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Everything posted by amiboshi
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B][B][SIZE=1]Mine is probaly having to stay awake when a friend comes over. One time my friend spent the night, I went asleep on the couch while he plyed a game on the computer.[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Lol. I know what you mean. Once I had a friend over, and she wanted to play her "sacred" 'History of Bardock' DVD. Well, I've seen it about a hundred times, dubbed, mind you, and she wanted to watch it subtitled since we've both seen dubbed so many times. Well, not to insult or anything, but the japanese version of that movie is a tad dull. The background music is kinda.....non-existant....and I fell asleep while we were watching it. She woke me up after it was over, but it was a very strange thing for me. I [i]never[/i] nap or anything. ^^ I found something else that's very hard for me. I have a guy-friend at school, and I'm not really sure if I like him or not, but we always argue and fuss about things at lunch, in a joking kind-of way. But he's kinda weird sometimes, and every now and then he just kinda blocks me out and totally ignores me. It drives me crazy, and I have a hard time reacting when people get all weird like that. It happens all the time and I don't know why!!! I hate it. I can barely contol my own emotion. This sounds stupid, but it always makes me feel depressed when people do that.:bawl: Don't ignore me!!! lol.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i] [B]i've never been grounded. I'm not spoiled! i just don't do anyhting bad enough to get grounded for. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm exactly the same. My parents don't spoil me or anything, I mean, they still yell at me all the time.....but I never do anything bad enough to get grounded. Actually, I barely ever do anything bad at all....except be lazy, and sometimes I kinda 'slip' on my homework. Of course my parents don't know this, and what they don't know can't hurt them, right?;)
Anime Anime Fans are isolated...Opinions?
amiboshi replied to sandramaxwell06's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Nowhere did I say "full-blown everywhere"... I DID call it a fad and it is one, but not particularly among high school students, mainly elementary kids. In high school it's rare to see many anime fans, but it's so much more common now than ever. I think you're all lucky to be interested in anime in a time where it's accepted on a broader scale. [/B][/QUOTE] Anime is a fad, but in elementary school, most people don't even know what they're watching is anime. I was babysitting 2 elementary shool boys, and when I asked them if they liked anime, they had no clue what I was talking about. Of course he knew what Gundam Wing, DBZ, etc. were, but no other anime. Mostly just the stuff on Toonami and such. And yes, we are lucky anime is more well-known now, and I think it will be even more so in years to come, becasue of Cartoon Network and Fox. So yeah, Anime's a fad, but as long as they don't over-do it, like with Pokemon, it should last for a while with all luck. ^^ -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Well, Bloody Roar: Primal Fury is the only traditional fighting game for the GameCube and will be for quite some time. Also, the roster finally has a bruiser (think Zangief). So, it's somewhat well balanced also. [I][B]But[/I][/B] the game is somewhat primitive and won't appease fighting game purists. As a human, you've only got a punch and a kick button to master your skills with. So, if this game were an ocean, it definitely wouldn't be the deepest one in the world. All in all, don't spend the cash if you're a hardcore fighting fan. But, if you're a rookie-go for it. Maybe it'll prep you for Soul Calibur 2 later this year. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] lol. I love fighting games, but I REALLY suck at them. I can never seem to do any combos. Which really sucks, because I wish I knew how to. So I guess I'm a fighting-game-rookie ;)
There are no gangs at my school. We do have bunches of people that enjoy fighting people, but it's nothing like a gang. My school can still be kinda creepy some times.....there's a certain threat I could have the crap knocked out of me. I've never fought before.....dunno if I could or not.... ^^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]lol, you people suck, I've never been grounded. Not because I have negligent parents but because I'm not a reckless idiot. What's funny is most of you get mad at parents for blaming everything on TV and video games rather than themselves, but when they ground you you do the same thing. You blame everyone but yourself. [/B][/QUOTE] That's not true. My parents don't blame things on TV and Video games, and I blame myself when it's my own fault. You made a very common assumption....although a lot of people do blame only other things/people. At school when people get bad grades, they always say they have a bad teacher. I hate that. It drives me crazy. (especially since I tend to like the teachers they often insult) ^^
I really want to buy the new Bloody Roar game, so my brother and I rented it today. We played the heck out of it, and had lots of fun, plus I'm not very good at those finger-twisting combos (actually, I'm not good at combos period.) And I was wondering if this game gets really boring fairly fast. I mean, is it a rent it occasionally and keep your data kind of game, or a buy it kind of game? I just want to know what others thought of it before I go out and spend $45. ^^
I think it's that he can eat any metal, and then his body makes that metal he just ate into a weapon--like a big gun--for him to use. It looks......interesting...^^
Anime Anime Fans are isolated...Opinions?
amiboshi replied to sandramaxwell06's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Oh please, anime is so popular these days. There are always 10 people in every high school that watch it religiously. A few years ago it would have been much weirder to see people wearing anime attire and such. But now it's much more common and is being made fun of less. You people make it seem as though you're in a foreign country where you don't speak the language. Imagine if you liked animation from China or some other country like that. Yeah, anime doesn't seem so bad now, does it? [/B][/QUOTE] I live in a relativiely small area, and anime isn't that popular. We don't have any cons, any major anime stores, and the only people that really like anime are the MAJOR outcasts or the ones that only own DBZ shirts. Everyone knows what anime is, but no, I don't think there are 10 people in my school that watch it religiously. There may be like.....2, though. And Rick's right. You have no right to flame everyone here. You don't know where everyone lives, you don't know everyone's situation. :o -
1 dog, used to have a hampsters, but he died :p Also got some fish.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon [/i] [B]I saw the english version. I saw the whole thing of it so at least I know how the story goes and ends. If I ever get a hold of the movie or the Japanese version of it I'll be sure to see it:) [/B][/QUOTE] The Movie's making it's domestic release in July. You can have either just the DVD movie, or this awesome big pack that has 3 discs. The DVD, a multi-media disc, and the audio disc for the movie. I really want that because I LOVE the music from the movie, it's not quite as good as the series' music, but I still like it. Can't wait for July!
Ah well if they cut it. I saw the "unedited" dubbed version, and I still loved it, so that's all that matters to me. I don't care what they cut out, because I still liked it, darnit. ^^ Escaflowne is one of my favorite animes ever, too bad it was so short. Can't wait to see the movie. That's gonna be a weird one....:wigout:
I get mostly A's usually. Sometimes a B or 2 (usually just one). But I've managed to make AB honor roll so far. But spanish is killing me now. :bawl:
I don't get grounded either. I also don't really get bored......but when I do, I usually read manga or watch anime.....though that's what I always do. So when I get bored of my anime or the board, I surf the web for pics or music or something to try and entertain myself. ^^ It usually works.
I'm very aware about tanning and skin cancer. It creeps me out. I went to the beach with my friend over spring break, and she was obsessed with getting her legs tan. I refused to go lay out in the sun on purpose because of that great risk, plus I didn't want to get burned. My mom's side of the family have all had skin cancer, and I don't want that risk when I get older. Sun can certainly be a bad thing!!! I wish I could see snow. I only saw it when I was 1, and it snowed a LITTLE bit. But it's not like I can remember it now or anything....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]i can never really stay up to watch outlaw but one night i did and saw the new opening music (or the original) its nice, whole lot better than the old. i just couldnt bring myself to stay up that late to watch a season of shows ive already seen twice. still rocks. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it's the original opening. I LOVE the OS music. I actually ordered the 2 OSTs, and I love 'em. The opening's called 'through the night". But I really love the 2nd ending theme, it's either tsuki no le, or hiro no tsuki.....can't remember which one's which.....I think it's Tsuki No Le. Ahhhhh......I still love that song. ^^What I really want is the Escaflowne OST: for lover's only. Anime music really is its own genre. And a good one at that. ^^
It's about 30 dollars at the video store. But it's on 2 DVD's and I believe it comes with an audio CD (not sure about this, though). I didn't think Metropolis looked that good. What with the characters all being little kids (or they looked like it) and all. Maybe I'll have to take a second look at it now. I made the choice between getting Metropolis or Spriggan, and I got spriggan instead. ^^
I like the Yu Yu Hakusho song, but the Japanese version is better. The English one doesn't have as much of a beat. I love the 0083 Gundam opening, and Outlaw Star, of course. I really like the ending to Pilot Candidate, and opening and closing of CB. Anime music is awesome. ^^
I had a weird dream the other night. I wasn't even in it, I was like watching my own dream, not really living it. There was this big table and everyone there were members of a royal family (but in normal clothes, not fancy stuff). And the prince was this little boy, probably 11. He was sitting next to his dad, and they were waiting for the Queen to come back before they began their feast. She was away on a trip, and was to return now. But the Queen's dead because this creepy guy hates the family, and he shot her with this big laser gun. Now the family is waiting for her, and that same guy is pointing his laser-gun at the royal family. So then he fires, meaning to kill them, but he misses and hits the edge of their plates, which poisons the plate, but doesn't like, blow them up. No one sees any of it, of course, since he fired from this little hole in the wall behind them. Then everyone starts eating, without the queen, and they all die, except the prince, because he had a bad feeling about it, but didn't say anything. Then I woke up. I have no clue where it came from, but it was weird.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]The hardest thing anyone has to do is accept defeat in the face of your bitter enemy, especially if that enemy is adding insult to injury. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah. That is hard. But I don't really have many enemies. And I don't usually take stuff like defeats that seriously except, I just say something like "Oh well". It isn't that big a deal to me.
I sunburn pretty easily. I always burn over the summer, but last summer I managed to stay out of the sun, so I only got burned the 1st day I went to camp, but it wasn't too bad. My skin's pretty pale, so I usually get burned on my face. It's far too easily to burn in Florida in the summer. ^^
Telling my parents I did something wrong is the hardest for me. And telling guys I like them. That's REALLY hard for me.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B] well, even though I have friends, I perfer to be a loner. [/B][/QUOTE] That's it!!! That was exactly what I was trying to say. I have friends, but I prefer to be by myself. And I'm always VERY quiet in school. :cross:
Sometimes I'll hum or something. It depends on what kind of mood I'm in. If I'm hyped about something or just happy, then I like to hum, whistle, etc. I sing sometimes, but not usually. Especially because when I do, I end up singing the same verse over and over and over.....
Heh. I like that. Cute Pong. ^^