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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. My favorites mech animes would have to be Escaflowne, Full Metal Panic, and Gundam Wing. All very good shows. Cool mechs with good storylines. ^_~
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Enishi [/i] [B]Well then you would be saying that the raw is good. Sub is subtitled, and thus if the subtitle is badly translated, then the sub is bad! :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] O.o; You're being awfully technical, now. Most of the hong kong translations royally suck, but that shouldn't be your example of sub vs. dub. I mean....if you're going cheap, don't expect a great translation. When I said "sub" I meant japanese-speaking version in general. How's that? I bought the Kong-Kong version of Fruits Basket, then the Funimation DVD version, and they both had pretty bad subtitles. The Hong Kong ones were hard to understand, and the Funimation ones were hard on the eyes and jagged. The Fansubs were great, though. >.> Either way, the Japanese voices were MUCH better than the american ones. They all fit perfectly. ^_^ I don't like changing of voices because the voice is one of the factors that adds to the personality, I think. It's just part of a person, or a character. So I believe dubs leave thinks missing... Even just by voice changes, because you're alterring their personality, or the way people see them.
  3. If the translation is bad, that's not the sub that's bad, but the people who translated it... ¬_¬ I highly prefer subs now. I used to be a dubbie, but I got over it and now I've seen the light. ^_^ I had DVDs, so I could have always watched subs, but I preferred dubs at the time. I've since changed my mind after getting into more anime, and I'm totally hooked on subs. The voices are always better... ALWAYS. They just fit a lot nicer. Take Kare Kano for example... It was a good dub and all, but Arima's voice was...way too deep. English VAs just stink. It's a sad truth. I don't know why so many people complain that they can't read and watch a show at the same time... ¬_¬ I can do it just fine. I get so into the show a lot of times, I actually forget they're speaking japanese. lol. It's like reading a book, the lines just go through my head in enlgish and connect perfectly with the images. ^^
  4. I bought the first manga volume, and I think it's one of the only ones I've ever bought and disliked... It just didn't appeal to me. I'm not sure why, I just disliked it. But that's just me. Maybe it's because I'm a girl, and this is more guys humour. Who knows. ^_~
  5. Yeah, a lot of it's funny. ^_^ It's light shoujo, but cute enough to hook me. ^^; Sagara and Chidori really are cute together. And Sagara's so innocent, I just love 'im. XD But deffinitely a comedy for the most part. ^_~
  6. Ah, I've seen the whole series. You're in for a treat. ^_~ Well, I think so. I really loved the whole thing. Awesome mech fights, and very cute. But it had some really cool fights with amazing graphics. And Sagara-kun is such a cutie. XD But I thought it was really interesting. It moves along faster than the manga... I found this is one of the only series I actually prefer the anime to the manga.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mako [/i] [B]The Esca movie is kinda questionable in terms of goodness. >.> Hardcore fans tend to say it's terrible because it's nothing like the series, while casual fans enjoy it. I personally think it was pretty nice as long as you watch it as a movie rather than as part of the whole Esca universe-thingy ^^; [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree. I wasn't really comparing it to the series, just enjoying it as a movie with simliar characters and everything. The series was much better, hands down.
  8. hehe. Yeah, the chicken is pretty funny. ^_^ I understand almost everything that's going on... I was kinda lost in volume 2 when Kagami and Kaguya were hugging and all of a sudden Kagami said "Who are you? What world are we in? Is it normal to be hugging like this?" I read it over and over and I'm still confused... >.> Did they get amnesia temporarily or something? O.o;; Everything else I get, though. lol
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZxFrOgGie13 [/i] [B]Manga... gosh i've read a lot... but yeah... some of the animes ive seen i wont read the manga... cuz i dont want to ruin it for myself... but yeah... i've read tons... here's my list and the ones with stars (*) are the ones i really liked. planet ladder dragonball z dragonball a.no cerez ranma 1/2 * fushigi yugi * gundam wing revolutionary girl utena * chobits mars wish GTO * inu-yasha paradise kiss * cowboy bebop peach girl * sorceror hunters [/B][/QUOTE] You didn't like Planet Ladder? ;__; I fell in love with it the first time I read it. No one seems to care for it very much... I adore it! ^^ I can't wait final volume 5 to come out...
  10. Oh yes! I love Kareshi Kanojo no jijou! XD I love it so very much. ^_^ This show is hilarious, but it's very in-depth and has a good fix on reality, actually. I have the first 2 DVDs, but I'm up to volume 9 in the manga. I actually read summaries of the show before I saw/read it, and I was hooked, then I read the manga, and I fell in love with the whole series. The characters are all loveable, and I love the innocent first romance. ^_^ I actually like the manga more than the anime, but the anime's good, too. I dislike the way all the credit goes to Hideaki Anno for both Evangelion and this show... Y'know, Kare Kano was actually written by Masami Tsuda. She's the genius behind the story line. >.> My favorite part in the anime would HAVE to be Hideki's sexy dance. Ah, that was so funny... lol. The way he feigns being gay and wanting Arima to himself. He's hilarious. ^_^;; This show, like Cyke said, is a deffinite must-see. An instant classic! ^^ *Kare Kano Forever!* ::dances around:: Tokyopop licensed the manga now, too, so the first volume came out this month. ^^
  11. I really liked the Esca movie. The TV series was really good, too. ^_^ And yeah, the movie is quite different. They were directed and everything by the same person, but he wanted something different, that's why the characters and everything looks so different. I don't like the movie's art as much, but I really enjoyed the movie. It was an interesting twist/retelling of the series, but intriguing and worth your time. ^_^
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Yea, I agree with shyguy. Bringing shows like eva to cn is a good idea because, for one, it will reduce the number of dbz fanatics that people are always complaining about. It just might also reduce the number of "otakus" who think themselves to be special or above other fans simply because they have seen shows like eva. I always have to say this stuff, but "something is better than nothing" flat out. I also just love to see how many people try and act hardcore with their bashing of cn. The truth is, a really hardcore anime wants one thing, for anime to become more popular and for him/herself to get their hands on more and more anime. With whinning and complaining about cn bringing us all anime that was previously unavailible not only will some people get to see some new stuff, but the rest of us will get to have free access to shows that would have before taken us hours of downloading or a bunch of money to buy dvds. I think its great that people are making anime a bit more main stream and as long as people are bashing cn for doing that I will be getting a kick out of it. Those fools are always the silliest. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes yes, and I always get a kick out of you always fighting with the CN bashing members. It's a battle that will never be won. Everyone has their own opinions, and they're entitled to express them. By fighting repeatedly with those people and their opinions, it only encourages people to express those opinions even stronger. It's pointless bickering that will never stop unless someone interferes. >.> I find it interesting Eva and Nadesico will finally make a network appearance. Eva being one of the most talked about anime... I'm curious to see how the mainstream public receives it. I really have no side on the whole "CN bashing" thing. I don't like all the fans that suddenly pop up, thinking themselves of great knowledge, but I don't like people who bash every fan who can't speak or read japanese, and happen to see it on CN, either. So I say take it as it is. U.U
  13. I have the first volume of this, and I fell in love with the art the most. I love the cyber look they have, it's really gorgeous. The story is really cool, too. Very exciting, and like I said, I love the cyber thing. ^_^ The only thing keeping me from getting more of this series is that it's rather expensive for such a small book. U.U But it's a really great CLAMP series. ^^
  14. Yes, the movie did no justice to the series, really. The only thing I liked about it was ending song... >.> But see the TV series! It was MUCH better than the movie, so if you liked the movie, you'd probably like the series a lot, too. I personally liked the manga the best of the 3. lol. Kamui had more personality, I think... Yes, personality is a good thing... -_-
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]Right, the Excel Saga girl, Misaki. She's hot, though she tries to kill Watanabe, Sumiyoshi, and that othr guy all to often... Kinda a turn off. I jst don't see what's so hot about Usagi.. Euggh. [/B][/QUOTE] See, I don't think she's [i]hot[/i], being a girl and all, I just think she's pretty. ^_^ Like QA said, especially in the manga. She's much more mature and I think more elegeant and everything. So from a guy's view, maybe she isn't HOT, but I just think she's pretty. ^^
  16. amiboshi


    I've seen a couple episodes of RahXephon. I really liked it, more than Evangelion personally, but you'll probably never hear that from anyone else. -_- From what I can tell so far, RahXephon is about a boy who can pilot this mech, I guess, called RahXephon, and it was rather complicated. He lives in this city and they're being attacked by somone, and these other two girl-statue mechs come out and start destroying the planes with songs, and then you see a government building with the girls controlling these mechs, and everything is rather odd. >.< I don't know how to explain it, really, but I liked the show a lot, and I recommend it. I thought it was really cool. ^^
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spike speigel [/i] [B]Yeha, but some of us don't have money for it. I'm not old enough for a job and all i get is $5 a week from my parents. I really can't get anime on 5 dollars a week, which is why I was happy when cn played anime because I could see some anime without having to save up money for about a month or 2. Trust me, I wouldn't even pay attention to cn if I had money. [/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel, but I buy tons of anime with my little allowance. Manga's a lot cheaper than anime, but I buy DVDs, too, to it's not really a proper excuse. Anime is expensive for everyone, whether you have a job or not, I tihnk. But network just doesn't cut it for real anime fans. U.U
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Well hey hey hey, wait a minute. I didnt do this for sensless bashing of cn. (although that hasnt really happpend. Dont worry...) But, I do think that if you guys feel strongly you should hit cartoon network directly. write them. I did, and if everyone that will post did so, we might make a difference. But, since cn doesnt have reps. coming to the otaku and checking out this stuff, we need to bring it to them. So lets move it... we need to bring the fight to them. These people are big wig executives and dont play anything besides hardball. So lets throw some fast balls and F these muthas up. (exscue my language, but I really care about this.) So... hup to. Now move it. Maggot (in a drill instructor-ish voice) [/B][/QUOTE] Are you sure you're not being a [i]little[/i] too serious about this? I mean, it's just a show, and you could always buy the DVDs.... >.> But CN is obviously all about the ratings, and maybe Inu-Yasha just wasn't getting the ratings they were hoping for. But you may be able to change their minds, so go for it. ;)
  19. Cowoby Bebop is good, but there's no need to go and do a DBZ and rerun it 7 times... Inu-yasha is a new show, and a very big series, and it had hardly gathered that many fans, and now they're taking it off already? I don't watch CN anymore, but mostly because of all their reruns. They need some new stuff, same old stuff is getting quite old.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Lady K - Kuno rocks! +_+ amiboshi - What in the world is Mediaplay? Anyway, yeah that was my basic point. $16 might not be bad considering the size compared to $3.99 comics... But I finish 200 page manga within an hour at most. It's hard to justify paying all that money. I wish there was a discount manga store... hehe. [/B][/QUOTE] lol. I know MediaPlay is part of some chain or something with Suncoast, Oncue, and Best Buy soon, I believe. They have Replay points, so when I spend enough money, I get $5 off coupon. XD Comes in handy, since I buy so much stuff there. ^^
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]16 bucks? That bites, i usually end up paying around 10. Though i saw the ones for X and they were 17 bucks. I was like, ummm how bout no scott. But the ones i enjoy reading are Mars, Inuyasha and of course Great Teacher Onizuka. Oh, i forgot, Sailor Moon too. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, X/1999, Fushigi Yuugi, Inu-yasha, Ranma 1/2, they're all $16 bucks. That's one of the reasons I stopped buying Ranma 1/2 and X/1999. I bought 11 volumes of Inu-yasha (at $16 a piece), so that kinda put a dent in my wallet. ^^;; But everything's so expensive now... Like anime DVDs.... Most of them are $30. >.> There's yet another reason why I love manga more. lol. I also can't wait for the korean shoujo manga... I.N.V.U. an when Gravitation comes out in June. ^_^ I aalready saw the anime, so I'm glad Tokyopop just licensed it so I can read the maga now. XD
  22. Yeah, $16 for one volume is hard for me to pay sometimes, because I finish them so fast, then I don't have enough cash for the next volume for 2 fore weeks... -_- But my love for Tokyopop also comes from their prices. XD Only $10 a book, and they're good sizes now, too. The old ones were a bit small, but their new ones are a better size, and still cheap. ^_^ I go to Borders and MediaPlay for my manga... Borders doesn't have as much new stuff as MediaPlay (plus MediaPlay released manga before the real release date) but between the two stores, and I fill most of the series I want. ^^;; MediaPlay always has Animerica Extra, too, so I just pick that up every month and read the FY installment, the put it back. lol. That's really all I like in it, but I can't get emotional when I'm sitting in a public area, that would be rather odd to start crying with everyone looking at me. ^^;;;
  23. I live in Florida, so the only time I ever "saw" snow was when it lightly snowed when I was 1. Can't remember that very well... >.> So other than that, it's never snowed here, and I've never seen snow. >.<
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]I read Graphic novels, myself. My two favorite series are Paradise Kiss and Chobits. Volume 4 of ParaKiss just came out a few weeks ago and I haven't got to get it yet. Chobits comes out in like two weeks! I'm so excited! I really wish Tokyo Pop wouldn't put such long periods of time in between the releases of their novels.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You and me both. U.U It kills me to have to wait so long for the next issue, but it's better than some companies. ^^;; I want Parakiss 4... I haven't seen it yet, either. Dragon Knights 6 should be out soon.... And kare kano 1 comes out on the 21st! Yeah! I already read it, but I'm gonna buy all the manga just to support it! ^^; *kare kano forever* I lost interest in Chobits a good deal, but I'll probably get volume 4 anyway.:whoops:
  25. [b]Who are you in your own mind?[/b] I'm pretty thruthful with myself, and because I took 8th grade to seperate from everyone else, and being sick this year, I think I've gotten to know myself a lot better. I'm not sure how to descibe myself... I have multip personalities, really, so it depends on the impression someone has on me as to which personality they'll see. At school and with my teachers, I'm pretty serious, and I find it hard to laugh sometimes, because I'm just trying to be serious in school. I also don't like to generally goof off in school, and I work pretty hard. At home, though, I'm really happy usually, and I laugh all the time, and I'm pretty lazy, even on homework. [b]How do others see me?[/b] Honestly, I have no clue. I'm sure some people think I'm an uptight *****, and some people really know me, so they know I'm actually fun to be around. Some people think I'm a goodie-goodie or something, because I actually do my homework. O.o But I don't usually get maid fun of or anything, so I don't know what most people think about me. [b]How I wish other would see me[/b] I think I'm a little unapproachable, especially at school, because I'm a quiet person (unless you talk to when, when I explode with chatter), so a lot of people just never talk to me. I would love to be friends with a lot of people, but I guess I'm too shy to go up to them. Bad childhood memories. >.> I also wish people would see me for me, instead of as some group or stereotype. I can't stand that. I'm just not sure what I wish people would think of me. I'm comfortable with myself, so if people give me a chance, I'm not a bad person at all. ;)
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