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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. OMG! That's so funny! I love the "I don't know which is better, but I'll tell you one thing. I'm never going to have sex with my wife. I don't want to be all grossed out." That's hilarious that an eight year-old would even say that!
  2. Oh, ok. Well try, at least. ;) I wanna see just how much he looks like Arc. ^^
  3. If your cousin looks like Arc, then take a picture of him and post it! lol. Arc is one of my favorite Bishonen. He's so cute, and I love his hair, and his headband. ^^
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=indigo]yes i'm serious..... -___- [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow. That's amazing you broke it so many times.....will you have like permanent damage done to it after breaking it so many times?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Yeah, but Yugi has a bigger head in the avatar! :p Anyway, hmm...he does...I see what you mean, they change colors, so they must be Iris's, but they don't take the shape of Iris's...hmm..zat iz vewy vintewvesting. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] O.o Nice spelling. lol Yeah, Yugi's head is bigger, but he almost has DBZ eyes, except he has a pupil [i]and[/i] an iris. lol. You want big eyes? Tohru from Fruits Basket has HUGE eyes....they're really funny! But the guys' eyes aren't that abnormal looking. I can't find a small enough pic, but they're the biggest eyes I've EVER seen in anime. O.O
  6. Yeah....but since it also changes colors maybe that means it's not the pupil....it's just a little circle.....Ed's eyes aren't as big as Yugi's. Lol The Orphen in your banner actually has normal-sized eyes. Amazing.....
  7. That's a good point. Magical-girl eyes are scary....:nervous: Or DBZ eyes, where there isn't a pupil....and the eyebrow is part of the eye....:therock:
  8. Yeah, but I think if I [i]actually[/i] saw someone with hair like Goku's, I would run away screaming. It just wouldn't look right on a normal person.....But some anime guys (like Orphen!) don't have really wild hair, and it is possible to have hair like that.... I saw that commercial for the DBZ GBA game, and at the end the kid has SSJ hair like Goku's. It looks....really....freaky....
  9. Oh well. It's really hard to look like anime charactrs because the hair is almost impossible in real life a lot of times. I wish I could make my hair look anime-style. ^^
  10. Elk's cool. Hey, does your hair stand straight up like his, too? lol. That would be pretty impressive if it does!;)
  11. That's a good point. When you can relate to the characters, that's when you really kinda connect with them, and they mean something to you. But Def_kun made a good point. Mitsukake's storyline was so developed already that it was like his story was almost finished by the time he met Miaka. Or perhaps it was because Mitsukake didn't love Miaka or anything, so he wasn't constantly 3 inches away from her....O.o
  12. Oh....Aries [i]does[/i] look like Orphen! I just had my hair cut....and I don't think I look like any anime characters anymore......nope. I can't think of any that look like me. U.U
  13. I would buy a beefed-up laptop. Seriously. That's all I want.....
  14. I loved Ocean's 11. It was so witty...and Brad and Clooney were great. They made it seem like Julia Roberts was such a big part of the movie...I mean, sure she was kinda important, but I don't think I would consider her one of the main characters or anything. I loved the ending. I really didn't expect any of that...
  15. amiboshi

    Jay Leno

    Okay, I don't even know who Jay Leno is. I think I should be embaressed now....-.-;;;;;
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Uh, sorry I am confused now. among the posts above, we have three different versions of one word: Schnider Schmiger Schmider Just wanted to see if anyone could clear up witch ones right. you werent over nagging, amibosuki, it was just a freindly reminder. :) Oh, and good suggestion with the edit thing,I'll do that from now on. [/B][/QUOTE] Lol! That's funny there are so many different spellings of it in this 1 topic! Although, if it's a German word, no wonder it's hard to spell..... Oh, I'm glad I don't sound like a grumpy person who hits everyone with her cane as she yells at them.;)
  17. lol! He's always so serious....like he's got no emotions or something. At least the other characters screw up their faces regularly...:p Tasuki is just so sweet......He's my #3 favorite guy....only Becuase Ami has to be number 1...and I think Tamahome's #2...^^
  18. lol! It did kinda show Tasuki's true emotions. He always cared so much about Miaka.....that was so sad when he almost killed himself with his own flame so he wouldn'thurt his friends....Tasuki's the best.....*sniff*
  19. Yeah....I didn't see Papa Plastic on any of the OST listings....but when I did a search for it...one said it was from the Movie OST. But people just enter stuff....so that probably isn't right.
  20. I don't think battles always need tough music. In Escaflowne, they have fights, and the music is usually chanting-type music. I like the CB music because it just gives you a feel of the type of emotions going on. "Rain" sort of says the emotions are sad, and that it's not just a mindless battle. Or...maybe that's just what I interpret....Yoko Kanno knows just how to lay out music, perfectly. ^^
  21. Whoa. Mr. Satan might be.....important to the series? That's just too strange of an idea. I might have a break-down if I can't hate Mr. Satan...*walks off shaking head*
  22. whoa......I feel stupid now.....I guess I didn't see it at the store. I must have seen it online, and then seen the manga at the store. Tokyopop is making the video, and they don't even have a release date yet....O.o I'm SO sorry..... -.-;;;;
  23. Yeah. I guess Taka is in college. Tasuki was forcing himself on Miaka. She didn't want Tasuki, she wanted Taka. And Tasuki was trying to make her forget him, because Taka made her cry. But Tasuki was doing the equivalent of raping her, even though he didn't actually do it.
  24. I think it's better to get to know someone. That's how it should be IRL, too. Shouldn't be based on looks....although after you get to know someone really well, and you like them a lot, even someone who appears ugly to other can start to be very attractive. ;)
  25. Good episode reviews are pretty hard to find. That would be the best. But I also agree with OutlawStar_14...a music and soundbites section would be cool.
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