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Everything posted by amiboshi
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]Hm, does anyone know why Suiichi looses his voice after Ryuiichi passes him in episode 11? I never really pay attention so... [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't really get that, either. I took it to be some weird symbolic thing... Shuichi's heart wasn't into singing anymore, and Ryuichi could tell, I guess. O.o; I dunno. And Ryuichi, his total idol, being cold to him like that... Allright, so my theory has some gaps... >.>; lol.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]Yea I agree poor Shuiichi got ugly!!! I've seen alot of screen caps, but if it's part of gravi i wanna see it [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, even though it was ugly, it was still a cute little side-story. Eiri and Shuichi are so good together! X3 And anime_gurl, Tatsuha appears in episode 5. ^_-
Gravitation is one of my favorite series. The whole thing was wonderful. ^-^ The first half of the series was hilarious, and the last half was pretty sad, so it was a good combination. The OVA wasn't too great, in my opinion, though. The character designs were different, and I thought they were rather ugly...>.>
yeah, I agree. I don't think stealing avatars and banners is a big deal... I mean, if you're going to steal something, credit would be nice, but it doesn't really matter. It IS flattering if someone is using something you made. Gives you that warm feeling inside that you're not the only one who likes your work. lol. You should lighten up about it, but if it really buhs you that much, yeah, PM them or something and yell at them about it. O.o;
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AiNeko [/i] [B]yeah, sorry ^^; I get a bit hyper when talking about DK. Well, I'm still trying to figure out why I picked it up off the shelf in the first place o.o; I just saw it and bought it, knew nothing about it or anything o.o; Well, I didn't like the 1st volume that much either when compared to other manga, but I thought the crossdressing stuff was funny ^^; So I never thought of it as bad.. Actually thats why I continued buying it. Cause I wanted to see more crossdressing O.o; But now, with Rath, its getting to be more drama like sorta o.o; Amiboshi, have you read the 5th volume yet? [/B][/QUOTE] Un. I have the first 6. Though in 6...there was no Rath...so I was bored. T.T lol, just kidding. Yeah, 5 was really good. The Rath/Cesia part was great. Poor Rath...I'm awaiting some sad part now... >.< Nothing bad is allowed to happen to Rath! ;__; Yeah, anyway... I personally picked up the other volumes because I found a fansite with TONS of great DK pics, so I just had to see those characters and the what the story was behind them, ya know? So when I finally found vol. 2, I bough 3 with it. And I'm really glad I did. ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]Des and I are having the exact same problem right now, and it's driving me insane. I [i]know[/i] my banner is under the pixel limit, so... *sputters angrily* UPDATE: For now, my .gif version is showing up. Once in a while, it disappears completely (no [i]Image not found[/i] message, nothing), which is odd, but the .gif thing seems to be the way to go. My .jpg version would not show up at all. [/B][/QUOTE] Weird. O_o; I'll have to try that... Edit: Ah, yay! It worked. Thanks. lol. ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anten69 [/i] [B]amiboshi your quotes piss me off and they seem like a waste of time if your going to correct someone you dont have to quote them just mention it in your reply, but any way I also forgot to mention another song I like very much the Z.O.E song Kiss me Sunshine (amiboshi please make sure to quote me if i've typed any thing incorrectly.:naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] Well excuse me. >.> It wasn't like I was correcting your typos or anything, I was just mentioning the real name of the song. And it was a real post, not like I was specifically yelling at you or anything. You don't need to flame me for it. Sorry if that's a sensitive spot or yours or something... >.> Another anime I REALLY love the music from is Gravitation. The anime [i]is[/i] based on the bands, so of course they have great music. But it's all got great tuns and rhythms. Most of it's...I dunno, soft rock, maybe? And the crew did a great job making them all. I have tons of songs from the show. I just love them all. XD
I'm having this problem now, too. I had an image a minute ago, on the same server as my new one, but all I can get now is "image not found". >.>; It's really bugging me. I know the image works, it shows when I type the URL, and I know I put the img code in right... *walks off grumbling*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AiNeko [/i] [B]DRAGON KNIGHTS!! Barely anyone ever picks it up cause the cover art is pretty bad. But the story is so AWESOME! The characters are all so unique and complex, like real people. They're not like.. Sana-chan from Kodomo no Omocha anime o.o; Personally, I like Kodomo no Omocha, anime or manga, but in the manga I sorta miss babbit since I saw the anime first.. BUT! We're talking about Dragon Knights. Rath-san is sugoi! The best character, but I can't explain his situation cause its a big part in the plot ^^; At least it adds to the cliffhangers at the end of each volume. Its my favorite manga or anime, so that says a lot. The only bad thing (for some people, personally I write a lot of novels (not published)and I prefer a lot of complex plots and characters so I understand pretty well) is the complex plot. Its hard to keep track what happened to who when where and such. If you understand that.. All I can say is.. It's Tokyopop $10.. So. SPEND THE $10 AND GET DRAGON KNIGHTS VOLUME 1! O.o; btw I wanna tell you the first couple volumes aren't as good as the rest, but still good. The volumes start getting REALLY good around volumes 4-5. My fave volume so far is volume 5 (the chapter "Bertha's Curse" is A REALLY GOOD chapter). I've read 6 volumes so far and have 7 and 8 on order so... ^^ READ DRAGON KNIGHTS! [/B][/QUOTE] lol. Yeah, Rath is sugoi. ^^; I'm a big DK fan, too. Actually, I REALLY like Mineko Ohkami's art. It's so gorgeous... It developed a LOT over the volumes, too. Rath looked so young in the first volume, but by...I dunno, maybe the 3rd, he was serious bishonen material. ^_- Rath is such a great character. Just everthing about him is...agh. He's so great! XD I love the complex plot. I can pretty much understand all of it. I don't think I've gotten lost yet. o.o; DK is one of the only manga I'll buy, no matter what else is on the shelf. It's my hands down favorite manga Tokyopop is releasing now. It will always take priority with me. ^^ The first volume really sucked though. >.>; It was just..boring. But after that...It was awesome, and I was totally and uterlessly hooked. ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G.D. Ryoko [/i] [B]I had downloaded almost all of the Inuyasha songs. I really like the melodies of the songs. I also like the lyrics,especially to Fukai Mori(Deep Forest). I just find anime music to be interesting. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, Fukai Mori is a great song. I just love the sound of it. It's beautiful. ^_^ But when I first downloaded, I listened to it too many times, so I can hardly hear it anymore. o.o; I love the music from the .hack series. My favorite would have to be Evolution, and Tasogare no umi, from .hack//liminality. They're great. ^^ But even just the background music, it all sounds so different, it's amazing to find soundtracks like that with so much variety. I can't stand things that all sound the same. o.o;
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anten69 [/i] [B]It sounds like an Excellent Idea. My favorite Theme song is Run Through the Night from OS. good luck. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure it's just "through the night", actually. That's what it even says on the original OSTs. o.o; lol. I love all the music from OS. It's just fast-beat, and catchy music. So I bought both the OSTs. ^^;;; But I really like anime music because it's so different from American music. There always more instuments in anime music, it seems. American music is all guitars and drums, which get old after a while. Not to mention all the rap invading the radio these days. -_-; But anime music has so many different tunes and sounds, and you can find a good song for almost any mood you're in. It's just...really different. A lot of it's very pretty, also, and there are more instumental songs, which are nice some times. ^_^ I have tons of anime music on my computer... That's all I listen to anymore. ^^;
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]RahXephon, is a great anime that hopefully will get the attention it deserves in America. Many say that it's the next Evangelion but in certain aspects its quite better. The mech designs are rather intriguing not to meantion rather original. Also the storyline and animation style is far superior to most animes that are out right now. If you really want to see an what a great mech anime should be like check out RahXephon! [/B][/QUOTE] ;_; *tears of joy* Wow, it's great to hear that someone besides myself thinks it's better. I personally didn't like Evangelion that much, actually. But RahXephon hooked me with the first episode. It's very impressive, and I'm not really a mech person, so for someone like me to get drawn in so fast, that's impressive. ^_-
There have been a few RahXephon threads now... *nods* I personally like RahXephon. Itriguing plot, wonderful graphics, pretty music, cool mechs. It's all there. lol. I recommend it if you like stuff like that? I personally don't like mech anime that much, but I still enjoyed this. I thought it was better than Eva, but no one else will second that... >.>
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]yes, I'm quite interested. ^_^ Kodomo no Omocha seems pretty good. can't really tell much from only one volume >.>', but it seems pretty neat so far. totally what I [i]didn't[/i] expect it to be. [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I really enjoy Kodocha. It's getting a bit depressing around volume 9, but it's still one of my favorites. I watched the anime and about barfed... >.> Everyone seems much more mature in the manga. I like that. ^_^;
I believe Imadoki was 5 volumes long. I'm not sure how long W-Juliet is. ^^; mm. Yeah, I hate scripts for that reason. XD It's just not the same as reading the actual manga. I know of a site that scanlated it extemely high quality, if you're interested. Perfect translations and scans and all that. And you don't have to wait 10 months for Tokyopop... >.>
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]man, I love Hana Kimi and Penguin Brothers ^_^. if only they'd get sent over to the U.S., I'd be on cloud nine (and really broke). speaking of which, they need to hurry up and get the rest of the Marmalade Boy volumes translated, I can't wait until April for volume 6 *tears hair out*. another series I really like is W-Juliet. it's really sweet, and anybody with even a slight interest in acting/theatre would probably be at least somewhat interested. the two main characters threw me for a loop when I first found out about them, but that just made everything more interesting ^_^. some other good ones are this one-shot called Alive, and Blade of the Immortal. Alive was pretty good, if not.....a bit graphic in some parts, especially near the end. but like I said, it's still good, if you're into sci-fi stuff. Blade of the Immortal's good too, not sure if it's well known or not. BotI and Alive are alike in that the drawings are more realistic, and don't look as 'anime-ish' as the regular stuff. I've wanted to find some stuff on Imadoki, but haven't had any luck yet. maybe I'll have more luck when I actually have time to do a bit of searching :p[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Imadoki was good. I recently finished the series, but the ending was a bit disappointing. I wish PB and Hana Kimi would come to the US, too. I think there would be a big audience that would like them. Especially PB. I just love that series, it's too cute. ^_^ W-Juliet's good, too, though I'm getting a little sick of it now. A bit too repetitive for me. *shrugs* Marmalade boy is so cute. The ending was awesome. It was really surprising. I love scanlations. XD
It's about these people called... o.o;; Wow, I don't remember. I think they're called alter users, but I'm not sure on that. Anyway, they can alter stuff around them to form whatever their alter's form is. Some can alter parts of their bodies, and some can make new entites from the alterred surroundings. The show is mostly about the free alters and an organization called HOLD set on capturing these free alter Users. I really liked the series. I got halfway through, and I couldn't find anymore, so I gave up on it, plus it was starting to get a tad boring. But the rest was cool. It had a great plot. Very addicting. ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]You mean Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion, right? I have to agree. Also, getting honorable mention is....what the heck is her name?.....oh, i can't remember. The girl from X who carries the sword in her body. [/B][/QUOTE] o.o That's either Kotori, who has that blonde hair, or Arashi, who has the balck hair and pulls the sword from her hand. Speaking of X, I love Subaru, Kamui, and and Fuuma. CLAMP men are very seksi. ^_~
I have no clue unless you have a pic. ^^;;;
Yes, a manga thread... *huge grin* Some not very well known manga (maybe just not on the boards. O.o): Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Time Stranger Kyoko Fullmoon wo sagashite Mariappoi no firecracker is melancholy Ion (I'm a huge Arina Tanemura fan. ;)) Partner Penguin Brothers Hanazakari no Kimitachi E (for you in full blossom) Good Morning Call Hana Yori Dango (very popular manga, actually. U.U) BxB Brothers I'll: Generation Basket Random Walk Parfait Tic I have more, but these are some of my favorites... XD I really recommend all of them. There are so many good manga out there, you people should branch out! Don't be afraid of new things! And...I'm so tired of people saying they like to watch things instead of reading them... You are seriously missing out if you only watch anime... Pfft. >.>
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]I read part of the manga, and all I can say is the necks are too small and the heads are too big.. It's reslly hard to read because of that, I dunno, i can't stand it... Gaah! [/B][/QUOTE] I never noticed that, and I'm very picky about art. O.o Their faces look a bit flat when they're sideways, but I got over it... Never thought their heads were too big... >.> I'm insulted for Kare Kano. ;__;
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]What i meant by it being called Manga is that it will be mistaken for it. Come on, think about it. The book designs look exactly like Tokyopop graphic novels and they even have the spine design done the same way. The only diffrence between the two is the direction they are read. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't get it, who cares if it's mistaken for manga? They're actually calling it cinemanga, though. Most people in America know that Kim Possible and Lizzie Mcguire are Disney shows and not japanese manga. But still....I don't get this whole topic... Why is everyone freaking out so much. >.> If you do not want to read them, do not buy them... -_-
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Well, I'm going to have to disagree with all of you guys. For one thing, Disney doesn't NEED sale and attention. They already have plenty of it and make PLENTY of money. And this isn't really a bad idea. You can't say that just because Disney wants to make a graphic novel that all hell is going to break loose and that it's a shame to anime. What about other comic books in graphic novel form? Spiderman or the X-Men aren't anime, but they make their comics and keep on going...so yeah. And I LIKE Lizzy McGuire and Kim Possible happens to be one of my favorite shows. They are the reason I get up early on Saturday mornings. I don't understand either, Semjaza, why everyone hates Disney. They make the best movies and their tv shows are great. I guess eveyone can't stand something if it doesn't have sex or nudity or some sort of violence in it. Can't have some wholesome family shows, can we? GEEZ, you people make me sick sometimes. And the biggest shame is that all the Disney haters are mostly from the Otaku's younger generation. I had to sound like an old grandma, but WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO????[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] hehe, yeah Disney Channel is the only thing on TV I actually watch. ^^ I like their Disney Channel movies, they're cute. ^_^ I used to like Lizzie McGuire, but I kinda grew out of it. Kim Possible is a good show, though. I love her outfits. They're always cute. ;) I don't understand why everyone's flaming here. I mean, like I said, they're not replacing manga with Disney stuff, so what's the big deal? O.o; Weird people... >.>
I don't really care that much. I mean, I just won't buy them. O.o; They're not things I would read, and I would never put them in the same category as manga. But I really can't diss Tokyopop, because I'm really liking all the good manga they're releasing. And so what if they are doing it for money? They're a company, that needs money to keep working. Let's think... If the manga doesn't bring in enough money for some reason, Tokyopop will go under, and no more manga. I think that's much worse than some Disney Cinemanga. *nods* So as long as they're still releasing all that yummy manga, I couldn't care less what else they're putting on the shelves. ^_~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]its very cute, i want to see more then the little i have seen. I am reminded a bit of mars. [/B][/QUOTE] @.@ Wow... I don't think Kare Kano is like Mars at all. O.o;; lol. Yes yes, everyone should go see Kare Kano! Go! XD