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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. I've seen it at Media Play, which is the same as Suncoast, I guess. You can always try places like amazon.com if you can't find it at a store. It depends what kind of places are in your area.
  2. I didn't mean to over-nag or anything. You can always put "-EDIT-" Like a lot of people are doing, and then put the changes after that. ;)
  3. You mean the FY anime writers? Yeah, Chiriko and Mitsukake don't seem too terribly important. They're just kinda....there most of the time. Yeah, like we said earlier, she just aslways has to hide behind some man. No independence at all.
  4. A lot of board messages are kind of friends kidding around. They mostly don't have a point. They're just fun. I think an Otaku marriage would be fun! It's only kidding around anyway, of course. It doesn't need to be taken seriously or anything. ^^
  5. Yeah, CLAMP usually does have hiddem homosexual relationships. Nothin' wrong with that. It makes it more.......interesting. Card Captor Sakura had that, too. Lol. A lot of mangas have those, though. CLAMP must just really like it....now that I think about it, even Clover had that. Actually....Clover had quite a few relationships like that. Hmm...I never really thought about it, till now. ;)
  6. Why don't they count? That only leaves 4 other warriors after the 3 you mentioned.....you don't like any of them except Chichiri? O.o Miaka wasn't [i]that[/i] bratty. She was annoying and obnoxious, but she wasn't really a brat.....that role was taken by Yui...Chichiri sure had one sad past. Wow.....I still don't exactly understand....I thought he gave himself the scar, so he wouldn't forget his pain. But then they said it in the manga, and it just made it sound like he had gotten the scar somehow on the same night.....it didn't sound as tramatic.....
  7. The bus trip! (i'm assuming you're referring to the ova bus trip...) I loved that little bus trip! I loved how they teased at Amiboshi and Suboshi with each side writing little notes to each other! It was so funny! The bus trip was the best part of the ova....the actual ova wasn't that good.....not the first tape, at least. The bus trip was a lot better than that other crap. Pardon the Parody or whatever they call it. I didn't really think the jokes were funny.....maybe the stupid dubbie voices just messed it up.....-.-
  8. I love the boys in CLAMP manga! They're always cute! And they don't [i]always[/i] look like girls....Okay, so a lot of them do, but, say, Touya and Hideki don't look like girls. Just some of their guys. CLAMP story lines are always so in-depth. I love all their work!
  9. Isn't Tetsuya a lot older than Yui? I mean....Keisuke's in college. Nevermind....I guess it isn't THAT much older. But Miaka and Yui just went into High School at the end of the Ova. Well.....maybe Miaka dropped out...under the....circumstances...^^ Keisuke's a lot cuter than Tetsuya... And Miaka and Tamahome's love was amazing, it was so strong. Like Keisuke said, it's amazing they can move through worlds without anyone to help from the other side. All because of their tremendous love.
  10. Yeah....I think that was a pretty tricky circumstance. Even though eventually Tamahome did permanently live there, as Taka, he should have been able to live in Miaka's world if she could live in the book world. *sigh* Yeah, I wish a Bishonen from a book could come to this world....^^ But anyway....that was pretty unfair since they were so deeply in love.
  11. Yeah. Trunks is the only guy who's even near being a true bishonen. It's true about guys being incentive to watch. I mean, even SailorMoon had Bishonen. And I watched that when I was really little. Especially now, though. If there are no cute guys, it's a lot harder to keep watching. ^^
  12. I have no clue about any other information on the series. I just read a big article on it, so I know it's the original Zoids. ^^;;; I like how the characters look more than the Toonami Zoids. There's no post cap, but the mods will yell at you for double posting too often.
  13. lol! Yeah, that's what [i]really[/i] gets girls into anime. The Bishonen. lol. It is partly true....you gotta love the bishonen. ^^
  14. But he refused to the Celestial warriors fulfill their quest. It was sweet he loved his brother, but he was being selfish. Still, I understand how he must have felt......
  15. lol! I hated Heero's clothes. His shorts.....were too short. But since it's Heero, he's still cute! Actually, I think Trowa's my second choice, too. Heero's #1! I saw the imported color manga in the Viz catalog....but it's like 34 dollars. I really want the FY art books. Yeah...I think we should take out FY talk to the FY topic! But it's so hard not to talk about it!
  16. lol. I hated Hotohori anyways, so....... I like the Ovas. That was kinda sad with Nuriko's brother...but I got really mad at him for being such a wuss... -.-;; Tamahome was still being sweet.....like when he let Hotohori's spirit take over his body and talk to his son and wife.....so sweet....^^
  17. Yeah, but he still came up on top, even if it took a lot of beatings. He still got the girl, even though he lost a whole lot else. Yeah, Nuriko would be cool for a friend. ^^ I found a picture yesterday of Miaka and Nuriko in real-world clothes, and Miaka was sitting on Nuriko's arm. It was funny. But yeah, I call Nuriko a woman, even though he's a man....he's just too much like woman....But that's why he's cool! ^^
  18. Oh yeah. The Gundam pilots are hot. I like Trowa...:love: Yeah. Black and white manga is so nice already. But Yu Watase makes her color picures no pretty, too. Her art books are so gorgeous....But you're right. Color manga just wouldn't be the same.
  19. Darn......I wish I had digital Cable now. But it costs more and I find most of the extra movie channels aren't much good.....I still wish I had that action channel.....^^
  20. Yeah....Nuriko's cool. He was such a neat character. He was always so nice, in a way, and funny. ^^ But Tama was the perfect guy. Who cares if he's the main guy, he's still perfect. My fave guys were Tamahome, Tasuki, and Amiboshi. But I really like Amiboshi and Tamahome. They were such nice guys. ^^ Who says nice guys finish last?!?
  21. I'm sorry you're on the verge of tears, QA..... Yeah, I really like Tamahome, too. Especially in the manga...his haired is more refined-looking. And I love how Yu Watase involved his hair being cut in that fight in vol. 2--his hair was so long in the anime, and I like it a lot more in the manga when it's short. I love his eyes. They're so gentle....^^ He [i]always[/i] looks just gorgeous....:love:
  22. Are you looking for the anime or the manga? I know the manga was just released, and I think the anime was, too. So you should be able to find it at a video store, that sells anime.
  23. You should have edited your post instead of double posting, Amphion...... That would make sense that they're all tanks. All armors for destruction pretty much in the show....
  24. Evil Tasuki was freaky....O.o Him raping Miaka was kinda.....strange. But it was cool when he started fighting Taka. ^^ I love the Bishonen eye-candy! Yu Watase is a goddess. I love the men she draws!
  25. Hmm. I've seen the manga, but I didn't get it because I don't really like the drawing style, and I'm just not into car racing. But for a racing fan, it looks cool. If it really is good, I might just buy it anyway. I could overlook the drawing style. ;)
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