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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. I'm 13 (14 in July) and I live in Florida. Gah.....florida in the summer is so nasty.....
  2. I watch CB, but it's not all THAT good. Yes, it has the graphics, the characters, the ships, the music, and the plot, but still! ^^ I really do like it, but not as much as some other anime. I mean, sometimes it's just kinda.....dull. Ok, I don't mean dull, as in boring, just as in it doesn't stimulate my brain a whole lot when I watch it. It's just kinda on....I don't really think about everything that much when I watch it, which is unusual for me. But it's still a very cool show.
  3. I've seen other anime movies, but I've yet to find one I liked better than Mononoke Hime. There's just something about it that makes it different. The whole thing's just.....perfect! ^^ Lol. Ok, so maybe not, but it really was very good. It was serious, without being too depressing. Miyazaki is a god of anime.
  4. I'm too shy to go up to people and just say "hey". Actually, I'm very shy, but once people get to know me, I'm not shy at all. And I'm certainly not as shy if I have my friend with me. Just one, really, because she's been my best friend since elementary school. So I always feel a bit braver with her around. lol. ^^ I also have a school full of total jerks that I don't want to socialize with, and I don't really care about my "social life". But still, I'm not really antisocial, I just don't want to talk to these certain people. Wait.....maybe I am antisocial.......I dunno! ^^
  5. I have that problem. People are like prejudice agaist people who like certain TV shows! How dumb is that?!? I wouldn't deny the fact that I totally obsess over anime, but I don't go around school shouting it either. ^^ I mean, everyone thinks anime is really dumb, mostly thanks to Pokemon, and DBZ. Now, I love DBZ just as much as the next person, but most people think it's the dumbest thing on the planet. What really ticked me off was when I had my MSN messenger name as "Kamui" and someone from school came on. After I told her how to pronounce it she was like "oh, like one of your Pokemon things!" No. Not like one of 'my' pokemon things. It has NOTHING to do with Pokemon. I almost hit her..... *Ok. Just wanted to finally say that! ^^
  6. I didn't do anything last summer, and after I finish babysitting, that's what I plan to do this summer, too. Everyone seems to hate doing nothing. I, in fact, love doing nothing. And No, I will never get sick of it. I can entertain myself endlessly. ^^ My parents would probably let me go places, but I don't really want to go much of anywhere. It's like that I'm anti-social or anything, I would just rather hang out at home. lol. I sound like a loser! haha ^^But it's true!!:p
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Yeah, that's it. 100? Really? I thought it was 200... :huh: [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I think it's 100. On the little "avatar info page" thing, it says "at least 0" and then "at least 100". Although 100 is much more doable just to get a slightly bigger avatar.
  8. Yeah. Maybe so, but it's still gonna take like another year and a half or so. I don't post that much. If I have no actual input on a subject, I usually don't post at all. It's not very efficient. lol.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Dude, Mystery Guy, James said in another post that Newbies don't get more avatars until you get 200 posts... I think... :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. You need at least 100 for the 60x60 avatars. That's why he couldn't see 'em.
  10. This summer I'll be babysitting......a lot. Everyday Mon-Thurs. 7 hours each day. Ya.....at $5 an hour, so I'll have like $840 by the time summer's over. Laptop, here I come. And I also have my high school reading list....>.< But it's gonna be fun. I'm also moving, and I'll be right by my best friend. ^^ Summer's lookin good now....
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B] No, anyone can have the custom avatar. [/B][/QUOTE] Right. Anyone with 500 or more posts. I like the new 60x60 sized ones for the under 500 posters. ^^ I won't be hittin 500 anytime soon, so this is just great for me!
  12. Awesome new avatars! I like the bigger sized ones, they're a better size. And yay! Some new animes are there now, too. ^^
  13. I saw some previews for that. It looked kinda good, but not quite good enough to buy it. I also couldn't stand the main character and his sideburns...>>shiver
  14. I love X. The movie was so cool. I can't wait to see the X ova and TV series. Although they're only just now airing in Japan....so I can only see the OVA and the first 8 episodes subbed....but I think they'll be cool. The graphics look pretty impressive, and I REALLY want to read the manga, but the first manga is always gone at the store. >.< But still, the only Anime movie better than X was Mononoke Hime, in my opinion, but it was on a totally different level.....
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [size=1]Yes, back to the topic at hand... I don't know why all of you girls fall for the guys in CardCaptor Sakura, most of them are extremely boring and 2D characters. Li is cool though, much better than Sakura...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I really don't agree, I mean, a hot guy is a hot guy. It doesn't matter if they're 2D or 3D, really. I had a non-anime friend come over, and she couldn't understand why I like all these anime guys, but by the time I had showed her 2 tapes of Fushigi yuugi, she though Tamahome was hot, too. So, really, I can't exactly understand why I can like 2D people....:therock: Girls just do, I guess!
  16. I like some of the new anime. Just because it uses cgi doesn't mean it isn't anime.... People still make sketches and such for the shows usually. And anime means 'japanese animation' so....if it's animated, it's still anime.... But still, I like some oldschool anime, but I like the animations of the new animes better.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Merchant [/i] [B]I Liked the opening song, the lyrics where very good. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh geez, I hope you mean the japanese version.....the english lyrics were....*gags* so awful. They tried to sum up the first 8 episodes in a crappy little opening song......and yes, Touya IS the best. he always will be. I love that ep where he carries sakura home from school when she's sick. It's so cute!:blush:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]Becasue peopel are incredibly stupid.. but oyu can find the translations on line... I mean it would be better to get the japanese for 5 rather then the english translated ones for 15.. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think so..... Lol. Well, actually it is, but I would much rather have it in english still. And on places like animenation I think it's still like 15, maybe not, though....
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]they based the ova off of the first 2 mangas i think or it might have jsut been the first.. but the whole reason they made it was to get people to buy the manga.. WOAH! Deja Vu.. oh yeah I explain this way too much... [/B][/QUOTE] Then exactly what's happening wth the translation of the manga? It's stupid they released the anime without the manga.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Someone please answer my question of.... What's this anime about? I really don't know, and I've never heard of it.... [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, Orphen is about this person named Orphen (duh...I know..). See, Orphen lost his REALLY good friend when she turned into a dragon, I believe her name is Azalie (sp?). Well, he gets this sword to help her, but it's not powerful enough, so he has to get more magic, and power so he can bind her. Orphen starts traveling on the road, still looking for a azalie, or a way to help her. Oprhen also travels with 2 companions. Majic, Orphen's apprentice (did I mention Orphen's a sorcerer?), and Cleao, this stuck-up princess. That's about it.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by roxieortatiana [/i] [B]amiboshi, i agree. i don't see how there is ANYWAY someone can like yukito. i can see how someone can like yue(even though i personally don't like him) but i just don't get how someone can like yukito! oh well, that's my opinion.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, Yue's kinda cool. ....if only his hair was shorter.....^^ But then he changes back into Yukito....and....:nervous: ^^
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Li is not the cutest guy on CCS. It's Touya. He's awesome and he's a high schooler and he rules the world and YEAH! And his dubbed name is Tori, and that's my name and I love it! *grins*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You're so right. Toya rules, but Li is cute, too. And why does everyone love Yukito? I hate yukito! Yuki's so....so....ack. I just don't like him. He's too happy all the time. I'm not sure, but I think the original version, if you're looking in movie stores, is only on DVD. At least, that's the only way I've seen it. You could always order it off amazon or something....
  23. You know, I'm really not EXACTLY sure why I like Otakuboards so much.....It's so organized here....and none of those annoying pop ups *cough*ezboards*cough*...but it's fun to talk to other anime fans, and I can have almost any question asked here, and people don't make you feel stupid about asking a rather obvious question. Otaku's a good place for making online friends, too. Plus, I've been here a long time, so it's kinda hard to leave. lol. Like someone said before, it's kind of addicting. ^^
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]CCS was dubbed so that small American children could watch it without their parents freaking out at all of the same sex relationships. That's why the sub is so cute, because all that's not edited out. I like the English version though because it's just right for my little sister to watch. I don't want her to be influenced by the subbed Tomoyo/Sakura relationship and grow up and yeah...I mean no offense against people who are like that, but you get my idea.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I guess they both do have their strong points. The English version is cute, because it's so kid friendly, and I have a little brother, too. So at least I like 1 show that has no perverted parts to it. It's good for when I babysit, I can let the kids watch it without worrying about their parents getting upset. But really, people should stop trying so hard to make all anime for little kids. Because the truth is, anime isn't for little kids, and they should leave it that way. But it is nice for some anime to be for kids, so they could maybe get into it while they're young. I remember watching Sailormoon when I was in second grade with my Korean friend. When I got CN a few years ago, I saw sailormoon and it was like, hey! I remember this! And that's how it all started.....lol Geez, I'm like contradicting myself left and right...^^:therock:
  25. Okay, I wasn't quite sure where to post this, so.... In my posts (on Otaku), I keep having them automatically edited with '*' for words. But the words they censor aren't bad....last time it was the word 'dub' and this time it was the word '***'...um...why?
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