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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. amiboshi

    my link

    Didn't you already make a topic about this? If the first one was closed or deleted, you shouldn't have made another one. I suggest you don't make any more topics about a single link for a webpage.
  2. lol. Yes, Tamahome is the world's biggest cutie. Be it because he's very attractive, or because he is just so darn sweet to Miaka. That's an interesting thought, I never thought about Hotohori and Tamahome that way. Hmm...I wonder if Miaka would have fallen for him then since you wouldn't even know about Tama yet. I mean, she didn't get involved with Hotohori because she was always too worried about Hotohori. But still, Hotohori couldn't have gone on all those missions and such with Miaka like Tama did. He couldn't have risked his life and protected Miaka like Tamahome did, and I think that's one thing that made Miaka like Tamahome so much. His devotion with his love. Since Hotohori still had his duties as emperor, he would have been limited with his time with Miaka. Plus, Hotohori is so serious, and Tamahome always kidded around with Miaka, especially in the beginning....but that's a question of Miaka's taste. So.........hmm.....You've brought a new thought to me! I won't be able to stop comparing this now when I watch the series.....
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B] Yes, obviously, you had already stated all that. Again, I'm telling you, you're neglecting the bigger problem here - it's not so much that the TV sways the kid in the wrong direction, it's that they're so sway-able from a ****** homelife in the first place. [/B][/QUOTE] Forget it. I'm not even gonna talk about this anymore. YES, the household is the problem. But ya know what, I ALREADY KNEW THAT!!! Okay....I just meant....oops. Hee hee. I wasn't gonna say anything more. ^^ I know what you mean, Nekkyo, but we're not smashing DBZ fans, we're smashing the DBZ fans that think they know everything about anime. I got started on DBZ, and that's one reason I appreciate it. I totally loved DBZ at first, but I moved on. DBZ doesn't satisfy any plot cravings, and sometimes you just need a good, unrealistically innocent romance show to calm you down. Thank you DBZ. You've served your purpose. :toothy:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]The ending of Magic Knight Rayearth is one that I can think about. [b]*SPOILER*[/b] like when it turned out that Mokona was the "Creator" and everything, it just seemed to come out of nowhere. I didn't like that part. [b]*END OF SPOILER*[/b] And Cowboy Bebop. You would think that there would be more to the ending. I know that there's another series that has a crappy ending, I just can't think of it. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know if you mean the anime or the manga, but I just finished the manga (we're talking a minute or so ago) and I loved the ending! It was SO cute! I just loved it. I really liked it more than maybe any other ending I've seen. **spoiler** I really liked how they could travel between worlds after that, and they weren't just resolving the problem in Cephiro, and then just abandoning it.**end spoiler** I thought Pilot Candidate had an awful end. I mean, I heard it was a total cliffhanger and nothing was cleared up, but I didn't think it could be THAT bad.....OMG....it was. The last episode was like a good episode.....if it had been maybe one of the middle eps. It just plain sucked. I was so disgusting..... CB's ending was pretty bad. *SPOILER* The way Spike just fell down and died. It was.....strange. I didn't really like Escaflowne's ending. I mean, she went back to Earth....and she just left Van? That was wrong. She totallu abandoned Gaia. She just......let it go. That ending didn't do anything for me. O.o **end SPOILERS**
  5. That's who it was! (Even though I'm not the one the question was directed at.....) I remembered the lizard thing, too. 'Tis volume 4 in the manga you're thinking of. After Manten dies, Hiten cries out for his brother, then rips out his heart and devours it, which grants Hiten Manten's demonic powers. Hiten becomes stronger, blah blah blah. They were cool. ^^ I don't like Naraku. I was thinking he would look cooler in his human form.....he looks like a girl. O.o But that's beside the point.... I guess Naraku is cool, he's so cunning. I love how he rigged all the Shikon shards he loans out. And that thing with Naraku and the bees....genius. Pure genius. He thinks of everything. He's a most impressive enemy.
  6. Oh! I loved that guy! He was cool! lol. But he was pretty messed up. He treated his brother like crap, and then he moruned his death......bye eating his heart.....but hey, it was all in an attempt to avenge his brother's death. ^^ I still think he was my favorite of all the demons. He actually had some sense, he was a mumbling moron like a lot of the others.......like Peach Man.....O.o Actually, the demons were very interesting. Each one was so different, it wasn't "just a monster" every time. Although they shared a likeness, each one had a story, and that made it interesting.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nekkyo [/i] [B]durn i wish Edward was a guy ^_^ she's cute. [/B][/QUOTE] lol! You and me both! Before I actually saw CB, I though Ed was a guy, and I thought she was really cute, too! But Ed's a pretty cool girl, too. So it's all good! ^^
  8. Ah, there was an article about that in an article about Kare Kano I read. I believe it's done by Gainax's Hideaki Anno and called FLCL, or Fooly Kooly, as the article said. That's...um...about all I know about it. ^^
  9. Yeah, Hotohori was so good at being a girl, he even picked up a guy. ^^ You can't blame the guy for mistaking Hotohori for a girl, especially when he was pretending to be one on purpose....O.o I have a question about one of Hotohori's vanity 'jokes'. This may sound stupid, but it's been bugging me..... On the first tape, right before Miaka runs into his room and asks him about the Universe of the Four Gods, and how she gets the power of Suzaku, Hotohori gives that depressed sigh and says "I'm so beautiful, it scares me..." (or something like that), and his attendants start flying around the room. I don't get it....why are they flying around the room? It just bothers me, 'cause I don't get it!!!
  10. I think one reason I don't like Hotohori very much is because he made things so hard for Tamahome and Miaka in the beginning. I know Hotohori loved Miaka, but he was just getting in the way..... Right after Nuriko told Miaka he loved Hotohori, and Miaka was "casually letting him know", Hotohori goes and confesses his love to Miaka, which ruined the friendship, temporarily with Nuriko, and made Tamahome ignore Miaka. Everything was fine before that. I was watching my tapes again, and that always pisses me off. I mean, Tamahome, Nuriko, and Miaka are all together and know what's going on, but Hotohori always just butts in. Now, I know it's because he has a country to rule, but that's just why I don't like him.
  11. Yeah, I feel sorry for Hotohori. He was so sure that once he found the Priestess of Suzaku, she would love him. And he was sure of it ever since he was little. No family anymore, and like you said, only 18 and ruling a country. And then he finally found Miaka, and she doesn't love him....she loves [i]Tamahome....[/i] I can't believe Hotohori doesn't completely hate Tamahome...... I'm glad Hotohori found a wife, and someone to love that loved him back. Even so....I just don't like Hotohori, and I'm not sure why......
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]The dubbing didn't bother me all that bad for Fushigi Yugi. There weren't really any stupid voices that you could tell were totally fake. The only voice that remotely bothered me was Miaka's. Tamahome and Nuriko and Tasuki had the most perfect voices for their characters. So did Nakago and Chichiri. I mean, their voices matched them perfect. Of course, then I saw it subbed and Chichiri had a deep voice and I was like "Whoa..." but yeah, I like both versions, even though I wish I had it all on DVD so I could have it both ways, which ever one I was prefering at any time of day... The jokes were good and they were funny. Nuriko has my favorite quote from the show: "Well, it's about time I'm exposed; yes, I'm a man, I only dress up like a woman!" And I could go on and on with that part, but I don't feel like typing out all the punctuation marks! :D[/color][/size] [/B] [/QUOTE] I listened to Tasuki's japanese voice first, and then the dub, and that made his dub voice sound really bad....I wish I could have the DVD sets, too, but not at $200 a piece...no, VHS is ok.:) I love the corny jokes in FY! It's the best part! Especially Nuriko, like you said. *gaint flaming head* "MIAKA!!! You're only Hotohori's firend, RIGHT?!? How dare you sleep in the emperor's chamber! I'll never forgive you for that! *cute voice* Oh, tamakins! Wait for me!!" Corny jokes are fun, because no matter how many times I've heard them, they're always funny. ^^
  13. Yeah, I don't bother buying the magazine, I jut pick it up every month and read the few pages they have of FY. I wish I didn't have to, though. I really would just rather but it in graphic novel format. But I just can't wait for them! Their translations really are good, but at the cost of so much time, I don't know if it balances out....I guess it does. Money is so important today that everything is over-priced....I mean....17 dollars for 1 little manga....it just kills me...... I love those quotes. "I'm sorry, but I'm looking for money, not love." *evil laughter and giant cat-face* ~Tamahome
  14. lol. I don't know how he would have felt, that's why I want to see it! Oh well. It's kinda fun to think about it, instead. ;) I wonder of Taka fell for any other girls before he found Miaka again....j/k Tamahome's heart belongs only to Miaka. He could never fall for another girl! Taka certainly was interesting, though. I mean, it was like Tamahome, his heart and his spirit, but completely real-world. They could actually have a normal relationship at last..... I don't know why it's taking them so long to release the manga. I like buying them all in those nice graphic novels, so I can have my little collection to read repeatedly, but lately I got sick of waiting and just read the monthly installments in Animerica Extra. They're way past vol. 6, and I can't even find the release date for vol. 7. It's really making me mad. That's the downside to collecting something when the whole thing's not released.... Even though it's fairly old in Japan, we're not even done with all the manga here! How IRRITATING....
  15. Um...isn't there already a topic about this? It kind of died off, too, after everyone expressed they loved the cute little hampsters. That was the end of the Hamtaro thread.....
  16. I think there are only 2 in the US now, but Forest Pixie was telling me they were making another one in japan now. I still wish they had conveyed that little in-between the 1st and 2nd OVA. I mean, that's the best part of FY.....I can just imagine how it would have been. There would have been emotion and I want to know how Miaka adjusted to just Taka, not Tamahome! I want to see all of that! Oh well. But the manga that the OVA was based on, I hope they release them in the US, although they're only on book 6 now, so it sure will take a while. But I wonder if they manga in more in-depth in that area. I'd like to know.
  17. Yeah, I don't know why "Tamahome" wouldn't have done. I guess they didn't wanna call him "Tama" because then you might be confused whether it was Tamahome or Mitsukake's cat.:p That's the only reason that I can think of, but, heck, even I call him Tama. Taka's just a weird name. I don't know how Miaka could stand calling the love of her life "Taka" instead of Tamahome. The Ova was kind of strange. I couldn't figure it out, I mean, on the first tape, it ended with Yui and Miaka going out to lunch, and Tamahome had been transported to their world. The nice narrator-lady tells us that Tamahome is now wiped clean of Tama's memories. Ok, I follow. But in the second tape, suddenly Miaka is dating Taka, and I felt like I totally missed a few episodes. Am I the only one who feels this way? It just made me feel like I had come in 5 episodes late. But after that glitch, the Ova was kinda nice.
  18. Whoa...do you feel better now, QA? Okay, I have a hard time replying when we're being so negative about one of the greates love stories ever created (at least, I think it is). While all the anime and movies that have tons and tons of fighting are becoming so popular, Fushigi Yuugi is always there with it's beautiful characters, brilliant plot, in-depth characters, and, of course, a very sweet love story. THAT is why I love Fushigi Yuugi! Okay, I sound like I just wrote an essay on my favorite show....-.-;;; But all of those things are true! And can't believe that not more people like Fushigi Yuugi....at least not more people on this board. It's kind of sad.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Suure you aren't....I think someone's being modest :blush: Okay, I'll leave you alone :( [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not being modest, I'm being truthful.:p Plus, if no one was modest, we'd all end up bragging all over the place! But okay, I'm not THAT ugly....just....ugly. ^^
  20. Yeah. Especially becuase of the dubbed version.....The voices are annoying, and a lot of the jokes they make just aren't funny. O.o Yu Watase really is funny, though, and there are no voices to get in the way.
  21. lol. Yeah, it's Rath. I thought that was a cute pic of him. ;) There's not a whole lot to say about Mistukake, just because he seems to have a rather minor part most of the time. Okay, I have a question for everyone: Do you prefer the manga or the anime of Fushigi Yuugi? I like the manga a lot better. Yu Watase's artwork is so pretty, and the characters look a lot more mature, even Miaka.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] [color=royalblue] And you call your self ugly :eek: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *smacks forehead* Well of course I don't look exactly like Miki! I'm not as pretty as she is! But that's how my hair is, and I don't know....maybe I [i]do[/i] look more like her than I thought...but I'm still not as pretty as she is!
  23. My Avatar is Rath, from Dragon Knights. Okay, I guess I kinda look like Miki, from Marmalade Boy, except I have blonde hair.:p But I don't look like Miki usually, just the way her hair is in the pic. ^^ I also have blue eyes.
  24. I know of one. But I'll PM you, since that would be like advertising. ^^
  25. I.....I don't know. I'll have to scroll through every anime I know of and try to remember what all the characters look like. But off the top of my head, I don't think I look like anybody. It's no fun.... U.U
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