got thrown back. The wall was closer to razorblade so he crashed into it and created another exit outof the hallway. He got back up fast and jumped into the air. While in mid-air he threw a bunch of kunai at the monster to distract it, and then attacked wih his blade. Most kunai bounced right off, but a few cut the monster which momentarily made it lose it's concentration. This was Razorblades opening. He made a wild swing with his blade. Suppenly the creature turned it's head at razorblade before he got to it. The monster grabbed razorblade by the colar in mid-air and threw him with great strength through the wall. Razorblade crashed through 3 walls and finally landed in the nurses office. Andy was shocked and didn't have time to react so razorblade crashed into him and they both flew into the wall. The monster came in through the Razorblade-shaped hole in the wall. Nicolai was sitting on the ground, a bit away in a corner. Razorblade: Sorry buddy. Didn't mean to inturopt you. Go help those people. Razorblade got up and attacked the creature but was knocked away into the wall again by the monsters huge arm. Andy was gonna suggest that he helps. Razorblade: No, just go. Those people need you more then me right now. Andy got up and ran to Nicolai, picked him up and ran out with him and the supplies. Razorblade got on his legs again. Razorblade: Damn you. You're gonna pay for destroying school propperty! Razorblade clapped his hands together and a huge flame egnited his arms on fire. Razorblade: HELL FLAME ARMS! He slamed the ground with them and the ground under the monster started shaking, making it fall over. Razorblade charged at the monster trying to make a punch at it with the burning arms. The monster jumped out of the way in the last second and razorblades punch hit the ground, making a giant hole in it. Razorblade: Hell No, I'm not done yet!...
  4. OCC: Awww, and I was so enjoying our time together :P -------- IC: As Razorblade was running down an empty and dark hallway he ran a carner and to his surprise, There was the monster-mother. Razorblade slowly picked up the walky talky and put it to his mouth. Razorblade: Hey kid... If you can read me. I found the mother. Andy: What? Where are you? I'll come help you! Razorblade: No. I'll finnish this. You have to find the nurses office no matter what! They both paused for a second... Andy: Hey. My name is Andy by the way... Razorblade: ... Nice to meet you Andy. Call my Razorblade. Andy: Good luck man. Hope to see you when this is over. Razorblade: I hope I'll be able to see at all... Over. Razorblade threw his walky talky away. The crash of it startled the monster as it slowly started turning around. Razorblade: Alright you tub of lar... Let's see just who is the man here....
  5. Razorblade was busy killing demons down the stairs of Andy, trying to cover his back. When Razorblade suddenly noticed the demons backing off. He ran up the stairs to se Andy and a huge demon knocked uncounciouse. Andy turned around to see Razorblade. Razorblade: I think they are backing of. That must have been what generated them. I guess we did it. Andy broke a hint of a smile towards Razorblade and nodded kindly. Suddenly Razorblades eyes widened. Andy was confused. Then he took a look behind him... The Monster had come back to life and had grown twice it's previouse size. Andy: Oh damn... This is not the way I wanted my first day in school to go. Razorblade slashed the air in front of them with his arm. A spark egnited the floor on fire, creating a barrier between them and the monsters. They both header for the stairs. But when they looked down they saw there were dussins and dussins of monsters. Andy grabed Razorblades arm and pulled him back. then he pulled out a grenade from under his jacket. Andy: Stand Back! They both took cover behind a wall, and down the stairs a huge explosion erupted. Killing all the monsters in the hall under them. The giant monster was getting closer and they had to run. The stairs were destroyed so they jumped down, and started running for the closest exit. The monsteres poweres seemd to have increased because it started running after then and it was much faster. It seemed angry and was looking for revenge because they killed it's children...
  6. As the battle erupted further, and the amount of demons began to rise above a number that was easy to get rid of. Everyone noticed that this was not going good. Razorblade was standing out in the school yard with many of the others, beating the crap out of monsters. Razorblade took a second to look around... [i]This isn't good. We're getting tired, and the monsteres just seem to be increasing...[/i] Razorblade began to spin insanely fast, every creature near to him was blowen away. Now that he had some space, he could do his move. He closed his eyes to concentrate. But before you know it, he jumps high into the air. He starts loading up a HUGE flame into his palms, like before. Except this time they are much bigger. Before he shoots... Razorblade: EVERYBODY!... JUMP! As everyone herd Razorblades shout, they all jumped at the same time. And Razorblade unleached a huge flame from his hands which hit the ground. The flames spread across the school yard very fast, but didn't get very high. All the creature got burned and then disapeared into smoke. When Razorblade stoped, the flames were gone, and everyone landed on their feet. The ground was stick, as if it had ment a bit. and it was hot. But at least the creatures were gone. Everyone got together, to see if they could put themselves together. Suddenly Razorblade appeared there as well... Razorblade: Their numbers will continue to increase. We have no other choice then to fight them of as long as we can... Everyone was at first a bit chocked by this magestic man with incredible skills. But when they got out ofit they all nodded their heads in agreement. Andy: Lets split up in groups of 2 and doo what we can...
  7. As Razorblade and Nikki were standing face to face. They just stared at each other. Then suddenly his left eye twiched and he jump away in high speed. He apeared again in the same hallway where Andy was holding the door shut. He stood a few feet away from Andy, and Andy was wonder who the hell he was. Suddenly... Razorblade: When I tell you. Open the door and stand back!.......... NOW! Andy jumped out of the way and the doors slammed open. The creatures were running in. Razorblade focused som sort of energy into his hands, and the energy caught fire... Razorblade unleached a huge flamethrower at the monsters. They all got fried... Razorblade ran out through the door. Suddenly in the end of the hallways Nikki finally caught up with Razorblade and saw him running out. Andy was sitiing on the ground with his back towards the wall, resting... Nikki: Hey you! What happened?... Oh never mind. She ran through the hallway in hope of catching up to Razorblade
  8. OOC: Kinda quiet... I have nothing to add to this now. who's up next?
  9. As all characters where now fighting demons. This was official classified as a war against monsters. Nikki stood in the shadow watching for an oportunity to attack. Suddenly, a hundred feet away she could see the Ninja boy again. He was attacking several monsters at once. Beating them up with some very cool karate moves. While fighting he jumped high into the air and landed straight down on a demons head, killing it. Then directly after he jump again in high speed and disapeared. Suddenly he appeared right in front of Nikki. He made a swing at her, and she closed her eyes as she thought he was going to hit her. *WHAM!!* She opened her eyes to see him standing in fron of her with his arm next to her face. he had punched out a monster that was standing behind her. They were now standing face to face... ------------- OOC: I'm sick of all the fighting. I want a love scene! Nikki! Kiss me!!!...... :P XD lol
  10. It was an odd situation... Several people where standing in the same hallway, staring at a girl with wings. But oddly enough, all of them felt like the school was empty... it was an eery feeling. Nikki had gotten out of that class room with Ralph and Nicolai. As they were standing there watching the girls with the wings, something caught Nikkis eyes... further away in a dark coridor a man walked by. He was dressed strangly with white closed (This is Razorblade guys! Or at least, he looks like Razorblade :P) Nikki followed him with her eyes as he was walking through the coridor. It almost seemed to go in slow motion to her. Then he suddenly looked back at her andthen disapeared into the shadows.
  11. Aight. I'm in! NOTE: I live in sweden. we have 9 grades here plus 3 years of what you would call high school I guess. ^_^ Name: Max Neemoy Age: 18 Gender: Male Grade: 3rd year in High School Element: Fire Bio: Max is a selfsecure young man. When he was a little by he got picked on by other kids. until the day he said "Enough!". He Trained and became a great fighter. Now in High School he studies alone, and doesn't care about friends. No one bothers him he doesn't bother no one. But he hides a dark secret. Description: http://server5.uploadit.org/files/Gecko6000-max.jpg http://server5.uploadit.org/files/Gecko6000-max2.jpg http://server5.uploadit.org/files/Gecko6000-max3.jpg Weapons: A bunch of Kunai and Shuriken. Skill: Blowing fire in all shapes/sizes/forms.
  12. Suddenly Razorblade stopped and closed his eyes as Makaiya was attacking him. Razorblade: I'm done playing with you... Just as she was about the cut him with her knife, Razorblade once more disapeared into his own coat. Makaiya stopped and looked around with dazzled eyes. Makaiya: What is this? Where is he? Suddenly she noticed thin, aluminium strings flying all around here. There where so many that she was unable to run in any direction. Then a HUGE gust of wind blew at her. Her hair and her clothes were being ripped from the high pressure. Then her body was thrown back and she got caught in the strings. He knife flew out of her hand and into a tree a few feed away. Razorblade appeared in front of her once more. Walking up to her tangled body. Razorblade: I shoud've known. I made the misstake of trusting you. But not again. The dragon was right about you... However. I cannot kill you. So I will leave you here. Makaiya had a very mad face o, as she was showing her teeth to him. Razorblade looked at her, and then saw her bleeding shoulder. He clapped his hands together and closed his eyes, and as he was slowly opening his eyes again his hands glided away from each other. In between them was a blinding light. When the light was focused enough he placed his hand on her shoulder. Her wound healed at once. Then he did the same to his own wound from her knife. Razorblade: That should keep you alive for a while. Fair well Nagging Witch. Razorblade walked away, leaving Makaiya fuiriously tied up. Makaiya: Hey come back here you kreep! I could have killed you if I wanted to. I really could!... COME BACK!... LET ME GO!... She got quiet... Makaiya:Uhhh... Why didn't he heal my would earlier? Damn him... Dammit, dammit, dammit!.... How am I gonna get out of here!?!?!?
  13. OOC: Excuse me. I'm kinda confused... In the sign up Makaiya is evil... I'm kinda nuetral. But I doo good... So how are we becoming friends? Makaiya, Are you turning Good because of your love for me? ;) :P
  14. Razorblade put his arm in front of Makaiya, as he kept looking at the dragon. Razorblade: Get back. Makaiya looked up at Razorblade as he started slowly walking towards the dragon. Makaiya stayed behind staring at Razorblades back as he got closer to the dragon. When he finally got so close he was practically an inch from it's giant toe nail. Razorblade (quitly): Why? Dragon: She is a lyability. We can't have her walking around. You have no idea what she could have herd of our conversation. Razorblade: Don't worry, I'll take care of it. You know that no one can die in my pressance except The Shadow Assassin. Dragon: Then lieve! I'll doo it. I having eaten anything in a while anyway. Razorblade: No. She's coming with me. Don't worry. I'll make sure she behaves. Nothing will happen' The dragon stared at Razorblade... After a few quiet seconds the dragon raised it's giand head and spoke out loud; Dragon: Fine. But she is your responcibility now... If anything should happen' to come out... Razorblade: It won't. Don't worry... The dragon slowly turned around. and as he did he said. Dragon: Great, now I gotta go out hunting again... What a bitch. Razorblade walked back to Makaiya, and as he walked past her he said; Razorblade: Let's go. Makaiya stared, wondering of what just happened. She ran to catch up with razorblade and as she was walking next to him... Makaiya: What tha heck just happened back there. What were you two talking about? Razorblade: Don't worry about it... Makaiya: Tell me! Razorblade: Are you gonna be this nagging all the time? Makaiya hissed at him...
  15. Razorblade stopped in his tracks. Razorblade:... I suggest you get out of here now.As soon as I leave that dragon is not as hospitable as he is now... This has been his home for centuries. You will not have it without a fight. Said Razorblade with his back to Makaiya, and his head turned sideway. Makaiya turned her head around to look at the dragon. She saw it's huge drewling mouth and the giant sharp teeth. She got chills down her spine and got up as she followed Razorblade out of the cave. All the time while walking she kept an eyes behind her back to make sure the Dragon wouldn't attack... OOC: I don't know what you want with your character either, so I'll stop there ^_^
  16. Suddenly Razorblades head twiched as he herd a wepon being pulled out of it's holster. Dragon looked at Razorblade and then withdrew it's head back into the shadows. Makaiya charged at Razorblade with her knife, but then she noticed he and the dragon were gone... Makaiya: What tha...? Suddenly a huge flame came out of the shadows and straight at her. It didn't reach her but she was very scared and turned around to run. But behind her was Razorblade. She was startelled and fell to the ground as her knife slipped out of her hand. Makaiya: Don't kill me! Razorblade looked at her, then at the dragon who seemed to be worried about Makaiya being there. Razorblade look back at Makaiya, but without saying anything... Makaiya: What will you do with me? Razorblade just stared...
  17. As Razorblade was running through the trees he finally reached his goal, a large cave. He walked inside, and as he got deeper into the dark, it got colder. Suddenly he stopped. Giant red eyes apeared in front of him. As they lifted of higher a huge face cameout of the shadows. It was a dragon. A huge, fire breathing dragon. Dragon: You have returned after such a long time... Razorblade: I've found her. The dragons eye lit up. Dragon: Where is she? Razorblade: She got away, but I finally saw her face.... After all these years, I know who I hunt. Dragon: Don't get cocky. You know she is strong. I doubt she could defeat you, but I'm also sceptic that you could defeat her either. ... Razorblade: I will find her again. And I will kill her. No matter what...
  18. As they walked away white eyes followed them from the shadows of the trees...
  19. When Razorblade herd the name "Shadow Assassin", his eyes glared up and he pulled his sword. He slashed Raidence, but her body only turned to wind as she disapeared. And only a laugh was left behing her... Raidence: Hahahahahah... I'll see you soon..... Razorblade withdrew his sword, and turned his head towards James and Nikki, who both looked dazzled. Razorblade: I stronbgly suggest you two get out of these woods as soon as you possibly can... And with those words Razorblade dispeared into his own coat. Nikki stood still, shocked by what just happened. James ran to the place where Razorblade stood... James: Wait, wait... Who are you!?... Come back! *No reply*
  20. As James clamed down he fell to the ground. When Razorblade noticed he jumped out and caught James in his arms. Ralience saw the oportunity to attack and charged at them. But with Razorblades high speed they got away. As Ralience missed them she got upset. Suddenly behind her... Nikki: Hey Bitch! *Wham* Ralience flew into a tree and was knocked out colt... Things started to calm down...
  21. OOC: Thanks pal :D *Swish* A kunai flew by Ralience face and cut her on the left cheek. Everyone stoped and stared at the Ralience as a drop of blood fell from her face to the ground. Everyone followed the drop untill it hit the ground. Then everyoine knowticed the majestic young man standing on a brach in the trees... He had white hair that stood up and white eyes as to say he wasn't human. Dressed in a white uniform and wearing a white coat to his knees and a mask over his face, he seemed like the kind of man you wouldn't trust to be with in a dark alley. Ralience: Not again... Who are you? The Man: At this point I cannot tell you who I am. But I don't mind you know my alias... Razorblade! Suddenly everyone drop their weapons and froze in place. They all were chocked and scared with sweat running down their foreheads. Nikki: You're the legendary assasin? The man who "killed more people in a year then had died by natural causes in 5"? Razorblade stood silent. He needed no words. Ralience: hmmf... What a cheap trick. You think you can scare us away by saying you're Razorblade? What a joke... Razorblade disapeared years ago. You truelly believe we would think you are here talking to us... Razorblade stood still... No words were yet needed. Ralience: Fine then. I'll proove you are not Razorblade by destroying you. *She stood in a fighting pose, ready to attack* *Razorblade didn't even move* As the fight was about to begin, James looked at Razorblades eyes and though "It's him!"
  22. As they rode, something suddenly caught James eyes. He turned his head down and looked at the trees. Suddenly he saw a white human shape moving in the trees. Almost flying from one to another. As it suddenly stopped and stood on a branch it looked straight up at James, and then disapeared. James: Did you... Ralience: ... See that? No. But I know you did... That is of no threat to you. But you should be careful around it. Suddenly it got quiet. And as they rode, Nikki had a confused look on her face as she was thinking to herself. [i]What's that unusual smell?[/i].
  23. OOC: Can anyone reply next or is there a character signed up as the boy???
  24. Gecko

    Lost Worlds

    You can count on it ;)
  25. Gecko

    Lost Worlds

    I actually took a character I made long ago. I'm making a Manga about him, his story is TOTALLY different. I just changed it to fit the fantasy theme of this RPG... but I doo have a pic of him from the manga... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541437[/img]
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