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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. Nanohana Jiyu (Jubei-chan the Ninja Girl)
  2. Yeah, I'm a big Fruits Basket fan. ^^ I absolutely adore Kyou, like you! lol. Nocturne Fushigi Yuugi-Amiboshi's Image Song Tatakai no aida no shizuka na machi ga tsuka no ma no nemuri ni ochite-iku tooi hoshi no shita de yume miru kimi ni inori wo kome MERODI- todoke you koko e oide yo kanashii koto mo namida mo boku ga daite ageru yo subete no itami wo wasurerareru made [Instrumental] arasoi ikiru no ga tsuyosa dattara yowai to iwarete mo kamawanai doushite hito wa kizutsukeau no aisuru chikara kitto aru no ni dare demo hitori ja samishii hazu na no ni [Instrumental] koko e oide yo tsukareta ai wo kokoro wo boku ga daite ageru yo subete no itami wo wasurerareru made oyasumi oyasumi boku no kono mune de English: The quiet city in the midst of battle falls into a brief slumber. I'll send a prayer-filled melody to where you dream underneath the far-away stars. Come over here. I'll hold your sadness and your tears for you until you forget all the pain. [Instrumental] If strength is living in conflict Then I don't care if they call me weak. Why do people hurt each other? Even though there's certainly strength in loving... Even though anyone would be lonely alone... [Instrumental] Come over here. I'll hold your worn out love, your heart until you forget all the pain. Goodnight, goodnight... On my chest
  3. Escaflowne (Visions of Escaflowne)
  4. Chiisana Inori (small prayer) Ending for Fruits Basket I love the FB songs, too, but I like the ending more than the opening. Tanoshii yuu ge / saa kakomimashou Kyou no namida wa / kora / asu no chikara ni shite Pleasant Supper, now, let's gather around. Look to this day's tears to bring tomorrow's strength. LA LA LA / subarashiki / LOVE & LIFE LA LA LA / ai subeki / LOVE & LIFE La La La, A wonderful feeling, Love & Life La La La, Loveable, Love & Life Sei ippai datta ichinichi ni Sayonara to arigatou Waratte oemashou Sore wa chiisa na inori To the day that was given our best, Along with a 'goodbye' and 'thank you', Let's end it smiling, That is my small prayer. Haru / hana saki / midori moeru koro Donna namida mo / hora / kaze ni nagasarete ku When the spring flowers bloom, and the greenery sprouts, Look, some of the tears are floating away on the wind! LA LA LA / subarashiki / LOVE & LIFE LA LA LA / ai subeki / LOVE & LIFE La La La, A wonderful feeling, Love & Life La La La, Loveable, Love & Life
  5. Uh......I'll take the a from "sama" then.... Aya (Ayashi no Ceres)
  6. Kaze ga Fuku Hi Visions of Escaflowne kirei na aoi umi o aruite muimi na koto bakari nayamu kurikaeshi ni kigatsuku nurui kaze fuku hi ni ha kinou ga hidoku mabushiku miete kanashiku kirameitete demo doushitara jibun no koto o daisuki ni narerun darou nante motto motto jibun no koto o daisuki ni nareru nara mita koto mo nai asa ya kiita koto nai uta atta koto nai jibun ni aeru kamo shirenai hitori yo gari na kotoba narabete isogi sugitatte ii ja nai oitaterareru you ni mae furenai kimochi ga kokoro ni afurete kitan dakara konna ni oshi yosete kitan dakara demo narita katta jibun to nareru jibun ha itsumo chigatte iru nare nakatta jibun ja nakute sore koso watashi datte kimi ga te o nobashi dakishimete ite kureru tooi sora kanjite ikiteru sekaijuu ni mimamorareteru sou na fuu ni omottari hitori sekaijuu ni tsuki hanasareteru sonna ki ni nattari doushitara jibun no koto o daisuki ni narerun darou nante motto motto jibun no koto o daisuki ni nareru nara mita koto mo nai asa ya kiita koto nai uta atta koto nai jibun ni aeru kamo shirenai itsuka kitto mou sugu mou sugu English: Walking along the beautiful blue sea, I realize again and again that I worry about nothing but meaningless things. On this day with the warm wind blowing, yesterday seems terribly blinding... sadly glimmering... But What can I do to learn to love myself? If I learn to love myself more and more, then... The morning I've never even seen before... The song I've never even heard before... The "me" that I've never even seen (met) before... Maybe I can see (them)... I line up self-satisfied words... Even though we're going too fast, that's OK, since unforseen feelings... ...have started to overflow in my heart like they're being rushed... since they're pushing up on me so much... but I'm always different from who I wanted to be. This isn't who I've wanted to be, but I'm sure this is me. If you would please reach out and embrace me, oh far sky, I'd feel I'm alive. I'll be watched over and protected throughout the world. Sometimes I think that way, alone. I'll be abandoned throughout the world. Sometimes I feel like that. What can I do to learn to love myself? If I learn to love myself more and more, then... The morning I've never even seen before... The song I've never even heard before... The "me" that I've never even seen (met) before... Maybe I can see (them)... Someday surely. Very soon. Very soon.
  7. Neko (Kyou, Fruits Basket)
  8. Orphen (Sorcerous Stabber Orphen)
  9. Last Kiss Sorcerous Stabber Orphen hontou ni SUKI datta anata ga inai hajimete no koi owatta kyou ha yume ni egao no mama de dete konai de yo nee saigo no SERIFU kuchi ni desu made komatteta anata saigo no SERIFU kuchi ni shita sugu ato nano ni kuchidzuke kuchibiru ni dake yamete yo anata no nukumori ga kuchibiru ni dake zutto nokotteru yasashii anata hontou ni nani mo wakaranai mama anata shinjite owatta ashita ha anata no KIRAI na iro no fuku o kitemiruwa anata no ADORESU keshite yattawa shashin mo sutetawa anata no subete omoide keshita no yo nano ni doushite kuchibiru ni dake donna ni wasure you to shite mo kuchibiru ni dake zutto nokotteru saigo no anata kuchibiru ni dake yamete yo anata no nukumori ga kuchibiru ni dake zutto nokotteru yasashii anata kuchibiru ni dake donna ni wasure you to shite mo kuchibiru ni dake zutto nokotteru saigo no anata
  10. Usagi (sailor Moon) I wasn't sure whether I was suppose to use the U or the I, so I used the U....
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B]And American VA's are awesome especially nowadays. I love Chris Sabat when he did Majin Vegeta and went through that whole "I'm a prince. He's supposed to suck" thing. Dai-Kaioshin (old Kai)'s VA sucks. Anyway off topic. I'm tired of thinking. I'll go lay my head down. [/B][/QUOTE] The English VAs may be good, but they really don't have anywhere near as much emotion as the Japanese Seiyuu. You can't get the same feelings from watching dubbed as you can subbed. And DBZ isn't the best example. I mean.....there isn't that much real emotion, besides fighting, in the first place. But if you watch other anime that does have to do with real emotion, you'll probably find that what the dubbed version is lacking, the subbed version has. They really do put a lot of emotions into the voice acting. The English VAs just really don't have that.... They can get their point across, but not with the same beauty as the Japanese Voice actors. They will just never compare.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]That's exactly how I am, Amiboshi! LOL, I'll watch it subtitled and everything, but it's like their speaking English and I'm not really comprehending the fact that's it's a whole other language because I'm so absorbed in what I'm watching/reading. When I quote stuff from it, I'll quote it in the English just like how I remember it in my head. It's really weird.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] It's so much fun when you realized it's happened. It's like when I read, I can hear it in my head, but if I realize I'm reading words, and not pictures, I'll just see the words for a while before I start seeing the images and hearing it again. That's how I am with anime. I comprehend it so well reading it, that I can actually hear the English lines being said by the Seiyuus. If it didn't work that way, I don't think I'd like the stories as much, and nothing would be funny or anything. I mean, words alone aren't emotional or funny, they need the perfect tones to go with them. That's why people love subtitled so much, I think. Because the japanese Seiyuus have so much more emotion in the Voice acting than any English voice actors could ever have, so matter how good they are. It's just not the same.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B] Have you ever listened to music in a foreign language before? Do the vocalists not convey the same level of emotion, even though you can't understand them? The power is still there, and if you're reading the translation at the same time as the song, you can still hear that power, and you can read what it means. There's no less power in a person's speech when you're reading, because they're still saying it like they would in your language. [/B][/QUOTE] That's exactly right. I love listening to anime music, even though I can't understand but a few words of it. You can still get the emotion from it, like you said. And when you read subtitles, you can still hear the emotion in the characters voice, and just convey that emotion and the tones they use with the words you're reading. After a while you can almost hear them saying it (in english) in your head with the tones used by the Japanese VAs. When I was watching Sailor Stars subtitled, there were a few times when I actually forgot they were speaking japanese. O.o I mean, I knew they were, but I was getting into the story so much reading the subtitles that it just sounded like English with good VAs to me, in my head.
  14. I finally saw the show, and I was really bored with it. I mean.....why are they so upset and emotional about some little spinning tops? And....all the kids look fat. O.o It was just really boring to me. The spinning tops thing seemed even more boring than pokemon to me.
  15. Yeah, Chobits is deffinitely more mature than MKR or CCS, no doubt about it. Tokyopop rated it liked 16+, which is probably a reasonable rating. I wouldn't want a younger kid picking it up, also because of all the porno talk, and all the implied use of pretty girl robots. ^^;;
  16. Yeah, I wouldn't let my brother read it with all the nudity. ;) I still love Plum. ^^ I think she's cuter than Chi.... That [i]was[/i] funny when Plum got fried by Chi. She looked psychotic. O.o
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=blue]I've hardly seen any anime that hasn't been showed on CN ( :bawl: ), but I think that Eric Johnson (Mirai Trunks), Chris Sabat (Vegeta, Piccolo, etc.) and Chuck Hubert(Android 17, Hiei) are really good. Don Brown is too.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah, I really like Eric Johnson and Chuck Hubert. I knew Hiei's voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite remember who from DBZ he was.....that's right, Android 17. I knew that before, but I forgot. I really like his voice. ^^
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom [/i] [B]i dont even know heero.. i just love his face..... my fave anime char.. well i like duo too cept he looks like a girl....and i like gene starwind.. oooh coolies say ami.. who is the dude in your banner? [/B][/QUOTE] lol. I do that a lot, I'll fall in love with characters just based on their looks, although usually it's because they're cute Bishonen. ^^ I still like his voice, too, though. I think it fits perfectly. He can sound pretty cold and emotionless, but he doesn't sound too old. I hate it when they're 15 and sound 30... The guy in my banner is Orphen. He's one of my favorite anime characters, and one of the best dubbed characters, too.
  19. I'm afraid to know what the live action DBZ movie will look like.......I can't even believe they're making it. The live action movie in Japan is like a DBZ horror secret, and they're gonna try and do it here? That's just funny....:D I think the teen shoujo animes wouldn't be bad for live action. Like Kareshi Kanojo no jijo, or Marmalade Boy. They're like anime soap operas. They wouldn't be too messed up looking.....
  20. Oh, I love Heero's Voice. I didn't know the VA's name, though.... But he has a great voice. It's nice and neutral and very soothing, at least, to me. :D
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mstyrios WX [/i] [B]I didn't like the ending to "Princess Mononoke". When it ended my mom went "Whats with the ghost dude wiggling his head?"literally!She did! I mean come on Son is a Princess,plus,the wolf's mother*I forget her name* said Ashitaka loved her!Sheesh,I mean "I cannot forgive humans for what they did" I mean they gave The Great Spirit his head back.But then again it I guess Shoten-san didn't want the movie to end in a complete "and they lived happily ever after".And I don't get it did the Great Spirit heal the curse on Ashitaka?Cause I still saw some purple there...I know I getting off topic a little but there are some other things I don't like about it. *I don't like the some of the puns.(I told you a wolf's head can still bite.) *Uh I guess they forgot Son was a princess. *The action scenes were great but some of them were just plain pointless. *Son say "Your smart enough not to get on this land aren't you?" to Yakku.But then when Ashitaka wakes up Yakku is right beside him on the land,not to mention Yakku is EATING the grass.I don't get it. Other that I loved Princess Mononoke and thought it was an awesome film. Oh and if you want to see some of my good rants about the Tenchi with Ryoko-Ayeka deal goto the Tenchi section,I not sure if the topic is still there though because it was a favorites topic breaking the new rules. [/B][/QUOTE] I know I'm a bit late to reply to this, but someone brought the topic up again, so I wanna comment now. San wasn't really a princess, they just called the Princess of the wolves, because she was the human with them. And when Ashitaka woke up, he was on different land. San had moved him after he was brought back to life, I think. He wasn't right by the water anymore, and San had been watching over him with Yakkule (that's what I got.....). I liked the puns. >.< I like that wolf thing Eboshi said...it was ironic, and I found it amusing. But some people don't share my sense of humor, I guess..... At the end, Ashitaka had a scar where the curse had finally been lifted. It was faded away, so I'm assuming it's a scar, because the real curse was much deeper and brighter. Just because they gave the Forest Spirit back his head doesn't mean San has nothing to blame on the humans. They got all the boars killed, they pretty much were responsible for the death of her mother, they [i]were[/i] the ones who actually cut off the Forest Spirit's head, and the Forest Spirit is now dead, so San can blame 'em for that, too. Not to mention that they cut down a whole lot of the forest. I liked the little Kodama. They're cute. ^^ The tree spirits.....I have no clue why they shake their heads like that.....:toothy:
  22. Well, listing sites here would be advertising, so I can't say any. ;) Your best bet is filesharing software, like Kazaa or something. But it depends on what anime you're looking for. I've found some select sites, but they mostly have music from one anime, not like several different ones. If you really want to know the sites that I know of, PM me. ^^
  23. It's on CN at 5? Here it's on ABCFamily at 9am. I've never seen it before, but it actually looks good, so I'm gonna have to try and wake up in time to see it.;)
  24. lol. Both the bad voice actors you mentioned, Forest Pixie, weren't they VA's in Fushigi Yuugi? Did Ruby Marlowe do Miaka? It seems like she did, but I can't remember. If she did, she does stink. :p I really like David Matranga's voice (Orphen in.....Orphen). He has a very nice voice, and it suited at least Orphen very well. I don't care much for Spike Spencer....he does Majic in Orphen, Shinji in Eva, and several other parts. I just don't like his voice....it doesn't sound very natural....
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