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Everything posted by amiboshi
I would love an anime network. All anime....all the time....*drool* But you're right...it'll probably never happen, unfortunately. CN could manaage to get something better, even if it is for the younger audiences. I mean, my brother like Outlaw Star, and that had plot. Hmm...I wonder what the next big hit will be on Toonami after DBZ.....I'm curious now. Surely they must have a backup plan for then GT ends....because the time will soon come! Actually, it could be another 2 years (maybe...) before GT totally finishes. Oh well. Who needs network anime anyway. The good stuff you have to buy......
Hmm. I wonder if CN will EVER part with their golden show. I mean, you say "Toonami" and it will need the word "DBZ" to go along with it. CN has made a fortune off DBZ. It's gonna be pretty sad for CN after DBGT finishes. *Fake Sniffle* Eventually, it's ratings will go down after the last episode, and then we might get some decent shows on. [i]Maybe[/i]....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Washu [/i] [B]Well, the way I got into anime, was...One day I was born... O.o [/B][/QUOTE] Lol. That's a good way to get started.....O.o I still don't like it when people refer to anime as cartoons. I mean, it's animated, but not like Bugs Bunny, which, to most people, is "Cartoons". I mean, I've never seen Bugs take anything seriously. And Anime is just as realistic as MTV, it's just animated, not live.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B] [COLOR=blue]Quit wasting money? Now that you're about to enter the world of DVD's you're now gonna waste more! Of course, its usually worth paying extra cash for better quality video, sound and if you lucky a few extras. (Just wish the good stuff didn't cost so much....like the Gundam ZZ box set.....)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]I'm glad I got a DVD player.. (all hail the PS2, no home should be without one!) and thanks to it I got the box set of my two favorite animes of all time! TEKKAMAN BLADE and Macross! (especially macross since its almost like my real name Marcos! :D*holds both sets in the air*) :excited: But wow, the price I paid to get these......well actually just one.....I burned $90 bucks for Tekkaman and $50 for Macross (this guy was selling it and he didn't know WHAT he had....:D ) It wasn't until I found out from Hunter that the verisons I had weren't that great since the sub isn't done so well.....:bawl: I'll learn Japanese to exprience the fullest of the shows if must!:mad: [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Uh oh...... I think I'm getting off topic......and I work for Hunter (at his boards - come join!)....Sorry! Here's my new hit list!:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]-That Outlaw Star Spinoff......I forgot the name but I think it starts with Angel.... -Sword of the Beserk -Zone of the Enders -Rockman.exe -Noir -Bubblegum Crisis -Love Hina (can someone please tell me what is this all about?) -Vandread -Chobits -Tales of Eternia If I make some mistakes then someone stop me...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I loved Chobits. It was so funny, and cute, too! Clamp rules... Love Hina is about these little kids that promise each other to go to College together, but the boy never gets in, then he goes to his grandmother's hotel, to run it, I think. And there are all these girls there, and one of them made the promise with him years ago. I beieve that's what it's about.....:therock:I could always be wrong.... DVD's are great. Like you said...better sound, video, extra, and I like the menus, too. It's much easier to jump episodes. Plus, no rewinding anymore!;) I like being able to jump over the opening or closing when I don't feel like listening.....all with the click of one button......so nice. DVD are just plain conveniant. And there are more sets of animes on DVD. Much cheaper than individual.....If you can find the right deals.....But DVD's are still more conveniant than VHS, any day.
Zoids: Chaotic Century was the [i]original[/i] Zoids. Like Mobile suit Gundam, and then Gunda, Wing was the new one. The Zoids with the Liger you're talking about is a newer one. Chaotic century doesn't really fit "into the mix". It WAS the mix, in a way. ^^
That's so sad! I'm feel so bad for you! Wow....a 15 year-old dog. That's really old.....O.o
The worst sporting injury I've ever gotten is really pathetic. I was playing softball, and twice I was hit in the face. Once by my dad, and again warming up before a game when my friend hit me right on the bone under the eye. I've never broken anything. And it's not because I sit inside. I'm.....pretty tough. And I've done a lot of sports.....I guess I'm just lucky. :D
lol! It is kind of a long discussion to read at this point.....I don't blame you, Forest Pixie. ^^ I dunno what we were talking about....we're just kind of hopping around. Talking who we hate, who we don't hate. Um....I don't know...O.o
I only read the first one....is it actually called Redwall? I can't remember now.....I almost finished it, actually, but never read those last 2 pages...then I never got around to it again. I'm ashamed. But I did like the book.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B] So blame the TV? You're neglecting the bigger problem here. [/B][/QUOTE] I meant that seeing it on TV as well in real life didn't help any to discourage the real problem. And that if there are already problems in the family, then they'll completely accept it when it's on TV. I also said that it's a person's choice, but young minds are impressionable, and can be swayed by examples, like on TV.
Oh yes, DB and DBZ have some really wrong things in the manga.... That doesn't make it more mature. It just makes it more inappropriate. But it's not like the perverted parts give it a plot or anything. And I don't think kids are turned off of a show when it has violent diologue. Like Queen Asuka said, it makes them want to watch it more. I think more plot is more boring for younger viewers. Littled kids always get restless when it's not action, action, action. Hey, maybe that's the key to DBZ's success. No plot=younger viewers.
Yeah. Miaka looks a lot more mature with her hair down than up in those little buns.....and all the guys look cuter. The hair has a lot more detail. whoops, I almost started going into FY again....*sweat drop* But everything looks better in the manga. I wish I could have one of those special full-color FY mangas....but they're only in japanese. ^^ Wouldn't do much good. But when I read manga, I can almost see it start moving sometimes.....it's cool how much it comes to life.
lol. I read that part in the manga. I hate Hotohori. He's always getting in the way of Tamahome and Miaka. Like...he thinks he still has a chance. Grr..... Plus, when evil Tamahome came, and he just stuck Miaka in that little room. That pissed me off. Even though he know's Tamahome loves Miaka, he still hugs her and such right in front of Tama.... I was reading vol. 3 last night again, and I noticed he does that. Miaka isn't speaking to Tamahome, and Hotohori goes up and hugs Miaka. Tamahome's face looks all contorted. It's so funny! But anyways....yeah, maybe Nakago [i]does[/i] have powers to tell the future. Sure would explain a lot, eh? ^^ I really like Tamahome because he's so innocent. He's not perverted all the time. He's just really sweet. ^^
Yeah. They'd be a cute couple. She's so pretty, and tough, and smart, and Miroku's kinda the same. It's not like brainless Inu-Yasha and bruteless Kagome...^^ His brother's name was Sessho-Maru. Yeah...the nothing woman was creepy. That was freaky how she almost absorbed him... But the spider demon that killed all the exterminators was pretty cruel. Making that little boy get his entire village killed....And he did most of it "Himself", too. >.< so sad....
It is funny. It's just us...back and forth....Oh well....It's moving along, at least! ^^ Yeah. Nakago's a major genius of evil plans. Especially the Evil Tamahome plot....I liked that ^^ It was so cruel to Miaka to have Tamahome completely forget their love. I cried when she said goodbye....*sniff*. Nakago is such a calm and precise kind of character. He hardly ever seems surprised at anything. He has plan for everything, whether the previous one worked or not.....it's amazing....
That's why I love manga. Everyone is just gorgeous, all the time. I hated Serena's dress (I can't remember her original name now...) when she got married. She looked way too young in the anime. But in the manga, she looked older and really pretty. It's the same in FY. Miaka even looks prettier there, so does Tama. Tamahome and Miaka both look younger in the anime, a lot of the time.
That is a good point.....I never really thought of that [Shyguy's post]. My brother's picked up some of those fighting moves from DBZ. The other day we were in the pool and he started saying "Kamehameha" really loud and doing the hand pose. People started looking at us (well, HIM....they were probable staring at me for a different reason O.o). It was embaressing... And at school all the little kids play DBZ....But I think that because DBZ looks so fake and deals with no real issues most of the time, most kids can tell not to take it seriously. But there are always a few who take it literally.......I remember one episdoe when Gohan got mad at his tutor, so he threatened him and started death-walking up to him. That could happen....it's saying "Beat people up when you get mad...". And then there's the fact that Gohan sneeks out of his house all the time, also that he doesn't finish the school-work his mom gives him.......but really, if their biggest weapon is an energy beam, I doubt a child will actually use one on the chool bully....o.O Little kids who watch Bebop probably wouldn't catch that part about consequences and such. They would probably just see Spike being cool with a gun. I doubt 4th graders would pick up on it.....
lol. Yeah, SM manga was much better. Plus "Bunny" was much more elegant there. I saw one tape of Miyu, and it did remind me of Sailor Moon a little. with the monsters everyday and such... I know what you mean about depressing stuff countering the happy side. If I don't get at least a little sadness every week, I start getting giddy. And that's just creepy.....
That's one downside to anime.....a lot of it has major smoking. Even DBZ, before they cut it... Like you said, not everyone will follow the examples in shows like CB because they have their own morals, but a lot of people will follow them. It's like music. You can't blame everything on it, but listening to that music that insults women and gives out bad examples will eventually impact a few people. Just like Anime. Maybe a lot of people never will touch a gun, but maybe one person will. And maybe they'll go shoot up their school, or get in a big fight like Spike when he's mad. So it depends on the person, mostly. If they listen to the messages in those shows, it's their choice. But I still don't think it was quite right for CN to have such nasty shows on an otherwise 24/7 kiddie cartoon network.
Yeah.....Poor Suboshi....poor Tamahome, too. But at least Tamahome got the girl... Nakago is just freaky. He's so good at being bad. I think he could contort almost any soul, especially if it was someone as vulnerable as Yui. Now, did Yui slit her rist after Nakago saved her or before? Nakago really disgusts me. He keeps saying he does things for Yui's happiness, and he's just a selfish jerk. I think he ruined almost everyone's lives in Fushigi Yuugi.
lol! Yeah.....except Chichiri never asked EVERY girl be met to carry his child.....:therock: ....actuallt Chichiri didn't ask any...but that's beside the point. ^^ Miroku fights good, plus he's not all arrogant like Inu-Yasha. And he's cuter than dog-boy, too. I know what you mean about liking all the characters....it's hard to dislike them.. Even the bad guys....sometimes! Who was your least favorite demon enemy? (as in who disgusted you the most) I didn't like the..um...Peach man, I think it was. The fat guy who stripped Kagome down and tried to eat her...lol. I just hated him...
Yeah. Some shows are more for adults than other there, so I think CN should have thought about it more carefully. I'm sure some kids just think it's more Toonami, even with that little warning. If the kids are mature enough to know you shouldn't follow anything on TV by example, it's fine. But most kids don't, especially ones that already have bad home lives. I mean, if a kid's mom smokes and drinks, and then they see it on TV, then it's REALLY making an example. Now they've seen it in real life, and on TV, for EXTRA encouragement in these nasty things. The real problem is that kids are so impressionable, and it wouldn't be an issue if it was on, say, MTV. Because kids don't really watch MTV (not the younger ones...), but little kids watch CN, and then they have this block where there's shooting, swearing, drinking, smoking, and lots of other stuff that could be taken as a 'cool thing to do'. Especially because Cowboy Bebop looks so much more realistic, and the themes are more realistic, than DBZ could ever be. I mean.....how many times have we ever dealed with a big green monster sucking you in by his tail? Right. Didn't think so......But people really do have to deal with some of the stuff on CB. Maybe not the bounty hunter part....but some of the other stuff, yes.
Yeah. But what was really stupid, since she was so mad over Tamahome, that she never saw Suboshi completely devoted to her. I mean.....Right there! A boyfriend for her! But no....she had to have [i]Tamahome[/i]. She was so bent in her own vengeance that she ended up missing her own opportunites. She could have been happy, but she wanted to be angry instead, so she just ruined her life twice as much. But I guess that's why she was chosen as the Priestess of Seiryu, right?
It really is depressing. One of the first things you see is her dad getting a bullet straight through the brain, complete with blood spilling into his eye after he hits the floor. That's not really a spoiler, it happens on the first tape... But it's so into the love story that it's easy to be depressing. Just make sure you don't watch it early in the morning, you're likely to mope around the rest of the day. ^^ (Maybe not, but it kind of took away the spunk in my day...) I looked at the first manga, and I actually liked it a lot better. The characters had a LOT more personality, and like in Fushigi Yuugi, Yu Watase made little cracks about her characters, and even though it was still sad, it was kinda funny, too. That's my favorite. A little funny with the sad. ^^
Yeah. My brother commented the other day he had been watching "Home Videos", the Sunday night Adult Swim. Just because there's a disclaimer, I can't imagine many kids going, "Oh! Adults only! I better change the channel now...." I mean....if the parents aren't watching too, the kids will probably just ignore that little warning.