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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B].... Appearing to be smarter than you are and giving others misinformation is what pisses me off, and I suppose this probably happens a lot with all those DBZ dorks. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. My little brother comes home all the time saying one of his friends told him about something that's gonna happen in DBZ, or they figured it out from pic or GT's on in the morning! Or something like that. I always have to set him straight. ^^ ...I also tell him his friends are filthy little liars that don't know how to tie their own shoes.....:cross:
  2. I said Fruits Basket.....and Kyo.....He is cute. He's a lot cuter in the anime than in the manga, though. He really is gorgeous. When I first saw him I fell head over heels in love with him. He's so cute! ^^:love:
  3. I don't have to go to Summer School. I had A's and a few B's the whole year. But Florida dropped summer school anyway, so if you don't pass, you'll just have to repeat! No summer-school makeup. My parents don't really care what I do this summer....they said they don't want me just sitting around, but I have a babysitting job anyways. Although my parents would mind....even if I [i]did[/i] just sit around. ^^
  4. Like Son Goten said, if you see her again, ask if you can take her pic. Then you can start up a conversation. ;) You're just shy. Nothing wrong with that.
  5. I don't have a job. ^^ I get an $8 allowance every week, and frankly, I have no clue how I get a DVD every weekend. It just kinda happens.....and I can afford it.....But I just graduated from 8th grade and got $70 which I just spent on Inu-Yasha books...(Whoops!). I don't usually buy music, because I mostly listen to anime music, which I get in mp3s. Ceres was good. Although after 6 (of 8) DVDs, I decided to sell mine because it's SO depressing that it wasn't something I could watch over and over again like FY. But Ceres is still very good. The artwork is gorgeous, and the love story is almost scary it's so serious. Almost every episode made me cry, it was so sad. Such a dramatic love story.....but it's a pretty cool show. ^^
  6. I was working on a project for school the other day, and we had to plan an entire Utopia at the goal of it being a Utopia. Well, we were talking about censorship of TV and movies, and my friend said something interesting. She said she didn't want our Utopia to have too much blood and violence on TV because then people would become immune to violence. I think that's very much true. You see so many people smoking, having sex, fighting, getting drunk, robbing stores, shoplifting, etc, that when you say, see a fight at school, people barely blink. I mean, we're so used to seeing it, it gets hard to distunguish what's right and what's wrong. And I'm sure that shows like DBZ being so popular doesn't help the population of younger people to learn that its not right to fight. Like you said, QA, people are in charge of their own lives, but if someone grows up seeing so much fighting on TV, why would it seem so wrong to do it in real life?
  7. I'm pretty sure she stays. She falls for Miroku, too. ^^ I like the new girl....um....I can't remember her name now. But she certainly can hold her own. She's also really pretty. I like that kind of heroine. Anime needs more of those kinda girls!
  8. I don't know where Yui found the right to say it was Miaka's fault she was raped. Where the heck did that come from? Just because Miaka couldn't hear her, now it's all her fault? I don't think so..... Yui is too fast to blame other people for her own problems. For having been friends since they were babies, Yui dumped their friendship pretty fast.
  9. I got the ones from the Ovas. I only have the first 2, since th borrowed the third from my friend. I love that cover with Tamahome and Tasuki. It's so gorgeous. Yui [i]should[/i] have gone for Suboshi. They would have been a nice match, since Yui isn't really as mean as she seems, like in the Ova. Even though Amiboshi was taken from him, she shouldn't have killed Tama's family. To put the same pain he felt after losing his brother on Tamahome was probably the cruelest thing in the World. It was the ultimate revenge, though. Yui is just a strange person. She seemed so nice in the beginning, but she was so twisted and cruel to Miaka. I can't imagine how Miaka felt in such a change of personalities.
  10. lol! What wonderful morals. And Escaflowne was sweet at the end. But the middle of the series was good, too. It's a shame you didn't get to see it. Van is just so sweet. My favorite type of anime is actually the mix of Shonen and Shoujo. Like Escaflowne. Sure it was a love story, and had great characters, and a plot. But it had some fighting, too. But just enough. They didn't overdue it like in DBZ. I mean, in DBZ, you take away the fighting and you have ZIP. If you took out the fighting in Inu-Yasha or Fushigi Yuugi, you would still have a great show. The fighting just adds to it. But DBZ.....ya got nothin after the fighting.
  11. Wow. Good point with the seiryu seven. I cried after Suboshi killed that poor family, too. That was plain cruel. There was no justice in it at all. Tamahome looked so sad, too. I wish Yui would have payed more attention to Suboshi's love. She was so busy being bitchy to love him. It was kinda nasty that Suboshi was killed by his own weapon. It was a death he had carved in his own destiny. He couldn't have honestly believed Tamahome's rage wouldn't kill him eventually. He was totally asking for it.
  12. Yeah. My favorite anime is one with a great love story. When Fox put Escaflowne on the air, then took it off, I think it was because all the crazed little boys couldn't handle that love story. I think my mind has been infected with a love story disease! I'm starting to find those plots when they hint at romances, but nothing really happens, boring! I can hardly read a manga without any Bishonen! Yu Watase has spoiled me!
  13. Yeah, I'm an Amiboshi fan. ^^ He's so cute. And I love Ami and Suboshi's weapons. I like the flute, but Suboshi's weapon really is cool. Those floaty twindle things.....they're cool. ^^ But yeah, if I had all those guys there to protect me, I sure wouldn't stop them. But that doesn't mean I would cower all the time, either. And why is it that Yui has such a bad relationship with her Seishi? I mean, sure she's all snobby and everything, but it's SO different from Miaka's relationship with her Seishi, and I'm just wondering.....why?
  14. Yeah, Fushigi Yuugi has all the points of a great anime. But it's also Shoujo anime, and I believe Shoujo anime is known for character developments and great plots. Whereas DBZ is shonen, so you can half expect a lot of fighting, an perhaps not as much plot. But DBZ lacks it so much, it almost gives Shonen anime a bad name....DBZ is like it's own category. The "no plot, no development" category. ^^
  15. Yeah, the last time in vol. 10 realized Shippo was there was when Inu-Yasha stepped on him and the other kids after he slammed the door down. I was like....Oh yeah! it's Shippo! You have to pay really close attention to even see Shippo anywhere. He's always just kinda hiding around......and I only just realized he was sitting in Kagome's basket on her bike the other day. He seems to just kinda hang around. ^^
  16. I know. I just can't stand Yui. She acts like such a brat. She always has that "Queen of the World" attitude. And if she was reading along in the book about Miaka, she would have known about Miaka's confession to Tamahome and everything, but the moment she met Tamahome she started blushing and going ga ga over him. She should have minded of Miaka's feelings for him. You made a good point with Miaka. I forgot about that fight in the first episdode. She had no one but herself to depende on, and look at what she did! She was doing pretty good for being so outmatched, but the moment she had her Celestial warriors to depend on, she couldn't do anything for herself. The way she acts just says she needs someone to hide behind.
  17. Yeah, I don't thing you overdose on anime. The people at the book store I go to for manga actually know me now. o.O The same lady is usually there, and she knows who I am now everytime I walk in. I've tried not to buy anime, but the longest I've lasted is one weekend without buying new stuff. I'm so ashamed. It's like a bad habit! Of course, it's not as bad an plenty of other stuff I could be doing in this world......^^
  18. Shippo? Yeah, he's so cute! I love the way Rumiko Takahashi drew his legs and arms. He's got this fluffy little body, and then there are his little stick arms and legs. It's so cute! He's like a baby, always holding onto Kagome. lol. He's adorable.
  19. Oh yeah, I hate her dubbed voice. It's so obnoxious, and it just kinda pops out. When I read the manga, I imagine her with a [i]normal[/i] voice, so I like reading my manga more than watching my dub tapes. But anyways, Miaka is annoying. Tamahome doesn't do anything mean to her, and she repeatedly pulls away from him. For good reason, but she's just so stupid sometimes. I mean, why can't she just accept that she and Yui are enemies? And she said she pulled back once from Tamahome because Yui loved him.....so what?!? Who cares? Tama loves Miaka and she loves him. Yui doesn't fit in there. Even though Miaka's pathetic all the time, I really can't help but love her. When she cried (only REALLY cried, at the right dramatic moment), I cried too. That's what I love about the series. And Yu Watase knows how to be funny. But Miaka could suck it up more, and not whine so much about everything. She automatically needs protection because she just acts so helpless all the time. I don't believe I ever saw her pick up a sword, even in attempts to defend herself.
  20. Yeah, she does always have it that way. Although I find those kind of relationships just as cute as, say, Tamahome and Miaka, who never fight. I mean, I couldn't just walk up to someone and tell them I loved them or anything like Miaka did. I would probably end up being more like Kagome. Ick. That's kind of depressing......
  21. Good point with the drugs..... I just added up my anime/manga collection, for fun. And here it is: Manga-$501, DVD-$455, VHS-$675. OMG, it comes to a total of $1,631! Lol! Without all my other models and posters and such. In about a year. Wow. I wonder how much hard drugs cost. lol
  22. Although I don't think Inu-Yasha really treated her like crap......wait.....yeah he did. lol. But sometimes, when you bicker with someone all the time, you actually start to like them. As weird as it sounds. Even though you apprear to hate each other, you may still be friends, or you may like them. Of course, there are other times when you really do hate that person. But I've liked sometimes before that I only fought with and argued with all the time.
  23. 90% off, huh? Wow. I wish I had that kind of luck with my purchases. I wanted a laptop before school starts, but I spent so much on anime.....I don't think I'll ever get my computer! I was starting to think there was something wrong with me, having such an obsession with buying stuff, and spending so much, but since QA mentioned it, too, I guess it isn't just me. Phew!
  24. My brother. He gets way too hyper, way too often. And he gets violent! He'll start hitting me, and I'll be ok at first. But then he keeps doing it and it starts to hurt. Then I scream at him and he gets all upset. He can't just lay off sometimes. And he is purposely so fricken obnoxious. I just want to throw him into a wall sometimes. Of course, I couldn't possible hurt sucha little person on purpose (He's 9). And when he gets angry over something, he just smacks me, really, REALLY hard. Then when I hit him back so he'll stop attacking me, he starts crying, and I feel all guilty. I hate it.....
  25. I guess I understand that. But it is kinda strange that Kagome and Kikyo are kinda the same person, even though they have totally different personalities. I mean, Kagome just kinda plops through time, and she actually is invading in what should be Kikyo's era. Kagome doesn't actually belong there, and she's invading in Inu-yasha and Kikyo's space. But I still can't help but feel sorry for the both of them. I felt so sorry for Kagome after Inu-Yasha apologized for shoving Kagome into the well (when he stuck the tree in it), and then she overheard Inu-Yasha being all sappy with Kikyo. I always feel a lot for all the characters. I hate it when I can't even hate a character the right way...*grumble*
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