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Everything posted by amiboshi
Anime You're all time favorite pics from any anime
amiboshi replied to Cibo's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]This is my favorite from Record of Lodoss Wars. You shouldn't post the same thing 2 times. [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't open your attachment. It was like an exe file or something..... -
What's with the super-fluffly hair in Kenshin? I like Sanosuke, but his hair is like so big.....:eek: it's just weird. lol. Like anime Afros:mrt:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]Of course I like my nick! Smoky Joe, now that's classy! On the other hand, I hate my real name...Luis, what a common name. I know how you feel Transtic!:D [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't know Luis was a common name..:confused: I don't know anyone (besides you) with the name Luis. That's a cool name:cool:
I have flat feet, and I hate it. However, I also have weak ankles.:cross: I dropped out of gymnastics because my vault teacher made me always run on my toes (OWW!) and I couldn't do it with flat feet, and weak ankles. So....I dropped out! Anyways...my feet don't really bug my that much.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]I dunno... I don't really care that much about what it looks like... I [i]would[/i] like them to change Link's face, but that's pretty much it. Btw, is it clear to everyone that the "original" movie from Space World 2000 (the one of Link fighting Ganondorf) wasn't from an actual game? Because it's not. The Zelda, Metroid, Mario, and all of those trailers that they showed weren't from an actual game. They were just quick mock-ups to show off what the GameCube could do, graphically. (Yes, I know, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime, and Zelda were probobly all actually in development at that time, but it said that they weren't from actual games on the Space World website). So really, the GCN Zelda hasn't changed, the Space World 2001 movie (the cel shaded one) is the first [I]real[/I] look that we've gotten of the GCN Zelda.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I know they weren't real, and I know they're probably not going to change the graphics. I can dream, can't I? I can't help it. I just hate the new look. It's so.....childish....Although gameplay matters a lot, so o graphics. I mean, it's what you're staring at the whole time.:therock:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]You're totally wrong... I just went and fought it, and I unloaded over 75 arrows into it's eye... It didn't flash red (the sign that you're hurting it) ONCE. Same with the Zora Boomarangs... The only way I could hurt it was with the Zora Barrier. And if you're using the Zora Barrier, it only takes one hit to hurt it, even if it's not stunned. Stunning it just makes it easier to hit.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You're right. I wasted all my time trying to hurt it with those stupid arrows. They're only good for stunning him. I suppose I just have to gather my guts and jump into the tank.:nervous: But I don't want to!!!!!
Well, go here: [url]http://www.audiogalaxy.com/list/searches.php?SID=cf7c81fd5c2d997879a51c4a6ff8b6bb&searchType=0&searchStr=Toonami&x=16&y=8[/url] These are the surch results I found at Audio Galaxy. Not sure if the song you want is there or not, but it probably is. Audio Galaxy's cool. I get tons of anime music there. ^^
Ya, but I understand how fast paced it is. I've seen more than one Anime!!!!:bawl: I have! You don't have to explain, I understand......:cross:
I like my name on the boards. Amiboshi's my all time favorite character, and he's just cool. Plus, I must have had the dumbest name before.:cross: My real name is okay, but it's so common. I almost don't even respond if someone yells my name, even if it's to me. There are so many other Laurens, they usually aren't talking to me. I hate having a common name.:all:
Name: Amiboshi Real name: Lauren Age: 13 Grade:8th Sex: Female Interests: Anime, computer stuff, video games, anime again.....
I thought of more I want to see now. -Dragonball GT -Love Hina -Brain Powered -Sailormoon Stars whoo....Tons of other stuff...:cross:
Okay. You find that clip. What do u mean show me what you mean? It's fast paced. What else?:therock:
Deffinitely a night on the town and roses. Again, like Anna said, I'd get white ones.
Actually, now that I think about it......I'm really nor sure exactly what I like in anime. Pretty much, if they're good, with good plots and developed characters, I'll probably enjoy it.:whoops: Then again, maybe I won't........lol.....it just kinds depends!:therock:
fast paced is good. I mean, when they start dragging things along, you lose interest, a lot. Like in Ceres, they just keep it moving along, which is nice. However, in DBZ, say, the story is so repetitive and slow, it starts dragging along, and I CANNOT watch reruns of that show for that reason. I'm still a fan though, so don't start yelling at me.:cross:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chibi-Trunks [/i] [B]It's pretty bad, and they need better voice actors, except for the guy who did Sakuya (sp?), and it is a little high-paced in the dubbed, I still haven't seen the subbed though :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] You mean Setsuna? Forest_Pixie said he had a really bad voice. What do you mean "high-paced"? You high pitched? Paced means the story moved along quickly.....lol:laugh: But if that's what u meant....it's ok. I just don't understand.:whoops:
Wow!:eek: That's really good. Seriously, or I wouldn't say anything at all. I wish I could draw as good as you....oh, and I think it looks fine in pencil
Lesse....Well, I like love:love: stories, and Mechas, if it has a good plot and the characters are developed. I also like celestial kinda stuff, high in the fantasy department. I also like fighting.....especially sword fighting.:whoops:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jabroni3:16 [/i] [B]I myself haven't seen much anime, just bout whatever they've shown on CN, and some others i have rented. My question to you guys is how to you get your gruby little hands on all these withought spending a fortune? Or if that isn't possable how much have you guys actually spent on Anime? [/B][/QUOTE] *sigh* I buy mine at Mediaplay. And yes, I have spent a fortune, at least, it is to me:whoops: I've probably sent over $1,000 dollars in less than a year. Ick Whoa......I just went and counted all my anime stuff (only DVD, VHS, and manga) and it all came out to be $1,476. All in about 1/2 a year. Not including my posters, wallscrolls, Gundam Models, and stuff like that. OMG.....no more anime! AHHHHHHHH!:nervous: I've become a addict!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cody722_3000 [/i] [B]....and amiboshi...will is cool... [/B][/QUOTE] I know. I was on Will's side the whole time. I'm just saying, he left after that (then came back) and so did everyone else. Then Otaku got a whole new batch of little members hot out of the oven.:p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Architypal stereotypes suck :p Edit: Actually, I should elaborate on that a bit. I just think it's stupid when people are labled and crap like that. It's stupid. Take me for example. I'm sure that most of you really don't know that I'm a HUGE dork internally...like I love Star Wars and video games and being online...I like everything that is considered "dorky" by modern day terms. And I don't want to get vain or cocky here or anything (because I'm not like that), but I'm sure that most of you have seen my picture. Would the word "dork" and my face fit together if you saw me for the first time, just passing on the street? Maybe, maybe not...but more likely no than yes. Gah, point being, don't sterotype "preps" (most people think I'm one...and I'm not) or "dorks"...because you never know who you're talking about.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You're right, completely. I was kidding about them being dorks. I'm a dork, not them(and proud of it!). Also, I really don't call them preps, and they're my "friends". At least, the peoples I hang out with. They drive me insane. I only called them preps because one in particular used to be all sporty and stuff, and now she's into dressing like a slut, and all boy-obsessed, not that there's anything wrong with it. She's just, not cool anymore. But I didn't really mean "dorks" or "preps". I don't actually label people.
Anime You're all time favorite pics from any anime
amiboshi replied to Cibo's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outlaw [/i] [B]This is my personal fav, just cause I love that caster really. [URL=http://www.outlawstar.org/gallery/display.php?image=gene.jpg]I'm gonna cap you sucka![/URL] [/B][/QUOTE] Um.....is it suppose to say that? Here's one of my faves from Sailormoon SuperS the movie. It pupuran. He's so cute....:love: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]Or..OR. you could check on [url]www.otakugamer.com/zelda[/url] nd click on Boss Guide under MM. There are excellent boss stratigies written by ME!(true..) [/B][/QUOTE] See! Even on that, it says "One hit to stun, second for damage"(Link). That doesn't work. It just keeps stunning him, then. :therock: Of course, being the stupid person I am, I'm probably just misunderstanding it.:cross:
I agree about the maturity thing. It really just depends on the people. Although, some girls at my school are so immature. Their idea of "love" is being so obsessed with the *temporary* b/f's that they end being dumped:p dorks (actually, they're the preps!). This one girls got dumped, then had a new boyfriend the next day. That's just stupid. It's nothing even close to "love". Like Nerdsy said, most teens wouldn't know love if it bit them in the face.
I go to Otaku because, although they're no longer here, all my friends use to come. After that really old Will2X thing, they all left:( . But anyways, it's the only GOOD board I know that has anime and stuff, so.......Plus, Otaku's just the best!!!:D