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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. I think one of the biggest things with DBZ is that the characters don't really develop (they match the plot!). I mean, I never cried over one of the characters, I could never say "oh yeah. I know how they feel...". They just don't develop enough. Sure, you can say you know Goku, but that's because he's the exact same throughout the series. Just a big stupid monkey. There aren't really any honest-to-god serious or dramatic moments....except when >>name here>other name here
  2. You're right, Queen Asuka. That was a good analogy. And it [i]does[/i] cost a lot. I just "accidentally" bought 6 Inu-Yasha books in a row, at $17 a piece. Ouch.....that kinda burned a whole in my pocket.... But buying DVDs is even worse....$30 for like 2-3 episodes usually. Being an anime fan is so expensive these days....
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aya Li [/i] [B] True so true :bawl: I just luuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvv Tooya!!! HES TO KAWAII!!!!!!!! ::ahem:: thank you for your time [/B][/QUOTE] Which Tooya? There are so many in the different animes. I have more Bishonen to add to my list in light of new events....and manga purchases. ^^ Lykouleon (Dragon Knights) Kamui & Fuuma (x/1999) Hideki (Chobits) Eagle Vision (Magic Knight Rayearth) Ginta (Marmalade boy) Kyo (Fruits Basket) Ah....that's all I can think of ^^
  4. I don't think it's a good reason to hold a grudge. I mean, she knows the truth, and she would still rather be a virtually soul-less corpse wandering the Earth? Allright then.....I think she needs to accept it and move on or something. And what's up with her being so jealous of Kagome? Isn't she alive because of her hatred of Inu-yasha?
  5. Congrats on your license. I can't even get my permit till I'm 15...I'm only 14 now.....-.- Plus they might make it no license till you're 18...Gah. Be careful when the road's wet, too. My best friend's brother was driving on the road (it was raining all day, so the roads were very wet), and he went a little too fast turning into the neighborhood. His car spun all over the place and he ended up twisting his car around the tree. Literally. He has a blood clot in his brain, and he's still in the Hospital. I believe it happened about 2 weeks ago. He just opened his eyes today....whew. Scary.....
  6. Yeah. The "plot" is far too repetitive to be a real plot. When you said that, it reminded me of one of the Orphen episodes. There was this fight that happened twice, between Orphen and his friend, and the first fight was in the 1st DVD. This was in the 4th. It was identical. Even the graphics, only the words changed. That's like how DBZ is. The same fight, almost, but someone gains or loses something. Be it power or a life. The main "plot" in DBZ is what kind of monster the next villain will look like. That's.......about it...
  7. I think it's fine if you like DBZ. I mean, what's wrong with watching all different types of genres? Nothing. Except that these major DBZ fans don't like anything else. It's all they talk about, and it's the only anime they watch, and then they name themselves Anime genius of the world. I mean, like Dark Elf said, what's wrong with Tenchi or Outlaw star? They're netowrk shows, and they're a whole lot better than DBZ. They actually have a plot, but why aren't they anywhere near as popular as DBZ? Now I've put myself in the same train of thought as Queen Asuka.....Why [i]is[/i] DBZ so popular? What makes all those legions of fans? And why is it so entertaining to watch a couple of brutes throwing energy blasts at each other......stange....it suddenly really did just hit me.......huh.
  8. I like Kagome, personally. She acts like I do a lot of the time. And reacts the same way frequently, too. ^^ I hate Kikyo, though. She drives me nuts, with her Inu-Yasha/Kagome grudge crap. It's annoying. But again.....I kinda like Kagome. She's not as pathetic as say......Miaka (ok...maybe she's not [i]pathetic, [/i]but...) or the other heroines who just sit there and scream. I hate that......
  9. I liked Inu-Yasha first, and then I saw the Ranma Manga, so I picked it up, and I love both stories! But after about 5 books of Ranma, I find it's sorta starting to bug me, with a rather repetitive plot, but it's just my opinion. I like Inu-Yasha better. I love Inu-Yasha! Since he's so arrogant, it's even sweeter when he's [i]not[/i] being arrogant, and when he's being nice to Kagome. I love that kinda character. ^^
  10. OMG! That was so funny! I laughed so hard! It's so true, but in a good way! Lol! That was hilarious!
  11. At the end of 7th grade, my whole band (like 100 people) was in the band room, we were having free time, since it was the last week of school. It was REALLY crowded, whith people, their chairs, their backpacks, and peoples feet just all over the place. We were all signing yearbooks, and I had to take mine to my friend across the room. On the way over, my foot got stuck on someone's backpack strap, and I tripped, grabbed on the the guy who's backpack I fell over, then fell over onto the other guy laying next to him. My face must have been bright red, after he yelled at me an everything. I just wanted to roll over and die.....^^ Not really. But I was totally mortified......
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I know it wasn't anime, but does anyone remember The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest? It used to come on Toonami back in the day when they showed Sailor Moon and Robotech, before DBZ. I used to tape that show. I still like it. :)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I remember that show. I didn't really watch it, but I remember Jonny Quest.
  13. I used to watch Sailor Moon with my Korean friend when I was in 2nd grade, and I loved that show. ^^ Then I kinda forgot about Sailor Moon, until my city started getting Cartoon Network, when I was in--maybe the end of 6th grade. I caught Toonami once, and I was like..."OH! I remeber Sailor Moon!" I watched the rest of Toonami too, then I started watching it everyday and I started to really like it. But I really started off when Fox took Escaflowne off the air. I was at Media Play once day, and I saw it there, so I bought all eight tapes (over time!). Then I was really hooked on anime. I started going to MediaPlay every week and getting an anime tape. Then I got a DVD Player and whoosh. Now I have a huge DVD/VHS anime library. Plus manga. My friend showed me her Fushigi Yuugi manga, so now I love manga, too.
  14. I hate it when people think they're major anime fans when they've only seen DBZ. But I think it's really bad when DBZ gives anime a bad name. I mean, a lot of people think DBZ is really stupid, and frequently, people just associate all anime and DBZ and assume it's all the same. But you know what they say when you assume. ^^ Yes, DBZ is a good CN show, targeted mostly at the little boys who will go out and buy all the merchandise and action figures (not that there's anything wrong with that!). It's also good because some people watch DBZ, and then go past it for better anime that maybe isn't *gasp* on networks. ^^
  15. I rented Akira the movie, and personally, I wasn't that impressed. I wouldn't use it as a movie for newbie anime fans. I'm not sure why I didn't like it that much......the plot got a bit dull....I mean, the movie was ok, but nothing too great.
  16. I would like to see the Inu Yasha Anime, but I don't know if I'd like it on TV where, like Queen Asuka said, everyone would see it and officially anounce themselves the biggest Inu Yasha fans in the World. I would like to see it subtitled, it's just a matter of getting my money out...... I love the manga. It's so cute! And I personally like Inu Yasha's drawing style better than Rumiko Takahashi's other works like Ranma. Their noses are kind weird.......lol, but she makes 'em better in IY. I'm only on volume 6 right now, but I'll be moving forward a lot faster now. I had stopped and didn't wanna get get volume 5, but I just did, and it was so good. Human Inu-Yasha is just so adorable!
  17. I kinda wanna see it, just to see it. I mean, what harm could it do? They have nothing else on right now. Ahhhh......I remember the good Toonami when it was Sailormoon, DBZ, Tenchi, and Gundam Wing. That was a great lineup, but now it almost primarily consists if DB and DBZ. That's nice and all, but it's getting a little old. We need some REAL (good!) shows!
  18. I think that Escaflowne would have been a good way to introduce some other genres of anime to network-only-fans of anime. I heard that CN was suppose to be playing it, but it was evidently only a rumor. Which is a shame. But I suppose, even with all the action, since it's pretty high in romance, especially in the end, many younger viewers, especially the guys, would get bored with the show. But still, it should have been left on, if merely for introduction to different types of animes, not just fighting, which seems to be the prime type of anime......
  19. I really liked the Kare Kano video I saw, but other than that, the only "music videos" (besides DBZ) that I've seen have been video clips from anime's opening and closings.
  20. I didn't really think about "becoming a teenager" that much on my birthday. I was glad it was my birthday, and I was glad I was turning 13. That was about it. I didn't cry or anything, but I still know how you feel. Sometimes you just gotta cry. ^^ I heard it's healthy to have a good cry every now and then. ^^
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i] [B]babysitting for this kid thats two, he's insanely evil and his parents hire me 2 to 3 times a week. O.o [/B][/QUOTE] Lol. I know how you feel. My old nextdoor neighbors asked me once to watch one of their sons, and I'd never watched him before, so I did it. OMG, that was a huge mistake. He was a little terror, he was like spoiled, he didn't listen to me, and he made a huge mess all over the house with his food (he was throwing all of it behind furniture in the parents room). And after that, they asked me to do it again, I was like, nooooooo! I convinced my mom to watch him for my neighbors instead of me. I hate that kid......only child I've ever babysat that I actually never wante to watch again.....:cross: He drove me crazy.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] I agree with you wholeheartedly, personally, if anime goes out of style, I will still be watching, because I love it as if it weren't a fad. I believe it is a fad at a moment, and many people will stop watching, except for true anime fans. Anyway, I am nearly to the point of killing some DBZ fans, who think it is the best anime ever. You know who I'm talking about, people who watch the CN DBZ. The hardcore fans who have no idea about anime >describing own cousin< I think when CN finally cuts it off many people who are "otakus" (10 year old CN watchers) will no longer watch anime. I am not an otaku, but I love anime. Ok, sorry, I'm babbling. I will leave you all in peace now [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. All the little DBZ fans, especially all the kids in elementary school who own a million DBZ shirts (some of which have never even watched dbz:therock: ), will never watch anime again once DBZ goes off the air, most likely. I certainly can't imagine most of them watching any other anime. Whereas, the select few who say, "wow. I like this art....." May go to the store, purchase some anime that's not on the air, and that my friends is how people can be hooked on anime. Off-air anime is the only thing, I believe, maybe not you...., that creates real anime fans. Because if it's not on the air, or if it's manga, you don't rely on a network for it, so there's no popularity behind it. I mean, there's no popularity in Fushigi Yuugi where I live, none at all, but I still love it. And I don't rely on a network for it.......So instead of saying anime in general is a fad, I think for cetain ages, and for certain shows, those would be fads. I think DBZ is a fad, but probably not anime as a whole.
  23. Well, we decided not to buy it. Though it wouldn't have been too big a deal for me, my brother gets a little $3 a week, so it would have been a good deal of money for him. We decided we had almost over-played it, in the 5-day rental, we unlocked all the characters, a few levels, and some cheats. We figured if we wanted to play it again, we'd rent it, but it would probably just sit there if we bought it......though I'm like NorykoAngelcry, I liked the basic gameplay. ^^ This game was really cool, but I've decided just not enough there to buy it...
  24. I liked my 13th b-day. I got a membership to the gym, which I had to be 13 for, hence the b-day gift, and that was about it since it was $700.......But I still liked my b-day. When you're 13 it seems much older than 12.....lol. Not sure why....^^
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Battlepoop [/i] [B]Anyone hear of a show called Pretear? [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, I read about that in Animerica. Is it any good? It looks like an interesting magical-girl show.
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